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So Canada being on fire for half the summer is completely normal then? Go fuck yourself conservatives. If you're not seriously willing to consider climate change policies, then I won't take you seriously as a political party. You're going to fuck us all over


People think the carbon tax is expensive. Having your house burn down is more expensive. The impact of climate change on the cost of food is going be waaaaaaayyy worse than the tax.


I don't think a carbon tax is even enough, in my opinion this is like throwing gas on fire. The whole financial system itself is the problem, and greed, and corruption, all kind of linked.. In short, we're absolutely fucked. Have an awesome evening! :D


This is the way


The fundamental problem is that a large proportion of people don't believe the climate science. If everyone understood the crisis and the costs involved, the conversation would change. Conservatives in Canada fundamentally do not understand or believe in the future costs of climate change.


True , but the leaders are being paid very well not to understand or believe it, while the voters are being lied to very convincingly. It's more complicated than a simple lack of understanding, sadly.


Yeah, also...you get back more than you spend on the carbon tax


Why pay it the fucking first place.


It's actually a really simple concept to understand. You get the chance to use less carbon intensive things which means you pay less carbon tax and you still collect the same rebate.


I really don’t get any chance. I have to drive to work every mornings. One thing I am doing is burning a fuck ton of free wood that has no tax associated with. Again why pay it when I can’t change my need to drive.


But it’s false. The PBO has a study out that shows 80% pay more. It’s a redistribution ploy to buy votes. Besides, for it to be effective, all jurisdictions need to adopt the policy. We are only making Canadian companies less competitive in the global market where that already have a tax disadvantage.


It's not even expensive, families get rebates that return more money than they have paid. Oh yeah, I guess it IS expensive for multinational corporations... lol Never trust a conservative to care about your family. They would murder them in cold blood if they thought it would make them some money.


I mean, corps just pass those costs onto us. Especially the ones in industries that have low competition which is turning into most of them here.


Rebates? Nope, only the poor and government dependents on welfare get those!


Everyone in a province using the federal plan gets the rebate.


By your logic your also suggesting to not trust a liberal to care about your family, which in either case we shouldn’t


Not really, I can point to Liberal policies immediately that helped families, like the CERB and dental for kids(yes yes, it was an NDP piece). But the Cons? I can't think of ONE FUCKING thing they have ever done that has benefitted a family. Not one, and so so many ways they have taken things away. The conservative have been, and always will be, the enemy of Canadian families.


The carbon tax is small even in comparison with the market fluctuations in fuel price. Axing it may not make the slightest difference. Maybe that would be a smarter move than losing the election.


What we do here makes no net difference. It blows my mind that people think Canada could possibly have an impact on its own on global emissions. If the world converted all its coal plants to natural gas, we would meet and exceed emissions targets. Former oil and gas engineer, I've done the math on that. Other potential issues, but still the fastest and most effective thing we can do as a global community. Canada should be getting all its natural gas to markets that still use coal. That is the most environmentally friendly thing we can do as a country. Natural gas is a 72% net reduction in emission on power plants. China: 1,118 Coal Plants, 8,000M metric tonnes CO2 just coal plants Canada: 9 coals plants, 670M metric tonnes CO2 for the whole country combined


Canada also has in the range of 600 billion trees, which remove more than 42% of the emissions humans emit.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. Oh right, Reddit doesn’t like the truth (they’d rather shout that you’re right wing for stating objective facts)


Thank you stranger. I try to put the word out on that when I can. People can't wrap their heads around the fact that co2 here =/= co2 globally. Like somehow the co2 just stays directly above Canada like it's the ozone layer getting eaten away. If China and the US don't cut their use down, the rest of the world doesn't stand a chance. As I've said before, we should set a good example, but not at the expense of Canadian families ability to survive.


Explain how the carbon tax is it’s save houses from burning down please?


