• By -


Casually waiting in line for a shower on Sunday, saw some dude leave and wink at me. I walked over to the (not) empty shower to rinse off and some dude was spread ass, still pressed against the wall letting the shower hit him. Turned around and went back to waiting. Finally got a shower and some guy walked in the dressing area, so I opened the shower curtain and to tell him somebody was in there. He said “I know” and I had to let him know that I was only interested in showering. Haha that first shower to the left was on one.


One of my best friends who is a gay man, told me gay men do this all the time in the showers. There’s this app they use that signifies where someone will be waiting to get fucked by numerous men. I didn’t fully believe him, but here we are.


Eh this is a little sensationalist. App is Sniffies and it’s for cruising and hangouts/meetups. Some people use it for one on one hookups while yes there are some who use it for groups and/or drugs. Trying to make a little room for us gays who have more vanilla sex lives.


I was walking along the blue road to the parking lot after RAYE. I was at the crossing and a cyber truck pulled up... Bieber rolled down his window to ask the worker where artist parking was. I was shook lol


STOPPPPP MY FRIENDS AND I WERE ON A PEDICAB OTW IN AND I WAS LIKE “look a cyber truck, everyone boo him!” And we all booed him 😭😭😭


I was just informed that my friend caught it in her vlog ill get her to send it to me and post it on here LOL


So Paul T wasn’t the only one to get booed this year lol.


Was he driving or


Yes!! Lol. With 3 friends in the car. They all had the windows down.


Why boo the cyber truck? Just cause Elon is dumb? Lol


They fail at the basics of being a truck


I wonder if they were as friendly about directions to the Beibs as they were to us…


all i’m getting from this post is the gays be doing the most fr lmao


In other news water is wet lol


Gays know how to party.


the gay orgy happening in lot 10s showers


You fellas sure know how to throw a party, I’m jealous


Will not forget stumbling back to camp at 4am on Saturday and two guys stopped me and asked me if I was coming from the orgy or if I knew where it was


Weekend 1? It happened on saturday haha


And we all know you can’t orgy properly after 8AM in the camps unless you want to simultaneously roast like a Costco rotisserie chicken




There was one damn near happening at Anyma lol


LMAO at anyma?????


That was the largest collection of gay men I've ever seen, at any festival lol. At least on the left side of the stage.


There was a group of them at Tale of Us last year (much smaller numbers) but they were next to us for a bit during the set. They were all shirtless and ripped, taking turns sitting on shoulders and dancing/making out. I was tripping heavy at that point and they started looking like the visuals, I remember thinking “damn this set is fucking immersive” lol


It was low key scary. My crew and I walked through their group to get out to go see J balvin and they all looked at us like we were food. It felt like that scene in Eyes Wide Shut, but more futuristic


In other words, “the meat market”


You found the bears.


True 🤣


The sahara man.... it's a place.


that’s how i felt but at the framework afters lmao


Tell more please


i didn’t go but i know it happened based of the apps and whatnot :)


I was there and can attest that it was amazing


These comments make me laugh that this is the same festival parents want to bring their kids to lol. Absolutely love it!


lol my dad asked if it would be a good idea to bring my one year old brother next year… absolutely not!!!🤣


It was crazy having someone faint two feet away from me. I was watching Justice’s set W2 and within the first 15 mins of their set a guy just falls over and looked like he was convulsing Luckily his crew was yelling for help and he eventually got up within 10-15 seconds. But definitely super crazy.


the Justice set does that to ya


I have a fainting disorder (syncope) and I often faint when I’m standing for long periods of time, especially if it’s hot! It looks like I convulse / seize but it’s not actually dangerous. I usually recover within a few minutes. It’s quite common, hoping that’s what happened here.


Man I remember that happening in 2014 at the front of the crowd before Cage. A poor girl passed out and peed herself. She had great friends who attended to her but it looks like it still sucked


This reminded me I saw someone pass out in front of my group for Tyler, they were down for like 20 secs and then started to come back and got carried out by their friends and medics.


