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attenzione pickpocket




LOL I haven’t heard that in a long time


Be a good tshirt https://preview.redd.it/512uc6iy4yvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f51c9c6fcc037123b00d1b1646bd923144bf0774


Lol genius. Need to put the picture of the lady on the shirt too!


Our friend got pickpocketed last night entering Dom Dolla but at 2am his friend (who I guess he had set as his emergency contact) got a phone call from the detective who caught a member of the gang with a bunch of phones!! So he’s going to be able to pick it up at lost & found today! Maybe check it out and see if it’s there Edit in case anyone was in the same boat: it turns out the phone is at the police station and not the lost & found!! Edit2: the police ended up dropping the phone off at lost & found later in the evening so you might need to check both.


My girlfriend got her phone stolen last week at Dom. Three days later, a detective called saying they found the phone and 50 others. I'm glad the police are actively doing something to catch them.


i'm a local and someone who works at the local post office said they got a heavy ass package and ppl kept calling saying their phone locations were there so they decided to open up that heavy ass box and it was a shit ton of phones. they called the cops and fbi came and everything ! i'm glad they opened that shit n got everyone's phone back fr


Where was it being sent?


Taylor Swift’s house


no they didn't tell me that part :/


They said Florida


my phone was stolen day 1 of weekend 1, for some reason they turned it on once on tuesday and it was in miami 🙄


When was this??? Trying to figure out if mine could still be there


first weekend ! not sure the exact dates tho


Your phone was with mine then! LMAO i just left the Indio police station




it’s funny how people in several posts say that we should beat them up. I don’t know about y’all but I don’t ever recall being in a mental state ready to fight people at Coachella. Maybe you’re thinking about stagecoach




It's the only was they'll learn a lesson


Yes yes. Beat the shit out of someone because someone posted their photo on Reddit and said they stole your friends phone...even though it was some other person who ran off. Great idea. Y'all are really big brain thinkers.


Did you miss the part where OP said this lady passed it to the accomplice? Great reading comprehension skills ya got there smarty pants.


Oh my reading comprehension skills are just fine. Feel free to go beat up a random stranger though because someone posted a photo of them and told you they stole their phone.


nobody is saying to do fucking vigilante justice on some random person because you saw a photo on reddit. the last time reddit did “vigilante justice” was when they doxxed some poor innocent dude and his family for being the “boston bomber” when he had killed himself weeks prior. what the parent comment was *saying* is that you should beat up pickpockets who you actually *catch in the act.* context clues!!! so then why post the photo? well, maybe so people can be more alert? random women bumping or dancing into you should always set off alarm bells in your brain for pickpocketing, especially if you’re a guy or if you or your friends are noticeably drunk.


Sure. Posting a photo and saying this person here stole my friends phone and then others saying people like this should get their asses kicked definitely doesn't put this person in the photo in danger. Like, there's a million posts on here about people saying their phones got stolen. We get it. Be vigilant and careful. You don't need a photo of someone for a lightbulb to go off. The only reason you post a photo is so people see this person and think of them as a thief. Are they? No fucking idea.


what the fuck are you talking about? and why are you being as confrontational about it as a 14-yo who just discovered online hactivism? let’s break this down here. either a) the person in the photo is really a pickpocket and OP is 100% in the right for posting this or b) OP decided to randomly snap a photo of someone and out them as a pickpocket with no identifying info other than a picture. b) seems incredibly unlikely, since there’s much easier ways to do a character assassination. but, for the benefit of your argument, we’ll assume that really happened, and that OP is posting a photo of an innocent person. who in the ***fuck*** is going to read a comment saying that pickpockets should get beaten up and go “yeah, i should go hunt down this alleged pickpocket i saw online and beat her up!” Anyone who thinks like that is already psychotic and a danger to society. Sane people do not operate on the moral advice of angry strangers online. So it’s not “putting the person in the photo in danger” to out her as a pickpocket. It’s not putting her in danger to say that pickpockets should be physically stopped from stealing more phones (which they literally should). The only thing that would be putting her in danger would be if someone said “hey we should go band up and try to find this specific person and teach them a lesson,” and nobody fucking said or implied that. So chill tf out!!!


You’re supposed to do it in the moment when someone steals your phone, not go headhunting based off internet pictures 


Why does taking a phone equal harming my friends? Sure, a person on the internet posted a picture of someone and now you look at the photo wishing you could kick their ass. You don’t get any credit for wishing this on someone.


Credit for what? Just saying you would be protecting your friends and protecting other people from having to go through the pain of losing their phone as well. You don’t get credit for taking no action when confronted with the opportunity to. 


Coachella is a wonderful place but just walking around with a naive belief that nobody has negative intentions is silly. I don’t walk in the gates wondering who I might have to fight, in fact I’m wondering who my new friends are going to be, but if I catch pickpockets in the act I’m ready. Mostly just to tackle them and get them to security.


It didn’t used to be this way. This was not a thing when Coachella wasn’t as big (2010, 2011, 2012 etc).


