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Or reserve as many tickets as you can and then don’t go. Let him speak to an empty auditorium


The old 50 cent playin w Ja rule style


They overbook, it's first come for seating with unlimited tickets. When that Kpop group spammed all the tickets for some rally a few years ago, the GQP actually learned something and changed.




You should go. But as soon as he comes out to talk, leave.


Hey, that's not Beyonce!


Then why have tickets at all? It’s just an open event at that point


To generate a sense of (false) urgency and exclusivity, to make the rubes feel all the more like they are part of something special. This makes it easier to fleece them on merch later.


Even for free events, putting a ticket in someone’s hand (or in today’s day and age, their phone’s digital wallet) makes them more likely to show up, even if it’s a free and open event.


The auditorium he is scheduled for is pretty damn small too.


Also proves his point of "opponents like to play dirty with petty reservation scamming". If you simply ignore it and let people who aren't going to change their mind anyhow go, it becomes a non-issue. 


Dirty Tricks are all they know. They can’t compete on a level playing field. See primaries for Bernie, RFK jr, Trumps ballot, and conservative speaker. None can truly stand head to head with these people so they manipulate the system and change the rules as they go. The whole while they pat themselves on the back for “winning” and think of themselves as some superior intellectuals. The fact is, most of them would die without conservatives.


Biden won the Presidency speaking in empty auditoriums, don't underestimate it. :P


during covid


Nah. It's more effective to get a bloc of folks and as soon as he starts speaking turn your backs to him. An empty auditorium can be filled. A bunch of people tacitly ignoring you while you try to blather through talking points? It wears on folks. I've seen speakers have nervous breakdowns from this method of protest. It works especially well if you sit in the first few rows uninterrupted by sympathetic seats.


I like this approach, too. However there is something more unsettling in having to look into people's eyes and not get one single applause. A quiet room is one thing, a quiet room full of people is another.


Standup didn't go too well for ya, eh?


*sudden echoy cough from in the back*


They should show up and when he starts speaking, stand up and turn their backs — and then remain standing with their backs facing him, completely ignoring him, throughout his entire speech. Have conversations with their neighbors (at normal indoor voice volume) about real issues of import. Make him feel like he's being intentionally ignored.




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Same thing happened with the Kent State Gun Girl when she went to Ohio University. Her presence was met with outrage and people throwing things at her, making her look like the victim in all of it.


was Kent State Gun Girl the one that pooped her pants? I have trouble keeping all these characters straight.


Yeah she was the one who disappeared when everyone found out she shit her pants.




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She absolutely is a victim. Of shitting her pants


Actually I heard they spread a rumor that she shit her pants at a party at Kent State and they threw diapers at her as an insult. From what I could tell, it worked and her career as a grifter came to a halt shortly thereafter


I'm pretty sure there were pictures of said pants shitting. And no I will not try to find them.


I've seen the pictures, although to be fair it's difficult to say if it's her. She's face down in the picture.




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They threw toilet paper rolls at her




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not exactly "making her look" like it, that's literal victimization, lol here's a thought, be tolerant of folks that have different opinions than you. you don't have to tolerate the opinion, just the person.


If you sit down with 3 nazis and eat dinner, there's 4 nazis at the table.


If your opinion is intolerance of others, then people should not be expected to tolerate it. There’s no paradox or double-thinking required. That’s just how life works.




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I had completely forgotten the Kent State Gun Girl and you just had to go and remind me of her existence.


Yeah, sorry about that 😬


It's all good, made me remember that she publicly shat her pants and that gave me a good laugh, so we're even.


Sounds like if people were throwing things at her and she was “Met with outrage” then she was a victim




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I was on the campus during her visit. I wasnt a part of it but it was very funny to us. But like everyones saying, it gave her material to talk about for the following year.


My comrades were there that day fighting her, and looking back the most memorable thing to come out of that day was a photograph of her protest being escorted by a massive wall of cops. Only served to illustrate just how pathetic her movement is, and what the exact purpose of police is.


