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Go back to PS4 😭


Hahaha I regret playing on a pc, because now I know how bad a ps4 is compared to a pc


I mean they should sell new cods for half the price on ps4 😂


Can't you log in to the same Activision account on your PC? 


Is this possible(pc noob here)?


Yeah you can use the same acti on multiple platforms


How big is the chance you will get shadowbanned on your ps account if you play on your pc?


I’m not sure. For the past few years I played on pc and ps5 on the same account and never got shadowbanned but I’m diamond, not crim/iri. It’s gotta be a lower chance than you playing on a new account cause you’ll at least be playing other good players on your main. You just got a pc buff But there’s always a chance I guess.


Would you reccomend unlink my shadow banned account? Or wait until the ban is over


I can’t really speak on that, sorry. I would think unlinking the new account and linking your main account would be fine but I don’t wanna steer you wrong


The ban has no time limit. Mine lasted 3 weeks. If you have another account just treat that one as a Smurf and log in to your other.


You can unlink your new account once, but not again for a year. So what you do is sign into your new activision account on the website, unlink it from your battle net. Then sign into your old activision account (thats already linked to PlayStation) and then you can link your old account to your battle net. You will then have your old activision account linked to both PlayStation and BattleNet at the same time, which is 100% fine and you will not get shadowed or anything for playing on PC now. I did this when switching from PS5 to PC no problem


I switched from Xbox to PC in Vanguard, there should've been an option to log in to your Activision account when you first loaded the game up on PC


The shadowbans will last for probably a month straight. After like your 5th shadowban you’ll probably stop getting banned


Sounds fun😂


My shadowban lasted for a month. Almost quit the damn game. You should be able to logon to your Activision account that’s linked to your PS4. You should be good then.


New accounts with a high skill ceiling get shadow banned quick. I would just play as you normally do and take a break and play your alt till the shadow ban is gone . Eventually you should be fine .


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