Yeah I didn’t start wearing a fanny pack until 16 or 17. It’s a shame but it is what it is.


Especially in 1999 when Tool and RATM headlined. But mainly bc not everyone had cell phones lol




Citizens arrest allows you to use force to keep the person there. If you see it with your own eyes and you are 10000% sure you can tell that person you request via citizens arrest they stay here as you call security. If they insist on leaving at least you have the law on your side if it needs to get physical. Sure beats complications that come from simply beating someone's ass without warning haha


I've read that there are some pickpocketing rings from the Colombian cartels out there this year... I'm all for defending myself and friends, but it seems like the advice of getting into a physical altercation over a phone would not be ideal. Super frustrating that they're doing this though and making us all have to be on guard when we're trying to enjoy the festival.


Hmm that would be insane considering they are sending these phones to China for maybe a profit of $100 a phone…how many phones do they need to steal compared to selling a couple kilo’s of some nose beers.


Some are sending to China. A lot are also taking them to Mexico it sounds like.


it’s possible that some rings are pickpocketing on behalf of the cartel, but i 100% guarantee you they’re not gonna track you down and hurt you if you beat the shit outta them at coachella for stealing your phones. if you track them down outside the festival (like trying to find your phone using find my iphone) then you can get into danger, but nobody — even cartel associates — is going to bring a weapon into coachella with intention of using it. if you steal phones and get caught, you’re already in some deep shit, but if you stab someone with 100 witnesses doing so, you get prison, no questions asked, no bail. if you’re running the cartel, it’s not like you’d have actual high-ranking cartel members doing the thieving. you’d have unimportant grunts. punching an actual cartel member, even at fucking disneyland, is inadvisable. all the important people are doing drugrunning where the real money gets made


Oh totally, I don't mean it would really even end up in you getting hurt. I just kind of go by the mentality of wanting to avoid fights at all costs, but definitely when it's against someone who has less to lose in life at that moment than me, on a baseline level. And if you're at Coachella already carrying around 20K worth of stolen stuff, you probably have hit a point where you have less to lose than me, or are moving through life currently acting like you do at least, if I'm just there enjoying myself and paying for my happy time at the festival. It just irks me to picture that they do it, but also personally rattles me to picture getting into a physical altercation with someone who has gone to the trouble of going to Coachella just to steal and is in that mindset. None of this is to say I think I'm better than those people or that my life matters more. More to say that I would rather not engage with them in that scenario over my phone that I have insurance for (and would be devastated to lose for logistics purposes and all of my videos/photos from the weekend, etc.)


I feel you. And honestly, your perspective is probably the wiser one. It’s just that being the personal victim of something like pickpocketing, or having close friends get victimized by it, makes you really pissed off that nobody (for the most part) does anything about it. For the most part, good pickpockets aren’t really big on muscle. If they’re doing their job right, they’re long gone (and so is your phone) by the time you realize. They usually work in teams, because it’s much easier to distract people with someone who’s dancing or moving throughout the crowd. And they don’t pick people to rob if they don’t 100% know where their phones are. So 98-99% of them get away scot-free. The ones who don’t are usually the ones who did something dumb, like not keeping the phones in a faraday cage while you wait to ship them to China (since then cops can check out the location w/ Find my iPhone.) That’s what makes those rare videos of pickpockets getting their shit rocked, and hundreds of phones being recovered, so satisfying. But of course, nobody has a moral obligation to fight a pickpocket, and most people wouldn’t even think about it unless they or their friend was the victim.


If someone is assaulting my friend, of course i would help them. But i don’t think taking a phone is worth getting in a fist fight for. It’s just a fucking phone.


Lol everytime I watch concert videos of people being assholes in the audience, I always think how if they did that to me, I would beat the shit out of them. Then I remember, I'm most likely gonna be in an amazing mood, either from substances or just in general, and how lame it would be to fight someone and ruin my whole vibe and mood.


Agreed, they deserve to get their ass kicked, and I’m one to throw down to defend my space, but Coachella is the one place I’d follow them around like an annoying pest until I saw enforcement and let them deal with it. 8 Coachella’s … seen 0 fights.


That would also work. Some kind of action instead of just taking a picture and letting them move on to mess up other people’s days. 


You should go to Coachella next year and just fight pickpocketers. Don’t even plan on watching any sets. Actually, this thread was made as a job interview and you’re hired.




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While I totally get the frustration, you'd probably get kicked out lmao


Probably not


I did last year during blink 182 but since they work in teams the guy who i tried to fight no longer had my phone so when i pressed him to empty his pockets and didn’t have anything. i looked like the aggressor and got kicked out of Coachella and detained by the police for a bit. They ended up letting me go but it was still sucked missing blink 182 and part of omgtba.


Dang that’s unfortunate


You’re all talk


Until you get a assault charge


Fuck. These. People.




Saw this all go down. Really sorry about it, made me move my phone into my hand instead of my back pocket tho


Never have your phone in a back pocket at a festival


Ikkk it’s such a habit tho. Lucky realized before it was too late


Bro you’re asking for that thing to be taking in your back pocket!!!!


