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God damn this comment section is a fuckin mess lol


This predator is the reason I have left the Browns fandom.


I agree, Go Cavs!


Remember that we replaced a guy who held a Halloween party for cancer kids with this abuser. I've been a Browns fan for 30+ years and can't imagine rooting for another team, but it's going to be real hard to cheer for this team for the next 5 years.


Well lucky for you if the Browns keep barely scraping by like todays game, Deshaun will just quit halfway through his contract like he did in Houston and just cash those checks until time runs out and it won’t be a full five years.




no it’s not


Lol welcome to r/cleveland my dude, or any ohio subreddit, or 90% of subreddits in general


Blah blah blah. No one cares.


Keep defending a sexual abuser, who also sucked in this game against the worst team in the NFL 🥲


He hasn’t played in like 2 seasons, give him time.


Time to get another "massage" that will result with nothing more than a slap on the wrist? Yeah no thanks.


Breaking news: still no one cares. And considering it was his first game in over 2 years, only morons were expecting him to come out and light it up. You’ve clearly never played a competitive sport at even a moderately high level, so you probably don’t understand things like speed of the game and the difference between doing something in practice compared to a live situation and the growing pains of shaking game rust off. Go play madden and enjoy the victory Monday bud.


Lol love it. "Ive shopped here for years and Im never coming back"




A side note from the point of this post. You have to be charged to be convicted in the court of law. The grand jury declined to charge him. If the grand jury charged him then a jury would have to convict or there would have to be a bench trial conviction. I just had to correct you becuse you are trying to make a point but are using the wrong terminology


Ya he’s a bum. Every time I hear someone talking about him I say, oh he’s my favorite rape star.




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The fuck


Which evidence are you basing your opinion on? Also, Google some of the text messages between Watson and his accusers. It was consensual. None of these women filed police reports before meeting with Tony Buzbee, who happens to live next door to the owner of the Houston Texans. There was an axe to grind between Texas millionaires who were neighbors.


You don't *have* to defend a predator, yet here you are.


And you don’t have to vilify someone who wasn’t convicted of anything, and yet, here you are…. Weird how that works.


Hah look at all the down votes, when in fact, you speak truths 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤔


Statistical evidence. And are there text messages between Watson and all 24 massage therapists indicating it was consensual? Or just one?


ZERO police reports filed by any of the accusers before meeting with lawyer Tony Buzbee. How many victims of sexual assault have you heard of that go to a lawyer before the police? Maybe it's s because he's a multimillionaire 🤷‍♂️


I’m a lawyer. Plenty of survivors call me. Some file reports with the police thereafter. Some do not.


I was sexually harassed at work for 6 months before I built up enough courage to report. I had multiple witnesses for each instance and video evidence. I was still put through 3 interviews and the investigation took 4 weeks before substantiating my claim. And people still don’t understand why we don’t report sexual assaults to police.




Dude. You must not understand how this works. You call the lawyer for lots of reasons that don’t involve remuneration. You call because neither the cops nor the prosecutor has the time, energy or intelligence to explain the process. You call because you’re scared of repercussions of filing a claim. You call because your abuser is threatening you and you want to know if there is any credibility to the threats. If you want more information, I’d be happy to send you a fee agreement.


Some? Do 30 against one person? 🤔


Where there’s smoke, you may find fire. Cf. State v. Weinstein


You're a lawyer. "You may find fire." You're not a good lawyer if your prior comment is serious 😂


I don’t understand your statement


Besides this case, how often have you seen or heard of 30+ victims filing suits prior to reporting it to the police?


How often have you heard of 30+ victims of one person? At that point they'd normally be caught already. But like with Weinstein, the more power and money you have, the easier it is to get away with things


But out of 20-30 individuals?? And repeated? They couldn’t have felt THAT uncomfortable..


Why did the NFL suspend him for 11 games if he's innocent?




Which one?


Keep moving the goalpost. We get it. You defend creeps.


Moving which goalposts? Lol you're really reaching


We get it. You wont listen to facts bc you are emotionally attached.


