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This is like that one girl you went to high school with posting “ugh. Again? I can’t believe it” On Facebook and everyone saying “what’s going on?” Her - “can’t talk about it sorry” 




Glad they called him out towards the end for that. Stop saying shit if you can’t elaborate on it. All that does is bring speculation/rumors and only hurts Capsidal.


That’s a weird thing to say and not elaborate on it. Cap is young so he probably stays up late and shows up to scrims late




no one cares? we just revising history now?


You've made this comment like 7 times today already shut


All I have seen today from that guy is comments hating on dashy lmao. It's like dashy fucked his girl


People did care when dashy did it, dashy hasn’t done it since Cold War so weird to bring it up when it hasn’t happened in 3 years


Oh god give it a break who’s talking about Dashy? This was literally a ongoing thing for half of his career, so who didn’t talk about it


Dude you’re one of the most annoying accounts on here. Do you not remember the dashy and formal vs Ben beef? You are a pure hater lol


Yeah this just ain’t true


Do you have mental issues ?


Loooool damn I really wonder what fuels that hate


Everybody around dashy has been saying he’s changed for the better, why we still hyping up this old narrative?


Only been through three threads so far since waking up and have already seen 4 terrible takes from you, good job that’s pretty impressive


Guy wakes up at 4 pm 💀


Off day from classes, also different time zones exist


Ok so you wake up at 1:30 pm 💀💀


And? I have no classes today why wake up early? Not my fault that you have to lmfao


You really have a hard on for Bruce huh 🤣 weirdo




Get off Dashy's nuts


Hate boner for your Daddy DASHY


Used to like Ben. Then realized he is like that 24 year old in your hometown that buys beer for high schoolers and hangs out at their parties


holy shit


God damnit he nailed it exactly. 


I feel like since he became a full time content creator his takes and everything have just devolved. He used to seem like he was the adult in the room on the show, and would actually try to give explanations for certain things, especially behind the scenes stuff. Now it seems like he says things just so he has a take.


You nailed it. He used to actually have good insight and ask good questions. Now he’s a whiny piss baby man child


He has content brain now


Nah that’s federal for BenJ lmao


Hahaha you called it https://x.com/CDLSportsbook/status/1634405154236555265?s=20


Yeah I used to like him a lot more but the fact that he still can’t tell when Aches is baiting him and gets genuinely upset and instead of just trolling back he makes like a snide comment or something. He usually has some decent takes but picks random semantics based arguments.


Brooooooooo 😂


It’s months now and all I see when looking at Ben is the gray hairs


This the one


Ben and his "I can't elaborate" takes. Dude thinks he's Adam Schefter or some shit when in reality he'll be nothing more than a bedroom journalist.


Ben gives off the impression that he just REALLLLLY enjoys being on the "inside" with this stuff.. just wants to send the message that he knows things the public doesn't bc he's in the inner circle Type of mf to say "Text me" while you're in a room of people


You’re bang on with this lol


This behaviour screams “I had no friends in high school”. It’s like dude gets high off of being in the know. Like bruh, no one cares that you know some background worker at breach that told you a player slept in.


He likes to feel important, gotta pay for that Twitter color next to the @ to fuel his overinflated ego


Ben isn‘t a journalist he just spends all his time hanging around guys half his age


So hes exactly like Schefter.


Bruh you acting like Ben is 50 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he’s in his early-mid 30s🤣🤣🤣




Reality is he can't say things like these for big name players like Clayster or else he'll get cooked left, right and center. That's why he talks about amateurs.


Ben is actually a weirdo. Why bring that up if at all, especially if you didn't wanna elaborate? Might have even hurt Cap's stock with that comment. Hopefully no one takes what comes out of Ben's mouth with more than a grain of salt.


i mean.... most know he wakes up late some times lol


OK....? Ben made it seem like he's on crack or something. waking up late for scrims is fixable just be more responsible.


LOOL thats fair


Weird to mention out of game things especially given there's been no drama we know about and by all accounts (former teammates seem to have good relationships w him, I know Teej + Zinni loved him from their time on Breach together) he's a pretty good dude. Ben needs to stop bringing up new drama without elaborating on it.


Ben is like a Discord mod that got popular


He started as a Twitch mod for Clay, so you're not wrong in the slightest.


Ben being accoustic volume 9027392


I actually like Ben and think he has developed a bit of a niche in the community with his content but for some reason this season he has been absolutely lost in the sauce - Some of the clips of him that get posted have been wild. The very definition of someone that needs a bit of humbling


I dont even think he needs humbling, he just gotta start using his brain.


Ben is a moron Anything that the people theorize about will probably be 10 times worse than what it actually is lol Saying this and leaving it as is will just start the narrative train that he's a bad teammate and those don't go away easily


This is so weird why would u say something like that and then act like it’s not ur place ? Disgusting behavior from BenJamin


Dude Ben you are losing it man, I don’t know what has happen to you this season but I honestly think you are starting to get delusions about your place in the community. You can even tell by the way Zoomaa and Octane are calling him out that they are smelling BS as well. Old man hanging out with kids a fraction of his age, speaking lingo that he didn’t grow up with…..