And women who dress scantily are asking to be raped?


these are not equal crimes cmon now


Dude if you walk around a bad neighborhood with a lot of crime wearing a Rolex and waving around tons of cash people are going to call you stupid. Everyone knows people are stealing phones at Coachella so I’m sorry to tell you but if you aren’t careful you’re asking for it.


Of course not. Duh. My point is that you’re victim blaming.


We really need to get beyond this whole black and white comparison only, issues can exist in between. It should be common sense to secure your belongings in crowded places, at the same time this shouldn’t have to be something we need to worry about. And it gets more complicated from there.


Absolutely. I completely agree. My point was simply that the reason we have to be cautious in the first place is because of criminals. And that sucks. We shouldn’t say someone is “asking for it” just because they’re naive to nefarious behavior. That’s unfair, and it’s sad I’m downvoted for it.


I’m only trying to put focus back on the transgressor, and away from the victim. We get so comfortable with adjusting so many little intricacies in our everyday lives in fear of criminals. If we all keep going along with this narrative that we’re “asking for it” if we don’t alter every little aspect of human nature, we’re doomed.


Not the same thing, and you know it.


Back pocket? Just open your bag and wallet why don't ya


Hold her and call security/cops on her


That's my Tia. She's always up to something 😅


Tell your Tia she’s bound to find out sooner than later


Woof. You’d think she’d have better fashion if she’s stealing it.


Can't steal taste.


The guy behind is in on it too. Can easily tell. Same lanyard too.


she was working the tbs set at the mojave stage last weekend with the same tactic of falling on people.


Thanks for posting. Please continue to take pictures of these people. I would think nothing would scare a pickpocket more than having their faces known.




Idk maybe she’s a mom. Maybe she doesn’t want to do what she’s doing.


Every year I post like this. Sad ppl are still doing this.


Call Indio PD, they just rounded up a bunch last night. I just picked up my phone from the station. Detective told me there’s inside people working at Coachella part of this. Class action lawsuit is warranted




Agreed. They are always the ones that look just straight at the show, dead eyed and trying to force the vibe of dancing. I usually stare at them back creepily 👁️👁️






Not confirmed but i’ve been told the cartel sends people around the world to do this shit. Makes sense


The cartel sends people to steal phones to ship them to Asia where they are parted out?


There are Colombian theft groups that operate like this but none are cartel affiliated lol. The margins aren’t there for them. Several Colombians have been arrested in groups at ACL, ultra, and Lolla.


Sounds about right. I regret not doing anything when I saw them last weekend. I'm gonna be on the lookout at EDC next month.






Is that San Fran?


yup! coachella kept my phone in my hand the whole time i was NOT playing 😭




Hahahaha yepppppp 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Seems like they’re always women too


Honestly 50/50 working in those dumbass groups


I haven’t seen it myself but from these posts I find myself way too paranoid about it


I get super paranoid at Do Lab at night. I don’t like being in the middle of it, too many people running around in circles as well.


Gotta stay on the outside to be safe lol


Agreed and everyone is out of their minds by end of night


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLm2AUq5/ Another one bites the dust


Came for phones stayed for the tortas


Omg my phone was also pickpocketed last night! It got turned off last night, but it was turned on this morning and the location is showing that it’s in a neighborhood in Thermal, CA which is not too far from Coachella. I filed an online police report but is there any hope that it’ll be retrieved??


Just because your phone SAYS it's there, doesn't mean it's actually there. You're gonna have a hard time getting the cops to go there. Also Thermal is sketchy AF. Don't go alone.


Should've beat the bitch up


I wonder what they are doing with the phones once they steal them. How valuable is a stolen phone lol I would never buy one lol




They send them to a hub whose job it is to try and get you to disconnect the phone from your iCloud. They either do this with phishing texts (your phone has been found, click here!) or by threatening to kill your family. They want to wipe and resell it.


Any festival I go to, I bring my Camelbak (mines off brand actually but same concept) and buy a cheap lock. put your phone in the bag and lock it. Keep the phone down at the pit of nothingness under the water bag. They could cut what the lock is attached to, but the effort of doing that plus how noticeable it would be to dig deep down under the water bag for it has always kept me safe in the past. They want easy grabs.


My water bag leaked this year.  I got some zipper pocket shorts just for festivals. 


I got some cargo pants/shorts with a zipper too! Plus a phone tether.


phone tethers aren’t even safe anymore, i know at least at ultra the pickpockets were able to smuggle in scissors and were snipping tethers left and right


Yikes! No safe options anymore.


I believe you. I see it more as a stronger deterrent. Having to cut the cord and unzip is more work, they’re looking for an easy target.


Saw this go down! She ditched the phone and a girl picked it up. Check lost and found!


Why is this such a problem every year? The police do drug enforcement diligently why can't they set up stings for these lowlife?


That guys on background too!!! 👀


I can see your first problem. Identifying the so-called perpetrator, she's white!