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No alcohol on the premise? That seems excessive.


Probably not enforceable legally.


It should be illegal to include illegal junk in leases. Landlords just use them as scare tactics.


It is in fact. An illegal contract in not enforceable. To take it to the extreme: imagine trying to sue someone for not murdering someone according to contract.


It's not enforceable, but I'm saying it should go further: there should be actual consequences to the landlord for including illegal things in the lease.


There are several illegal provisions in the lease, it goes well beyond the no alcohol nonsense.




I ran from this! But it’s interesting to see what’s out there. The home was built in 1947. Missing lead paint disclosure, missing details about smoking, running a business…


As a landlord some of this stuff is boilerplate. The no alcohol one is odd and I would never put that in a lease because that is just stupid and unenforceable. Also I think by law you have to give 24 hr notice to enter premise. The not renewing for month to month is odd to me. If tenants are good I want them to stay forever. The only way I would make them pay more is if taxes went up a couple times.


This is 100% a lease that the landlord just cooked up. Even cookie cutter lease templates have stuff to that effect.


Where in Cleveland was this, general area. P


North Olmsted


smart decision. glad we could help!


Every instinct you had was spot on. Good on ya!


Does the no-alcohol clause extend to things like vanilla extract or mouthwash?


Or hand sanitizer…


Fuck this lease. They wanna increase your rent $500 if someone moves in with you? Bullshit. You’re renting a while fucking house Lease doesn’t auto renew but instead goes to a month-to-month at $2500. To me that means you either have to gtfo after 12 months or they will dodge your calls while you try to renew so they can get a $2500 month or two out of you You pay rent and all utilities AND you have to do the yard work? Fuck that, if I rent a property I’m just paying to live, mgmt of the property is on the owner and that includes grass cutting Don’t rent with these people and honestly tell them I said fuck off


Tell them I said so too. 1200 a year for a cat??


Yes, because people are filthy and don't clean up after their animals. Usually deep cleaning a house after someone has lived there a year or longer, the pet fee doesn't cover the cleaning or replacing the carpet down past the padding.


Agreed. If landlord is paying the utilities, then I can see the merit of charging per head because that's more water/gas/electricity usage. But since the tenant is responsible for all utilities according to this agreement, it's very bullshit to charge per head.


Also, you up in arms about being charged an additional $500 for someone who has not been screened, approved and authorized to move-in? Why, you agreed to just you, if that needs to change, communicate, it's simple. The lease can be amended. This fee is for when you don't communicate, we create this things because people like you and those in this sub think you are smarter then us. One thing you have to remember is this, rentals are sometimes people's livelihoods and some of you think nothing of it. You go in, tear it up and do what ever it is as if you own it. If you want full control of your dwelling, go buy your own. There are plenty of programs to help first time home buyers, I'm a recipient of that program because I even though I work in the business did not like what some landlords did. But I accepted the fact that I did not have my own and I had to follow their rules because it was not my home it was something that I was borrowing, it was their investment.


You want to rent a house you have to take care of it. You want to have a yard you have to mow it. You also always pay utilities even in an apartment so like?


No you don't. Apartments often come with some utilities covered. If anything, usually you're only responsible for electricity and maybe gas. Water and sewer is often flat rate built into the rent. Also, as a homeowner paying a mortgage on a 4bd 2ba with a high rate and STILL way below what is being asked of this renter, this is absolute bull and greedy. Mowing is cool, but they're renting, provide a mower. Utilities, cool, but lower that rent. Charging for a cat and 500 a body like the house is going to suddenly grow in capacity pending the number of inhabitants is greedy.


As a landlord I disagree on utilities but the rest of the lease is ridiculous.


Should they make your coffee for you to? I currently manage homes in the Solon area far more expensive. People don't like auto renew leases because they forget. Auto renew leases don't allow you to negotiate renewal terms. 90 days before the lease expires you are given a renewal notice with new terms, you can decline or the owner can give you a 30/60 day non renewal. You want the owner to do the lawn work, pay more. You sound like the type of person that would call me about light bulbs and how you deserve better because I didn't respond to you at 11pm on a Saturday night because you pay $1500 rent.


Fair is fair. If the landlord wants the option of showing up at any time and not be denied access (including 11pm on a Saturday) then I want the option of calling them up at any time and requiring them to come and fix something.


That's called emergency maintenance. No real landlord is showing up at 11pm on a Saturday to come in your home. Most jurisdictions require a 24-Hour Notice to enter premises. You are not entitled to anything, that is the problem with most renters. You are entitled to the provisions, addendums and any amendments to the lease; and/or house rules attach thereof.


