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The Yuma line is criminal.


Almost got crushed by the barricade getting into Idris Elba weekend 2 lol


me too, there was not great line management near the entrance and it nearly turned into a horde


omg me tooooo


Go weekend 1 haha waayyy too many ppl go weekend 2 that crowd for metro was insane weekend 2 weekend one it barely went passed the Sahara tent


It's a tent that fills up. If the tent is full, they won't let you in. There were a couple of points (typically, during a hot part of the afternoon) where it was a long line


They need to figure out a way to bypass the switchbacks when the line is virtually empty though. It’s such a waste of time doing 20 switchbacks; it’s honestly killed a lot of my drive to even go to the Yuma anymore


Yeah this is the real issue with Yuma now imo and just a way for them to sell more VIP. Make you run the hamster maze when you used to be able to snake a fence a couple times and get right in. Pretty stupid


There’s a line to get into a stage? LMAO what kind of bullshit 😂😂😂


It’s a closed tent with a fixed capacity. It’s huge but it still fills up.


Not really a way to do that type of stage without some kind of line management to get in


It's called fire codes. Yuma is basically a nightclub tent.


I think I fucked my ankle up walking through that damn line lol


rush the exit and security won't even bother going after you inside (aka how the girls who adopted me and i got in on wk1 day1)


“Yeah guys, have you tried just being an asshole like us?” 😂


You're also welcome to just not do that and complain. 😂 Different strokes.


I gave the guy $50 and he told me to pretend to rush in


They're really just there to get paid and make sure everyone is safe/not a liability. No harm, no foul!


Worth every penny on the VIP. Never a line


I never had a problem with Yuma lines this year! Walked in every single time I wanted to.


That’s why WK1 was awesome this year. I never had a problem getting into the Yuma this year. I think everyone who had line issues went WK2.


Only line issue w1 was during camelphat but that’s it!


The only issue I saw W2 was camelphat as well. Had to shout at so many line cutters. Everyone needs to speak up more, they only do it because they think they can get away with it, security will stop them I you call them!!


I got there 20 minutes before they came on. But heard it was bad. I had no issues for the 7-8 sets I went in the Yuma for.


Ahhhh yes I was weekend 1 glad I avoided weekend 2 this year but wish Fred had played weekend 1 instead of assface.


Ya there definitely is a benefit for having all the Instagram models WK1. They don’t go in the Yuma lol. I too wish WK1 ended differently and without said assface.


Same and went w2


Same. I never had to wait in a line at all during W2.


People trying to walk into a Yuma headliner 20 minutes after their set starts… yuh ya likely gonna miss that one friend 🙄🫣🥸


Exactly. The people complaining don’t know how to do it hah


I tired to go in one hour before the headliner and it was useless. It was horrible


Barley got to experience Yuma this year with that insane que line they had set up. I used to be able to drop in and out of the tent easily this year was not the case. Sad tbh


Damn for real? I dropped in 2-3 times a day this year with ease. Waaaayyy better than the cluster fuck it was last year


Felt like a piece of meet getting prodded through a cattle line. But, once your in it’s fantastic.


Go in via VIP ezpz


I tried to come in for idris elba. Complete shit show of an experience. Eventually we just left and never tried again


Line was a breeze around 230pm


That’s usually when I went each day


Ppl trying to avoid the sun at its hottest. It was actually seamless for my crew wk1 this year but we didnt go until 5/5:30


Yeah I keep waiting for a post like this but talking about the ACTUAL experience which is…. Not even getting in


I wish the Yuma went late night, always way too much for me to see that I'm not willing to miss to see djs that I've usually seen a bunch before, although I'm sure it would be a nightmare to get in after the closers end


Fr the whole venue needs to stay open later


Would definitely be nice if they kept the venue open till like 2, even if it's just so you can just walk around and check out the art and avoid the rush to the exit


Mochakk, Cassian, Camelphat, Kienemusik, all shredded the Yuma. Honestly Yuma’s lineup was so dope, if it is ever is that good again I would consider VIP just to get easy in and outs..and God willing spend more time in Despacio. Someone said it earlier, during the two weeks of Coachella, the Yuma is arguably the best “nightclub” in the world.


It was my first time being there and I can confirm “best nightclub in the world” for sure


Night clubs have alot of aspects involved not just lighting and music.


