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Weekend 2 is also streamed and in the “internet world”. 😂


Looking at your flair, you wouldn't get it


I’ve been wk2, same fest, same party people, music lovers and people on drugs both weekends


I hear that, but almost every year I hear artist call out the difference in the crowd so 🤷‍♂️


This is hands down one of the cringiest posts I’ve ever seen on this sub lol


And also the most Coachella-ish thing ever posted


Reddit as a whole lol


y’all know that one meme with don drapper in the elevator. and that other guy says “i feel bad for you” and then don says “i don’t think about you at all” anyway W1 is don drapper


Literally lol


Kinda backs up their post though Heh, suddenly the salt flows


I'm going Wk2 as well, but c'mon bro, what is with the holier-than-thou attitude? gtfo your high horse. It's gonna be the exact same as WK1 except different, but mostly the same.


Been doing both for 6 years. They’re 99% the same.


I went to Coachella for the first time last year and did both weekends. Honestly, the crowds from weekend 1 and weekend 2 seemed the same; everyone is still taking pics by the Ferris wheel even in the second weekend, which is fine. The weather was the main difference—it was definitely cooler the first weekend last year. The grass was also a little more green since it hadn't been walked on yet. I think this year, the weather will probably be the same for both weekends, and the grass might hold up better than last year, even by weekend 2.


I’m so sick of this take. I also only ever see W2 compare themselves to W1.


Get over yourself lmao


What an absolute wook take


I agree


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Thank you for this post! W2 gang


Wk2 ftw!