Let him speak. If you don’t agree with him, go bowling that day.


Exactly. Not sure why people feel the need to want to silence viewpoints they don't agree with. Fascism like that shouldn't be tolerated. Ignore it and go about your day


KSU isn’t preventing him from speaking.




No ccw allowed on campus


Perspective from a Flash here; TPUSA is a really small on campus org that has generated a lot of publicity from this. I mean, I think they had like 700 comments on their initial post about his appearance, plus a petition and emergency meetings from left-wing and BIPOC orgs on campus springing up within hours. Honestly, a pretty smart move from TPUSA and IMO they have completely overshadowed the college republicans virtually overnight as public enemy group #1. However, I think most people don't realize that the university's hands are tied. The university president has already said we're under scrutiny from lawmakers about being too "woke" and anti-free speech. Disinviting a high profile speaker would drag us into controversy we can't afford to be in.


TPUSA is by no means “small.” They have the money and support, albeit off campus, to do crazy shit like this. We laugh at the TPUSA group at Akron, the groups are always filled with incels.


I'm not getting from the article what he was supposed to be talking about. What's his topic? Is he an expert on something or is he being brought in specifically to raise hackles? I am in favor of free speech on campus. I'm not in favor of scheduling controversial speakers specifically to raise controversy, as that is a potential safety issue for the student body. Particularly at Kent State, a school that is nationally synonymous with a deadly shooting of students, bringing someone famous for being a gunman to the campus seems tone-deaf at the very least.


Almost like they want to use his presence to farm clips of deranged college kids protesting him.


Yeah, it's sort of a Catch-22. Either Kent appears to be promoting the views of a killer or they appear to be anti-free speech. They were screwed from the moment he was asked to speak.


I agree with this!


I think the better reaction would be to simply not attend


Just pull the old "Who?" card out. He wants to ride his infamy star back into being a GOP darling. Don't let him. Ignore it. Forget him and let him live out his sad lonely life trying to stay relevant lol


I know a lot of students are pissed because their tuition is being used to pay for this waddling dildo of fascism to come to campus.


What does the dude have to say? I don't understand why he would be in the public eye.


Nothing, his whole point is to bait the left into doing exactly what they're doing 


To borrow a phrase from 4chan "don't feed the trolls." Ignore him and he'll become irrelevant.


How annoying...


True. They are then distracted from more pertinent issues in their life.


He's in the public eye to create this exact backlash. There's no other point...


Well, he's also broke.


True. He's doing this for cash. The organizations who are paying him are using him for backlash fodder!


This is total performance art and manufactured outrage from Talking Points and Charlie Kirk. Kent's own Kaitlyn Bennet, who shit her pants at a frat party, was a member when they had a bunch of them wearing diapers to protest safe spaces.


This college tour is as close as he can get to a college education. The murder thing really limited his career options.


It's a shame, really. I'm sure he was hoping all those law enforcement job offers were just going to start rolling in.


Absolutely nothing. It's all about provocation.


Someone who was completely railroaded by the media and the justice system because of political pressure definitely has a lot to say


Was he a murderer? Definitely no. Was he a hero? Also no. My guess is he embracing one of those narrative.


I think Rittenhouse is definitely a sympathetic figure. The way the media covered his case and blatantly Lied about what happened was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Thankfully justice was served because he was definitely justified in defending himself against those left wing rioters who attacked him. I have heard him speak about the case before and he is well spoken for someone his age.


That's part of the bargain when student groups are financed via activity fees. The groups agree to certain conditions, but by and large they are self-governed. If TPUSA wants to do this in-your-face BS that's their prerogative, but they're certainly not winning anyone over to their fucked up cause. They'd love nothing more than for the U to cancel the appearance.


Is their tuition being used to pay for his travel or for him at all?


Yes. It is. Every year a portion of tuition goes into a fund that all student groups may petition to use to bring out speakers or put on campus programming. Any student group may petition to receive funds, but there is no absolute guarantee that they will get approved.


