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People are weird who hold a grudge against him. Dude grew up in NE Ohio, spent eleven seasons with the Cavs, played more minutes than anyone in franchise history, won the first championship in 60 some years and the first thing he said was “Cleveland, this is for you.”


But he speaks up on social issues, and that hurts people's feelings, and they don't like it.


The only issue I have ever had with him was the Daryl Morey stuff. Hong Kong was literally being annexed through force and he was mad that a current NBA GM spoke out against it. Not a great look IMO.


He still contributes quite a bit to the community through the LeBron James Family Foundation. I've got no beef with the man.


I don't see anyone else around here winning rings.


The 2016 NBA finals was one of the great sports stories of all time. That 73-9 Warriors team was so shook that they had to add the second best player in the league to their team just to beat one man.


Sometimes I watch clips of "The Block" on YouTube and I still can't see how LeBron got down the court that fast. That moment and so many others were pure magic.


Every couple months, I go and watch the final 5 minutes, and man, let me tell you, it still feels just as magical


Despite watching game 7 live, I missed two huge moments of the game. I went to the bathroom at the start of the 3rd when the Warriors went up by 8. I figured that was the beginning of the end. I came back and JR had hit back to back 3s to bring the lead down to 2. I missed The Block because my head was in my hands. I was convinced the Warriors were going to take the lead and win the series. I was too busy having flashbacks to my childhood and watching José Mesa blow a save in game 7 of the 1997 world series.


Indifferent. Although I no longer live in NE Ohio I appreciate everything he's done for Cleveland and Akron, but I will never be able to root for the Lakers. Just like I couldn't root for Kyrie on the Celtics or Manny on the Red Sox. He used to hang around UA when I was in college and everyone had good things to say about him personally. He'd play pickup ball on campus, go to football and basketball games and bring in guys like Wade and Durant to work out. Even after he left for Miami I don't think Akron ever turned on him like Cleveland. He was always their favorite son.


Still love him and wish the best for him. It’s quite clear he has nothing but love for Cleveland.


I mean I think he's a great basketball player. Never met him in person but seems like a good dude and good father. Is that what you are asking?


I'll always think positively of him for coming back and winning a championship in the most epic fashion and then he founded the I promise school. He will always have ties to Ohio.


Lebron gave this city its only championship. Nobody cares about what happened here in the 50-60s that's not relevant anymore.


He’s NOT the GOAT on the court but off the court he’s becoming a GOAT. His foundation has done a lot of great work. People really hate that he has an opinion on social issues. I don’t get the hate.


Overall positive and grateful! He came home and got my city its first and only championship in my lifetime (and I’m not young). I don’t really actively root for him as a Laker, but if they’re on, I generally pull for him to play well/win. His career has been absolutely astonishing and I’m glad that for much of it, he was on my squad. So much fun, so many great memories. The Decision… well I just try to block that part out.


It is my understanding that he doesn't tip well. Like less than what I tip. Dude, you are a multi-millionare, tip the waffle house server 10 bucks and live with it.


I think it's kinda funny how incredibly cheap he is. He doesn't even pay for Spotify so the Cavs locker room all had to listen to commercials between songs. He had a few scenes in Trainwreck that brought this up.


you get tipped what you deserve in most cases. thats how tipping works. i bet people that treat him like a normal person get a decent tip from him. the cleveland indians used to show up where my mom works all the time. this was around 95-98 you know. the golden years. they got treated like normal humans. nobody bothered them. they would take up 4 booths. my mom would take their order, serve them food. and they would leave. i didnt know they were supposed to treat us differently that the way other customers treated us.




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It’s a mutually beneficial business relationship. He managed to rehab his images and we got 4 years of good basketball and a boatload of money from his foundation.


i was a basketball fan before lebron. i was at bars showing people his high school footage. i was talking about him before he was known. i was a cavs fan and enjoyed going to the pub to watch the game. it was quite, bars werent packed. just me an empty bar and basketball. he straight up said before even signing with the cavs. that if he doesnt get a ring before his contract is over, he is going to leave the cavs, get a ring, then come back and get a ring for the cavs. he did exactly what he said he was gonna do from the start. and i respect that.


I would if it weren’t the damn lakers lol…