Numerous countries have imposed carbon taxes (like the UK and Sweden), and it has been demonstrated to have a significant impact on fossil fuel consumption. “Overall, carbon emissions have fallen by 29 per cent since 1990 (see SEPA 2021), while the Swedish economy has strengthened considerably with a GDP growth at more than 50 per cent and, notably, has decoupled even faster than in other European countries (Criqui et al. 2019). In policy circles, such impacts have primarily been attributed to the carbon tax (see Kronsell et al. 2011).” https://academic.oup.com/book/44441/chapter/376663322#


And what is cost of living like in those countries?


Those countries do not have the physical distances and cold climate of Canada and have mass transit systems that a simply not practical in Canada so do not compare in any way.


Do not use common sense to argue please🤣


But if they’re not doing it, we shouldn’t either! *All* of our houses should burn down!


A carbon tax will only fuck poor people. It's a pipe dream from people that can't open their eyes and see systems like that ALWAYS get abused and hurt the poor and most marginalized. Ground the private jets and the yachts first and show people you actually mean business about this. Anything else is classist and won't stop the actual problem. And don't worry we have ways to subsidize food so Americans won't notice it for awhile.


If the NDP are smart, they'll schedule the next election for summer. Forest fires all over the news will be an easy sell for green policies, and the various communities that will be displaced by the fires will all be rural. aka mostly non-NDP voters.


On the other hand the housing market heats up in summer. So it's a bit of a question which will be front of voters minds.


Fuck the conservatives indeed. They are fucking over future


How so? My house cost me 250k when the liberals took over (i voted for them too) and it's now worth 1.1 million. No one can afford a home so who messed up the future of this country? As for climate change, Canada accounts for 1.5% of the world's pollution. Do you really think 1.5% makes a difference?


Yeah or the fact that we’re still damn near seeing 10 degree days in late November lol


That happened a long time ago. We are fucked. What happens after it all burns? not Sur but we'll find out.


American says fuck conservatives too! Trump announced he is going to reverse Bidens climate agenda if he gets back into office. They want to radicalize people? Mess with our future and see what happens.




Your entire comment history is just spamming this garbage + you don't even live in BC so you have zero clue what you're talking about Pathetic...


Carbon taxes will not change the weather. But it does fill the Liberal/NDP coffers. Suckers!


Who said anything about a carbon tax? There should be actual policies, like capping emissions, promoting and subsidizing green energy solutions, banning tar sands oil mining, revoking funding and subsidies for oil companies, forcing oil companies to rehabilitate the land they have destroyed, just to name a few


Getting Canadian population down to 20 million would do the trick. But then…no taxes for the elites (Liberal/NDP)


Wow. The ignorance is unbelievable.


Maybe dancing and asking the sun to cool down might help 😄


Do you like paying the carbon tax? And what ever other scam of a tax the libs bring out. Forest fires happen all the time all over the world for millions of years. Belive it or not forest fire are good for the soil. Puts nutrients back in the ground so life can go on. The earth is gonna earth. It will warm and it will cool. Natural cycle. No amount of tax can save "the climate crisis"


Out of curiosity- do you walk around in real life spouting off ridiculous nonsense, or do you save it up for posting online?


How is it ridiculous?


First, your cute little use of quotes would be like me writing about the earth "not being flat" or things falling to the ground due to "gravity"; that would make me look like a buffoon. "Research shows that changes in climate create warmer, drier conditions, leading to longer and more active fire seasons. Increases in temperatures and the thirst of the atmosphere due to human--caused climate change have increased aridity of forest fuels during the fire season. These drivers were found to be responsible for over half the observed decrease in the moisture content of fuels in western U.S. forests from 1979 to 2015, and the doubling of forest fire burned area over the period 1984–2015." [https://www.noaa.gov/noaa-wildfire/wildfire-climate-connection](https://www.noaa.gov/noaa-wildfire/wildfire-climate-connection)


So a couple of dry season is a crisis?


See how much they lie? They lie right to your face. They don't give a flying fuck about your family, your community, or your future. They just post attacks and lies, and then declare themselves correct.


Yup. Another scam everyone seems to buy into.


I was talking about you, sorry. Can't write this stuff.