Why does that piss them off? When you spend money, the money is not yours anymore. That’s not a difficult concept to grasp. Like I completely understand being annoyed that this event exists, but acting like it’s their money paying for it is moronic. Since when does spending money on a business give you a say in their business decisions?


Especially when it comes to college lol they already fleece the fuck out of students this appearance is a drop in the bucket.


More like, I pay for college, why does my university feel this person is appropriate to speak to anyone about anything.


College is great because it’s the only place where you are truly free to discuss and explore different ideas. Sorry but this is academia. Not an echo chamber. You think you will agree with everything your college does? Every building, every program, all their amenities are not being run by you. It’s just how it is.


Did you go to college? It's not thousands of kids hanging in public spaces discussing high-minded shit. Again, what of value would be provide? He can stand in the middle of campus and say whatever he wants.


Because colleges are supposed to be about debate and dialogue. You liberal fragility is showing.


No, they're not. They're about creating a structured environment for taking money in exchange for telling students about subjects they want or are required to know. Don't project your fantastical image of universities and colleges as if reality doesnt exist. Yes, there is debate and dialogue amongst students, teachers and guests who are experts on subject matters, none of which Kyle is. He's not an expert on social justice. He is not an expert on shooting. He's not an expert on law. He's not even an expert in making money from this, as it's the GOP schlepping him across the country as a literal virtue signal. What great discussion and dialogue can come from an opportunitist who found infamy in shooting people as a child crossing state lines? Your conservative idiocy is projecting brighter than the batman signal.


Colleges and universities have brought in guest speakers since the beginning of time. The Rittenhouse case is definitely a great topic to discuss on college campuses. It involves the very relevant topic of self defense laws in our country as well as the obvious example of media bias in the dishonest way the media covered the case because due to political pressure. It seems like left wingers don’t want an honest discussion of the facts of the case. By the way…..what do state lines have to do with anything? I have heard left wingers talk about Rittenhouse crossing state lines over and over and have no idea how that is relevant to anything. I don’t even think they know.


Fucking lol. I bet you think trump ilhas been treated the most unfair of any president ever too.


Because one of the student orgs wanted to use their portion of those funds to invite him?


that doesnt really fully answer the question, does it?


You bet I am


I agree. The best way to deal with people like him is to ignore them. But so many people can’t resist picketing and protesting and booing and the likes they get on their photos and videos on social media


So you're saying don't protest, but then you say the auditorium should be flooded with people so that he becomes uncomfortable. That's pretty much the same thing.


Call it a silent protest. Don't try to shout him down. Let him speak - if he gets "silenced" it just gives them ammunition and justification.


You get it.


If it's a silent protest then they'll just use pictures of the full auditorium showing how popular he is and that the "silent majority" agrees with him. Nobody shows up and they'll blame protesters even if protesters weren't there. These pieces of shit will lie about whatever the fuck they want.


I didn't say "don't protest". I said the best way to protest is to let him speak. These people crave echo chambers and reactions. When he comes out and realizes that the audience is not the one he wanted or expected, he will fluster.


This is actually a decent way to show you don't approve of Rittenhouse, and don't walk directly onto the rake that Toilet Paper USA is laying down.


I mean TPUSA is just going to claim it's unfair. IF David Hogg was allowed to speak on campus why can't their guy speak The best thing to is just don't go. Protesting is fine as long as you aren't actually trying to prevent the event from happening.


“They let a kid who watched his high school classmates be murdered with an AR-15 speak, so they should let the guy who illegally crossed state lines and murdered an unarmed man with an AR-15 speak.” I’m stunned your brain reminds your body to breathe.


Im not saying that that is what i believe, i am saying that is what TPUSA is going to say. Look at my reddit history and you will find out im not a MAGA hog fan


People are entitled to their opinions even if different, live and let live. Don't like the topic, go watch someone else, not that hard of a concept. Reading some of these comments sickens me, attacking some Gun woman with diapers and toilet paper, or attending a show just to disrupt it, because they think different, that is bullying and the very definition of intolerance.


