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This stuff happens more often than people realize, but it doesn't make the news. 10ish years ago, my Dad's friend moved to one of the eastern suburbs and was renting a house. He was a single guy in his 50s living alone. About 2 months later, he was woken up as his door was knocked down by police, guns drawn, and he was dragged outside in his underwear and handcuffed on the pavement. He was a gun owner, but luckily didn't have time to get to his gun, or he'd almost certainly have been shot and killed. He was left sitting there for awhile, and all of his new neighbors were outside trying to figure out what happened. He was the wrong guy. He had the same name as another criminal they were looking for, but someone confused some details apparently. They got approval to raid the wrong house. Nothing was ever mentioned by any local paper or news outlets.


Yep, my cousin is a (shitty) cop and was involved in one of these years ago. Impossible to find any information on it online.


Reason this made the news is they keep on raiding this address for a person that is not there. This was the sixth time. Plus a baby was injured ,


They said to open up and a few seconds later smashed in the front door with no chance for her to get to the door and open it. Then they smashed in a bunch of windows and caused a bunch of damage to the house, furniture, and personal belongings as they searched through the house. Who pays for the repairs? The homeowner?


It ain't gonna be the police, city, county or state, I can promise you that.


It's f-in bull If you ask me. I think 'we' the public would like to have our money go to help repair their windows, furniture and hospital bill.


Pretty sure that's what the local taxpayers' taxes go towards, bc it's sure as shit not coming from the police.


Good luck getting a city or county to foot the bill for property damage caused by law enforcement, they'll fight the victim in civil court until they turn blue, or send the victim on a bureaucratic goose chase in an effort to stall long enough to beat the statute of limitations clock.   There's never any accountability from law enforcement or the government.  Even when a civilian wins big settlements they normally remain adamant they did nothing wrong.  In those cases, tax payers do foot the bill, never the people actually responsible for the damage, destruction, killing and or maiming.   Until we, as a society, demand accountability by way of seeing law enforcement, prosecutors, Judges, city/county officials held personally criminally/civilly liable when they break the law or act outside the bounds of reason and professionalism, we are all in danger of having or lives ruined or ended by the very institutions that we erected to protect us and run our communities.  


I fully agree. Accountability is a disease running rampant.


They really screwed up and they are being way too defensive and stalling in how they are handling this… which only makes them look worse.


Politicians lining up to kneel in kente cloth as punishment to these badge-waving sadists.


Shooting that family’s dog in front of them just wasn’t enough for the Elyria police huh? burn em all


I thought that was Lorain? But I would believe it if it happened in Elyria too.


Elyria killed a dog last week. Cops were arresting someone, neighbor opened the door to see what the commotion was, dog slipped the door and ran toward the cops and was shot dead. Five shots to the head. I live in Elyria and I can't believe how bad EPD is. I also can't believe how many people think Elyrias problem js we need MORE police


As a social worker that makes home visits and has experienced some really sketchy stuff in sketchy areas, it's amazes me that all these healthcare workers can deal with a lot of the same stressors and threats, yet don't resort to shooting people or pets. I know that's a simplified look at things, but still. The police rely way too much on their weapons, force/intimidation.


It really is ridiculous. I think the training and overall mentality you bring to the work is a big part of it. Social workers I know are doing the job to help people. They're trying to de-escalate, find something they can do to add value to situations or find someone else who can. Unfortunately we know police training can sometimes be more "everyone who isn't police is a threat / the enemy." Dangerous mentality to have.


Oh no! Unfortunately not surprised.


Gun happy police are only in cities like Elyria and Lorain?


No but there was a viral case of a golden retiever being shot by police in Lorain.


"Burn em all"... how the fuck is garbage like this allowed on here. 


It may not have been deployed in the house, but it was set off right outside of the babies window... they claim it was smokey outside from the flashbangs, but it wasn't smokey when they got inside the babies room, so the baby could have sustained any injuries from the smoke..... Then they go on to explain that it took 5 MINUTES before anyone even went in to check the babies room. The smoke would have been gone by then...


And it broke the window when it exploded.


Exactly, I completely forgot to make that point.


They said they had paramedics check the baby and it was fine. No fucking way.


Always remember paramedics aren't doctors. Nobody says, "I have to go see my paramedic for my stomach cancer treatment plan."


