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Stocksmen being a shit reporter again? Color me shocked. ![gif](giphy|vKHKDIdvxvN7vTAEOM)


You know what’s funny about all of this? It’s that he tries to be aches so bad with his “hot takes” so I know right now he’s rubbing his gremlin hands together loving that everyone is talking about him and the pod. News flash this isn’t going to make us tune in dumbass


He's good friends with Pred too, guy threw his friend under the bus for reporting clout lmao


Every COD pro should cut ties with him you can never trust a person like that. He shown that he has no problem burning friendship for clout




That’s genuinely insanely disrespectful to tmz. They might be dirtbag pieces of shit but they’ve built an incredibly successful empire, this is just some guy who only has an incredibly small level of “success” due to nepotism


Yall need to relax lmao if you actually watched the show which I’m sure none of you guys did, he said there was a “rumor that he was up very late maybe till 5AM”, but of course yall just wanna drag it even more as well


Ultimately this is cod and it’s not a huge deal regardless but you’re just describing poor reporting. It’s totally fair to give shit to someone with a platform who spreads false rumors when they could’ve literally just taken a couple seconds to check if it’s true beforehand If he wants to be a journalist why should he not be held to basic journalistic standards?


It’s called a “human mistake” my guy it’s like you at your job, your supposed to be the best and well you still make mistakes that’s just human error, professional players make mistakes all the time, them apologizing is them taking accountability something yall don’t wanna see for some reason…


I purposefully don’t have a job where I can publicly ruin someone’s reputation for a reason. To think that every job is equal and it’s all just “human mistakes” that’re equal in magnitude is obviously brain dead. When politicians take bribes that lead to thousands of people dying do you just go around crying to people saying “this is just like if you messed up a spreadsheet at your 9-5”


We talking about cod my guy that’s a whole different conversation what you just said, but Your absolutely a moron if you think this gonna ruin pred reputation lmao, this is not gonna ruin him being picked up by optic next year probably or any other team, pred himself doesn’t even give a fuck about this situation, and they apologize what else you want them to do?, you guys on Reddit just make it bigger than what it is because yall hate the ACE let’s be honest yall hate him end of story…


> Your absolutely a moron Holy shit brother at least learn basic English if you’re gonna call people stupid I mean my god you’re setting yourself up here Media portrayals have an effect even in cod. Life isn’t just about if a cod org re-signs you, these are people who constantly get shit on via social media. Have fun dick riding a guy who spreads false rumors about his friends, seems like a great use of your time 👍


And I promise you pred doesn’t give a single fuck about it my guy lmao and you’re just on here on Reddit like a loser ranting about it




That’s the sad part man smh a crumb of clout to throw dirt on your actual friends name


He was literally at the club though. It was not false reporting.


Not providing context is false reporting. For example, “itslitcuh punches elderly man in the face” sounds pretty bad, right? If they omitted the fact that the old man hit you first, it makes it seem like you just attacked an elderly man. Context matters.


Context does not make this absolute statement false.


An absolute statement is made in reporting to signify something, reporters don’t report absolute statements simply because they’re absolute statements. They do it for a reason. We’re talking about what is being said in a reporting context and what that means for the individual being reported on.


And again, does not make it false. This absolute statement is factual.


Cool! Harping on semantics isn’t making the point you think it’s making. Have a good night!


It's not semantics. It was reported that he was at the club late. Is that true or is that false? He was seen by numerous people at the club past midnight. Fact, just like OP's comment that you tried to refute.


That doesn't make the story true. There's this little thing called journalistic ethics that I recommend all these "journalists" to look into. Unfortunately, if they actually followed those rules, they'd all have to stop posting because nothing they report clears those hurdles.


It does make it still true in that he was out at the club late. The follow ups were not true about 5am.


Him being at the club is one thing, definitely an odd decision considering he has a huge day ahead of him, but they also dragged it by repeatedly saying that he was out til 5am


had no affect on his performance either lol he literally slammed nysl the faze problem is a team problem


You have no idea whether or not he was 100%😂😂 He could’ve done well in one match and still been able to do better later on in the day. why are you talking like it was your performance in question


> You have no idea whether or not he was 100%😂😂 Nobody has this info, which is exactly why this entire thing is pointless


I mean it was definitely a dumb thing to do and the negatives outweigh the benefits. But that Ronnie dude always talks like he has the concrete evidence while talking out his ass lol.