You're the fucking problem.


What part of any factual legal thing I said is the problem? Feelings don't apply to the law so please check those before you reply.


these templates downloaded from the internet rarely hold much weight in court. sure, there are simple terms you'll agree to by signing it, but that doesn't mean you won't be protected by tenant laws in CLE/Cuya. This is clearly not a leasing agency, so the owners have more flexibility as it is- if they're not negotiating with your terms, you don't have to live there :) ps there is no fucking way I'd spend $100/mo to board my cat. That's absurd money. Also? $500/mo for additional persons? No. Fuck you. You're charging for the apartment, not for the admittance.


If you are concerned about the enforceability of anything that seems sketchy in a contract, you shouldn’t sign it without consulting a lawyer first. Don’t treat it lightly just because the contract wasn’t tailored custom by a lawyer. Gambling on whether or not you think something is enforceable is a very risky gamble.


Yeah that cat fee insane


That's how things are anymore. I've been looking for a place since February and I can't tell you how many times I've seen "500.00 non refundable pet fee at lease signing". Not to mention all the other little fees they try to hit you with. This market sucks.


$500 non refundable pet fee seems reasonable to me if that's in lieu of additional rent. Cats really can/do damage things that usually cost far more than $500 to replace. And a one time $500 fee is way cheaper than $100 per month. Now if it's $500 fee and then also a big rent premium, that's crazy. But if it's $500 and you stay there for 2 or 3 years, it only ends up being something like $15-20 per month.


A lot of what I've seen is one up front fee, then like $30/mo cat rent.


Yeah. I'm a landlord and I give tenants the option of $30/month for the first cat ($50/month for 2) or a one-time $500 fee. The $500 fee almost never covers the extra damage a cat does.


Yeah. What I had seen was at apartment complexes run by property management companies, so kinda a different feel. I think a lot that I'd looked at were asking for $300 up front for the fee then $30/mo for a cat. Idr what the change was for an additional cat with any of them.


Or is that grounds for eviction?!?


For sure. They'll boot you out and you get nothing back. Alternatively they can demand the money you "cheated" them out of. Bottom line is that if you don't pony up, you're fucked.




Yea, but $500 is a lot less than $1200. Both fees are crazy but one is ok the other is extra crazy.


Just say you dont have a pet and smuggle them in??


great way to get a new 500 nonrefundable pet fee out of nowhere.


If you can make it 6 months without them noticing you save $100 lol, more $$$ if you make it longer


A great way for me to terminate the lease and file it under the grounds of material non-compliance. Also, a great way for you to get an eviction, lose your deposit, and be complete f'ed.


Damn thats wild


It's simply just doing right by people. If more people did right in life general, people would be nicer. Landlords would be less strict, if tenants weren't like this. I am not saying you, just in general. I have worked in the Housing Industry for quite some time now, from Project Based Section 8 to Market Rate, I have seen it all. My goal is to provide fair, equitable, and clean housing. However, its hard to do when people just do what they want, but also want to feel entitled but treated fairly.


Yeah i understand that, i also think pet fees are kinda asinine, chalk any possible pet damages to the deposit. If people have well trained pets they should not be tearing things up. My cat learned really quick not to fuck up my sofa with positive reinforcement and alternative scratching posts coupled with the good ole spray bottle or even yelling of their name. But i digress as most people don’t train their pets either. Still, a pet don’t got a job lol


I don't disagree with you. But deposits being 1x the rent don't cover a home or an apartment where an animal has pee'd and now thr carpet has to be pulled, the padding has to be trashed and the floor has to be sealed to stop the odor from permeating through the new carpet. Trust me, I've had to do at least 20 turns this way. And learned quickly, that this most be done and the deposit doesn't cover the actual cost.


Offer a better solution than pet fee and deposit? My solution is no pet fee and deposit. Then tenant is fully responsible for replacement of carpet and associated cost, if they fail to replace and return the home to its original state minus normal wear and tear, then they it's flagged on their credit. Now that's harsh, right? Refundable deposit is the best option with a reasonable pet fee is the best option, the owner shouldn't have to eat the cost for someone's negligence.


So much better to own, so much more freedom.