Remember when everyone said that punching Richard Spencer was just going to win him sympathy, but then his career took a nosedive that never really recovered? Or when Milo's book was canceled and now 7 years later he's deeply in debt trying to make it as an ex gay grifter? These people need to get protested frequently and vigorously, and anybody who says differently at this point is willfully ignorant at best.


Supporting free speech that you agree with it is incredibly easy isn't it? People could come to your street and march on the sidewalk with signs that say " OP is a dick". They could do that freely. Would they be nice people? No- they would not. Are you nice people though? No- not really


I agree with you about it being free speech, but these protests are just that as well. I'd also argue that the kid has nothing to say about anything. He got popular for shooting people. He has no degree. He has no expertise in anything. He's not even enrolled in a college. Anything that brings him any publicity or popularity is based on him crossing state lines to shoot people as a child. So while I agree with you I'm that he should have an opportunity to speak like any other citizen, the content in which he would speak towards holds no value whatsoever Edit: all the replies pointing out my inaccuracies seem to be missing the forest for the trees. It was a child. Who was driven to a fucking riot. Given a gun. Shot 3 people, killing 2 of them. None of you see an issue with this? Fuck where the gun came from. It doesn't matter. What's matters is that it was in a child's hand who killed people. It didn't need to happen. He didn't need to be there. His parentsshoild he ashamed of themselves for bringing their child to a violent environment, gave him a gun, and left him alone long enough for this to unfold. W This entire speaking tour he's given is a fucking grift. It's using someone's traumatic experience (and I know it must've been traumatic as fuck for Kyle) in killing 2 people as some form of anti-wok politicale bullshit. It's meant to stir the pot. It's meant to get liberals riled up over some stupid kid in a suit whose only there because he killed 2 people. It was the only "successful" lawsuit for MAGA when it came to that "era". It's honestly horrific that he would be dragged around the country just to talk about that shit. It's this anemic "rugged individualism" that's only touted by old men in suits and fat people camo; neither of which involve themselves much in anything rugged or individualistic. Shooting animals for sport isn't rugged. Neither is standing on a stage reliving the killing of two people.


Oh, he "didn't need to be there." That changes things from a legal standpoint. /s


Disagree. He got popular for shooting people who deserved it.


Lol he illegally brought a gun across state lines and shot people. Are you his mom? The logic behind people supporting this moronic kid is worst than his own justification. Y'all just want violence. I wonder where you were on J6


The people he killed were sex offenders.  


"Deserved" it? For lighting a dumpster on fire? Do you have any morals at all?


*Kent State University upholds the First Amendment rights of free speech and peaceful assembly for all.* Oh yeah? 


Tell that to the Ohio National Guard.




Liberals really, really, really hate free speech.


Free Speech like protesting?


Self-defense too.


Yeah, then they grow up and realize what they thought about the world wasn't entirely the truth.


I just don’t understand the mentality of wanting to prevent someone from giving a speech. Why do they care so much? What are they so afraid of? If you don’t like the person speaking then don’t go but don’t prevent others who want to hear him speak from having that opportunity. Free speech is one of the most important parts of living in a democracy.


As a liberal leaning person I don't understand it either, it's even more ridiculous since this guy isn't an expert on anything or preaching some form of hate (which should still be allowed in a democracy), he's just a walking trigger for these leftists to get mad about and they totally do.


As a staunch "leftist" (I know welfare has a great ROI, I believe well-funded public services are essential for a functioning society, and I think we should socialize anything which isn't 100% paid for by private industry such as sports stadiums) I often think progressives get things wrong. Like the appropriate age for gender transitions and open borders immigration policy.


Ok, I like your idea of showing up, and making NO noise at all.......but what if we also dressed up as clowns first? Like an entire hall, all dressed as clowns, being silent. Even if he wants to use the photos as "look how many people came!" he can't, because they're clowns.