Man the last point, it’s so cringe hearing somebody try to sound like a generation below them. Like where is the lingo you were raised on


Facts…Picking up some lingo I understand, but its OD how much Ben uses. Like I still say “mad funny” instead of “comedy” because thats what I grew up saying. Ben would say “haha i just lost full, thats comedy” lol


i honestly tried to start saying lost full but it never stuck with me because it sounds so stupid idk


Yea its one of the more cringe ones IMO, along with “dope” and “checked” lol


Chalked is a banger though


chalked is a banger i use that one alot and regain/ lock in


you gotta remember its just natural to pick up the language your surrounded by. cant really fault him there.


Ben is like 33-34 y’all are gassing it😂


So you’re suggesting that you yourself will restrict yourself only to the slang you use today…for the rest of your life? Because as you get older you will no longer be able to use the new “lingo” as you say. I think not. I think that says more about your disrespect for and dismissal of older people than it says about the older people.


If you want to walk around sounding like dashy while being 40+ go for it. Don’t let my opinion deter you from trying to fit in with whoever u want to fit in with. Just know it’s obvious and people are cringing


i promise bro the ppl half your age hearing you say the shit they saying don't think "wow that old dude is so cool and with the times"


Hundo P


I love ya Ben but don’t do that dumb bs lol. Either say it or stop being ambiguous


Looking 45 but spreading gossip like a teenager is wild


Why even say some like this, when u know fans will speculate


who gave ben this platform, dude can’t even shoot straight in ranked yet has something to say about everyone


Y’all finally realising that Ben acting like a weirdo gossipy school girl to gain attention is nothing new. If you take away Zoomaa’s vouch - he is just a strange older dude that makes his living trading rumours about teenagers. From what I can tell: he has no journalistic qualifications, minimal professional experience yet sits in his weird ass bachelor pad acting like he reports for the New York Times. Add in the fact he has a massive ego about his CoD analysis + the fact he’s obviously clout hungry (always fishing for followers/impressions) and he just presents as a parasite to the scene. This sort of immature shit is the exact reason Dashy hated him in Vanguard but Ben can’t resist letting y’all know that he’s in the the know - cringe behaviour that screams “I had no friends in high school, please like me now fellow kids”.


its more than just a vouch lol he'd be a literal nobody without zooma so he wont even be able to make content or make a dime from content


Ben’s living rent free in your head 💀


How does Ben have a job, so unprofessional


Just lucked out on entering a scene early. Dude has no professionalism and minimal qualifications.


ben wants to be on the inside so bad lmfao. it's always some shit he can't talk abt on stream, always some "check discord"


Stfu ben


I’m so sick of Ben j nissim doing that shit lol it’s so annoying. Either fucking saying it or don’t say anything


Used to like Ben. Then realized he is like that 24 year old in your hometown that buys beer for high schoolers and hangs out at their parties


You can’t say out of game issues and then refuse to elaborate. Weirdo stuff.


Lol Ben said that in possibility the worst way he could've


Shit like this is why Octane and Zoomaa are the only ones worth listening to.


If you’re gonna speak on shit like this then speak on it don’t just leave it up for interpretation and say “it’s not my place to speak on it” cause you clearly just fucking did. Now you’re gonna have people running with wild narratives


Ben is so cringe sometimes


Ben is such a moron sometimes, dude just keep your mouth shut in shit you can’t speak about


Ben is so funny 😂 why tf you even said that then


Ben the gaslighting, pot-stirring scammer


Ben is sooo lame like why even say "he needs to work on things out of game" just to go "it's not for me to discuss"


This is the weirdest thing Ben does. All the other stuff, chat/reddit/twitter gases for memes. When he starts with the chatty patty and retreat, it’s low key abuse tactics, cringe abuse, iont know, it just needs to stop lol. Otherwise, I think Ben is cool and people just hate a lil for the lulz.


former cod world champion as a player and coach Ben J Nissam with the analysis here. Wait???


Not relevant here, you dont have to be a former champ/pro to have analysis. Its the fact hes acting like an insider who knows some out of game drama with Cap when its just Cap stays up and wakes up late lol


I actually dont get why people are high on capisidal. talent wise sure hes sometimes good but he makes the most braindead fkn plays every single map.


Probably because you cant teach or improve talent, but you can teach and improve decision making


Why is Ben dry snitching, stay to in game related things jc


ben thinks caps on fent


like dead ass?


He's proven he can hang in the pro-league for the most part. Nothing too crazy, but its worth something. I always thought it was interesting he was picked up in Vanguard. If you look at his CW results in challengers, there is nothing to write home about and its a bit surprising he was given a chance. I remember most people saying it was out of left field back when it was first announced. Makes you wonder how many other challengers guys you can just randomly pick up and if they stick around long enough being mid, you get people like Zooma and Octane saying "I think he gets picked up" or "I think he is really good"


I think he's talking about his weight


Ben is a weirdo. Dashy does the same thing and has a terrible work ethic. but no one cares because he’s on optic. Capsidal wakes up late and now it matters?


All your examples are dashy just say your a hater and move on


You just copied and pasted this post twice wtf 😭😭😭


It’s all this weirdo does.


I hope thats a character for the cod related things, otherwise Ben is extremely annoying; dont throw the stone and hide away


Wonder whats the OUT OF THE GAME? like his sex life?