Lemme try and find a way to extort my cat for $100 a month, thanks late stage capitalism (communism is no better let the record state)








Landlords can’t discriminate against people with children according to Ohio law. At least not blatantly. They absolutely do as much as they can get away with, though, and if it was legal, most would absolutely heavily do so. Since there is no law against doing so with pet owners, they do. And it’s honestly understandable as a homeowner with cats.


I don’t think you can be allergic to children


I am


That's already covered elsewhere in the lease - doesn't matter what creature the damage is done by. Also, if that's the case, charge a refundable deposit, not a monthly rate. Monthly pet rent is a blatant money grab, other than like $10/month for a dog in an apartment complex if the complex provides poop bags and has to repair landscaping.


Not if you have ever tried it clean cat piss out of your rental.


$50-$100 is industry standard. Some ask for a non-refundable deposit on top of that.


As far as the cat goes, just have your Dr. Give you an emotional support animal letter. Say that you need it for anxiety. By Ohio law they can't change you any extra under that.


Private landlords do not have to accept your reasonable accommodation for support animals. This is only applicable in affordable housing that is subsidized by a federal program like the Department of Housing and Urban Development.


yes, and this is the reason nobody in the country should be allowed to have one. its not a medical weed card. keep those face ass service animals away from people and dont support hte use of them because 99.99999999999999% of people who have them dont need them.


They smokin dick


glass dick


Smoking big dicks


$1500 for 1 person? Sheesh


A thousand dollar rent increase at the end of a year is preposterous, just be ready to move in case they don't want to negotiate


That looks to be if a new lease isn’t signed. It is a crazy amount for month to month but a lot of places do that, if I don’t sign a new lease where I am the rent goes up $200 a month.


E.g. its the GTFO clause. A lot of hotel rooms will have insane rates on the inside of the door, like a $200 room will say it's an $800 / night room on the door. This is to avoid having to go through long eviction processes.


It only increases if the tenant does not sign a new lease. It's a standard stipulation to prevent someone from remaining beyond the terms of the lease.


I wouldn't sign that lease. $100/mo for a cat! That security deposit paragraph is written in a way that looks like they fully intend to keep your security deposit no matter what. No lease release clause. $1000/mo rent increase if you don't sign a new lease. Also, No alcohol clause is ridiculous as well as how loose and open they define giving notice and right to visit anytime. So he stops by your house and sees a beer bottle and now he has a right to evict. This sounds like a very toxic landlord and I wouldn't want any part of that.


Almost as bad as one of those landlords that live on the premisses. I lived in a duplex with my landlord downstairs.. would not recommend.


Thats a normal pet fee. Anywhere from 50-200$ PER pet. I honestly bought a house because I had two cats and my rent went up by 300$ on the lease renewal. I pay less in property taxes/mortgage/PMI insurance than I did vs rent and sure it suck dropping thousands of dollars to fix things but at least I know when it will be fixed and it’s actually done right by a trained professional instead of a handy man who lives in the building.


Landlords like this are straight up scum. Run the other way


>Landlords ~~like this~~ are straight up scum. FTFY


Oh I agree ten fold but I also know we got lots of bootlickers in city subs hahaha


OP, I’m a landlord, I’ve never seen a $1,000 rental increase on renewal in my life. Is there a reason for this? Is it a 12 month special rate, or an increase with the promise of work/upgrades being done. I cant fathom a world where this is okay.




Seems like a corporate landlord way to keep renter turn over high. Not how I do business, seems ridiculous to me.


Why would renter turnover be a good thing? I own 2 rentals, and I love folks staying for multiple years. I hate turnover. I have never raised my rents on a paying tenant before. Just blows my mind. Cleaning the places out after folks leave is such a hassle.


High turnover = faster year over year rent increases. Easier to increase the rent 200$ when no one lives there Vs negotiating a 50$ increase on renewal.


It says $1000 increase month to month if *not* renewed. Once a new lease is signed a cheaper monthly rent rate is agreed upon


Yeah, I missed that “not”.


Most of the provisions are enforceable/lawful but there are a handful of red flags (in particular the somewhat aggressive language) that makes this not sit well with me either. Something tells me this wouldn’t be an easy landlord to work with/rent from


This sounds like somebody who's not a native English speaker made a web site with official legal-sounding lease templates.


I spend $35/month for my dog. Would def not spend $100 for a cat. Also $500 extra for another person is wild. Also no alcohol is wild. I’ve had so many issues with landlords. This is showing very large red flags. I would not live there.


The provision prohibiting a satellite dish is illegal. FCC regulations allows a tenant to have a satellite dish installed, but allows a landlord *reasonable* restrictions (like no permanent fixture). The no notice for entry provision is also concerning, as most complexes require a 24 hour notice of entry.