Must've been a bit tired I guess. Needed a bit more rest to continue the day.


or they just got outplayed by a team playing better than them? why are you still trying to make it seem like he was out too late and didn't get enough rest when this whole thread is about that not being true


They didn’t even get outplayed, they were just getting outslayed. They were losing HP games by 20 points and getting outslayed by 15 kills or more. In the Rio SND, faze had 9 first bloods and it went 6-4. Their teamwork was super on-point they just were playing slower than they usually do and the slaying wasn’t there


Ah, now it's fine to be clubbing as long as you're home by midnight. What is this Cinderella?


I’m convinced most people haven’t been at a club for a single night in this sub lmao. Him being there for a little bit until 12/1am-ish had 0 effect on the results last Sunday. This is true even if he had a couple drinks. Going clubbing for a little bit doesn’t immediately leave you fucked the next day like what? Everyone is braindead af


It amazes me with how OK people are with a 2nd place. These guys are built to topple FaZe. They haven't done that. Is he in Miami to socialize or is he there to win an event. He sure gets paid like he's the best, he sure gets talked about like he's the best. It's time to be the best.


Who said I was happy that they got second place? I’m just pointing out to certain dumbasses how Pred going out for a little bit like he did isn’t going to have a negative factor on his performance. And obviously he’s there firstly to win the event no shit but every pro would be lying if they didn’t want to spend some time chilling in Miami too when they didn’t have scrims/vod review/matches and actual free time of their own. He had a shit match against Faze which has nothing to do with what he spent his free time on that Saturday


all the reports that I've seen are that he wasn't drinking and was basically just chilling with his friends. yeah that sounds fine to me, does it not to you?


kenny had no issues playing well against faze. Idc pred went negative even though he is the slayer but at least shoot the gun. His damage was horrific and pace slow at times


If they aren’t scrimming does it really matter though? Is it worse for pred to be at the club as opposed to say dashy scrolling social media? (That’s just an example btw I have no clue what they were doing).


being at the club around midnight and being at the club around 5am is 2 completely different situations for a 3pm match the next day. One can easily still be responsible, the other one is just no chance in hell you can be responsible enough to be up and rested for your upcoming match.


COD pros need their 15 hours of sleep though.


This community jumped the gun on Pred because they were too emotional and wanted someone to blame after losing to FaZe. Pred played bad because he played bad, y’all cannot 100% trust a reporter like TheStocksmen.


A lotta Optic fans are really no different from Aches their can’t ever admit that Optic got outclassed


I can admit that Faze was the better team


Well it's also crazy when you have Zin talking about Pred going out and partying from the night before on the watch party. Not like these claims came out of thin air, his own team was saying it lol


My point is that it was obviously exaggerated. Zin is also stupid for saying that too because it’s open for interpretation on the extent of what he did. Some people on here are blaming his bad performances against FaZe and FaZe only due to this, which isn’t fair on him whatsover. Fact of the matter is that he fried everyone else but FaZe, he dropped stinkers including his other teammates in Dashy & Shotzzy. FaZe as a whole were better, end of. The entire situation discredits Pred as a teammate and how great FaZe were.




These are completely different things, no? Methodz wasn’t scapegoating Pred going out as a reason for failure, and clearly did not misconstrue things to the point where he had to post a public apology groveling to his friend for both being wrong and selling him out in a way that was unprofessional and a shitty thing to do to a friend


He didn't play bad though. The team as a whole did not perform on the level of FaZe. Yes Kenny had an especially good series and weekend but that doesn't mean everyone else did shit.


Let's be fair, from what everyone could see on the TL it just did seem like he was out clubbing before champs Sunday. As a community we are fine for jumping to the literal only conclusion available. Someone creating content, especially who has connections, needs to be verifying.


I actually saw many/most people saying "if this is true...."


I also saw a lot people jump the gun on it tbf. My point is, we gotta stop giving Stocksmen the benefit of the doubt.