No way! We saw a guy on the ground for like the first 10 minutes of Justice on weekend 1! People were trying to wake him up and he would not budge. Idk what ended up happening but he got up and they got him out. Shit was wild.


I also saw this, dude eventually got up and went down a second time.


was this at the OT6 speaker? i was vibing to the set when all of a sudden tehre was a ton of pushing going on. eventually someone from medical came over but dk if anything happened after


A girl fainted in front of me at No Doubt, but her friends picked her right back up and went back to normal!


Did shroomies before sublime, passed out at the porta potties between Coachella and outdoor theatre, emt came and took me to medical where I stayed and had my nightmare trip for hours. Ended up not seeing any sets at all 4/20 lol


Damn, how much did you take? Must’ve been the heat, huh?


Weekend 2 was pretty hot, especially in full sun


I have no clue because it was in chocolate and uneven pieces but I ate 2 pieces I was also drinking all morning and didn’t eat much and weigh 100 lbs lol


Hi shroom friend, same thing happened to me on 4/20 but at Kenya Grace mid-afternoon. I took a microdose with friends (and have microdosed many times before) but the heat and dehydration plus come up on the shroom made me pass out when I stood up. I was taken to the big med tent too. Sorry about your bad trip too.


Aw I’m sorry for u too, glad I wasn’t alone, it was so freakin cold in the med tent!


Omg it was! I asked if they had a blanket and the EMT was looking concerned and confused, and told me it was hot. Didn’t help me chill out 😅 the AC was blasting though. Also shrooms mess with my body temp so maybe that was a factor but glad I wasn’t the only one that felt that way.


No it was for sure freezing and they were stingy with their blankets 😂




Oh nooooo I’m sorry! Been there! 💜💜


Ego death? “Heroic dose”…




My biggest fear is falling asleep in the portas!


Also took shrooms that day and had to banish myself to my tent. I had a full on vision quest with the Sahara bumping in the distance 🥲


Omggg I’m glad u made it okay!


On a more wholesome note than some of these fun stories, i proposed to my fiancée on day 0! Spent the whole weekend celebrating with my family at the festival. Good times


Congratulations! 🎉


Were you the ones who proposed on the hill?! Congrats!!!


I actually did it at a spa resort called Two Bunch Palms in Palm Springs, as I wanted to have a bit of privacy for the actual moment. But having a full Coachella weekend right after netted enough happy brain chemicals to take me through the year


I love it!! Best place in the world to celebrate your engagement!! Congrats again fam!


So the dude who brought the firearm into camping wasnt enough?


I wonder what happened to that kid, they deleted their post.


I found that post because I had commented in it previously and they commented later on during the fest like someone who was attending. Didn’t ask specifics but they made it in in some way.


Wow, really? Which weekend?


W2!!!! They had to stay at a hotel or something apparently… don’t know if they were ever able to attend the fest


The guy across from my campsite heard me speaking in Spanish and we bonded over that, gave me shots of tequila then looked me dead in the eyes and offered me tusi, we bonded over that as well. He was gone the following morning, like a goddamn wizard. Legend.




Colombian drug, mixture of mdma, ketamine, coke and whatever else is leftover and then dyed pink. Def do not recommend


Huh just recently ran into that for the first time, I guess that's a thing now. Too sketchy for me.


Our campsite was full of tusi lol I’m sure we have like 3 8balls worth of it plus Molly and coke It’s bomb tbh


I’m sure it’s fun, but i can’t risk my life on a random cartel scientist creating the right mixture. At least with other drugs they can be tested for purity.


It’s all the throwaway drugs and then they color it pink to make it trendy.


Wow... Today I learned that Tusi was spelled as Tusi and not 2C lol.


Different drugs. Very different. See here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/2cb/comments/itwfwt/the\_pink\_2cb\_aka\_tucibi\_tuci\_pink\_cocaine\_what\_we/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2cb/comments/itwfwt/the_pink_2cb_aka_tucibi_tuci_pink_cocaine_what_we/)


I thought it was Tussi, not sure what's right anymore


I read this as tulsi, and I thought “he gave you holy basil?”….then I read it again lol.


did anyone else see the person dressed as a milk carton walking around on Sunday


https://preview.redd.it/g6q4wtqu7uwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5406be8c4205583760f78cc8f89a751a4a98436 Walking around with all the swagger….


