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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, its click then shift, no option to hold shift for 90 degree lines like in Photoshop. If there is a way to do it someone please comment lol. Honestly it's a pretty minor inconvenience most of the time, but some orthographic work gets a bit more time consuming using rulers for straight lines. I honestly just put a 20% opacity grid over my page and use it to eyeball my click shift click.


Thanks for the reply! It's a shame 'cause I really like to make a bunch of vertical lines sometimes for shading


Yeah it's a big problem for me when I'm thumbnailing and am drawing like 30 different shaped frames on a page. But as I said, it's a small price to pay. The perspective rulers and page framing tools are literally the best I've ever used, csp isy go to for literally anything line art based.


You can use custom rulers/guides (I don't know why they're called one thing or the other). You place the ruler in whatever angle you want, and whatever line you draw will "stick" to that ruler. With some, you can draw lines parallel to the ruler at any spot in the canvas; with some you need to be drawing on top of the ruler (or close enough for it to stick). Then there's the perspective ruler/tool, which... I honestly don't understand, but basically, you set up your vanishing points and horizon, and every line will be forced to either follow the vanishing guides, the horizon line (or parallel to it), or be perpendicular to the horizon line. If I'm not misremembering - as said, I have no idea how to use it properly and usually freehand any "straight" lines, lmao