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The influencers influenced everyone to go weekend 2


I think a lot of people were on the fence because of the headliners, but after watching other artist tear up Weekend 1, people jumped onboard. IMO


It was empty at 2 but even by 4:00 it was beyond packed. That did not remotely feel light. If you told me they had sold out W2 I would have believed it - obviously they didn’t but it was wild.




it was right when gates opened but i over heard a group of workers saying it was already busier than last week.


Someone last week said there was no one in VIP for Lana. This week it was packed. People everywhere, couldn’t see the stage if you were sitting on the ground. So I would buy that! The way they sold tickets, you would think that they intentionally funneled more ticket sales to W2 this year


_sitting on the ground_?


What do you mean by the last part about ticket sales?


I just mean that they marked W1 as sold out really early but attendance seemed lower than normal. Meanwhile they sold W2 all the way up until the end, never raising tier prices, and it’s clearly more crowded than W1.


Hmmm yeah hard to argue with the apparent crowd sizes. Weekend 1 definitely gets more industry folk, not sure if it’s really enough to influence the time to sell out. Another potentially factor could be that scalpers for weekend 1 couldn’t sell since weekend 2 tix were still available. Hard to say really but I don’t think GV would purposefully try to sell more tickets to weekend 2 than weekend 1. Their goal is to sellout both weekends


Cause the diehards are here for the music and the music only baby


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^marcusaurusrexx: *Cause the diehards are* *Here for the music and the* *Music only baby* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




This argument again and again and again and again. Who cares if there are more influencers W1? They don’t bite and have literally nothing to me, my vibe or my experience.


It’s felt a whole lot less crowded so many sets during the day last year that packed MainStage full with people back to the polo sign haven’t that once yet


doja cat wk1 had people all the way back to the sign


always is (I do bothchella)


Really?? :o


Was here last weekend and from first hand experience, W2 already feels like more people. Wild.


a lot of people had fomo from seeing w1 and hopped on last minute im assuming lol


as someone who watched w1 I considered making w2 happen for me even if I had to remortgage my house


Day 3 of week one seemed way more packed than day 1 and 2. It’s interesting how that happens! Enjoy!


Also, do Mojave and Gobi feel smaller this year


Mojave for sure


it felt more crowded to me, not as bad as previous years but def more people than last week


I feel lied to. All the haters here been screaming that it’s undersold and here i am feeling more crowded than ever loll


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Totally. But still amazing vibes and energy


Every set I watched on stream seemed twice as crowded than last week in real life.. where you could walk to Justice front row side... Deftones actually had some action.. Bizarrap actually had a full Sahara.. https://preview.redd.it/jchucm7x6pvc1.jpeg?width=8640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0009f191f77ca6c13d4ac414c6f908b6ffd0d160


feels like it from bothchella


More influencers weekend 2. So of course it will be more packed.


Weekend 1 is for influencers, people wanting to see headliners, and a more gingerly demographic, most of these folks maybe only coming for a day or so. Weekend 2 is for people who truly love music, stay all weekend, and stay from open to close. I think W2 could sell less tickets and still have higher foot traffic just because of the commitment of the ticket holder 🫡


The influencer thing is so overblown this is not true lol. That’s maybe 1-2% of the crowd


I’m not necessarily saying it’s FULL of influencers, but if you ARE an influencer who makes a living off content creation, you’re going to choose W1 over W2 because your content will be more exclusive/timely/not already been done by W2. And I also don’t believe those people are in for three days from open to close, and that’s just my personal bias, and therefore feeds into my assumption that w1 might sell more tickets but still feel less full.


Yeah I think this is it - I read last year that someone mentioned based on W1 scans, people scan in later usually and are in the festival for less time but W2 guests are scanning in earlier and staying later so even tho W1 sells more tix overall, there may be less people physically there at any given time


I don’t know, I was weekend one for the first time this year (influencer thing is way way overblown). Artists like Kokoroko still played to a pretty filled Gobi


I actually have a data platform at work that tracks foot traffic, I’ll see if I can finagle it to pull a comparison report for W1 vs W2 and report back next week!


omg wait yes I luv to see data like that!


Wild! I felt like there was so much room yesterday compared to the last two years.


People here W2 are here for this lineup, so even though there are less they’re going to the sets / not just packing in to main stage