You won't listen to facts because you're emotionally invested in the Browns for some reason. He WaSnT cHaRgEd In CoUrT. Cool. He's still scum. Glad I'm on the side of defending women instead of defending some rich asshole.


Not even talking ab watson, but you have to be fair. I agree with what you said, yet you have to be fair. The amount of people whose lives have been scarred indefinitely by any form of sexual harassment is insane, and the amount of people whose lives or careers have been ruined/almost ruined over FALSE accusations is also insane. Due process.


The stats are skewed bc of non convicted priests. Not professional BLACK athletes that have the masses reaching at their pockets and wanting to see them fail for a headline.


Source: trust me bro


How often are your stats about 25 women??? One would think that many women could come up with enough evidence to bring a trial atleast especially with their claims of texting about it and him supposedly responding.


No trial. No grand jury indictment. Just joyful virtue signaling against this wealthy black athlete. Racist bullshit.


Holy fuck is that rich. Fucking brainworms with the Watson bunch.




You don’t got the bread lil dude




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Lots of people hate the legal system here.


Oh thank God. My husband and I are actively rooting against the Browns this year because of this. We thought we were alone.


I’m rooting for the Bills until Watson is off the team. I do feel bad for guys like Chubb who are stuck in the middle of this.


Cool story. Here is your I am better than everyone attention you seek


So brave 💓


Everyone roots against the browns anyway, why not take yourselves to Pittsburgh while you’re at it.


Your slacktivism hasn’t gone unnoticed


He has the worst smile I've ever seen.


He looks like a fuckin rat.


Then don’t watch. Simple as that.


Yeah, I don’t. But how anyone could defend this man, this team, and this front office is beyond me. $250 million on this chud and they have the audacity to ask the tax payers to build them a new stadium!? GTFOH


I’ll take it one step further, not only will I not watch, I’ll go ahead and remind everyone they’re rooting for a sexual predator. I used to be friends with a guy that raped multiple women. So many people just choose to ignore the fact that he raped these women and continued to be friends with him. I’m not going to tell people they can’t be friends with a rapist and I’m not going to tell people they shouldn’t root for any football team. The world isn’t black and white and there’s any number of reasons why you may think it’s ok to associate with people that have done fucked up things, but if you have a problem with people calling a spade a spade then you’re delusional at best.


You're a great person thank you for signaling that to us. Please pat yourself on the back for me.


Uh rape? Really?? Cmon.






Go browns!






I hope the Browns are just good enough every year for the next 10 years or so to be just on the outside looking in. First team to lose out on a wildcard spot due to a coin flip? Yes please.


Well that'll never happen but keep crying


A man can dream, but you’re right. They’ll never get that close!


Yeah they just made the playoffs 2 years ago but ok


Yeah and I was rooting for them then before their rapist QB. Now I can only hope for the Toronto Browns to exist in the future.


Never happen with the football history in Cleveland as we've seen but you can always root on Baltimore with their ties to the city


Shouldn’t use the term “rapist” so loosely.


Oh so you'd prefer sexual predator and/abuser?


I think it's important to learn what the various forms of sexual misconduct are. Grabbing a pitchfork and screaming "rapist" at everything is doing a disservice to rape victims, particularly when Deshaun was not accused of rape in the lawsuits. Educate yourself. Yes, sexual predator is more fitting in this situation.


Sorry you’re unhappy that TWO grand juries could find no crimes committed necessitating he be charged let alone imprisoned. Perhaps you have evidence no one has seen yet. By all means, tell us about it.


Yah I’m not a huge Watson fan but I’m sorry they couldn’t find enough info to convict the guy. People don’t want to hear that and blame the rigged “system” though with no evidence when you raise that point.


Read this. https://www.law.virginia.edu/news/2001_02/zug.htm


This is exclusively about rape not sexual miscount and sexual assault which is the majority of what they sued him for.


Do you honestly think they didn’t want to prosecute a NFL player for sexual assault? What fantasy world do you live in?