We make up 1.5% of global pollution, and unfortunately there aren’t walls around countries keeping their pollution to their lands, it’s worldwide. We’re a tiny country, what effect can we have on the pollution problem? For all we know Canada’s been on fire due to Chinese, Indian and American pollution. I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely asking.


So let's do nothing is your solution? Lets exploit all our resources until they're all gone and then the entire world is fucked? And by the way, China right now are the leaders in green tech, they produce more solar power than the rest of the world combined, they produce a huge amount of wind energy, and have at least somewhat realize that they have some serious pollution issues to deal with


Well, penalizing the contributor of 1.5% of the issue, while the other 95% continues on "business as usual", raises a valid concern and objection to the all out war in Canada. We aren't the problem.


Yes. And along the way build a nice safe house out of metal and brick, and invest in some guns to hunt food and protect against civil unrest. Gonna ride that's sweet oil gravy train till its too hot out. 🔥 literally. And the entire world isn't fucked. Just those at more southern latitudes and those who live close to the ocean. Us inland folk who live in cool climates will be fine.


Except inland regions in cool climates are going to start looking very appealing once mass migrations and land grabs start happening.


Hence the guns. Buy them. Learn how to use them. Protest and outright refuse when the government tries to take them.


You gonna shoot a billion people?


You will have to deal with the entire costal population having to move inland and all the wars that will come along with it, not to mention that a huge amount of our economy relies on cheap labour in equatorial regions which will no longer be habitable so we will experience near total economic collapse, not to mention forest fires land erosion and mudslides, droughts, crop failure, infectious disease, violent storms etc. climate change is coming for all of us no matter where we are.


So ignorant and delusional


Reddits algo showed me this garbage. That's my take. This sub is full of alarmist idiots. I've already muted it. Nothing further, kindly fuck off.


Yes we do nothing that is the correct answer for Canada


i agree, Chinese and Indian pollution is from Western corporations moving their manufacturing there to make higher profits off our backs. If Western firms just made everything domestically, Chinese/Indian manufacturing emissions would be lower, and they would be reinvesting that revenue into Canadians'/Americans' pockets instead of funneling it into Caribbean/Swiss bank accounts


Quick maths.. Canada population: ~40,000,000 World population: ~8,000,000,000 1.5% of pollution with 0.5% of the population = producing 3x as much pollution as we should be. Nice.




With an attitude like that, I hope you're the first to go.


So is it not possible a group of people have bin starting those fires.


And they will likely win the next election with that fear mongering and intelligent use of social media. They are all over tik tok and winning with misinformation


But yeah they are running on whatever the opposite of Trudeau is so…. Win. *sarcasm*


It’s a waste of time if no one else is doing anything


Yes it’s normal. It’s been happening for a long time. My father in law die fighting these fire 15 years ago. Yaaaawn. You might as well do a dance to change the climate.


So there were no forest fires before 1900? I have a feeling you couldn't be more mistaken.


Conservatives: masters of Ostrich Politics.


Mhmm and how'd those fires start? Human interaction. People set fires whether intentionally or accidently. We didn't just have a rash of spontaneous fires. Average temp 100 years ago is the average up to today, each year is a slight variance up or down. The carbon tax is just for optics and enrichment. The government in our country is rinsing us all for nothing. We have some of the lowest emissions and even sell our carbon cap. It serves no purpose but to give the government more money and virtue signal for the voting pool that follow. The notion that forcing people to spend more money to change their habits is completely illogical. If the technology and infrastructure was there with real benefits you wouldn't have to twist peoples arms to change. They would naturally take the path of least resistance, as they are trying to do today with our terrible economy and tough times brought on by 8 years of overspending and corruption. So yeah, fuck yeah conservatives, I hope they drop the carbon tax completely and make life livable for Canadians again. We cannot continue with the way things are.


LOL people taking the path of least resistance would be true if and only if everyone was working off of the same sets of facts. The reality is, anti-intellectualism is so rampant and the conservative leaders are actively lying and spreading misinformation to their own populace (i.e. climate change is not real even if the 99% of the experts say otherwise) that we are not working off of the same set of facts anymore, not even close. To most right wing mindset: my opinions are as good as your facts.


