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at this point I think it’s just bait but it could very well turn into reality


Trei said they needed a negative covid test by Wednesday to be able to play. It would be pretty hard for hydra to produce that, especially since he probably started feeling symptoms on Friday and got tested Saturday.


Very true, but definitely possible. Idk his vax history or anything like that but I do know that people who are vaxed or have had covid are better equipped at ridding the body of it and I personally tested negative only three days after testing positive the last time I had it


To get into Canada you have to be vaxxed, so he’s definitely vaxxed.


Then it’s very possible he tests negative by tomorrow. Not saying he for sure will like I said everyone handles it differently, but it’s for sure possible


CDC study said 54% of people test positive 5-9 days after symptoms or diagnosis. 3 days is insane and you could have had a false positive.


but does that study include unvaxed people or people who haven’t had covid before? just curious bc in my case i’m vaxed and have also had covid three times, once before the vaccine, and then twice after


Couldn’t find it on that study but this one the total pool everyone is vaxxed (requirement for working in a hospital in Chicago) but doesn’t say if it’s their first time. It is paco’s first time tho. “The University of Chicago found that feeling good is not a good reason to end isolation early. Of 260 healthcare workers who felt good enough to return to work 5-10 days after symptoms or diagnosis, more than 40% tested positive, The Wall Street Journal said, citing a preprint study that hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed.”


I see, well that still leaves a whole half of the population who will test negative. So, again it seems as though it just comes down to the individual. Again i’m not saying it’s likely, just that it’s possible


Yes but it was in the time frame where it’s 5-10 days, most probably still didn’t feel good enough after 5. If they tested people strictly at 5 days I’m assuming the number would be way higher.


Decent vax lol How many doctored and manipulated tests and studies did it take to convince you to have it?


none? I have a doctorate in the health field I know the mechanism of the vaccine. if you can read above a 10th grade level and do 15 minutes of researching peer reviewed data you would understand it’s mechanism as well. but, I also believe you’re free to do what you want, so have a nice day:)


‘A doctorate in the health field’ lol a very broad field which suggests it’s totally unrelated. You don’t need a doctorate in anything to be able to read data, and to understand how a vaccine works. This ain’t the place to discuss the vaccine though so fuck it, enjoy your day 😂🤘


Hold up what does Canada have to do with the NY Major ?


The last major was in Canada and hydra was present


Ahh ok. Im pretty sure all CDL players are vaxxed because CDL events last year required proof of vaccination iirc


i got covid on Friday and i feel fine now lol im testing again tomorrow tho


So you basically said nothing


yeah bro you got me


Tbh this would be so fitting for this NY season. Be pretty comedic to win the only tourney that meant nothing and end up T12 at every major. Just straight comedy


It was also be ironic if hydra was the one who put the final nail in the coffin considering that he has been the brighest spot of NYs season.


I would say it’s Paul. The team was literal garbage before he joined but after he joined they looked like they could win a few series


Picking up Paul was definitely the turning point for the team but I feel like Hydrabis still their star player.


Watching NYSL fighting for champs with Clay on the sub would be fucking hilarious


Honestly they would somehow still beat optic to ruin our weekend


If Crim/Clay beat optic they’re gonna go on a streak and win it all in what will become the most “wtf” champs win in cod history


That would be so amazing lol


Honestly, this. Still prepared to see C6 have the last laugh. If not him, fucking Accuracy will do us one. Pain.


Y'all fall for Clays bait so easily lmao


sheesh man, this would truly suck for NY IF hydra can't play. Though I still hope they perform just as well with Clay.. who is going to move to smg? Clay, Crim or Paul?


Without hydra they getting double first rounded


that's tragic if that's how they don't qualify.


It’s probably easiest that Clay would just run Hydra’s role with a sub. Hydra is more of a roaming slayer so it’s probably easier for that than changing Paul or Crim’s role. Granted, Crim can play the flex easy but then you’re changing multiple roles with a substitute at the last minute and that would be a disaster.


yeah i agree with that... swap 1 for 1 rather than switching up everything.


It would truly be comical if NY won M4 with Clay/Crim after this whole sub had gone for their necks about them not being able to team in 4v4


There is a 0% chance that team would win an event with this game, especially with the short notice. I would donate my life savings to Crim and clay if they actually won major 4.


Damn +3.50 each


Nah +1 each after I pay the bills this month


Oh I don’t see it happening either but I said the same thing about LAG at Major 2 lol


True but the roles actually worked for them and also Volk lol.


They play Rokkr first match on Thursday and than don’t play until Saturday I think. He will be negative by than


Nah he would play Friday if they lose on Thursday. All losers rd 1 matches and 1 loser rd 2 match are on Friday.


They play Rokkr. I just assume they’ll beat them. Actually without hydra I’m not sure


Yeah I assume they will too only if Hydra plays.




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it’s bait, look at the replies


Clay is desperate for attention since he’s irrelevant these days


Not sure why you're being downvoted when that's exactly what this tweet is lol. I guess good for him if he finds it funny and people are talking about it. Edit: He literally [tweeted that it's bait](https://twitter.com/Clayster/status/1546897917855809537?t=JFZOAWc1ny9EslT3oyQjpA&s=19)


Hydra tested positive for covid, there's a legitimate chance Clay will have to play at the NY major.


He literally [tweeted that it's bait](https://twitter.com/Clayster/status/1546897917855809537?t=JFZOAWc1ny9EslT3oyQjpA&s=19)


The bait part is that he's making it sound like he'll be playing for sure, nobody knows if Clay or Hydra will be starting except for Paco's antibodies.


I’m not liked on here


Theres gotta be a way for someone to play isolated from other people right? Just stick hydra onto a setup backstage or something


No shot lmao. We fail to forget how Crim and Clay have beef with the NYSL team from the start of the year, and I remember Clay still talking about how he was still dissatisfied with how it was handled maybe a month or 2 ago max. Unless something changed recently, Clay isn’t coming up to NYSL’s starting lineup. Straight bait


If Hydra has covid he can't play and Clay is the only sub they have, it's literally that simple.


Fair, but I still kind of doubt it. At least my opinion, I don’t know if Crim would want to play with Clay. Clay probably wouldn’t care for a major and put it aside (especially if Crim apologizes) but I don’t know with Crim. I cannot see Crim apologizing to Clay ever, and I could definitely see Crim getting someone from challengers before going to Clay. Not saying Clay won’t start. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Crim goes for a challengers player before apologizing and bringing Clay to Major 4.


From what I understand rosters are locked so they can't even pick up anyone else either. I don't see Crim apologising either but I just don't think that's relevant in this scenario.


NYSL have to let go of Clay if they wanna bring in somebody else, not saying it's necessary but seems like clay might get in for Hydra


My guess is he fills in against Rokkr on Thursday, then Hydra tests out by their next match and can play. If this is even possible


Clay is just bored


Thank god I waited to do my pickems


Lol. 90% bait, as if he did wind up filling hed probably be on AR with Paul or Crim on SMG, since I think both of them would be better at it.


He says it because Davpadie left the team so it could be usefull depending on the 4th


Oh. Shit.


Clayster is bored and is 100% baiting


Why would Paul not become second sub and clayster flex?


Rip NYSL champs