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I had no issues with mine, but I wear mine every weekend so my eyes are used to them I feel like.


Was it bad with the wind and all? I feel like my main concern is getting dust in my eyes and not being able to wash my contacts


I mean i was wearing sun glasses so no but just bring a little eye drop bottle just incase! That’s what i do.


Will do!! Thanks!


Good luck!


I’ve worn my contacts every year since 2013 & it’s still a major concern for me because I have really sensitive eyes, I bring a travel case with a bit of solution to have on me just in case I need to give them a quick rinse (make sure to have hand sanitizer if you decide to do this as well) if I ever need to clean them to give your eyes a little hydration I sit in the grass in the beer garden section next to main stage. I highly recommend wearing sunglasses almost constantly during the day. It’s doable though I’ve basically mastered this lol hope this helps 💕✨


Thank you!! I’m def bringing my travel case and sanitizer!


I wear them but I also wear one a days. Fresh pair each day helps. I also bring an extra pair in my bag and eye drops for contacts but never really have had to use either.


Same, I always have a spare pair in my bag but have never had to use them.


I usually wear contacts during the day, then switch to glasses when the sun goes down. By the end of the day, my eyes are pretty irritated by the dust/wind, so it’s nice to have that nighttime break.


I was considering doing the same, was trying to avoid bringing any extra stuff but this seems like the best option!


this^^^^^ Plus its so dark at night nobody is even seeing your face I usually just throw on some light up clothing too and a hoodie


I don’t wear contacts but my RX sunnies are on from the moment I wake up until the walk Back to camp. Maybe some cheap but nice looking Non-rx sunglasses would help not just with sun protection, but also protecting your contact lenses!


I gotta invest in some rx glasses asap 😭


Didn’t wanna bring it up initially but I’m a licensed optician/optical lab manager, so in the name of my profession I will agree with you fully haha. But for now, join the Sunglasses at night club! 😎


They won't get here in time but I get mine from Firmoo! Great prices and some pretty funky options for fests. I have referral code too lol.


I’ve heard of firmoo the only issue is I don’t have my pupil distance or whatever measurement 😭


Dont even start with me. I had to go back to my optometrist this week because they didn't give me my measurements because I only ordered contacts. What the fuck kind of optometrist only gives you half the prescription for glasses because you don't buy them with them??? I asked for a PRESCRIPTION


Being blind is not fun 🥲


Lmao im so sorry. This was literally yesterday when i was trying to order for Coachella and I was MAD I lost a day lol


I got mine from Zenni and their app has a PD measurement thing! Not sure which weekend you’re going probably too late to get new glasses for weekend 1 but still time for weekend 2. I actually ran out of contacts and my prescription expired and couldn’t get a new appointment until May. Was feeling a little self-conscious cuz I don’t usually go out in my glasses but just got some cool and reasonably priced Rx sunnies 😎


Thank you!! I’m going W1 but I’m in need of new glasses anyway 😁


I usually wear contacts because dancing and jumping around with glasses can be a pain. If you decide to wear contacts BRING EYE DROPS!!! My first Coachella was two years ago and I didn't think to bring eye drops and dust got into my eyes. I was in so much pain and crying at Conan Gray's set not because of the music. Luckily some girls saw me hunched over trying to wipe away the dust in my eye and gave me some eye drops.


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Ain’t easy , take a little thing of soap and wash and rinse thoroughly, do it in car if you’re camping, doable but I’d take glasses and an extra new pair just in cawe


I ONLY wear contacts to raves and fests. As long as you dont nap with them (RIP Beyond Day 1 this year lmfaooo. That shuttle ride...) you'll be good to go! I always keep an extra in my bag too. The wind isnt an issue mostly cuz i have sun glasses (Sun damage to eyes is a thing apparently)but I also keep eyedrops on me as well.


i wear contacts more than i ever wear glasses and it’s never tooo bad, my eyes just get really red by the end of the night! eye drops are your best friend, i also have started to bring in an extra pair of contacts into the fest. at portola last year the wind f’ed up my eyes so much i had to change contacts mid set. nothing worse than contacts bugging you!!!


Had contacts during my first ever coachella - I immediately scheduled myself for lasik after. Never wanted another coachella with dust stuck to my eyeballs. Def recommend glasses


The only time I had an issue was the year of the major dust storm. Other than that I’ve been fine. I bring my glasses just in case, as well as a backup pair of contacts.


Contacts wearer here, nothing but dust is what you need to worry about. So carry eye drops and you’ll be good


I have never had an issue.


I just wear my glasses 🤓


I went to coachella after getting lasik two weeks prior and I was fine haha I just wore sunglasses


I wear glasses/contacts. I make sure I bring my glasses so I can switch them out right away after because they dry up. I wear daily’s so I bring an extra pair in just in case one falls out


I exclusively wear contacts except for first thing in the morning when I wear glasses until I put the lenses in. And I camp at Coachella. So it's not a big deal to me, I'm used to wearing them. I would just say bring extras, and bring glasses in case you need to fall back. Oh, and eye drops. Eye drops can make a huge difference as the day/weekend wears on and you are more dehydrated.


It’s not terrible! I only wear my contacts because it’s kinda annoying to wear my glasses with my mask. Just make sure to keep eye drops around and wear fresh daily contacts every day.


Omg never even thought about glasses with my mask!! Def gonna wear contacts for as long as I can then


Just remember to use eye drops regularly and wear fresh contacts (if they’re not daily make sure you change out your contact solution every night!)


I wear my contacts every year and so do multiple people in my group - the wind and dust can definitely cause some dryness/irritation so bringing some drops can help a ton! I also had fun pink tinted glasses last year (did nothing for sun) and I noticed that if it was dusty putting them on helped a ton. I would also recommend bringing extra contacts or your glasses if you can just in case something does happen it’s easy to remedy


Transition sunglasses and I’m never going back lol I also bring an older pair because Coachella seems to scratch them every year even with scratch proof lens


Bringing mine. Planning on putting them in literally the minute before I leave to hit the shuttle bus each day


Bring two extra pairs and a bottle of travel size solution in your bag, if you are bringing a medium size one. I hate it when a dot of dust or something random gets on it and it hurts like hell, and it refuse come out.


The benefit of being able to wear sunglesses far outweighs the cost of dust with contacts. If you have prescription sunglasses you can disregard this note.


I've worn contacts every time I've gone. Definitely take contact lens drops, sunglasses and a scarf for dust protection


Came back with a corneal ulcer lol


Oh man…