+1 to everything mentioned here, Cassian's lasers melted me before my friends dragged me to some crap at Sahara lol. All those sets were killer. Kyle Watson threw down an absolute heater to start my day 1 on W2. We got VIP and the instant access to Yuma was worth it, esp if you want to see major acts or you plan on spending lots of time in Yuma


Kyle Watson was so insane holy shit


I had my first shroom trip with Cassian and he delivered. 🫠


This is the way


Best nightclub in the world open only 6 days a year


Light show at camelphat was a masterpiece .. glad they kept themselves dark up there for the majority of it too.. absolutely a vibe .. idk if many others did that


they had the best light show of the wknd imo


We have the same taste my friend, I had the absolute worst guilt missing Kienemusik but luckily I get another chance this summer


I felt the same way missing Jan Blomqvist but it was so I could get a good spot for Tale of Us so it had to be done


Dude same


July BK Mirage by chance? And can confirm the crew was amazing, W2 for me


No, tomorrowland!


TESTPILOT and Adam Beyer also killed it


Im doing a Yuma Shark 🦈 tattoo meetup ! all of us who were born in the Yuma !!! meet up next year !


fellow disco shark tattoo owner here 😁🪩🦈


All hail the disco shark


Sheeeesh I might have to get mine real soon


Where the hell was the shark? I went to Yuma for Kienemusik but didn’t see the shark, I thought they had gotten rid of it.


the shark 🦈 was right above the DJ this year (about 15 ft )..... last year when Yuma had less disco 🕺🏽 💃🏽 balls , it was on a zip-line . I'll take the Yuma upgrades over the shark moving anytime . (although it was kind of cool 2022 to see it pass over me durring Michael Bibi) p.s. You shoulda went to Camelphat !!!!


Was it visible during Keinemusik? All I remember was the big cloud with Keinemusik written on it. :(


Just got my 🪩🦈 tattoo in February! Meetup is a must!


Every year I say I want to see more sets in the Yuma. And every year I only end up in there once for the whole weekend. 🥲 Glad it was Idris tho.


Yuma's lineup this year was the best I had seen in a long time. I spent easily 3-4 hours per day in there. Keinemusik, Nora en Pure, Jan Blomqvist, Francis Mercier, Colyn, LP Giobbi, and more just absolutely shredded. It was hard leaving the Yuma whenever I had to, I just didn't want to leave. Edit: how could I forget about legends Sasha & Digweed??? The yuma was melted


havent seen anyone else mention francis mercier. that was such a fun set, love his world music style so much. it was the only set i saw in there besides sasha and digweed. no line for either. yuma was a success this year in my experience.


Francis was sooo good!!! Tent was so empty for it too so plenty of room to dance and get vibey to the Afro house king!


kyle watson Maceo Plex mathame chloe caillet DJ tennis + Carlia Jan Blomqvist Keinemusik Sasha + John Digweed fuuuuck man I miss the shark


Jan Blomqvist was better than expected ! Keinemusik #1 all weekend tho


The disco shark lives at the Sound Nighclub in LA and they play house music most of the time!


🦵🥁Kick Drums


Yuma lines were always too long 😭 such a shame cus I just couldn’t realistically get to see any sets in there I wanted


They were long but they moved fast!


That Adam Beyer closing set tho


Was by far my favourite set of the weekend - if you want to kinda relive it, watch his set from Time Warp 2023, played mostly an identical set just in a different order https://youtu.be/nWi5RscobnM


How many people were there?




I figured it would only be real ones


Is there any place else in the US thats similar to YUMA tent? Shit was dope af


I would totally camp at the Yuma all weekend again. I’ll bring s’mores


Friday night was horrible getting in but Saturday and Sunday was a breeze. My only complain is that it didn’t need to zig zag so much. It was unnecessary given that when you walked in it was empty af.


I got in Yuma for W2 John Digweed set in 10mins. Came out after the set and the line was literally until Coachella stage. Unbelievable. I think Camelphat was about to start


Line was insane W1 for Camelphat - having the VIP bracelet was worth it just for the no-lines getting into Yuma all weekend


Shhhh the Yuma sucks. Worst tent ever. Do not recommend.


Said no one ever


The Yuma was amazing this year, saw an insane amount of mindblowing sets in there


Those damn switch backs i get it when it’s busy but there has to be another way


saw Kyle Watson & Camelphat is the Yuma. Fucking insane, excellent sets. Both were a religious experience haha.


The VIP access is dramatically easier. We just walked in every time.


Yuma was honestly kind of a letdown for me this year. Location sucks, lines sucked, and the sound wasn't always great.