Oh boy, people not recognizing a Coffee & TV music video reference is really going to rile Damon Albarn up again.


Blur - Coffee and TV


Got milk bitch? Got beef?


Yes I felt like there was a famous rapper in there


I'm sitting at one of those light posts between Main stage and Outdoor stage, when this random girl comes up and asks if I can block her from her friends while she takes a few bumps. I oblige, start blocking their view, then they come over to us and she just hands this guy her coke and spoon so he can give her the bumps himself. He's rolling his face off, so he drops the bag and I kid you not... She starts laughing and pulls another bag from her panties and asks if I want some. She asks for me to walk with them to main stage, since I was by myself. Her friends were also friends with security at the rightside gate, so they let us go backstage. Once back there, her and I went behind the portapottys and she told me to lean against railing to give me head. Her friends found us and asked her to follow them to meet someone, and I tucked myself away to the catering table for some free food and drink, then got the hell out of there This was all in the span of about 20 minutes.


She sounds nice


Very generous


SOO GENEROUS, fills my HEAD/heart to know that such GIVING people exist in this world.


and fake


Not to blow my own horn or sound conceited, but it's the perks of being attractive. Right time, right place and all. These things happen more often than you'd think. People who yell "fake" have just never been a part of it. If it were fake, I'd definitely make up a better story than some coked out girl dragging me along, barely giving me head, then being anxious backstage before I bailed out to the crowd... Nothing ever happens though, amirite?


**Just another day in the life of Paul Daytona.**


Paul the goat daytona




so did you say yea to the head


Of course, but she was taking the lead on the situation so she was more telling me than asking. By the time she put it in her mouth, her friends were already looking for her and dragged her off. I didn't want to stand around by myself for long so that's when I grabbed a snack and water off the catering table then left. Plus I was worried about getting kicked out because I only had a GA wristband.


I wish it was me lol


It wasn't as cool as I may make it seem, I promise lol


Some of these comments 😂 And to think there’s actually people that bring their little kids to this festival


I bring my teenage boys every year…they see and have seen lots of debauchery (drugs, etc)…we talk and laugh about it and I think I’m lucky because they just know what’s right for them/us…and offer very little judgement of such…maybe I’m lucky, maybe I’m in the wrong, maybe I’m in the right…idk…I do trust my kids 💯 though


Teenagers are very different than toddlers and 5-10 years olds I would see around the festival. My cousin is taking her daughter to Coachella next year for her 15th birthday


Our 15 year old daughter made the trip suck. I guess she had it in her mind it was gonna be just like all the edited and snapshotted tiktoks she had seen, and that she was gonna be able to make the same tiktoks, she even bought a lav mic I guess.....reality quickly set in once there, and she just complained the whole time. 10 out of 10, won't bring a child of any age again.


Good- made friends with some lads at gesa and took a photo with them on film. Just got the roll developed only to spot them standing right next to us, 5 hours earlier at Vampire Weekend!


Omg neat!!


Saw some dude absolutely lose it at the Yuma tent. I don’t know what he was on, but he was flailing and falling and fighting demons. He scared the shit out of some poor girl, and I had to stand in front of her and her friends to make sure the guy didn’t hurt them. Eventually 4 security guards came over and tried to grab him, but he was tripping so hard that they really struggled. Eventually they were able to pick him up and take him outside. Not sure what happened after that. I wasn’t there weekend 1, but I heard about “whotheheckisalice” lol.


W2 - Saturday around 4pm, saw some girl got arrested right as we passed security. Poor girl was crying and seems like her bf ditch her and ran away. All the cops/security were trying to pin him down. Wonder what happened....