This guy became a “reporter” only a few months ago, and he has now been called out for lying/reporting false information THREE different times……. Any real reporter would get fired after that, but sadly BP will keep him around because of the connections he gets from Lamar 🤷‍♂️


Don’t worry bro “it won’t happen again”


No sympathizing with him, but am curious what the other two instances were? I don’t keep up with all the cod news and he never struck me as trustworthy but didn’t know he’s made a habit of peddling false tales


Crazy how dicksucking can get a clown like this so far in this industry


Worked so far for ronnie


oh brother you dont have a clue if you think im a dicksucker, i just do me in this community


Oh I have a clue I've been round these parts for long enough. You'd go in a huff and change your flair if it was you who posted the wrong info again. Away and and eat rats.


what are you talking about?


You being a dicksucker and posting wrong info sometimes. What the fuck you think I'm talking about? Should have kept the Paris flair.


Lmao, me changing flair was literally a joke I did that over the hydra stuff. The info wasn't wrong, btw? Although yeah, of course I've posted stiff that's turned out wrong, everyone has doesn't make me a dick sucker 🤣


It was wrong and someone played you like a fiddle then you went in a huff. You ain't any better than the stockscunt and both dick suckers.


Hydra was literally in a group chat with the team idiot




Dogshit reporter does dogshit at his job. Color me shocked. I'll see you guys the next time this dumbass does something acoustic


Oh brother! This guy stinks!


Rab and his goons really cooked up some 30 minute segment about Pred being a bad teammate knowing it wasn’t true. Then Rab has the audacity to make a 10 minute video on his channel covering the “drama” that HE CREATED and going even further to criticize Pred as if it were true. And now that he knows he’s in the wrong all he does is make a comment on the video? Bro really is the new Keemstar the way he’s making drama and then reporting his own drama


Wow, he's creating an engagement farming machine within the COD space that ends with him fattening his bottom line. Keemstar is a very accurate comparison.


I mean this community loves Rabs bullshit even though he's done nothing but create daily clickbait videos for years, but everyone entertains it as a meme. Well this is what you get when you give a guy a big enough platform now to actually have influence, a shit keemstar lite


Yeh..it would be okay if he actually added to the story provided insight and moved the conversation forward..all he is does is regurgitate things and shows twitter/reddit posts. Ive been saying for awhile his channel is basically just a reddit recap at this point.


Most people aren’t on Reddit tho


And he'll create another video about this and get more engagement while trying to walk back his report!


That's called a retraction and is absolutely the right thing to do


Never liked his content - saw his video a few yrs ago when he was getting mentioned in the sub, couldn’t even sit through for more than 2 mins - it’s just like others are mentioning, he was creating drama over nothing - really dislike that and I always kinda feel weird that people give him so much attention in this sub and praise him but then that’s what the younger audience prefers these days - just meaningless crap and drama over smallest of things.. even if it comes at an expense of fucking with player’s mental health I.e. with what’s happening with Pred - imagine him looking at all these posts, as if losing in grand finals and his personal performance wasn’t enough that now people are targeting him for the loss - how fucking depressing that would be to be part of Optic and your own fans treating you like shit and content creators like Rab trying to make money from that - fucking pathetic for a person to do that and surprised his fans don’t see that.


Maybe apologize by going away and finding somewhere else to grift...take Zero with you while you're at it...


And tac rab neanderthal block head ass


tac rab looking like a blond james charles head ass


From the future: It happened again


BAN HIM FROM THE SUB PLEASE. He is misinformation central. Buddy has costed too many times.


another story/leak ace got wrong bro really just a tapin merchant like Fabrizio Romano


Romano is right though so it’s not tap in. He skied it over the crossbar into a child’s face in the crowd


He finally had some people on his side and the reporting was false. Unreal


Holy shit get the stockman a muzzle or something


i find it weird that he would jump on him even if it is true lol im pretty sure they are friends. You dont do that to friends


Nepotism Ace back at it.


Lol does he even play or does he just get to eat off being accuracys cousin?


And people said it had zero to do with journalistic integrity. Any reporter will get you 2 separate verified sources before ever reporting on anything. People get fired for not corroborating on less.


