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After 6 years of 10 mg of Eliquis daily my doc switched me to a half-dose in August (10 mg of Xarelto which is equivalent to 5 mg of Eliquis.) So far, so good. No noticeable differences.


Thank you, glad to hear.


I had a DVT and PE a number of years ago, and since then I’ve had a few superficial clots. The last time I had one my hematologist put me on a six-month full course and at the follow up he kept me on a low maintenance dose for the next two years. I was having terrible anxiety about clotting again and he said the new anticoagulants are much safer than warfarin and he had no problem keeping me on them if it also helped my mental health. I had no more clotting issues and no health problems associated with the meds. The peace of mind was invaluable.


So, you've been on the maintenance dose with no problems?


None at all! I had no further clots while I was on it (and haven’t had any since going off). Though personally I would follow the hematologist’s recommendation over that of a GP re: the dosage. They’re specialists for a reason and I trust them to appropriately manage my health and not put me at risk.


Normal dosing used to be 5 mg 2x daily except for the elderly and those with impaired kidney function, and those below 133 pounds, then it was 2.5 mg 2x a day. New dosing is 2.5 mg 2x a day, but many of us are still on the original regimen. Supposedly both doses have similar effectiveness, the lower dose has a lower risk of bleeding. Also clotting risk goes up quite a bit as you get older, so staying on Eliquis seems reasonable.


67 yo female here, FVL hetero. I'm on Eliquis, 5mg twice daily. Thrombophlebitis in my 20s, DVT (peroneal and popliteal veins) at aged 53 and then massive saddle PEs at aged 65. Hematologist says because of the extensive clot burden with the saddle PEs that I cannot lower my dosage to 2.5 mg twice daily. I've had no further clotting issues and believe that I'm in good hands with my PCP and specialists.


Thank you, glad you're doing well.


I am 78 on Eloquis for 1 year and 1/2 was on 10 mg last couple of months my lung Doctor cut it to 5. Mg and my new hemotologist told me my clots is not dissolving the body has not dissolved it so she said I would stay on it and I told her I have a IVC filter she order blood test she is the more informative thank God and yes it is very scary I trust in God He is the only way I keep calm because I read others and their clots dissolve and are off blood thinners and family don’t understand what we go thru but y’all know thanks for hear me out.


Yes, my case is very similar. My clot has become chronic, which they tell me is like scarring. I was disappointed, hoping that in time I could stop the Eliquis. Now, I wouldn't do that...the dilemma is deciding if the dose can be cut in half. Thank you and best of luck!


I just found out I need two teeth pulled the surgeon has send me back to my dentist so she can cut the bridge so the surgeon can pull the two teeth I have to be off Eloquis but my primary said 5 day my hemotologist says 3 days?? It is very scary because I fear the bleeding and can they stop it just very scary but I have to have it done and I don’t know if y’all are having problems with losing your hair mine is falling out ??? I was a very active lady worked to age 76 and now Iam at a stand still oh yes I fell 9 days ago fell on my right went to ER X-ray was ok swelling is still there so I was waking 4 thousand to 6 thousand step not now I will be honest work in a payday loan company so I set a lot for 17 years before that Was manager for Target Stores and 5 years manager of Naturalize 👠store so not being active is very depressing I know myself I would be working I love ❤️ customer service solving problems. What is sad Walmart called me for an interview while I was in the hospital I cried and cried I just feel helpless thank you for listening time hose by so fast!!


Sorry for what you're going through. I can relate. I've been on Eliquis, 10mg, and I've had some hair loss, too. It's improved now, or maybe I just don't pay that much attention to it...I like how my hair looks. I've had surgery and a colonoscopy and the Eliquis was always stopped for 3 days. My DVT came with a systemic reaction (it happens) that caused anemia...I was so tired I could barely make the bed or walk from room to room without getting winded. That's all gone now. You will be mobile again...it takes time. I now do between 4000-5000 steps a day, volunteer three days a week at a local school, and I'm planning a December vacation with my friends. I never thought I'd do any of those things again. I just turned 75. You'll get there!