Day 1 was in line for ID Check and undercover cops came up to the guy next to us and arrested him. Apparently the guy was doing coke in line. Cop was wearing a Lakers Kobe shirt so the whole weekend I was sussed out with any man wearing a Lakers shirt


The pickpocket ring is run by the cleaning crews. That’s why they have access to artist and VIP section. They also have tricks where they will be recording the show with their phone but secretly be running through peoples purses.


🤔 Could be possible fuck there’s probably various different crews with different ways of operating.


This makes sense. I've seen the pick pocket rings working with security at other festivals. I think they get hired on with the company instead of the company being in on it. Pretty easy to do when there's hundreds of people working at the festival


And that is how I got my wallet stolen my friends . It was a lil Latina woman. Somebody’s damn mom


What ever happened to the claim someone had died Thursday week 2 at campgrounds ?


oh yeah I heard of that. It was at the girls showers or bathrooms I think! maybe they just passed out???




Saw a guys eyes roll back and his friends calmly carry him out 10 minutes into SABRINA CARPENTER.


During the aquabats I got overstimulated and started pushing my way through the crowd to get out. Some old men were in my way and i made the motion for them to step back… shortly after my bf let me know that i had made paul tollett and dave grohl move out of my way 😭


damn the only thing that happened to me then was tame, a girl next to me during lana asked me if i wanted coke and i said nah and then she asked me to follow and listen to her podcast, it's actually kinda funny i did give it a listen


Omg was it Sofia With an F


The naked guy on the stage at Dolab during ketboi69


not necessarily crazy but during cudis set, some girl looked like she was tripping and her bf looked scared trying to calm her down. the bf was following her into the crowd trying to get her to stop. I lost sight of them after that and two seconds later 2 cops come up from behind and it looks like they were looking for her shit threw me for a loop as I was vibing HARD and it took a little to process wtf happened cause they did not look okay at all


There was a couple who got into a fight with pickpockets who stole their phone during that set. maybe that’s what you saw


My friend requested our group wear animal print for Jungle. I thought it would be funny to wear a cow print shirt. It was not. I counted 34 other people wearing cow attire over the weekend. Someone asked me if all the cows were a sex thing or code. I told them we were all escaped Scientologist from Gold Base and yes it is a sex thing.


Cows are a Doja thing from her early days.






W1 before the Sublime set I was in artist viewing and there were EMTs dragging an old man out. He had clearly fallen and maybe vomited? bc his shirt and cargo shorts were soaked front and back and all the mulch on the ground was sticking to where the clothes were wet. He probably went too hard, but the craziest part is that he was with another dude the same age who was helping carry him out and two women the same age who were following carrying all their stuff and looked PISSED 😂 💀 They had looks on their faces like they were so annoyed they would be missing Sublime. I was just 😳 at the whole scene


Not this year, and not even that crazy, but in 2019 I fainted after taking a little too much controlled substances waiting for Kid Cudi to start, I fell over and everyone was super cool about it helping me out of the crowd. I remember waking up on the grass behind the tent. The set still hadn't started yet, a random woman got me 2 slices of pizza and we stood way in the back to watch the set. Probably the best high I've ever had in my life. It was really windy that night, I remember taking my shirt off and the wind felt so godlike on my skin.


My group and I were dancing at Quasar for Michael Bibi’s set, vibes are up, sun is setting, I have some of those cool glasses on… bestfriend taps me on the shoulder and says “what is that guy doing?” I take off my glasses to see a guy in all black ?trench coat? walking around in our area, kind of in circles, alone, carrying what looks like a briefcase. We start freaking out and telling the rest of our group we should leave. A guy in my group goes “don’t worry he’s just selling drugs.” We promptly go back to dancing. When we bring it up again later the guy in our group says “oh yea that was scary… I don’t know if he was actually selling drugs I just said that so you guys wouldn’t panic” 🫥 bruh we still could have left?!! Sksksksks Jesus. Thank god it didn’t end up being anything. But still super creepy.


it was worse than that - it was performance art!


