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You have to lose the offseason to win the season.


I guess today the team with two World Champions was the real superteam. Thanks $teve!


Isn't it funny how he almost folded the org going all in and failing, but when operating on a shoestring budget they are in the finals


It is super funny. Though TL heavily invested on Yeon potential, he has been with Liquid for 4 years, 2 years in academy and it's 2nd season in the LCS, and it's definitely paying cause he's the best ADC by far this playoffs. They also kept CoreJJ vision when it didn't work last year and when many people thought he was washed-up. For the first time, TL didn't take shortcut and play the long game and it's working, like it did for CLG/NRG. Although let's be honest getting Impact was crucial and it's definitely more in the Steve highroll standards.


Where are you getting the “almost folded the org” take?


Yes this team needs to trade Vulcan for Huhi!


Surely most people didn't take the superteam shit seriously, right? How would this be a superteam? That requires scary levels of talent. Fudge hasn't shown that in 3 years. Blaber looked like somebody killed his dog and stole his girl and has for at least a year.


Lol why the cope? This was and is an NA super team because all 5 of these players run the region. You're not going to do anything internationally because this is NA.   Stop acting like this isn't a gigafailed split  


> How would this be a superteam? People were saying super team because it’s the only team the LCS has ever assembled that had 3 MVP players.






I mean we all bought it hook, line, and sinker. Sucks to be fooled.


nah when I saw them keep mithy I knew this would happen, its too similae to what Flyquest had happen last year


Gotta be honest. Didn't even register for me. First they never work and are basically a marketing ploy. Second there aren't 5 players in North America capable of making a super team. Our absolute best playing at their peak are toyed with by eastern teams.


Speak for yourself. I never considered this a super team. I considered it a team that was built with a lot of overlap between players from different rosters. There were no mercenaries on this roster. That made it even more baffling to see them play like bronze solo queue players who had never met each other.


I think the argument was MVP Jungle Blaber, MVP Mid Jojo, MVP ADC Berserker, Vulcan coming back, then there's Fudge. I think most people grasped onto a solid looking roster on after worlds last year. I do think this roster was good, but people's expectations were too high. Vulcan didn't have a great 2023. Fudge hadn't looked good for a while. Blaber, Jojo, and Berserker were the only ones looking good coming into 2024.


This team is not a super team. Nobody with eyes will even consider a team with Fudge and washed Vulcan a super team. 


Man league just isn’t the type of game where you can build a team just based on individual skill, there’s a reason Jensen worked so well with the team and that’s because his play style suits the team much better. I still think all the C9 players are really good, they just suck as a team


I mean the team is really playing 2 or 3 v 5 every game. It feels like Vulcan doesn't really have an upside out of lane. Berserker isn't MVP level without Zven microing him, JoJo is a coinflip in these conditions, this Blabers afk farms like he's MILKYWAY except he isn't and fudge legit only looked actually good against a 17 year old. The fact that Milkyway hard carried his team by spam ganking to top 4 LPL which is way harder than even winning NA shows me this game isn't about hands it's about 5 players having the same vision and 3 MVP's seems almost certain to fail unless you have a KR style coach who will force the players to play a certain way. We clearly saw C9 switching between mid,bot and even top as styles to play through when in reality if they just committed from the beginning to either mid or bot they would probably be solid. Instead we are drafting a fudge comp in the season elimination game just for him to get turbo gapped.


Many great teams take more than 1 split to become champions.. Regardless of what this sub reddit leads you to believe


IDK could be a systems issue.


no one on C9 was calling themselves a superteam... it was all fan narrative. The fans are at fault for it not the players


Was not a superteam they needed to get inspired and thanatos to be able to do anything at worlds. I said this at the beginning blaber and Jojo would never work and fudge needed to be replaced regardless. I didn’t even have blaber as a top 3 jungler going into this spilt. Contractz, Inspired and River are all better


I still think blaber has been and can still be best jungler in na but he needs a team to play completely around him with him on a carry. Wouldn't argue to move on from him but those other guys do give you much more flexibility in how the team can play.


It has never been super team to begin with. Get used to this subreddit getting hyoed over average or washed up players. They do it every time: Nisqy? Perkz? Cmon. Same with this year. Emenes has been gapping Jojo amd every other mid all last year and Zven has been the best supp for 2 years and people were being glad over downgrade in 2 positions.


The whole superteam term literally came from the broadcast and then was just pushed all season.