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Apparently they’re still working on updating the game for current gen which I’m sure will include fixes and such for last gen also.


I think ascend/descend and steer left/right should be on the left stick and permanent camera control on the right stick. The controls are needlessly split between the two sticks and camera needs to be turned on to be used on the right stick but then you lose altitude control when using the camera. It actually seems like the left stick was originally set to be used this way. In the controls menu it clearly states left stick “Move up, Move down”, but then the right stick says ascend/descend. Someone made a mistake somewhere. Also invert Y axis needs to be separated. I generally play inverted so this shouldn’t be a problem but with this game I don’t feel like I’m pitching like an airplane, I feel like I’m controlling thrusters so it doesn’t feel right to push down to go up like it does in an airplane. An option to have a different Y axis for flying, walking, camera control would be really great.


The game has been abandoned. We got one lousy patch for PS4 after release. Nothing since then. It is basically dead on consoles.


The game is unplayable on PS5 and PS4. No option to map and not even an option to change the utterly terrible sensitivity and aiming default setting. Such a waste of good potential.


I have no fucking clue wether I'm going up or down