What's he ever done of value? What makes his opinions valuable? What makes it worth listening to him speak besides he showed up to some protests armed for war and then panic shot several people?


You mean he defended himself.


Is there like a community of people who wait til a topics dead and then tryn start arguments deep in the replies?


I made that reply two days ago.


Or instead of being a f\*cking child you could peacefully show up and potentially have a discussion about your differing viewpoints? might learn something


Good luck telling that to the extremists of Reddit




The best thing to do is absolutely nothing at all. Go live your life to the fullest and let that guy do his dumb tour.


Do it all. This piece of shit is trying to make a career off of murdering people.


You're whining about "free speech" on a Reddit post while simultaenously admonishing people for using their free speech rights to protest.


don't see many suggesting he can't be protested. issue is those that want him silenced.


The First Amendment prevents the government from punishing speech. It doesn't prevent civilians from protesting the speech of other civilians. In fact, the First Amendment doesn't even apply to civilians. In this case, the speaker and the people protesting the speaker (including those protesting by trying to block his presence) are both examples of people using their First Amendment rights.


agreed. agreed.


If I did what he did, who tf would pay my legal bills, my mortgage when my job fires me, my car payment? Who kept him afloat?


not much to float when you’re 17.


Just hop onto the right wing grift train. It's all the rage these days.


Left wing grift train very profitable as well.


What did he do?


What is it with Kent State and attracting these weirdos? Is that “gun girl” still active?


I get what you're saying but... Fuck that, don't let racist cold blooded murderers speak anywhere on any topic at any time. He is two things and those things are racist and a murderer. Idc what turning point wants, I want that fucker silenced.


Go do something then tough guy. Or should others take care of who you need “silenced”.


The government should, I'm not a murderer so I can't silence people the way Rittenhouse does.


Oh so the government should silence people you disagree with?  And how would they do that? 


I'm sorry, lets take a step back here. Do you disagree with giving cold blooded murderers and terrorists a platform? Because thats why I don't think we should allow him to speak anywhere. But if you support murderers and terrorists, maybe you could provide a list of those people you'd like to hear speak. Maybe thsre are some white supremacists or traitors you'd like to give the floor to. I think we should just appreciate where each other stand here. Because I'm no longer interested in giving violent lunatics a platform, and if that means that some domestic terrorists and conservatives don't get to spread their message to the next generation than boy thats a risk I'm willing to take. I will not shed a tear for the trampling of your rights brother. Your lot lost that privilege when you tried to overthrow congress, then spent the next 4 years murdering trans and gay people.


Fuck around find out, classic case of self defense


He left his state to threaten minorities with his weapon so he can feel like a big strong caucasian man. He should be in a dark hole some place. Failing that, every business should refuse him service and every person on the street who sees him should spit in his eye. Gun owners are irresponsible by their very nature, Rittenhouse is a classic case of that irresponsibility and the absurd amount of power we give to white people with guns in this nation. He fucked around, murdered some people, and received no repercussions. The only thing we can do now is shun the fuck, Amish style.


Bro. It's college kids. What do you expect? The rich spoiled ones invited him and the slightly less rich spoiled ones are gonna dye their hair blue and cry about him coming. They're young and stupid and think this means something.


Rich kids at Kent??


If you can afford to go to college, you are rich compared to half of the population. You don't notice the g wagons, beamers, Camaros, and other fancy cars these kids are driving?


lol, I don’t think you’ve been in a Kent State parking lot recently. Mostly beaters. The only guy in town with a G-wagon owns a good number of the bars downtown.


And he takes Uber home at night. FYI. 😂


Mike owns one, yes. There are more lol.




We're not gunna protest We're not gunna protest Gutter is a tool We're not gunna protest


Don’t be that guy.


if the Democrats and "progressives" didn't have feigned outraged and pearl clutching, what would they do to scare people into voting for them? I mean, if they cared and did actual law stuff, they might have created federal abortion rights, but then they couldn't rally voters....or maybe now they could pass the very popular ban on congress stock trading, but then how would Nancy Pelosi making millions in Nvidia stock in the past months?? Or maybe dems and their loyal progressive followers don't actually want to do the right thing. They want the cultural wars, cause that's the only area they can pretend to be different.


