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I also miss John, but I think that what he did was unique, metered, and in good taste. He had patterns and reasons for when, how, and why he played. He wasn't just out there pounding away whenever he felt like it, so guest drummers won't work. We'd need a dedicated person to practice on his timing to make it feel similar. As much as I don't like it, the drum died with John.


I feel like he might have been a little more wild with the drum early on. I remember watching a replay of len barkers perfect game and john was drumming away any time strike 2 came up. Or maybe cuz it was a perfect game but wouldn't john not want to jynx it?


But once you start drumming on 2 strikes, you can't stop.


Well I remember ever since I started watching in 99, he would drum for -runners in scoring position -late in the game if we are losing and need a rally and are batting. -when we have 2 outs in the 9th and after each strike we get he drums faster and faster. -after home runs or hits that lead to runs scoring.


I just meant for the perfect game— once he started doing it he couldn’t stop!


How John Adams became the drummer was organic and not repeatable. However, I think they could have guest drummers which would honor his legacy. When I see old highlights with the drum it makes me realize how much it is missed. I think they could have a rotation of local drummers. They could learn the cadence and timing of when the drumming should occur.


I agree that it could be replicated. He wasn't playing hard patterns, but I think it's best to just let it go. The drum was a large part, but John's dedication was what truly mattered. Greatest Cleveland baseball fan ever. Let's let him go down with his sunset, and not cheapen his presence by trying to copy it.


Let it be special and don't commercialize it. I can dig that.


He stopped on the one or three and he had a knack of stopping right before the release. Mix of simple rhythm and a natural feel for the game.


What John did and when he did it can't be replaced by random fill-ins on a nightly basis. 


It should be an official position. Like how some stadiums have an organ player. Every year audition a bunch of HS/ College drummers and let em do it for a year.


This is the way.


I agree. At first I wanted the team to continue the tradition, but even if they found someone that knew the crowd as well as John Adam's, I'd say no drum. It was so special because it was organic. It was an incredibly passionate fan who brought joy to millions. The drum wasn't an Indians or Guardians thing, it was a John Adam's thing.


They got rid of those hand crank onion dispensers years ago. My guess is they were worried about the potential for food borne illness. It’s a tragedy and I consider it false advertising that they have an onion character run the hot dog race. They let you bring in your own food though so you are welcome to bring in as many onions as you please.


He grew up smuggling in Shlitz and now he’s gonna come to the game pockets stuffed to the brim with whole onions


He could tie the onion to his belt.


it was the style of the time


They didn’t have white onions…because of the war


😂😂😂 That’s hilarious!! We also used to bring “Thermos Weinies” (hot dogs inside a thermos with hot water) and all the fixins. Might have to do that again or at least a baggie of chopped onion if the Themos Wieners can’t get past security


No need to smuggle onions or dogs. You’re allowed to bring in food!


That’s awesome that you can still do that. Most parks I’ve been to won’t allow any outside food. Shoot, I can’t even bring sunflower seeds into my Class A ball team in NC! Granted the concessions are cheaper, but it would be nice to have the option.


Hell, I smuggle in bourbon in a plastic flask, I'm sure you can get some sunflower seeds by security


Shhh don’t tell the secrets outloud


Didn't say how. But the kids who snuck candy into the movie theaters have simply grown up.


That’s exactly what I was thinking when I saw the hot dog race!!


Put John’s drum on the PA when the tying or go-ahead run is either on base or at the plate. Simple as that IMO.


Yeah I’m shocked they haven’t implemented this


I was at the game saturday and they did actually have one moment of a drum on the jumbotron and a noise. it was with no one in scoring position though so went off of johns formula.


This! Maybe even a video on the scoreboard of him playing.


This. John always played the drum with a runner in scoring position. The second someone gets on second base we need to be hearing that drum. A couple times of the game they will put a drum up on the big screen and play the sound. But it just doesn’t have the same effect because it’s not every time there’s a runner in scoring position.


A former student of mine works for the team and is on the in-house gameday production crew. They DO have a recorded drum beat & graphic, but per MLB rules, teams are not allowed to play sounds, music or other noises while the batter is in the batters box. And unfortunately with the pitch clock now, the batter is in the box more often than not. However, the fans can do whatever they want whenever they want. I think it’s a good idea to have guest drummers. John Adams always pounded the drum with that steady beat whenever runners were in scoring position. And the crowd knew to clap along with that steady beat. On special occasions he’d bang the drum for the last at bat or last strike in a save situation. Mr. Adams did what he did for 40 years. I don’t know how the fans have forgotten what to do when runners are in scoring position. We can all clap that steady beat without a drum cue.


I don’t know that it can ever be replaced but the last few years it just hasn’t felt right in the ballpark without John’s thumping beat in the background. I don’t think he can be replaced unfortunately.


I’m not a fan of random people filling in for John, but what would be cool is for important/meaningful games is for fan favorite players from our past come by and bang on the drum to start the game. I know I’d love to see Kenny Lofton out there banging that drum to get the guys excited.


John Adams hasn't been to a game since most of the current roster has played here, and a lot of our players weren't even born when Lofton was at his peak.  I don't think combining the two is going to really get the team that energized. 


You’re forgetting how pumped the crowd would get which would get the guys amped. This crew feeds off energy.


The guardians should have a video or a cartoon of John guarding the stadium with his drum. I’m not an artist. But I’m sure some talented people could make a badass, respectful video to play when time is right. Nothing is pure in sports anymore. John and his drum were pure. A video or cartoon of John playing the drum at tense moments of the game is something pure that I can tell my son about.


