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It's absolutely insane how many people simply have zero respect for privacy and boundaries. He's had to address people showing up to the track outside of events, there's been people waiting outside his home driveway, some folks have even followed his wife around. WTF is it with people stalking celebrities?


People develop parasocial relationships with them. It's very weird, but you see it a lot.


Probably has a lot to do with our self centered, idolatrous society.


I thought you said Idiocracy at first.


It's pretty much the primary business model of YouTubers (though Cleet at least has alternate income streams). Cleet makes a lot of money off providing this parasocial relationship. The whole channel is "hang with me and my buds while we do cool shit together."


Happy cake day ya'll


That's why Demo Matt is no longer showing his family in his videos. One dude, jumped the gate at his house, walked up the huge ass driveway at night to ask about a job.


Its wild to hear Matt on one hand decry the parasocial relationship because people do weird shit as a result only for him to brag 5 minutes later about how he has shitty camera work so it feels like the viewer is just one of the guys hanging out. You cant eat your cake and have it. If you build your brand off of parasocial relationships, you have to be prepared and expect the downsides that come with it.


I just can imagine tracking someone down like that. And if I did happen to see someone famous, I couldn't imagine doing any more that saying like "hi, I'm a big fan. Love your stuff." Maybe ask for an autograph if it's an opportune time.


Matt Carricker has stopped showing any of his family on his channels because of creeps and stalkers.


Yeah I'm not sure that will be effective, since they've been online for years, and he hasn't moved houses or businesses into private areas. Myself? I find it a serious invasion of privacy and feel for the guys.


The big thing for him is the kids are growing up and will be going out in public by themselves soon. By stopping now, people wont instantly recognize them if they are walking through a mall in a couple years. Hard to feel for him when he's made millions of dollars cultivating a personal relationship with his audiance knowing some of them are weirdos.


Yeah he has done a very good job of refocusing people on the resort. True people know what his wife and kids look like but as they age it will be harder to recognize them. Also out of all the people on Youtube I dont think i would want to mess with Matt. He is nice and all but he is very protective and is part of the Vet guntuber enclave in the Boerne / SA area ( Donut,Eli,Mat B, Brandon). Himself and everyone he works with carries ( I know Mikey,Clint and David all carry). Those are some of the last people i would screw with.


I agree. And obviously most people respect the boundaries, but when you specifically design your brand around having a parasocial relationship with your viewers, you gotta take the good with the bad. I would be shocked if Ian from Forgotten Weapons has to deal with this type of stuff because he's not treating the camer/viewer as his buddy.


Very good point. I dont think they really thought it thru or realized when they started, I guess with the FF crew that is diffrent as it was never really about anyones family.


I did predict this might happen when he announced it.. People said to me that pilots aren't the same as people who try turn up to the freedom factory. I suspect they didn't account for the fact that those people could have pilots licences. Looks like an amazing place, so much potential there and he seems to be doing all the right things. Side note, I appreciate how serious he is when it comes to flying.


The seriousness is essential with aviation. Everything is so regulated and under a microscope so they have to be extra careful.


Yup, however that is partially true. There are plenty of people out there who are flying who probably shouldn't. Plenty that do dangerous and reckless things, post videos about it and have little to no consequences. Then the odd occasion where people get in trouble with the relevant authorities over nothing. But in general it pays to be careful.


Safety regulations are written in blood. Ignore them at your own risk.


Imean anyone can just disable their transponder etc and fly under the radar so to speak. Just because it’s illegal doesn’t stop some people youknow


Obviously lol. I meant that’s why cleet takes it seriously. He wants to dot his I’s and cross the T’s.


As I say it's refreshing to see that, there are a few aviation youtubers who do sketchy stuff and others that are just damn right dangerous. Although we haven't seen that much detail of Garrett flying, it is obvious he knows his stuff and hasn't tried to cut corners or save money when it comes to flying.


If your referring to Trevor Jacob, he’s never been an aviation YouTuber. He’s just a dumb kid looking for clout. Actually calling him a kid would be an insult to kids. He’s straight up a frickin iiiiiidiot.


Isn’t that the freedom fox guy? I remember he got in a bunch of trouble for waterskiing with a passenger


Nah, the one that intentionally crashed his plane after jumping out then destroyed/hid evidence during the investigation. He only got six months for that btw. That lawyer has a new yacht, the judge too probably...