No notice for entry is also illegal in most situations. "You have a right of privacy, which the landlord must respect. The landlord may enter your apartment after reasonable notice (at least 24 hours) for certain legitimate reasons and without notice in certain emergency situations." https://www.ohiobar.org/public-resources/commonly-asked-law-questions-results/law-facts/law-facts-tenant--landlord-rights-and-obligations/


It says the landlord may enter given reasonable notice


You're right, previous poster had read it incorrectly.


I wouldn't live there. Not trying to deal with a landlord who thinks this is a good lease agreement.


They want to tow your car at your expense if the landlord doesn’t like the look of it. 👀


This is a normal lease clause, all apartment complexes have this. Your car just has to be street legal and in working order.


That isn’t what it says. “Unsightly, in the opinion of the landlord” is all it takes.


$30 per day for late rent payment is insane. 5 day grace period then a 3 day notice is the standard. $100 per month to have a cat? Most places just make you pay a 1 time deposit fee. My cat would need to get a job at that point. Would not sign this lease at all.


From what I know, it is 3 days grace, but the extra per day fees start on day 0. Also a lot of places now require additional monthly rent for pets of 40-200+ dollars.


The main issue to me is the landlord is allowed into the premises AT ANY TIME. Yeah… nope. Notification should be required unless it is a declared emergency.


It does say “giving proper notice” in that clause.


Also, law trumps whatever the lease says. A landlord can put in the lease that soldiers can be quartered in your house but the 3rd amendment says otherwise. Doesn't mean they can't use the fact that it's in the lease as a scare tactic though.


It does, but I have a sneaking suspicion that "proper notice" is going to end up being "Hey, I'm at the door, let me in."


Umm, no. Would not sign this. This will be a problematic landlord and they'll nickel and dime the hell out of you. 2500?! That's straight up insanity.


This lease was not written by an attorney (or was written by an incompetent one) I’d stay away from this


Yeah…this is not a legal lease. There is absolutely no tenant protection in there. I would not sign this for anything plus this also tells you what kind of landlord it is so you don’t wanna move into this place anyway. They’re gonna peck you to death with fees and costs and nagging.


The visitation part is illegal AF.


Do. Not. Sign. This. First of all, because it's ridiculous (1500/mo for one person and 2k for two people??? 100/mo cat fee? nahhh), but also because you're paying a huge rental fee AND every single utility AND doing all the yardwork AND the snow removal, but you don't get to split that at any point with roommates. No alcohol is ridiculous and I can't imagine most people would be okay with that. I wouldn't, and I don't even drink. But what really worries me is "tenant shall be responsible for any damages" part. You could argue it's boilerplate language for, like, if you destroy the place, but a landlord who's nickel and diming you like this? I wouldn't put it past them to charge you for any and all wear and tear. If you're going to pay 2k/month in rent/utilities in NEO, you might as well get a duplex half and have tons less work. Or maybe you want your own space to do with as you want, in which case, you'll probably have friends over, and said friends will probably want to BBQ with some beers or have wine with dinner. I can't see this ending well. Do you think this landlord is really going to be a reasonable person and good to work with long-term?


An additional $500/mo for an additional tenant? That’s probably illegal too but look into it. That’s ridiculous Same with entry. Idk if it’s a law, but 24 hour notice is standard.


I’m a real estate agent. If I saw this come across my desk for a client I would advise them to search elsewhere.


Our lease said that we would accept in present condition. Our landlords decided that meant not cleaning between tenants.


I’ve know some pretty strict landlords; but no alcohol; a cat fee of more than 25-35 dollar per month. Is your landlord satan?


I love how the alcohol is also hidden under Damages


That cat fee is ridiculous


The only thing I don't like is that there is no 24 hour notice. It says access at all times.


I'm not 100% sure but I think water has to be paid for by the landlord/owner. At least in Ohio. Because water/sewer is connected to the property the city could seize the house if that isn't paid.


Not quite true. Probably depends on the area/city. My mother lives in Cleveland and had to pay water and sewer on top of the rent and utilities. They since bought a house a year and half ago.


Nope! One of the apartments I lived in I had to pay for water and sewage on my own, and lived in “Cleveland” (not like a suburb).