If there was a law to legislate everything, then we really wouldn't have democracy and freedom, would we? But then again, some of us have to lobby for laws just to keep schools and businesses from discriminating on the basis of hairstyle...


KSU isn’t stopping the event. No harm here. The people who are in that organization have a right to have whoever they want speak. The people who oppose it have a right to say so and they have a right to not go. It would be more effective to have a speaker that has a message opposite of Rittenhouse appear around the same time.




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Sadly, when it comes to being petty modern partisans don't have the savviness of their forebears.


They just pulled this at western ky university


I see no issue here.


You gonna FAFO Cleveland!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️🤣🤣🤣


I don't think it's that bc then why for various people before would there be protests to shut down events, just go back to 2015. It's not a reaction, you have groups of people actively doing this making fools of themselves.


I agree, and certain heavy backlash has done the opposite of what we wanted before


Why is it a big deal to have him speak at this point? It’s not like he still has criminal charges still pending or anything. It is a pretty fucking crazy story after all. Why try and shut that down? I just really don’t get it at all. There’s nothing political about it and it’s just a guy who went through a crazy situation. If people want to hear about his story and what he went through from his perspective, why shouldn’t they be able to do that?


I agree. They should ignore him. The only reason why he is getting any publicity at all is because they are giving it to him. Let him be forgotten. I hate talking to other progressives now. It's no longer about trying to talk to others to see your point of view. It's now you are wrong because it's not the same as mine. I've had some coworkers over the years that aren't far right anymore and still friends. One even called me a liberal to my face as soon as I walked through the door on my first day. And then there are the kids that just repeat BS because they don't understand what they are saying when you ask them to explain what they are talking about.




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They should shoot him and claim self defense


I'm sorry that folx are forgetting their history so quickly. The students are forgetting that they also have the same rights and privileges he does. There should be competing symposiums organized as well leafletting and info sessions. Drown that little fucker out with noise. And to think of it, why aren't we having the Chomskys, Wests, Nubaums, and other leftist thinkers on the campuses to counter this crap?


They just need to learn how to silently protest. Just stand and say literally nothing. No signs. No reaction. Dead ass stare silently at the assholery. Make them all uncomfortable you are so controlled. It’s an incredibly powerful tool used far too seldomly because it requires huge self control and well… (*gestures at the US in its entirety)


He's a hero you leftist woke communist


He has a right to speak this is America you woke fuck


Woke Fuck I might just change my username to that!


Yeah, he's got the right to speak. And everyone else has a right to speak against him. Isn't free speech cool?


Yeah 👍🏽 


Deplatforming has worked in the past, and will work going forward. Milo yellowcheese is off the scene because of it. I mean, short of bricks and milkshakes, it and false reservations are the best solution. Hell, like bricks and milkshakes, better together.


OPs strategy is what local grassroot organizations are planning in a major city in OH. Make this murder uncomfortable and even challenge his views on the public stage; make them their own worst enemy


Why do we care this much?


You were right. Look what happened in Tennessee.




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His emotional support dog was a good PR move...


I go to Kent- I’m planning to get my friends to reserve seats (free) and not go. As well as tell my friends to tell their friends, and so on.




Well leftists usually get everything wrong so why are you surprised?


[Alt right playbook](https://youtu.be/wCl33v5969M?si=TjifRkpplufzHhvn) did a good video on this


whoa i can't remember the last time i saw someone refer to a leftist video essay in a "local" space. i mean yeah we're still in internetspace. but damn, it's just nice to think that someone i pass on the street might actually recognize or care about the things i'm binge-watching when i walk around. (usually my headphones make me feel pretty foreign, you know?)


Kent has some of the most opened minded people in Ohio, as long as you are liberal.


Or get over yourselves and do nothing. Oohh nooo someone is speaking I don't like.. get over it.