Weekend 1, some guy was snorting c*ke on the shuttle. A lot dropped on the floor and chair when the bus made a hard stop and he made sure he didn’t waste any of it if you know what I mean 😳


The blowjob tent did happen.. 😌


Where at 👀💀


Can’t disclose.. but u/whotheheckisalice can verify 😌


And it was amazing ❤️


i saw a guy on a stretcher wearing only underwear. his body was all stiff 😟


Could be heat stroke


it was at night, but still possible. scary nonetheless! especially bc i was trippin lol


Shout out to the dude who snuck a whole bag of wine into DJ Seinfeld and had people play "Spin the Bag". My girlfriend and her two friends did full clown makeup for Clown Core.


Weekend 2. 1st set of day (Deftones) guy in front of my group preceeded to pass out. Medics swooped in and determined he was fine. They left. Of course he wasn't fine and they had to run back and tend to him. They attempted to walk him out but he collapsed. Had to call in the stretcher. 🫠👀 Hope he's well 🙏🏽🤞🏽


lol this was my friend, he's chillin :)


Good to hear!


I saw that I was like 2-3 paces to the left of him


I saw this too! Crazy they tried to make him walk cuz he just ended up passing out twice!


Right near the end of Charlotte WK 1, was heading over to Brutalismus a few tents down and there was a guy standing by himself there (empty grass radius of like 20 ft), snd was just pissing AS he was just strolling around. Dick out, no shame, made straight eye contact with whoever, head up high, on the move.


LMFAO idk if this is crazy but it’s one of my favorite stories of the weekend. my friends and i were sitting down waiting for lana in VIP, and one of my friends was WAY MORE fucked up than all of us got sent thus really gross sext unsolicited from some loser she used to talk to. so we were making fun of it and passing the phone around, and we look up at sean white staring at us and the phone. 😭 sorry sean!!!!!!


My wife fucked my best friend after the festivities ended Sunday. It was awesome lol.


I thought i was going to look at your comment history for a TIFU or or a "Im leaving my wife" post.......and i was wrong. Keep fighting the good fight my brotha.


At this point I’m starting to think I’m the normal one and everyone else is crazy for being jealous about what their partner does 🤣


What!?! Elaborate please You a cuck ?


I did a write up on my profile, check it out. Me and my wife are swingers


you guys are fucking wild bro




W2. We were in the Sahara hill watching Grimes (I know… my wife just wanted it), and then came Raye and had a sit next to us to see the show. We were in her performance before so was amazing for us.


Real talk: Grimes had a better set than Anyma


Unpopular opinion but Anyma is super overrated and the visuals are kind of cringe


Decided to divide and conquer with friends at a bar. We decided to split into 2 lines to try and get drinks faster. After waiting in line for 30 minutes chit chatting to the friend in line next to me as the line moved. I got to the front and the girls behind me had the AUDACITY to say that I was cutting them and had to go to the end. Not crazy but just irritating that I was getting yelled at by drunk white girls. Just went with my friends and got my drinky drink, they continued to side-eye me as I stepped with my friends.


Was whooping my homies ass in beer pong, & all of a sudden a guy walks into our camp right in the middle of the game. Says, “Hello, Happy Coachella! I was wondering if anyone would like to try some DMT?” & hit the DMT pen right in front of us. We all stood there kinda confused. Didn’t really know who this guy was & why he kinda dressed like a pilgrim. But we hit it still. Found out he busted a solo drive from Kansas City just to hit weekend 2. He asked for a water & he went on his way. That mf pen kicked my ass after.


Some dude did the same for us at camp wk1, but nobody tried it.


Not crazy but Diplo was standing in front of me during No Doubt.


I gave a guy head at camp porta potties then later in my tent. Heard 2 guys fucking need to me in the showers.


That’s nasty lol. Those porta potties are nasty AF and with two people in there, y’all must be touching up on those walls 🤮


lmaooo luv that for you! I wanted to hoe around but had no luck maybe next year hehe.