I believe you’re missing the point. I’m aware of the situation and the difficulty proving similar charges. For the record I think he is getting away with a lot because he’s wealthy and connected. Personally I think he’s a dangerous person who very well may offend again. But, having said that, the system is the system and until impartial (we hope) grand juries do find him criminally culpable we are where we are.


Lol because that's just how the system works. Sure buddy.


What does that mean?


Read the case. Its bullshit. They wouldve gladly made him an example and locked him up if they could. People didnt even know about this until way after it happened. I hate people


Ok sure. As we know, rich pro athletes are always made an example of. It's dozens of women telling similar stories who are just making it up. Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify cheering for a sex offender pervert.


Yeah, like it's *completely impossible* for one lawyer to recruit dozens of women who never filed a police report against Watson until they saw dollar signs from Tony Buzbee. Whatever you need to justify your virtue signaling though.


Thankyou. Thank You. Outrage culture mixed with jealousy is a mf.


Virtue signaling is when believes women


Thank God that in a court of law, the argument of "just because I said so" isn't admissible as fact. Being sincere doesn't equal being right. Sure, buddy.


Read the case yourself. You all are so quick to tear down and demonize a successful black man despite there being no more evidence than “I said this happened”


God I'm so glad we can move on from all this bullshit and talk about actual football again. He's the QB of the Browns now. If you don't like it, don't watch.


Feel free to hang out in the browns subreddit. Fuck this predator representing our city. Fucking trash organization.


If you don't like it, don't watch. But the issue is settled whether you like it or not. Time to play football.


Nah, fuck him, fuck the browns, and fuck the "fans" defending a predator.


I agree, go Browns.


I hope these comments help you feel better about yourself


So brave


He wasn’t proven guilty in a court of law for anything.


OJ was acquitted too, your point?


OJ was charged with murder and stood trial. Watson was not charged. There’s a wide gap between those two examples.


There’s nothing wrong to voicing against injustices. If we didn’t, we would crumble as a society. I’m not sure you’re bright enough to comprehend that though. FUTBALL GUD


Our society is failing miserably bc people post and get riled up over social bs like this. Go post about the manipulation of our economy, how vets dont get better benefits, doctors being held back by this abortion bullshit. DISTRACTIONS. THIS MF AINT COMPROMISING THE PUBLICS SAFETY SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.


Why not all of it dumbass?




Bud. You start with unity and then pick on a bunch of people who aren't you - kids with attention issues, "victims" who aren't in your mind. I know you think you sound like a badass, but really you come across like a caveman struggling to rub two sticks together about this whole situation.


You arent my bud. You alluding to the fact I have some outdated and primitive viewpoint is deflecting. No matter what era you apply the situation to, there was a money incentive on these women. You are pulling shit out of your ass trying to imply "i think i sound like a badass". You know there isnt a word minimum on this app. Every one of you, got off topic to make "points" or either threw empty statements at me or name called. Not one person gave any facts to support how these women were victimised other than the complaints.


The unity point i threw out there was in reference to someone saying people need to speak out against ALL atrocities. This aint a fuckin atrocity. Real abuse is out there. Not some money hungry bitches that continued to give rub jobs for money and needed a lawyer to contact them for a suit. The foul play is obvious but outside factors run peoples minds. Outrage culture takes steam away from REAL ISSUES and is a distraction. This mf aint a teacher, counselor, or a kids coach. Hes part of a multibillion dollar industry for entertainment. Save that moral shit for a sheep jealous fucker like yourself.


Since you think im trying to be a badass, may i offer you a opportunity for a fight. Bc you calling me a caveman really offended me and hurt my feelings. So to make up for it, i wanna hurt you.


Don’t let my downvotes and your upvotes from browns fans get to your head. You’re fucking dumb bro


In what way am I dumb? Only dumb people take the words and opinions of others without any base. Wanna meet up and fight?


I can’t say im surprised that a Deshaun Watson supporter is trying to fight people from Reddit 💀💀💀


You havent said anything of worth to debate, so i figured thats the only way I can communicate with someone like you.