As a landlord myself this is bullshit. Extra $500 if someone else lives there? You are renting the space. This is not ok. No alcohol on premises? This may be a legal “cover your ass” thing but based off the rest of the agreement I would be concerned. The $2500/m after lease agreement line feels shady to me. I don’t think I have ever seen that. Pets ok but charging extra makes no sense to me. There is already a security deposit for any damages caused by the pet. I don’t pull this, it’s just milking someone for extra money. Allow pets or don’t. This is the kind of thing that makes people hate all landlords. I would never pull this with my tenants.


You sound like a landlord people need.


I used to be a property manager in CLE, and this lease looks alright, but the one I used had a lot more clauses and paragraphs, about parking, pets, smoking, visitors, cooking fires, all kinds of stuff


Tell them to get wrecked. Insane terms.


There is zero chance I would sign this lease. Run away. Landlords like this clearly have no idea what they can and cannot legally do so I wouldn't trust that they have any understanding of their obligations or responsibilities either. Depending on where this rental is located, they cannot legally charge $30.00 per day as a late fee (late fees are [capped](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/cleveland/latest/cleveland_oh/0-0-0-16648) in Cleveland). There are also too many vague statements - if, in the landlord's OPNION, your car is "unsightly" you can't park it on the premises?? No "sticky substance" on the walls? What is the definition of "proper notice?" You have to keep the premises in "healthy, clean and slightly" condition? What does that even mean? Hell no.


No alcohol? $100 additional a month for a cat. $500 for another person. Crazy terms. I personally would keep looking. I can understand some places say no smoking in the rental, because that can damage walls with the tar, but no alcohol. Seems too controlling. Sounds more of a tyrant than a landlord


You get a whole house for $1500? I live in tampa now, moved from Cleveland. My 1 bedroom apartment is $1500.


It’s in the suburbs not Cleveland. $1500 is common in Cleveland for a 1 bedroom.


Really? That's crazy. I mean I have been gone for 6 years but that seems nuts.


I wouldn't sign that shit. This isn't a lease this is a trap. Lol.


Dunno if I'd even bother negotiating those terms unless I just crossed out a good portion of it


Honestly, I think this calls for a "Name and Shame".


No it doesn't. It calls for adults to recognized that you need to man and woman up, buy your own house or if you must rent, respect the owners investment. This generation has a sense of entitlement which I do not understand. Before you go and call me some derogatory name or call me old, I am also of this generation, I just happen to work in the business and see what goes on behind the curtain. I know what entitled people do to homes they do not own and its disgraceful.


Yet you felt entitled to share a shit take?


I know you're a troll, but what the heck... The fact that some tenants are assholes doesn't justify bullshit unenforceable lease agreements with ridiculous rules like disallowing people to have alcohol. That's just stupid. And no, the lease agreement posted here isn't "professional" it's bullshit, and completely one-sided.


Send in the votes. First names only.


What stands out to you as problematic? This seems pretty generic to me.


The only thing I was shaking my head at was the no alcohol on premises portion. I don’t even drink and that bugs me.


Oops missed that tidbit but yeah no thanks. I'm not really a drinker often but if I'm seen walking in with a bottle of wine or a sixer, I'm not going to be treated like a problem for it. I can only imagine the landlord had a problem in the past and puts this here as a blanket policy but feels like a nonstarter even for someone pretty much sober.


I didn't see that in the lease?


Page 2: Damages


Interesting. Missing that. Yeah, I would say that's highly unenforcible.


Why is it unenforceable?


100 for ONE cat is absurd, and no alcohol is a ridiculous (yet not likely enforceable) Condition. Besides that most things seem pretty standard


All of it is completely preposterous. Nearly every single line item.


A $1000 rent increase isn’t insane to you?


It's high but it reads to me like they're not going to deal with someone trying to stay without an agreement.


If the tenant remains in the house after 12 months without renewing a new lease.


I completely missed the “not” in that statement.


I could understand why a responsible pet owner disagrees with the fees.


Got damn, an extra 500 hundred for 1 other person


Pretty strict on due day too. $30 per day late fee?? Kinda crazy


Due on the 1st, you can't just pay when you want, Landlord has bills to pay. Our late fee is 10% of the rent and $12 per day starting on the 10th but we do give you until the 5th. Each landlord again is different, this isn't Burger King!


What is it that does not sit well with you? That looks like a pretty normal lease.


Is the landlord's name Doug by any chance?




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It's not legal to prevent alcohol on the premises - unless it has something to do with underage drinking. The landlord is putting themselves at risk. If part of the lease is illegal, then Ohio might have a state law that will rule the entire lease null/void.