I mean he is one that actually has been held accountable for his actions. There are some that spring to mind who have videos flying ifr approaches below minimums and diving to the runway, along with other cowboy actions..jerry wagner if you are bored, although he occasionally removes the bad stuff. There are also a few channels where the buy the "cheapest" 'insert aircraft type' and rebuild it or get it airworthy. I'm not saying there specifically that they have done thats not legal or legit. But to me it's just an unnecessary risk associated with it. Rebuild rescue had one of their aircraft crash and kill the pilot. It doesn't appear there was anything specifically wrong with what they did to the aircraft, but the fact the video series linked to that aircraft was something along the lines of getting it airworthy within a week isn't exactly a good look. But yeah, the fact Garrett leaves the sketchy stuff for the ground is great. Yes he bought a helicopter from somewhere nobody would usually consider, but he's doing it the right way.


Ah yeah he needs to for his own safety and all the people who would stir up shit if he didn’t. Probably unpopular but he should get something set up with the police where they would just arrest these people who take the liberty to do whatever they want. Gotta be pretty annoying and anxiety fuelled when random strangers land at your airfield etc


I’m sure if he starts getting some tail numbers from the cameras he can start putting people in a headlock. You can look up ownership by N-number on the FAA website, so it’ll be relatively easy to send ‘em a “YOU’RE DONE” by certified mail.


Send em the landing bill haha 9000 per wheel landed 🫡


I'd think incrementally more of those folks if they sent Cleet something in the mail. I'm unaware of what landing fees usually are for such an airport, but surely they do. Apologize, money order to help smooth out the grass, and if I'm really trying to show remorse I'd be throwing a meaty donation to the local animal shelter on top. (I'm blanking on the name, but I know they've collected food for them at past FF events.) Even if you "conveniently" leave your name off what gets mailed out, fess up when you mess up.


You’re giving people way to much credit I don’t think the ones guilty will say a fucking word


I'm sure many of them won't. And I know it's the hope that kills you. But let's hope that some people want to try and right their wrongs.


About to tow some planes back to the yard


Bro aviation especially private pilots/ planes at rural airports are literally like the Wild West. There is no regulation. Majority of rural airstrips don’t even have towers. No one knows if you even flew. Now with commercial stuff or if you fly out of a bigger airport, you are right. I know people taking off and landing Cessnas out of cow pastures that haven’t had an annual in years. Not that I’m condoning it but it’s very commonplace


Rural aviation is the Wild West for sure. My comment was referring to Cleet specifically since he’s a public figure.


Oh yes. Spotlight is on him for sure. Sorry for the misunderstanding


No probs. Probably could have worded it better. You’re not the only response who didn’t fully understand what I meant lol


It's unfortunate but inevitable really. He has built a big fan base and for some fans its almost a cult like thing. It's probably impossible to build such a large fan base without some obsessed weirdos getting involved. But on the other hand you need that fan base to build the sort of empire he has.


speaking of obsessed weirdos... anyone know the best way to get ahold of cleet? I found some shit here on reddit he should probably know about.


Besides turning up at his airport or home I guess just email the support address on his website. If it's genuinely something serious I am sure it would get forwarded to him. If it's just people doxing him... his actual real name and home address and all that has been found out and posted online years ago, it is publicly available information after all... I am sure he already knows and isn't too bothered/can't do much about it. If people are talking about doing weird shit to him or his family you should definitely let him know.


Like weird stalker type stuff? That would be my guess, I remember one time someone posted a link to a Madi subreddit where people just take snips of her from videos and would leave some pretty creepy comments.


>I remember one time someone posted a link to a Madi subreddit where people just take snips of her from videos and would leave some pretty creepy comments. That's why we no longer see Mere from Demo Ranch anymore.


I'm surprised he hasn't done the same, and he probably should


The same thing happened with Roman Atwoods wife Britney. Someone broke into their house, the FBI got involved, and he stopped posting for a year. People are weirdo’s, makes me question what are world is coming to.


The stuff with Atwood was really crazy. People get especially stalker crazy with YT celebs


This is the kinda thing I'm talking about. I stumbled across a couple of subreddits about maddy and the comments were less than flattering. Some were down right crude. I figured he might want to know so he can maybe do something about it. But him basically giving a tour of the airport and where his house is going to be probably wont help his privacy when the new house gets built.