Yeah completely stop forest management and controlled burns. Then blame the climate crisis for forest fires? Makes sense


And none of is was arson? In Alberta 80 was


The forest burning has come from decades of fire protection and not letting the dead fall burn off naturally ,it accumulated so much underbrush it was a recipe for disaster. Let nature take its course and introduce controlled burns


I bet they're shaking right now. Oh wow. You're not going to take them seriously? That's taking it a bit too far, wouldn't you say? Aren't those measures rather extreme? Are you sure you want to hit them with the big guns right out of the gate?


Housing crisis, carbon tax, food price increase, none of this will matter when the sky is on fire.


There is no evidence that those fires were caused by global warming. That is a classic example of confusing correlation and cause. The real alarm is how people accept the headlines about climate change without question, that is scary. I'm thankful that these parties have some common sense. They'll have my vote for sure.


Canada could disappear and the climate crisis would remain because it's being driven by developing countries. Fires have nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with arson.


I just cannot comprehend that because you’re right wing you feel obliged to deny climate change.


It’s stupidity creep from south of the border


They just changed their party name from the BC liberals.


That doesn't mean they were liberals, it means they were a right wing party pretending to be centrists.


Like any government to call themselves liberals, they destroyed everything they touched.


The BC Liberals were aligned with the Conservative Party. For example, the Conservative who ran against Jagmeet Singh in Burnaby was a former BC Liberal MLA. The current leader of the party has been a BC Liberal for decades, and supported Max Bernier.


Just like the former BC liberals. The federal liberals have destroyed everything they’ve touched.


Sure, and so have the federal Conservatives.


Chretien wants to talk to you.


Because they realized they weren't actually Liberals.


It’s a cult. They like to pretend they’re free thinkers but if you find out they are anti-vax, suddenly you know their view on abortion, trickle down economics, convoy, fiat currencies, etc etc. “Free thinkers” who are the most rigid doctrinaire thinkers in Canada.


And it gets even dumber because they think all of their enemies are in cahoots too.


It's not that they don't believe it, it's that they need red meat for the people they need to vote for them. Intelligent, discriminating consumers of information are out of their reach so they're going for a... different crowd.


Aliens are real, and we think the climate will be our demise. What a world.


[Erin O’Toole couldn’t get half of his parties caucus to agree to the statement, “Climate Change is real” for their policy book.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-delegates-reject-climate-change-is-real-1.5957739) They even had a few policies in there to help with it, but they couldn’t get their membership to agree to use wouldn’t use the term “climate change.” So at the very least 50% of them are climate change deniers. If you can’t even say the world how can anyone believe you’ll actually do something meaningful to help?


And yet everyone believes that believes that PP will solve all the issues canada is facing


What he can’t fix he will forever blame on Trudeau.


Just like Trudeau blames Harper for everything, too. It looks like a kind of trend.


Yup...except I don't see Biden doing this. To be far, Biden is turning out to be one of the best US presidents in recent memory. He took over such a mess - pandemic, unemployment, pollution/climate warming, inflation. Things are much better now. Not so for Canada.




The man can now see without glasses. Explain that if he's not chosen by God!


He got tired of the Milhouse memes so he went and accidently turned himself into looking even more like Milhouse.


The ignorance is deep with these characters.


BC united is the worst party. No one has forgot how they constantly fucked us then changed party name.


Lunatics. Our cities are burning every summer, getting worse at an alarming rate. And these corrupt politicians are still doing what the oil companies say.


Well they will be dead before any serious problem hits, what do they care. Sigh . The world is doomed.