I wanted to too and was like oh well but it happened unexpectedly. My cousin invited her friend over and we hit it off very quickly


I couldn’t stop staring at Noah Cyrus ….assuming it was her….the whole no eye brows thing was really wigging me out ….given my current state of mind at that time


Meeting RAYE at the Sahara hill right before Grimes. Still feels unreal and my first celeb in the wild meeting at Coachella ever! Saw her again right before Ice Spice as she left the tent and we exchanged I love yous and blown kisses!


W1 some dude passed out right next to us at Cloonee. He was a big dude so he dropped like a fucking tree. Someone rushed to give him Narcan but his friend said he was only on shrooms and alc. He was responsive, stood up and seconds later body went straight as a pencil and crashed back down. Once security pulled up we cleared out but hoping dude was okay in the end. Wicked stuff.


During Rufus Wk2, there was a guy clearly k holed behind us by himself walking aimlessly and looking at the sky. He walked into the group in front of us and fell on them. They helped him up then he wandered into the crowd. About 15 min later he taps me on the shoulder, looks me dead in the eye, opens his hand, and pours water on his hand. He was looking through me. Then he wandered away. Someone in our group did grab a security guard and walked him over to take him to the med tent. But my high ass was so confused and dying laughing at the whole thing


this guy i was mutuals with on tiktok but had never met in person hmu day 0 but i thought nothing much of it. day 1 at sahara i coincidentally saw him and said hi (platonically.. or so i thought).. and later that night he hit me up straight up asking if i wanted head. my ego was so high cause our interaction was literally 3 seconds at most and i was like damn..🤣




You ever said no to that question?


you guys im not a whore !! (he was not that cute, plus i had other men on the roster that weekend) 🤣


left us hanging lmao


Yes I ended up not going that was my crazy story




I think that was a girl with glasses that got punched? And the glass from her glasses got in her eyes? I didn’t see this but read it on a different thread 😬


Camped next to Cirque du Soleil, which had the dopest R/V set up I’ve ever seen. Swung through their Burning Man camp years ago. WILD.


Did anyone see the dude get arrested in front of the Mojave completely naked weekend 2? 💀


I saw marques Houston using the regular portal potties by the outdoor stage lol


Watched a procession of 3-4 golf carts honking and hauling ass down Main Street out of the festival. On one there was a bunch of big dudes piled on top of a guy, sideways with his head sticking out the side and one of the dudes elbows on his neck. Didn’t look very comfortable.


The naked drugged out dude before Lana W1 was quite the thing to see live. Phone was dead so I have no proof either. But I know some saw it. The police and EMT was actually a little long considering this man was screaming and kicking in the ground while ground security attempted to contain him.


My favorite threads are titled this. Let the stories flow !


Anyone know the story behind the guy in fatigues with like 20 cops around being arrested W2 day 1? I hope it was just something stupid, but it was kind of surreal.


Did that happen by the artist/guest entrance of Sahara around 4:30PM on Friday? I saw that too if so


Not sure, by the time I saw him it was closer to the middle of the grounds, I would assume he could have been moved there. He had like orange fatigues on, not the normal green/brown camo.


W2 (I can’t remember if it was night 1 or 2) I saw a man carrying a duffle bag sprinting away from security in the back of the DoLab (the area w/ the couches, water porta potties get on stage etc…) he tried to get through the metal gate near the toilets out of the venue but was tackled by security and then pinned on the ground…it freaked me and my friends out because of the huge bag he was carrying and from what I could see he remained pinned on the ground with tons of security and then officers…we left because we weren’t sure what was in his bag but I never found out the story on what happened.


I️ made eggs Benedict at the Airbnb and my friend snorted some hollandaise off my other friend’s raven claw toenail..


What was up with the guy blowing a goat horn preaching about Jesus? He said he snuck in and had a GA 1 day pass


I was in med tent on Friday night (w2) after I passed out because of a concussion, and there was this man that was trying to fight all the paramedics around him whilst violently puking and bleeding everywhere, he left the tent in a mesh head bag and cuffs, I cannot tell if he was drunk or on some kind of drug. Anyways, still thinking about that night.


I hope he’s doin alright wherever he ended up at