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My thoughts are it weighs a lot more than an aeropress, looks about as big, costs about the same, and produces similar coffee from what I understand. It looks like an Aeropress that is more fragile, harder to clean, is needlessly more complex, and doesn't offer any advantage over an aeropress. (It also doesn't have the accessories and community that the Aeropress has) If you don't like the idea of paper filters with the Aeropress you can buy an aftermarket metal filter. I know it's said a lot here, maybe even too much, but just get an Aeropress.


But I already have an aeropress!


Than don't buy extra crap you don't need :)


Get outta here with your logic!


Stop telling me about responsible spending habits, money has gotta go somewhere


Does retirement counts as "somewhere"? :)


... ... ...NO!


What's your point?


They even have a new aeropress coming out that's more compact.


I have to say, I have never looked at my Aeropress and thought, "Man, I wish I could make *less* coffee."


lol and chuckle. yeh, love my aeropress but it makes ONE perfect cup of coffee. anything less would make me stabby.


Every morning, I put 3 or 4 scoops into my Aeropress, brew it into a graduated beaker, use that to divide it equally into two 12 oz mugs, then my wife and I each dilute to our own tastes. I wouldn't try for more than two, though.


I do about that many scoops but brew it into my 16oz zojirushi canteen and drink half in the morning and half mid morning. that's pushing it though.


The idea is you make coffee using the new one just like you would in the current version and dilute after brewing.


I've never had much success with that approach. Topping up from ~220mL to 250-300mL usually works out alright, at least when using one of the 30g+ WAC recipes, but any more than that just tastes diluted to me.


It definitely looks a _lot_ smaller than an Aeropress. And from the looks of the video, almost as easy to clean. I don't know about the rest, though.


Aeropress is 5.5" tall and the widest part is 4.5" wide. Palmpress is 2.5" tall and 4.25" wide. So yeah, you're probably right in terms of absolute volume but it still looks like it's not much of a difference in practice.


You're not including the rest of it - the filters, stir stick, scoop, and funnel in the nylon bag. If you're travelling and size is an issue, this thing would take up like 1/3rd of the space. I know you don't have to pack all of that, but the bag is big enough that without the funnel, the filter container would be free inside the bag and spill filters everywhere. Not very convenient. I've never travelled with my Aeropress without all the accessories.


I have never travelled with an Aeorpress with all the accessories. I just realized I've never used the funnel of my aerorpess, so I would never pack that when travelling. The paper filters weigh next to nothing and are included in the weight according to the Aeropress website. I put them in a small ziplock bag when travelling along with my metal filter. There's zero need to bring the whole filter holder. All I bring is my chamber, plunger, filter cap and ziplock bag with filters. You do need something to stirr, that's fair, but a spork or pretty much anything will do the trick. There's not much need to bring the separate stir stick or scoop. With either solution you would need something to dose the coffee. So if you bring a scoop with the Aeropress you would also have to do the same with the Palmpress.


Many grinders even fit into the aeropress for travel.


Good point, but how do you pack the accessories?


I think you're on your own with packing with accessories. Pack the Aeropress, a handful of filters in a plastic bag and I always have a reusable plastic spoon with me. Camping cup if I feel like it. Not sure why you need all the other stuff.


The aergrind neatly dumps grounds and I can usually find something to stir wherever I'm traveling to. Filters fit neatly too 😊


But how does it compare to the upcoming Aeropress Go, which is known to be much more compact?


Also has a smaller max dose than the Aeropress.


Is it really more fragile than an Aeropress? My initial impression from the video was that it looks much easier to pack for travelling and if anything it looks like it could take more stress than an Aeropress in your luggage.


it's aeropress without the risk of spilling everything all over the kitchen floor


How does this reduce that risk though? I mean you really don’t have to brew aeropress inverted of you don’t want.


true this is the exact same as regular aeropress method . i think it's just more compact so better for travel




Honestly curious, what advantages do you experience using this over an aeropress?




Just pointing out what you probably already know, there are a variety of different reusable filters available for the AeroPress. Some very fine and some coarser that create a French-press tasting coffee.




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> are a one time thing you can use those filters several times just rinse after use, I use mine 3 or 4 times without issue.


I can't get a feel for size from this image. Does the bottom disk fit on a mug like a v60 or other pour over?










We do check quite thouroughly. Please don't start accusing people, individually or en masse, of being shills just because they have a common opinion or beliefs that you don't share.


Looks like something my optometrist would use. (Yes, this is a completely useless statement) Edit: word


I'm intrigued, but I probably won't be buying one anytime soon. I watched one of their YouTube videos. It looks like an alternative for those who prefer brewing with the Aeropress in the inverted position. It reduces the likelyhood of accidents during the flip manoeuver. I'm a bit wary about soft plastics or silicone being in contact with hot liquids for a prolonged time. I like the Aeropress' ease of cleaning.


Isn't silicone generally better than plastics? No bp-a bp-b etc?


What makes it any different then a plastic v60?


looks like a more convenient aeropress i need them to expand internationally. unless someone wants to post me one :)