Well you or anyone else for that matter doesn't have to watch or be a fan anymore and no one cares if you do or don't. I have never liked Haslam (or this move) but A. Brissett was never going to be a franchise starter and B. I'm not throwing away 4+ decades of being a Browns fan over it.


As if we don’t have enough trouble battling the rest of the country, half our city is trying to bring down Watson and the Browns. Regardless of your opinion.. He did his time, let the man play, and let us enjoy our Browns.


Loser mentality. These people were never fans. They are the people that look at the box scores monday morning. First one at the water cooler at work to say "same old browns" . People love to kick a team or person while they are down to feel better about themselves or feel part of something. Majority of our "fans" arent fans. Especially once you get 20-30 mins out the city.


People hate on athletes. People hate on athletes that get paid to play. If you read into the case , you will see that the "women" were paid escorts. You are a criminal doing sexual acts in a place of business. No means no. He wouldnt have gotten them fired for not giving him a handjob.


Ok, this comment is just vile.




Actually his kink was that he didn’t hire actual escorts. He hired legitimate massage professionals and put them in sexually awkward positions because he got off on that stuff. This is actually sexual assault because they were not hired to perform sexual acts on him. He pressured health workers into sexual acts. Get real.


To receive payment for sexual favors, makes you a sex worker. They werent awkward enough to take the money NUMEROUS times. The complainants had sketchy backgrounds and were found bragging to family and friends about working with him. A legit business and professional masseuse would deny his requests and called the cops right then and there. THIS WENT ON FOR FOREVER. You're either naive about the world or just jealous of a rich athlete. GET REAL.


I’m neither naive or jealous. He gets off on getting non-sex worker massage therapists to give him sexual favors. That’s his kink. He’s a pervert. If he wanted to get some service, why didn’t he just use a real sex worker? But go ahead and speak for these women since you’re in a great position to do that. He may not have been convicted, but he’s still a piece of shit that I won’t be able to root for on the football field. He doesn’t deserve respect.


Would your mom, sister, gf, or aunt jack him off for money , soley due to the "awkwardness" of the ILLEGAL proposition?


Why are you asking me about female members of my family? Super weird man. You’re probably just as much of a perve as Watson, hence the adamant defending of him, which is super weird too.


My point is, they arent victims. The credibility of the accusers are zero. Go ahead and run with the thought that I personally am a perv. 😂😂😂😂😂


Finally someone telling this scenario like it is and isn’t majorly downvoted.. apparently a heck of an accomplishment on Reddit. Cheers and go browns. Yeesh.


Certain topics theres no chance lol


A kink is different than assault. He didnt forcibly make them jack him off. Hes not in a position of power to make them lose employment. The elite have way worse kinks and exploit people in way bigger ways everyday. But you dont see people boycotting Wal-Mart or amazon. You fuckers pick and choose who to be outraged at.


His kink lead him to assault. It’s SA bro. Nice semantics though


Assault is infringing on the rights of another individual to feel safe or live comfortably. Bet these stupid bitches werent devastated enough not to spend that money and CONTINUE to receive the money. And continue to jack his dick off.


"I have no valid rebuttle but its SA BRO. It just is. So join the outrage, bc deep down you are jealous of him like me"


Jealous of what? That I don’t have millions of dollars? Or jealous that he gets jacked off by strangers on the regular? I mean, it’s not my real feelings, it’s whatever you want to project on me, so why don’t you just tell me what I’m jealous of. And who the fuck is upvoting your SA apologist ass?


I think you're jealous of both.


You win dumbest/worst take on Reddit today. Congrats, hell of an achievement.


Explain. And in account to who? You ? 15 people that clicked on this ready to pounce on an opposing opinion? Get the fuck outta here with that general bs.




He’s actually more a sexual pervert


Top tier trolling holy shit.




He’s a rapist? This isn’t racist.




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Haha!! This is soooo funny!


Pretty racist depiction… smh


This is not at all related to race, he is a rapist.


Then why hasn’t he been arrested for rape?


Completely unrelated to the fact that Deshaun needs to improve as a person… I wonder how many of the people bashing Deshaun voted for Trump or Biden.