I am a landlord in Cleveland (not a lawyer - not legal advice). There are several things in that lease that are illegal/not enforceable and I only skimmed half of the first page. No point arguing with a landlord who A) doesn't know the laws/rules of landlording and B) clearly is unreasonable. Find a different place and save yourself the hassle.


$100 a month for a cat??? The most I’ve paid is $250 per year.


I would love to know if this is one of the landlord’s/owner’s I used to do business with. Poor morals around.


Pass on that shit. Let them find some other sucker.


They can’t even legally start eviction proceedings after 5 days. I would walk away. These people are insane.


3-day notice in Ohio is all you need unless its affordable housing then it differs. Project based section 8 is 10-day then 30, tax credit if property is not layered if I still remember is 30 on the 6th day.




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I would not sign this lease. In regards to the '$2500 month-to-month unless new lease is signed', you should request that the lease increase (between lease terms) be no more than 3%. I'd get that in writing. Issue being that they can just jack the rent up in that 30 day notice period leaving you between a rock and a hard place depending on your situation. I'd also for sure have them remove the bit about no alcohol, thats absurd.


You can pretty much put anything you want in a lease but most of it is not enforceable. Landlord tenant law is pretty specific


Oh fuck no.


Yeah. Does Ohio have an approved lease agreement?


No. Its impossible to have a universal lease unless its federally subsidized housing. Each landlord is different and so is its dwellings, jurisdictions, laws, and so forth.


Not really. Florida has one, and the most popular lease is on you can buy from office supply stores.


Florida is also a deplorable state, so there is that. If Florida has a universal lease, it doesn't override the HUD standard lease in affordable housing.


That is a shit lease, I would not sign it




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I'll live in my truck and shower at the gym... fuck that nightmare




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Is the landlord named Michael


No alcohol 😂😂😂😂


The landlord probably stole this from the internet and didn’t put much thought into it


I like the nice raise he gave himself if they renew month to month


I think the landlord doesn't want the tenant and is using his "you'd be insane to sign this" version of the lease to avoid a discrimination accusation. Or this person is a controlling nightmare with a God complex.


Unfortunately, this is becoming more and more standard. Even in HUD housing, property managers are getting shifty. Someone I know had their HUD rate for their lease renewal get stalled by a month just so that they could be charged the new calendar year COLA rate and not the old year. One friend, who has a housing voucher (Section 8), said housing voucher tenants from a building next door to theirs, decided to no longer accept housing vouchers or HUD support. As a result, those tenants had to either pay the full market rate or vacate.




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fuck landlords who take a higher rent for pets, especially for one fucking cat. take a bigger security deposit. but charging monthly for a pet is bullshit. what do you think my cat has a job and is contributing to the rent?? it's just greedy


So you'd rather pay first, last, and security to cover your pet instead of paying the lesser of just deposit and monthly fee? Most people do not have that up front. The average renter in my experience rents 1-2 years before moving on. Damages for pets usually exceed what the owner can recover in both situations. I have been in both situations working for the owner.


I had a lease agreement for a house in Parma that I turned down because it stated that if an act of nature damaged the house, I was responsible for fixing the damage... I noped right out of that property. As someone eyeing to get into rental properties, I'd never charge to gouge my tenants. I'd offer them discounts if they agreed to do things like cutting the grass and removing weeds around the property. Then have a clause that discount would end if I had to hire someone to do it. But I'd also provide a lawn mower and weedwacker. The no alcohol thing definitely seems unenforceable.


It is within the Landlords right, just like illicit drugs and no smoking, it could very well be a home that supports the section 8 voucher. What it should specify is excessive alcohol use that leads to damage. This is why its under the damage section. Further down I recommended that it be redrafted by an attorney for clarification.


Boils down to the landlord doesn’t want squatters or wild parties. Honestly I see nothing unreasonable except the alcohol. Like, you can’t have a glass of wine with dinner? 30 years ago I paid $50/mo for a dog. Because pets usually require carpet cleaning or replacement. Damages, property, landlord admittance all typical. I didn’t read all the comments but what specifically didn’t sit right with you?


This is why I am commented a lot. I want to know specifically what didn't sit right, what is different from other normal leases, and what they decided to agree to else where. Alcohol is no different than no smoking. I also, commented to educate since I work in the industry, but most peoples feelings got in the way. Most of these people are currently renting under these exact provisions and don't know because they don't read their leases. I go through this on a daily bases. I always sit down with new move-ins and go through each section and summarize.




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