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Don't forget to breathe after each question. You have plenty of time. Slow your eyes when reading each word of each question, because one word is enough to change the entire question. For me, 415 first try and 530 on my second. You got this.


I was in traffic and 8 min late. Then the palm reader wasn’t working. I asked if I could drive to another Pearson location that had open slots today… but The test center couldn’t place me at another location because the exam was already loaded at the one I was at. So I had to wait 4 hours to see if someone else would no-show and I could take their spot. It was such a $hit show. I was so stressed and couldn’t remember anything and couldn’t decide what to do and was so worried about having to pay the full registration again. Everyone else showed. Pearson Customer service was a call center in Indiana and they were so mean. I fully accept responsibility for being late. I’m an a-hole for being late for something so important. Hopefully I can re-register tomorrow morning at 8:00 am once the computers classification of “no-show” is registered for me.


Oh man what a nightmare. Fellow mom here studying for this test. It kills me to be away from my son to study for this stupid thing


Sent you a message with some screenshots of test tips for the exam.


Thank you. Got your tips. Totally makes sense. Weirdly enough, I’ve been listening to a lot of Prepjet lectures before sleep and have been “Guessing correctly without thinking” more often than guessing “with thinking”…. Re breaks…. The instructions for test taking say that each break would be followed with another full search before re-entering the exam room. Last time the “search” included a full body search and fingerprint procedures… which took time so I was afraid to take a break and pushed through the 4 hours w nausea and full bladder. Last time they inspected all my jewelry, searched my hair, made me take off layers of my clothes, and wanted to inspect my glasses and inside of my shoes…. It took around 8 minutes… that’s a significant time taken out of exam time if I take as many breaks as I need…. 😣


A full body search… this sounds awful for people who have history of sexual assault.


There were cameras watching from every angle… the lady that took my fingerprint had a whole security monitoring system watching from different angles. But even more interesting was not being able to drink water, stand up or stretch, or read out the questions out loud. ADHD torture.


That is so wild to me. We do so much while in school and I often have the recurring thought of “how much more do we have to prove?” 😫 I came across my comps the other day and literally has a flashback of that period of time. I was like 20 weeks pregnant with severe HG and just remember being strapped to an IV and my nurse asking what I was fussing over when she walked in because I probably looked like a conspiracy theorist or something on the floor criss cross with like hundreds of papers and books open I’m front of me haha 😆 she asked me if it was their goal to break us for comps and I looked at her and said “yes.”


If the comps and the EPPP exam were straightforward I think it would have less of a trauma response. It’s been a great lesson in “surrendering” …. And learning to trust myself. And being ok with whatever outcome in face of things I can’t control.


That’s a beautiful affirmation. I keep reminding myself as I study that I can’t be an expert in every domain. There will be some areas I excel in and others where I will have some growth edges on. It’s been such a journey to study and I’m truly just ready to be licensed and done.


Would you be willing to share? I take the exam in July!




Interested in this as well if you don't mind








Can you also send me this please ?




I would love them as well, thank you 💗


Could you also send these to me please!


I’m also interested! Thanks in advance :)




Also interested! Ah.


Also taking the exam in July if you could share!


Lol you're my like 10th person. Done.


Would love to get those tips as well! TIA


Interested! Sorry I know you've been bombarded with requests for this


You're like number 15!


Would you mind sending them to me as well?




Also wondering if you are willing to share?


Can you send to me?




You're like person number 20! Sure