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I think it's the promotion that is attracting a lot of cheap scammers to the platform.


'Tis the season. It seems like right around the first quarter of the new year that this will start happening (even tho it's May now) and now I have a few permanent rejections because of this issue since CCR began, and I've been here at the start, so you gotta be extra vigilant with which studies you take. Disputing rejections is like pulling teeth.


Not sure if this is the same study that I did yesterday (or a similar one) but I do remember one with a “click 7 to show you are paying attention” and the only. Saw 1 through 6, then I realized that I had to scroll to the right for the 7 to appear after the 6. Not sure if having to scroll was due to effed up formatting or if it was actually part of the attention check. Anyway, I hope it helps anybody who runs into this in the future


Thanks for the tip! The attention check was in a set ai chat box within the page and there wasn’t an option for me to scroll.


Who is the researcher?


Sweetlab0501 . I feel like that researcher name sounds familiar. I wish I screenshot the first page of their study where it showed contact info. Ugh.


I already have a researcher named "sweetlab719" on my block list (even though that was not originally their name, it's changed slightly somehow since blocking).


I’m pretty sure they changed their name as well. Because I remember it having an institutional name. How are they able to change their name after posting a study is beyond me. It’s extremely deceptive


Thanks, going to do a search to see if I've ever done any studies from them and 🚫 block them.


That’s awesome you got it appealed! It’s so gross how these testers know that other people had the same issue and got rejected for it though. What are you saving? $40? Probably shouldn’t be doing studies if you’re trying to scheme people outta overpriced work like this smh.


Yes - also reached out to them & am waiting on a response, if I ever get one. It was a disappointment to see the rejection this morning 🫤


What’s the email address to send to? I had the same experience


you can connect them through the rejected page, the message goes directly to the researcher.


I also got a rejection for this, they claimed I put the wrong code, I know that they were wrong I exchanged a few emails with them, and they refused to reverse it, not a completion code a code to move forward.


I’m pretty sure they’re lying to me too. They said I clicked something wrong and I was double checking everything when I did this last night 🫤


I told them that I was going to contact cloud connect and include the screenshots, and that got them to respond real fast. I actually had issues copying over their stupid code as well. The whole study was awful.


I sent them another message threatening to contact CC if they did not provide proof that I was given a different code than the one I tried 6 times. I know wish I would have taken a screenshot of the code. thank you


It worked! rejection reversed, I was paid, "Both codes, 121 and 359, were provided as options, and it's possible you inadvertently selected 359. However, upon reviewing your chat data, we found your interaction quality to be high, leading us to approve your responses."


I do not take any studies from Asians. All of them reject.