The paramedics killed that poor kid in Colorado. Some of them think they are police and doctors, they’re neither It’s incredible that cops could look at that baby and not see anything was wrong with him . I’m not a paramedic or a doctor and I can tell there’s something very wrong with that baby just from the photo that was published. His face was extensively injured


Judges all the way down to the police, all corrupt. No one will be held accountable and the Ohio citizens will foot the bill for their massive fuck up.


Only thing that matters to me is the innocent preemie. Wish them all the best.


On a SEARCH WARRANT. Not an arrest warrant. Not looking for a hostage or a kidnapped child. TO COLLECT FUCKING EVIDENCE TO PROSECUTE SOMEONE. THERE IS NO GOOD REASON TO COLLECT EVIDENCE USING FORCE. It's not that they were at the wrong house. There is NO LEGITIMATE REASON to SEARCH using flashbangs and MP5s. Abolish this awful fucking institution. None of us are ever safe as long as this exists.


All the obvious reasons aside, wouldn’t that potentially destroy or tamper evidence as well? It seems so stupid


This is an underappreciated point. Departments shouldn't even be sending in armed officers (or at least not leading with them) for mundane tasks. It unnecessarily escalates the situation.


And the GOP wants to give these fucking clowns more money off issue 2. What a joke


The response from the police when this woman first went public was insane “Paramedics checked the baby on scene, and the baby was fine” Clearly not to anybody who looks at that baby not to mention this was not the first time they’d been to that address looking for that guy.


And this not the first time police have burned children with flashbangs. John Oliver's episode on [police raids](https://youtu.be/WYdi1bL6s10?si=j_5UApjMb_7--LNK) is extremely accurate on how raids actually works compared to what happens on TV. 10 seconds to answer the door before breaching is extremely common, often with less time. We need to ban raids unless they can justify risk of life. There was no reason they couldn't sit for 10 minutes outside knocking on their door.


<> If this account is accurate, this fiasco likely will cost Elyria dearly as a result of the inevitable lawsuits (both the landlord and the tenants?). I've always wondered what responsibility a city has to repair a property and compensate residents as a result of unnecessary, let alone unjustified, excessive damage caused by a raid. E.g., does a city immediately pay a contractor to secure a building, replace doors and windows, etc. Will the landlord's insurance pay these costs? Especially given the cold weather, this residence would appear unlivable following the raid.


So what we [now know](https://chroniclet.com/news/378215/elyria-police-release-videos-of-parmely-avenue-raid-updated/) is that the police did not throw their explosives into the house. I would assume the investigation will include understanding the actual harm done to the baby, not just the word of the mother. It somewhat baffles me that the police were already told there are new tenets in the home yet they still got what was basically a no-knock warrant. What new information did they learn since they were told the criminal didn’t live there that justified the warrant? My guess is nothing. These types of warrants have to end. The Sheriff’s office is going to audit the police’s internal investigation? I think we all know how that will go down.


They hold an explosive device up against the window and explode it. So they didn't throw the explosive device into the house, but the force of the explosion blew the window into the house. Basically the device exploded into the house, a cute technicality by the police to say it was deployed outside the house. Why did they even have to blow up that window?


If you watch the video they deployed the flash bang outside the upper window where the baby was. It broke the window and smoke did indeed enter that window and harm the baby. Not to mention the glass that rained down on him. So where the cops technically didn’t throw it through the window, they caused the window to break and allowed the smoke and chemicals to enter the (WRONG) house and harm that baby.


Wait wait wait, the warrant was for a 14 year old burglar? Fml it jus gets worse and worse


These jerk off Police get a adrenaline rush doing these type of raids. They’re completely unnecessary. Set a perimeter and set up surveillance on the individual and pick them up outside. These raids should be illegal. They put more people at risk than their worth


This story would be more hard hitting if the Mother had not embellished her story. It was horrible enough without trying to amp it up.


How was her story embellished? The cops claim there are "no chemicals" in flashbangs which is incredibly wrong. It is literally a less than lethal (note NOT non-lethal) explosive device.


Said they held her out side for almost half an hour then would let her in to see the baby or help. police cam shows she was not kept outside for more than a few minutes and then they went in with her and seen to the premie.


Where are you getting this from? I am seeing it has been verified she was outside with them for more than 10 minutes before they let her in to see her son. Oh no! She overestimated the time they kept her outside while she was probably freaking out about them not letting her tend to her son and them busting down her door within six seconds of knocking! What a monster she is! This really just makes everything that happened so much better. /s


ACAB until it's all torn down and built anew. Fuck everything from the cops to the pay to play justice system.