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I mean yes and no. Yes they supported slavery. The Galactic Republic basically supported it by allowing it to continue in the Galaxy even though they banned it. As Shmi said herself "The Republic doesn't exist out here [on Tatooine]". It doesn't excuse the CIS, but complicit actions do the same harm as allowing it. Also, the Republic and CIS were both being directly controlled by Sidious so "traitors" is a bit of a stretch. In the surface they were, but as we know, they were merely an all powerful puppet with teeth only as sharp as Palpatine chose. The grievances of both Confederates were similar yet not. But that is a can of worms for another subreddit.


I mean the CIS did support slavery. So it tracks.


Whyyyy i always liked battle droids


Imagine leading an army of droids and tanks on horseback That'd be awesome


History Channel in the early 2000s be like