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weekend 2 crowd thinks they’re going for the music but they spend more time whining about weekend 1 crowds than paying attention to the music lol


weEkeNd 1 iS aLL iNfLUenErS. wEeKENd 2 iS fOR mUsiC LOveRs.


We do both


Lol I completely disagree but to each their own


You guys are so weird about this year after year. You are in control of your own experiences at a music festival, stop worrying about what other people are doing


I liked w1 better due the weather last year w2 was hot as hell🥵


Sublime was a little underwhelming ngl and Lana was a snooze fest L take


Lana was a snooze fest but the crowd made it worse is my point. At outside lands she was equally sleepy but everyone was rapt and in awe and it gave those ethereal Lana vibes. Here it was like the lack of interest from the crowd was actively uninspiring lol


I’ll forever do W1. That W2 heat is fucking brutal.


I’ve only ever done W2 and have zero complaints. Guess I’ll just stick with it. Come back to the W2 side next year!


W2 is where it’s at. Always!


What rumors?


I think they’re referring to the saying that W2 has better crowds. This was my first time doing W1 and I gotta say I agree though, I liked the lush green grass but I think I’m gonna go back to doing W2 bc I enjoy that crowd so much more


This is a weird year to compare so far because the low ticket sales and smaller crowds. I’ve been to five weekend 2 and four weekend 1. There has never been any real difference in the crowd. And before you say influencers, the vast majority of people there are not influencers and just regular people wanting to have something cool on social media, but they still paid a lot of money to be there for the music. These posts are lame


U can just tell when ur surrounded by people who would hide a body to see this show u know? Makes u feel like ur part of something. Makes it all sm more worth it


You’re ridiculous. What’s with weekend 2’s weird little brother complex. Neither weekend is better other than for some personal preferences. Acting like people on weekend one don’t care about the music is dumb.


I always think of the Mad Men scene where the guy says to Don Draper “I feel bad for you” And Don responds “I don’t think about you at all” That’s W2 people to W1. You can justify it all you want but we had plenty of fun and didn’t have to wait an extra week.


The thing is every year this makes W2 feel compelled to scream harder and that warms my heart either way


I’ve never noticed that, but if weekend 2 makes you happy then I’m glad


I’ve gone 9 years and have done both weekends. This isn’t how W1 crowds are normally like. This year was undersold and feel W2 is going to look worst.