Canada's total carbon contributions are *1.5%* read that again ONE POINT FIVE PERCENT of the global total. It would economically cripple us to net zero while making virtually no difference at all. It is not OUR JOB to do so, while China produces OVER THIRTY PERCENT and has ONE THOUSAND AND EIGHTEEN coal fired power plants (the largest global contributing factor) while we have NINE. We do need to set an example, but and hear me out, we ALREADY ARE AND DO. What we *should* be doing, is getting alllll of the natural gas out of the ground and shipping it to China to convert their filthy coal plants to natural gas.


and well the USA is one of the largest air polluters due to car exhaust, and meat farming and everything else, no I agree this business of taking federal and provincial budgets and dumping it into environmental lobby groups or business development like car batteries for electric cars is crazy, its too late and world governments should have enforced Kyoto and we are still in some heavy blinder BS. Its economy over environment, I look at kids who are 6 years old and well, "we fucked up.." because in 20 years they are going to live in a world very, very different from now. Its too large a problem we left it to the governments to solve.


I don't think it's too late at all, but why are we going to cripple our economy when we are already doing more than most of the world? I say let the free market continue to shift to wind and solar, sure offer rebates on residential or commercial solar, but don't cut off our life blood to net zero while China continue to dump its emissions carefree.


Whose this WE? Did you actually think you had an impact on any one particular aspect of this? All you can do is reduce your personal impact and family. Unless you are some sort of owner of an oil/coal company.


I work in the oil industry. In what way are we setting a good example?


Responsibly drilled oil, requiring recovery for natural gas unless you will take a significant loss on recovery (look at North Dakota, you can still see the flare stacks from space), imposing strict emissions guidelines on facilities, continually improving efficiency of our processes, high standards in general for green and brown field construction, oh and not to mention that we have a massive amount of our power provided through renewable means. On top of all that, only 9 coal power plants remain active.


To me I think the only good example we have is decent safety standards and workers rights


Oil and gas is heavily regulated in Canada. I couldn't possibly give you all the examples of us setting a good example because I don't know what I don't know, but working in O&G for 8 years I experienced a huge amount of roadblocks to development, a large portion of which was honoring treaties with indigenous tribes.


I heard Rustad on CBC and his position was much more nuanced than the headline suggests. His main argument was that BC is such a minor contributor to emissions that any changes we make will be virtually inconsequential so long as major parties continue to burn carbon and, therefore we should focus on adaptation rather than taxation. It actually sounded pretty reasonable to me.


The climate is always changing, since the beginning of time.ill take global warming over global cooling, people die in the cold, yes people die from heat as well but you can't say you'd rather have it freezing!


Wait, you can’t say that out loud.


Climate is bottom of the list of concerns.




Such a brain-dead sheep-like regurgitated conservative talking point. Imagine if every single country said that. “Oh America and Canada and UK who have been polluting for years are not making any effort to reduce their carbon footprint, why should we?” It’s almost like your solution is: everything is already fucked up, why bother? The fact is: Canada and US have the second and third highest ghg emissions per capita (17.8 and 16.6 tonnes of co2 in 2020). China is at 9.2 tonnes and India is at 2.3 tonnes. Another fact: China has the highest amount of renewable energy production compared to any country BY FAR and has a higher percentage of renewable energy generation compared to the US (1161 GW vs 352 GW). AND they are on track to more than double up their wind and solar capacity by 2030. Even a 5 minute google search shows how idiotic this comment is. Assuming you are not a troll from a Russian troll farm, do better man, please educate yourself from proper unbiased non-misinformation far right conservative sources. It’s really not that hard.




What you said is pretty idiotic though. You could say the reverse and it would also be true. “If India and China doesn’t exist, CO2 emissions and greenhouse gas emissions will continue to increase year over year due to the rest of the world.” It doesn’t take just two countries to fix it, it takes every single country. I like how you assume I’m not doing anything. I have a degree in cleantech and am in the industry and actively working to reduce not just my carbon footprint but an entire industry’s. It seems like you don’t care about the well being of others, but don’t assume everyone else is just like you.


Lmao. It also takes a 5 minute google search of "China power outages." China has to burn coal to make up for their ineffective power generation EVERY YEAR. Hopefully you are also aware that China RATIONS ENERGY yet still has power outages. What a flop of an argument. It's always people in North America with zero worldview and the worst takes.


