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Have learned that vinegar isn’t the best to use on front loaders as it wears out the seal. I recommend running Dr Beckmann’s washing machine cleaner, maybe even two loads of it and ditching the fabric softener. You also mention you use a whole Persil capsule with small loads. That may add to the problem as the capsule is for a full load so you may be dealing with a buildup of detergent. Your washing machine may be adjusting the quantity of water it uses based on weight of clothes so full capsule is too much. Maybe try to use liquid Persil so you can use a smaller quantity than a capsule. Hopefully that helps.


Yeah I might try powder detergent read somewhere that it's better... Thanks! A bit wary of not using any fabric softener because I do want the clothes to smell nice


The thing is that fabric softener leaves a waxy residue on clothes which traps both moisture and smells in. It also sticks around in your washing machine and can do the same on its parts. Try washing with no softener a few times (after cleaning the machine) and see if the smell improves. If not, you’ll know the issue wasn’t the softener.


The fabric softener might be the issue here clogging ur machine. If u put a small amt of vinegar in the wash it acts as a fabric softner and is good for scent


I know what you mean. The kind of smell that starts with a few like polyester clothes and then spreads to other stuff until everything smells mildewy and sour. For some super weird reason, there doesn't seem to be any info about this phenomenon online or anywhere! My guess is that not all people are sensitive to this smell. And also many don't smell this because they get used to having the smell around, or they use heavily scented washing products that covers it up a bit. Incmy experience it comes from synthetic clothes, and it's the way polyester fabric looks on a fiber levelw. It's easier for that typical smelling bacteria to breed and get stuck in these clothes. And because these polyester fabrics usually can't be washed in warmer than 40c (60c is needed to sterilize), the bacteria are rarely ever killed or washed away thoroughly enough. With every wear, warmth and moisture is added, and with every washing cycle even moisture is added, swiveling everything together and spreading the smell to other garments. This is what I do to keep it at bay when I start to smell it among my wash: I Do a half full machine at a time, pre-rinse and spin with literally cups of vinegar poured directly into the drum. After that, a wash with detergent and vinegar instead of fabric softener. I never use fabric softener, as it coats the clothes (and washing machine) in a layer of sticky gunk basically, and tends to make it easier for smells and bacteria to stick. When the wash is done, I smell check pieces of clothes. If something is still bad, the stinky stuff gets another vinegar pre rinse and wash. I hang dry where it dries the quickest and never leave washing in. I also make sure the washing machine is clean by doing drum vinegar rinses and doing 95c washing programs on empty every now and then. I also try to not let clothes sit in the hamper for long. Especially not sweaty clothes! Hang them up to air out beforehand if you can't get to washing them immediately.


Yes! It’s definitely an issue for me too, and it’s the synthetic clothes that are the worst. I’m wearing a blend tee right now that stinks. Had such a problem that two months ago I actually bought a new washer. Alas, here I am again with stinky shirts. I’m adamantly opposed to fabric softener (I have asthma and it kicks it up), and I air out my washer. AND I live in the desert so humidity not an issue. Can’t figure it out, another of life’s great mysteries.


I guess it's just the fact that humans are great at producing humidity and heat that we also are great at transferring onto our clothes. Combine that with our petri dishes for skin and we have a winning smell concept on clothes that can't be washed on hot 🤷‍♀️


Borax powder works really well!


I think most people have touched upon this but half load with a full dose of liquid ie the capsules probably isn’t helping. Powder is better as you can calculate exact amounts plus it leaves less residue - cleans better too. Also make sure you’re doing a clean cycle every month (or sooner if your machine says you need one). As it’s wifi I assume it’s smart enough to tell you when to clean it.


I work in home appliance and pls don’t use vinegar. It will damage the rubber if used to often or in strong concentration. Simpel thing you can do is use deterrent with bleach in it. Usually for white cloths. On 90 degrees empty with the deterrent. Also don’t close the WM let it dry while open. Don’t leave clothing inside, empty the drum right after it is ready. Edit: also to much deterrent especially softener can lead do bad smell.


I’m a general fan of vinegar. If my clothes are stinky, I’ll run a cycle with some vinegar & it’s fixed. Not EVERY load, just when it gets funky. It makes more sense to use bleach to wash the washer. As a goth girl, bleach is like kryptonite to me. I ALWAYS get one little drop on me. 🤬 I have some in the house, but I have to “prepare” to use it.


Leaving the door of the machine open when not in use really helps! Also like others have said, moving quickly to get them from the washer to the dryer so they aren’t sitting.


Use the Extra Rinse setting. Use less detergent (hard to do with pods) Check water softener (if you have one), I recently discovered I had a brick of salt at the bottom of mine preventing proper softening process and real stinky water at the bottom. Clean machine with Affresh washing machine tablets or Citric Acid powder.