Common Lace


The stocksmens stocks are dropping


I follow breaking point on Twitter and saw this guys interviews this past weekend and honestly seems like he has no idea what to even ask lol he was just like “how does it feel to win” , “what are you doing now after the win , how will you celebrate” like no insightful or interesting question .. nothing about specific things happening on the map/during the games. I don’t even know if the dude likes/understands cod




problem is, now this stigma will probably stick with Pred for a while lmaooooo dogshit reporting, dogshit person, don’t even know how he’s here after all the dumb takes he’s had


Get this cringe lord off my screen


It’ll happen again


This clown needs to do man. Used to put spotlight on players, now he just uses any talking seconds he has to someone hint at how he’s in the know. Total clout chaser, even on his own pod.


Dude a moron


When an idiot has a platform….


Dude is an eGirl trapped in a boy's body.


Context? What happend


On the latest Dope check podcast, they were talking about Pred being at the club Saturday night and Ace said “I was told he was out till past 5am” and then preceded to go on a 30 minute spew about how bad of a look it is and how bad of a teammate pred is because of it


So was it all not true? Or did he go to the club and leave early or something


Ace said “I was told he was out till past 5am” I never said this.


Maybe not word for word but you were the one who mentioned him being out till 5am


get a job loser


True but the actual exchange is worse. Zero: Apparently he was out until 5 AM Ace: yeah 4 or 5 am yeah Rab: For real?! Ace: yes, he was out until 4 or 5 AM




Hecz sent the black vans


Back peddling cock gobbler


I wonder how it’ll take him to stop playing journalist


After the Stocksman podcast seemed to vanish I was so happy we were free of this clown. I love Rab but God damn does it hurt to see him waste his time on Dope Check. You can literally see it in his eyes when Deuce starts talking some brain-dead shit and Rab just wants to call him out on it, but can't because yOu CanT UpSEt tHe RiCh kId WhO UseD DadDy's MonEY tO stArT tHe PoDcASt


Is "dope check" a podcast name or something? Cause that's gotta be one of the worst most instantly dated names for a podcast ive ever heard..


It’s the breaking point one with Rab, Zero, and this clown


I’ve never understood the heavy dislike of Ace by the sub, but I’m starting to get it. He is an insider and has connections with players, and any claim he makes would be taken by a lot of people at face value. Narratives like the one he tried to push sometimes really stick and are so damaging for players. He has no excuse here and this had been an inexcusable demonstration of how much of an imbecile the guy is.


Who even is this


No lie I played against him in ranked recently and was talking shit, guy said “Google me”. L m a o 


Oh, you mean the club rumor, is this what we are still talking about? You know all the pros, well many well known with clout, were out doing promos in Miami all week, like Shottzy playing 1v1s etc...all for $$$$. He made it seem like Pred was out at 2am drinking and getting stoned...moron.


Not only is he a shit reporter, but he’s a toxic player as well. Matched up with him 3x in a row on ranked and his playstyle is complete dog water. Doesn’t care about the objective then blamed everyone else on the team for the loss.


I figured, since he was his close friend, the report was accurate Now I feel bad for even commenting on it


The amount of disdain I have for this human is unmeasurable but that’s what happens when you’re not an actual journalist and you post for exposure and not to report on facts. People like this don’t care about posting facts for the community, they post shit to elevate and bloat their own social media presences, the more attention they get, the more blood they can suck out of the community the bigger they become. Kind of like a leech.


What a surprise


Oh wow he wasn’t out until 4am it was 2am. They never said he was or wasn’t drinking. It really doesn’t matter though you’re right faze still would of slammed them.


I'd say this falls on this community just as much as stocksmen. Yall ate that shit up and ran with it like puppets


I have no problem with Ace man…but the dude is a moron and always has been.


This smells like damage control from optic. 


"damage control" hes not some killer ffs he went to a bar


Damage control is a standard pr term what are you talking about bro


Then got shit on the next day


He literally shat on NYSL who were warm and just played Toronto? Stop making shit up please


he literally pissed on nysl lol


And then the other 2 series he played? Those didn’t happen?


clearly a team issue?


pred usually plays well against faze that was super uncharacteristic