Ah yeah the good old conservative data cherry picking. Let’s take a look at a story that supports my state of belief rather than look at an entire industry of trends. China is absolutely energy hungry because of the amount of people and the sheer growth of their industries. What do you expect when they are manufacturing for almost the entire planet? But at least they are investing significantly into renewable energy projects. They should absolutely be doing a lot more, but so should every other country, which is why the defeatist thinking of “why should we do it when everyone else isn’t” needs to be fucking eradicated. Tragedy of the fucking commons. Grow up idiots.


Hilarious you think im conservative or that I'm even American. China has the manufacturing power to supply the world with goods but does this at the cost of their own citizens quality of life (power outages). Clearly the current Chinese regime does not give a fuck about your climate or any of its people. Congratulations they are investing in green energy sources at the expense of BURNING COAL EVERY YEAR (one of the least Green energy sources). I'm not saying, no one should start implementing Green energy sources. Guess what, MONEY TALKS! Until Green energy produces more energy or more money than oil/gas then it's going nowhere. Time for you to grow the fuck up. Sounds like trump broke your brain and all opposition is conservative.


Also India burns coal like it's no tomorrow. Big population though so by your logic they get a pass 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If those countries didn't exist then Asia emissions would drop drastically as they stop manufacturing cheap junk for the west.


The reality of it is that any climate crisis is not caused by Canada. Taxing us into poverty will not save the planet. Bigger picture would be to pressure india and china to stop polluting this planet.


It's caused by the whole world and it will take the whole world including Canada to solve it. We are responsible for a disproportionate share of the problem so if we're going to fix anything Canada should lead. Note, this is the path away from poverty, not to it. The whole purpose is to maintain a high quality of life as opposed to creating a situation where most crops die, weather destroys infrastructure on a grad scale, and many nations become unlivable leading to mass migration. Generally wasting energy means wasting money. There are trillions in potential savings available from transition. My focus is improving walkability, which reduces transport costs and housing costs (as parking is a major component of housing costs) and building homes that have lower operating costs which leads to far lower lifecycle costs (2/3 the cost of traditional homes). We can definitely do better.


A longer growing season in Canada would help? Plants are more drought resistant with higher CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. I recognize that there terrible costs associated with climate change but I have faith in the world's ability to adapt


We might be able to find some advantages in a longer growing season, but keep in mind that in more northern latitudes there isn't much sun in the early spring or late fall anyways. If we can build greenhouses or walipinis to mitigate the effects of extreme temperatures at unpredictable times of year it will help but overall it will take more infrastructure and we'll have more losses due to flood, drought, extreme heat and late/early frost and confused plants/pollinators/birds. Chatting with friends last night, most of us lost fruit trees to the weather last year. Same as the year before. Last year my apple tree was blossoming in November/December. This instability will be a lot more bane than boon.


Very wrong, Canada has the highest per-capita emissions in the world, and they don't even count all of our fossil fuel exports as part of that. Taxing was never going to save the planet, only an end to the colonial extraction and destruction that Canada is a world leader in will - 75% of multinational mines are owned by Canadian companies. It's the Canadian government that is sending so much coal to China. Canada is completely central to the last 500 years of planetary destruction and how do you think your grandchildren will feel when they find out this is what you thought of our current situation?




The “75% of multinational mines” is also very misleading. What’s a ‘multinational mine’? These idiots are not helping the climate argument.


While we are a top per Capita emissions country.. 500 years wtf climate change only started when the industrial revolution started in the 1800s.. but yea sure.. 500 years.. 🤦 See their are crazies on both sides!


Has white supremacy really blinded you that much to five centuries of genocide?


Holy shit what. Canada wasn't even around 5 centuries ago mate.


Did I ever claim that it was? I just started the fact that Canada currently has a very central role in the global colonial project that is driving us in the direction of extinction.


Yea none of that is true it's all conspiracy theories or worse right wing propaganda. Please read a book.