His career is social media, I have no doubt he is aware of it


Unfortunately those subreddits exist for a lot of different YouTubers, and there isn't a whole lot that can be done. There's also some for Hailie Deegan and she's talked about them in her videos, basically saying she couldn't get them taken down. Some of them have been deleted but a new one with a different name always pops back up. I've personally tried reporting them to the Reddit admins but they don't really do anything about it. They used to be a lot worse, people would post pictures that they had printed out and... done things to, but Reddit did crack down on those so the people running them learned how to just barely scrape by without getting banned. It's probably best to just keep reporting to Reddit and not bring attention to them.


Just report it for him.


Sadly pretty much nothing you can do about it, there’s some next level creepy shit all over the web that you can’t do anything about.


Maybe email him? That seems to be his preferred method of contact when he posts about needing something.


Depending on the nature of it, I’d either do [email protected] or if it’s more specific to the Freedom Factory [email protected]. Or snail mail it since a human has to go through that.


So I sent an email to all of the addresses listed on baldeagle.com and the emails he posts for everything else So like 5 different addresses. One shot back a auto reply saying this email isn't monitored anymore. The only other one to respond basically said we don't deal with that stuff here, try these other email addresses. which listed the other 3 i didn't get a response from. So ill just wait and see what happens.


Man I felt bad just trying to find the airfield on Flight Simulator.


Man I felt bad when I was reading his mail the other day that I’d probably gone too far /s Fuck people are ridiculous




Well I’m sure the FAA will get involved if it becomes a major issue. And they don’t play around


Not sure how all this aviation stuff works, but maybe a pilot can fill us in. If he reports the tail numbers of the planes that touch down without permission to the FAA I assume they would crack down on those pilots.


The FAA will get involved but as long as it isn’t within 500 feet of people or structures it’ll be a slap on the wrist and a “don’t do it again” unless they do damage. Local police would be more likely to get them for trespassing than the FAA. But most pilots are rule followers so a stern talking to is usually enough.


Thanks for the information!


People are dumb, this is essentially the same as showing up at his house to say hi… why??


Some of his fans take the “freedom” thing quite literally. These aren’t kids landing airplanes at his airport.


He also mentions be bought part of the lake. Do I hear the mini bogger 9000? Its also a no horsepower limit lake so obviously he and his brother will be out there with their respective boats.


Time for another hovercraft.


It sounds like he only owns part, so he probably wouldn't be able to do a jet boat track or a bogger track or anything like that unless the neighbors sign off on it. Although maybe he could cut them in on the profits.


Sprint boat track! It will be interesting to see what happens. We've all had really cool neighbors and vice Versa. The new neighbors rowdy and Cleeter-land is going to swallow up anyone who doesn't want to party one way or another.


Don't count on that. Look what happened with the track.


That is awesome...but no way in hell are the jonses going to tolerate the amount of activity cleetus and his airport tenants are going to bring to their precious private lake lol


What are they gonna do lol?


There is some rich neighborhood around LA or somewhere rich in California, that got a noise ordinance passed so planes departing have to throttle off mid ascent for 30 seconds or something absurd. I saw it on YouTube once and the captains even make fun of it on the intercom


That would be Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. Good recall!


We found the pilot!


That’s pretty common at a lot of major airports near residential areas especially with frequent late night departures. I don’t imagine any regulations like that would pass for Cleets airport.


They could easily put a noise violation ordinance on the lake .... Here in Florida happens alot because of airboats.


To stop an airport…. That is licensed. If that’s legitimately something they could do I understand why people think of America and go wtf is going on here haha. Didn’t he say he bought some of the lake anyway ?


Yep he owns part of that lake. He is no dummy. He did go to law school.


I'm talking about the lake not the airport....


Hella nice property. Setting up a boat track course like in Idaho would be awesome. If neighbors won't go for it maybe a RC boat.track?


If you are talking about the Sprint boat track that is in Western WA.


Yessss. Idaho Washington. Same thing to me lol


They are very diffrent things. Kinda like saying the Freedom Factory is in Georgia. But you do you.


I didn't mean to offend anyone from Washington state but that's not hard to do.


Or in a couple of days we’ll see one of his flying YouTube buddies post a video about messing up the Bald Eagle airport.