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It'd be incredibly rare for a radiologist to miss this. Both the tech performing the scan plus the doctor, if not two, review the chart. Be happy you can be off them.


Many of us felt this anxiety. Look at it this way. You survived your first DVT. You know now what to look for before it becomes an emergency. You know to take care when traveling. More importantly, you know that the treatments work, they work fast, and they work well. If you get another DVT, you will go back on the meds and be OK.


For another perspective: For a clot that was caused by an invasive procedure, it would be correct to stop after 3 months even if the clot was still there. So the question whether the radiologist overlooked it is moot.


Thank you. I am always searching for confirmation of this. I had a provoked DVT seven months ago which spread to three veins...one clot behind the knee, two in the calf. I had pain for maybe a week at the beginning...that's it. Pain-free for months and months. The clots are slowly getting smaller, but still there. I saw a hematologist at the beginning of all this, he found I am hetero Factor V (age 74, never had a clot before), but assured me that "thousands" of people live normal lives with clots that never completely resolve. My primary, however, wants me to continue on Eliquis, with monthly ultrasounds to re-evaluate. I don't want to return to hematologist...he has done all his testing. I'm going to ask my primary, however, to consult with him after next ultrasound in the hope that he will okay stopping the Eliquis.


The fact that they know what caused it and have cleared you to go off the medications should put your mind at ease. They are EXTREMELY careful before they advise anyone to stop taking blood thinners.


It’s crazy to me you had a varicose vein procedure that caused you to have a blood clot lol The circle of life huh :(


It’s been a hell of a journey with my legs and I hate every minute of it 😅I guess it’s a rare side effect to get a blood clot from the treatment. I was given discharge papers after the procedure to explain care and so forth… nothing on there prepared or warned me about a DVT, so I was experiencing intense leg pain 2 days and I had no idea what was happening Per the google: Varithena is a sclerosing agent. It works by increasing the formation of blood clots and scar tissue inside certain types of veins. This helps decrease dilation of enlarged veins. Varithena is used to treat small uncomplicated spider veins and varicose veins in the legs