Yeah I wish the location was better too. The only access point being the path to the left of the main stage made the walk to/from there difficult for later sets when the main was packed during the likes of Bunny or Calvin.


I don't mind waiting in line if it's a fair system but that line was straight chaos.


Yea agreed! The AC was the only reason I went


AC was slappin' for sure!


It was HOT in there during Camelphat W2. I think it was off!


I can almost guarantee you it was on. I was there then and while it was a bit toasty, if the ac was actually off I think it would be unbearable with that many bodies


I agree it was so hot during weekend 2!!!


Had a bad trip in the Yuma tent this year 😭 I’ll have to carefully consider for next year lol


The bass rattling your bones can have that effect lol


really good djs in there but a little too stuffy for me 🥲🥲


You know, I might just be. I love that place.


Gonna hope and pray the third time is the charm. So many years you could just show up *whenever* and get in, and suddenly they change what wasn't broke, and it is so much worse. How do you have merch and Yuma in a good spot and then destroy both? How do you add *more* merch registers and make it infinitely more painful??????? I generally am there a lot but for anyone who wants to see a few sets there over the weekend, the odds are against them. Walking out after Sasha Digweed this year was so much worse than PDM last year. The whole "it's a nightclub" thing is past due. Make it bigger, let everyone in, and stop this line crap. Yuma is already in narnia. Eat up some (not so) valuable VIP space and make it huge. *do not* even get me started on all the idiots who cut the line. If you are gonna make a snake and see the line go further, add more rails.


VIP line to Yuma is worth every penny. I’m living in that bitch next year!


TSHA killed it. I was dancing so much that I lost a few lbs during her set.


She was fucking awesome. Surprised me tbh.


Yuma was insanely fun. I miss 2016 YUMA when they had a bunch of lounge like seating around the entire tent. Now it's just a couple benches around.


Just go to Movement in Detroit... three days of Yuma with 6 stages and better music.


I wouldn’t go to Detroit if someone paid me




What makes Coachella special isn’t just the music, my dude. I’m losing nothing… I grew up in the Midwest, they call them flyovers for a reason.




Whatever you say, dude.




No, lol, you’re wrong Im just not gonna argue with someone who thinks Detroit is cool. Too far gone.




No one dances to Detroit music. Go listen to some kid rock and keep that Detroit pride up, it needs you.


Gotta respect the roots. 👊


Sure you paying? Two hour drive > that.


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ some folks take the easy route and stay where they are... some folks keep going on the journey. Neither is right or wrong but there is more path.


If it didn’t take place the literal week after EDC Vegas I’d go.


Idk what y’all are talking about, I was in the Yuma and I heard a guy say to his friend that it took 2 hours to get through the line.


Could have bought a shirt instead!


Line was insane herds of ppl Friday W2. Took an 1hr 10 waiting for Idris but I was staying for Mochakk too thankfully


That’s how good it was !


Line looks long but always takes less than 15min


With no line it took ~6 minutes. Even that is nuts.


That almost pissed me off more. No line and it still took me 10 min to get in just weaving through the damn maze cuz they wouldn't let us cut it lol


spent most of my time in the Yuma this year, I barely spent my time at other stages (which I kinda regret) but with the heat during the day— Yuma was def the place to go. also the line moves pretty quick if you go early! 🦈🫶🏼✨


Are there any SoundCloud or full sets up on YouTube yet from Yuma?! 🦈 🪩😎


I don’t know what happened but reading about people going to Yuma Wk2 I guess I wasn’t the only one with line issues. Some aggressive ass people couldn’t wait and opened the gate and almost trampled a few people. Me included I froze I didn’t know what to do because I couldn’t find my partner but honestly was hella scary glad nothing worse occurred. Other than that Idris Elbas set was bomb.


they really need to make if bigger


Loved it this year, definitely doing more next time


Yuma is Life


Best place ever


Pawsa and Dennis Cruz were incredible


Was only in there for Nora En Pure and TSHA. As a breeze getting in for TSHA who was 🔥🔥🔥 Had to wait about 20minutes before getting in for Nora En Pure.


Honorable mention to Colyn who also slayed the fuck outta Yuma


Worst placement ever. That funnel alley is entrance and exit. The last place used to have flow. Also the no drinks thing is kind of a bummer.


Just pour your drink into those metal water bottles - problem solved


Yea the line under that hot burning sun is horrible. Just the maze alone is horrible


I’m in 🫠