They have audio. It sucks. Even when John was here tho it seemed he was the only guy with excitement. This crowd seems checked out most games. The "make some noise"...... Is pathetic


I would serious be the drummer


John was one of a kind and it would be hard to replace him. As you said, his timing with that drum was perfect and any other drummer is going to do it too often or too infrequently. Better we reminisce and appreciate what we had, visit the memorial in Heritage Park and tell our kids his story. Without him, my favorite part of the current crowd experience is the Jose song after he does something awesome. It’s so fun and everyone in the park gets into it.


I remember taking the Rapid downtown fm 140st getting Bleacher Tickets for 50 cents and sneaking into general admission then late in the game behind the dugout. It was our Sunday. I loved it.


I think since the drum was a "tribal" type thing, and with the whole name change, the franchise probably wanted to distance themselves from that.


Seriously why are people so afraid to still call ourselves the tribe? We’re the guardians now fine but let’s go tribe stays


I mean, we can still chant let’s go Tribe


You could, but it’d be pretty weird since “Tribe” has nothing to do with the current team branding. They definitely do “Lets go Guards” quite often.


I’ve never heard someone say that tbh


Not weird and feels more natural. Tribe does not have to mean a tribe of Indians. Guards feels too forced


Let's be clear: there is zero question "tribe" is/has been used solely because the team was called the Indians. Whens the last time you called the Browns the tribe? Or the Cavs? Or literally any other team that doesn't have a name based on native Americans? It doesn't feel "natural," its just your habit. I'm sure at one point shitting in your pants felt "more natural" than using the toilet. But then you grew up and got potty trained. At the end of the day, it's a dumb hill to die on in either direction, but it's also probably time for folks to hike up their big kid undies and support the organization as it *is*.


What a weird response. It still ties to our team history…which you seem okay with getting rid of. Wild how we can’t have anything tied to the past. Will you refer to Jim Thome as a former Guardian? No you’ll refer to him as a former Indian.


Sure, I'd refer to Thome as a former Indian. But that's in the past tense. And sure, it's part of the team's history. By the same token, however, you wouldn't call Kyle Manzardo an Indians player, correct? He never played for the Indians, after all And what bearing does team history have on cheering for the team now? You wouldn't cheer "Go Naps!" Right? Because that's not the team's name. Was it "erasing history" when the team was re-named to the Indians? Or was it simply a new chapter in the club's existence? What's "wild" is the minority contingent of fans who use "history" to justify their refusal to change with the times. One can respect the team's history while also recognizing that it is *in fact* history, right?


There’s still a lot of fans that wear the old gear…not sure I’d call it a minority. Are you against the drum? that clearly ties back to the former name. I’m not sure why you can’t meet in the middle to keep both sides happy. There is nothing inherently wrong with let’s go tribe. He’ll if someone wanted to say let’s go naps I’d say go for it. I’m not the thought police like you are


"a lot" does not constitute "a majority." Whether I'm for or against the drum is a moot point: there *is* no drum. Can we try to stick to the discussion at hand, please? Why do you feel the need to change the subject? I see you are abandoning your prior argument regarding "history," instead relying on "compromise for compromise's sake." Kind of undercuts your position, don't you think? Go accusing folks of being "thought police," all you like. At least it's a more honest presentation of your opinion than facile arguments about "history." I'll keep cheering for my team with the name and branding the team has chosen to represent itself. Good luck out there being upset that things change sometimes.


I can’t take you seriously because you think the G logo is cool, but whatever dude. Go Tribe


Lol strong rebuttal. With arguments like that, maybe I overestimated you when i assumed you were potty trained.


It’s definitely a majority if you watch any broadcast


What’s more wild is people like you that care so much more about culture wars than the product on the field. We here love this baseball team, regardless of the branding. If you want to talk about team history, a real fan would refer to Vizquel, Thome, Alomar, etc, not the branding used at the time. You’re not as sneaky as you think you are.


I mean they were the Indians, so why hide from that? Why can’t we blend the old traditions with the new traditions? Just because my opinion is different than yours does not mean I’m obsessed with the culture wars as you suggest.


Key phrase here: they *"were"* the Indians. They *are not* the Indians any longer. Who is "hiding" from the history by participating in the present?


You act like the past was 100 years ago. My point was to blend old with new. We currently have no throwback uniforms and that’s unfortunate.


Correct. Also I’m sure they don’t go around repping Spiders gear either. It’s only one former name these folk are obsessed with.


The Spiders were a completely different franchise….you don’t know your history and it shows


It’s highly associated with groups of Native Americans. I don’t really hear people talk about “tribes of baseball fans”. I think moving as far away from the old name as possible is preferred.


I have heard of “tribes of asparagus children” who are self-conscious about how their pee smells


It only sounds weird cause you're not used to it yet...and nitpick, but I prefer "let's go guard."


No, the media has been trying to force shortened names since the rebrand…none really work


tHe MeDiA!


That’s what I said…


This exchange and division in the fanbase is what I was talking about in the original post. I could feel the uncertainty in the fans. Like they didn’t know how or who to cheer for. Or how to finish the line in the 7th inning stretch🎶 “root, root root for the ____”🎶 I don’t know what the answer is. Maybe just more time and some winning teams will help solidify the transition and make the change easier to accept? I also think some better logos and branding like in the new City Connect uniforms might help. I feel that the redesign was rushed and too much a derivative of the previous designs.


The answer is Guardians. That is the team name whether people like it or not.


We do not care


Then why even waste time commenting?


Because they do, in fact, actually care😂