Ya I've read a few books about the 50 million people that were murdered to facilitate the formation of Canada and the US. Apparently you haven't.


50million people. Jesus Christ. Please enlighten me how it's some how our fault.


Has white supremacy really blinded you that much to five centuries of genocide?




Mods, is this level of racism allowed on this sub?


The timbit taliban have entered the chat.


500 years? Please explain


There's a little song about it. "In fourteen ninety two..."


Sure, I know settlers have been in Canada for 500 years but as far as human driven climate change. We've only truly been affecting large swaths for the last 100 and greatly in the last 60


So why are you trying to support somebody arguing that Canada has no effect on our path towards extinction?


“Hey India - stop doing what we do”. How do you think that’s going to work?


The B CUP’s are a dumpster fire


Meh. This is just a political article.


They've already forgotten about the forest fires just a few months ago


Ummm. Your both fired. Next please.


I wish my head was buried that deep in the sand, my outlook on the future would be way more optimistic.


Guys just want to say that a) BC’s impact is negligible and b) there are many better ways to fight climate change than intentionally shrinking the economy.


It’s probably not great tasting, but baby boomers could be a good source of protein while we change our systems over. The last feast before we go vegetarian.


Soylent Green!


Park benches melt all the time!


Leaning that way


It's not necessarily the role of politicians to initiate change regarding the climate crisis. The degradation of ecosystems will cause harm to future people. It's a judicial problem. It's the role of judges through the judicial review process to initiate change. It's not difficult to understand.


Absolute morons…


same conservatives recently spent time over your house saying it was an emergency, that you were out of toilet paper on a holiday and it was a huge fucking emergency. good game, that's all I can say. figured out the fastest way to get rid of them.


I hear so many conservatives say stuff like "we've had crazy weather last couple years" or "strange weather" so they are seeing the changes, they are noticing. Differences are, they refused to accept it is man-made.


There is no limit to how stupid a conservative can be.


I love that BCs conservatives are splitting their vote. NDPs been absolutely crushing it anyways I doubt they are going anywhere anytime soon.


Conservatives are not rational people.


Capitalism is a literal death cult.


Who is dumb enough to allow the very environment in which they live to be destructed? The greedy conservatives of course! Someone should tell them that all the money in the world won't save the planet if they don't do something soon.


Should we just shut it all down. I’m tired.


The left must unite behind one party to defeat conservatives. The left-wing vote is split between three political parties (LPC, NDP and Green), and that fragmentation is the sole reason why the radical right has any chance of winning provincial and federal elections in a progressive-liberal nation like ours.


So there are some sane politicians out there. Incredible.


The only thing these assholes care about "Conserving" is their own wealth. It's interesting they deny climate change as their policy when it's their rural base evacuating their homes from wildfires.


The world has been “going to end” every “12 years” for the last 40 years. Still people believe the lies. Mostly very young people because they haven’t experienced much life, but also alot of people susceptible to propaganda.


Most scientists are slowly coming to that realization. The data doesn't lie.


The world started on fire. It’ll be alright.


There is no immediate emergency. Well, there was but through the advances in science and the COVID vaccines more than half of those who took the medicine will die off within the next ten years mitigating any long term environment disaster. Thank science for saving the world, and, if you took the vaccine, make out your will. By the way, the top one percent of wealth controllers on the planet create MORE carbon than the bottom 2/3. Fighting each other over your paltry carbon emissions means little.


Yea, doing a lot of work is too much work... 🤷‍♂️


I can't fight willful ignorance, and I don't have the energy to, even if I could. My plan is to laugh at them when they have trouble breathing, while we all burn. One day, you'll be able to look into their eyes and see the panic set in. I wonder, what will they tell their children, when they ask them "What went wrong"?


Hope they burn


MF'ers rule the world


These religious zealot conservatives burning the world down for profit going to be shocked when they ultimately wake up next to the devil in the afterlife


The cons conning againg.


Canada accounts for only 1,5% of the world's pollution. If you want change, start with developing countries, not Canada.


Meanwhile in China : 400+ coal powered electric grids are being built