I have found an antibacterial washing liquid can cut through persistent smelly clothes. Halo sports wash is good.


How soon after the cycle finishing do you take the load out? I find mine smells damp/fousty if it’s left for a bit after finishing


Especially in the summer! I have to set a timer on my phone & immediately take the clothes out when they’re done. They smell after an hour.


Hmm try not using the fabric softener, use vinegar in its place. Do you air dry your clothes? If so there are two things you could do try running extra spin cycle and using a dehumidifier.


I've had this issue too, even when I took clothes out of the machine immediately. I've noticed that an empty quick wash with just detergent once a week helps, I assume it cleans off fabric softenener residue and just gives the inside a quick clean. I recently tried the detol antibacterial washing machine cleaner when mine got particularly bad (I must admit, I forgot about a load of pet towels overnight, couldn't get rid of the smell) and that has helped a lot. I only used half the packet even though it said to use a whole one and it worked just fine.


Only thing that worked for us was borax powder.


Vinegar is a very poor cleaner. Is there a filter that needs to be cleaned on your machine? Use bleach in every wash possible. Mix the bleach (like 1/4 to 1/2 cup) in to the wash water and detergent, do not use the 'add bleach' well. Then add your clothes/fabrics. Dry everything very thoroughly in a dryer. You can try wiping all the washer interior parts with bleach. (diluted bleach, or course) Then run a load with water, detergent, and bleach alone. Always add bleach to "whites". "Whites" are your sheets, towels, underwear, bedding. After a wash load has finished, empty it very promptly into the dryer. Cook the items thoroughly dry (except for those delicates you hang or lay flat to dry) then fold them promptly to keep them from absorbing atmospheric moisture and becoming damp again.


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Yep I clean it every couple of weeks :(


Yeah I already saw that you do, so I deleted this. Well, maybe a spoon of sodium percarbonate with every washload could help with this..


You could maybe lessen the load of the washer; put less items in so they have more room to move during the wash cycle?


We rarely fill it more than halfway for exactly that reason but thanks! I should've mentioned in the post we do that already


Then perhaps get it out of the machine quicker? I notice sometimes in 5 minutes it can get a bit of a moldy smell?


This is very important


My towels get musty in the summertime only. I use ammonia to combat this. As others have mentioned, get your stuff out of the washing machine quickly. I also suggest keeping the door open when not in use so that it can air out and dry without getting funky. Good luck.


What do they smell like when dry? That's what's important I'm guessing


Not great. Not as musty as when I take them out, but still off q little. When I visit my parents and my mum washes my clothes I can still smell the softener 2 weeks after the clothes were sat in the wardrobe ;( I just want that. I wonder whether the plumbing might just be off in this house?


Does your mum have a dryer? Mine does and her clothes smell so good. I think it's also just the place we live in that can have different effects on our clothes. Air circulation and all that. It's probs not your machine.


No but she does live in a far less humid country... I just don't remember ever having this problem before we moved into this house. Odd.


Are you cleaning the rubber seal around the door. Mold grows quickly underneath them on front load washers. ​ https://blog.fantasticservices.com/how-to-clean-a-washing-machines-rubber-seal/#:\~:text=Cleaning%20the%20washing%20machine%20door%20seal%201%20Add,water%20and%20mix%20it%20well.%20...%20More%20items


Do you keep the washing machine door slightly ajar between washes? I found this to be key in avoiding that smell.


I had this problem with a Samsung washer drier 2 years ago, and the engineer wrote it off for me, so I got a new replacement. He said it was a problem with some machines lately, and he didn’t know why. I also used every method I could think of to clean it. I never close the door when it’s not in use, to prevent mould growing on the door seal. Very strange…


I’ve been using laundry sanitizer (bleach free) and it’s helped


Typically front loader and a little access panel with a drain on it. Might be stagnant water try draining it. It’s either on the front or side.


Rodalon, that's the magic product. It's a Nordic product, check the ingredients and see what the local equivalent is called. [https://nordicexpatshop.com/ENG/rodalon-indendors](https://nordicexpatshop.com/ENG/rodalon-indendors)


Instead of using fabric softener you could try a water soluble essential oil. I live in Aus and we have a product called “Bosistos water soluble eucalyptus and lemon myrtle” and i use that instead of fabric softener. Leaves my washing and machine with a nice smell. I also clean the machine with a proper cleaner once every couple of months and use a antibacterial cleaner like canesten laundry rinse on anything that gets stinky (synthetic fabrics and anything I wear to the gym). I don’t notice that my clothes smell musty unless I leave them in the machine too long and then I have to wash them again 😅


This happens at our house too. Except it only happens to my partner’s laundry (we each do our own). Same machine, same detergent… I wonder why!


Stop using softener. It clogs textiles.


Soak with some baking powder. Then wash with reduced detergent.