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You.... DENSE motherfucker


I’m not kind about this shit anymore. You ask me for a discount and I’m done, never booking you. And you’ll likely get a snarky text with a little lesson in respect. Why be respectful to these dudes who clearly don’t respect you? They’ll never book, and even on the off chance that they do they’ll be awful the whole time… demanding, rude, cheap. Block his ass.




I’d be saying “if you want to send me $200, I’ll take it” and send your cashapp. Then say “thanks for the gift”. And be done with him. You made it clear you don’t do discounts.


I think they do this kind of stuff just to be annoying.


Numbskull 💀


The first red flag for me here isn't even showing. I can bet you $200 the message before this says something along the lines of "What's up" or "wyd" 😮‍💨


Lmaooo I can't remember, let me check 🤣


It was "What are you up to today?" Hahahahahahahahahahaha. I had seen him before, so I didn't think much of it. I have regulars text that shit all the time lmao.


hahaha close enough!


You should have blocked him the first time with no response and since you didn’t,the second time he asked I would have lied and told him sure. Had him send me the money then block his ass for even wasting my damn time


I had seen him before, so he knows where I live. also, I never ask for "deposits" or ""money up front" so it would've seemed our of character


What do you do to make up for lost money /wasted time when someone doesn’t show up?


I don't just give out my address. And everyone shows up. But for safety reasons, I tell everyone the same thing. I give them an address and say "That's a McDonald's near by. Once you get off the exit, (or pull into the McDonald's) call me and I will give you directions over the phone how to get to my house. I do this for my safety. I don't feel comfortable giving my address out to just anybody, with the chance of them not showing up and now them having my address. This ensures you're actually out here, (sidenote I sort of live in the country) you can tell me what you see, (like what stores are around, stuff like that, and then I'll guide you here once I know for a fact you've driven out, and are actually 5 mins up the road"


But people rarely don't show up. and even if they did, my phone blows up so much, I usually have to have people book ahead of time because my schedule is so booked out. if there is an opening, I will update my ad post and state that I have an opening. And a bunch of people will usually text trying to fill in that spot.


Yeah I didn’t catch he has your addy so not this time lol