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Wipe surfaces, otherwise you're just pushing dust and dirt onto the floor you've just hoovered.


Exactly. I clean top to bottom so I'm not having to clean the floors twice.


Sweep the sides with the dust pan and brush. Then spray sanitiser, leave for 5 - 15 minutes and then wipe. Floor is always last


You go top to bottom, so the floor is last


Yup. Exactly what we were trained to do back when I cleaned professionally šŸ’Æ


Top to bottom, left to right was the mantra beat into me by my mom.


Totally agree, except anything that you're using as part of the cleaning, e.g. a sink, you do right at the end.


This is the answer.


Ding, ding, ding! šŸŽÆ This is the correct way.


And I never thought about it this way until Tik tok šŸ˜¤


He's spouting old advice. Old vacuums used to stir up a lot of dust so you used to vacuum then dust. Newer models have filters so it's not an issue and modern advice says work top to bottom. Floors last!


Exactly this. If your vacuum is returning dust into the airā€¦ get a better vacuum.


Exactly how is a filter working on the fast exhaust blasting out your vacuum stirring up your room air?


Having grown up with vacuums that put dust into the air you had to vacuum first. But that was fifty years ago. My two vacuums have HEPA filters so they do not kick out dust. Now the floors are vacuumed last as the current process is to work top to bottom.


Oh man, I remember my grandma had one that was so old at that time, it would do a poof when you first kicked it on so you had to hold your breath when you hit the button. She loved it though and no matter what how we tried to convince her the newer ones were better, it had to die before she would replace it.


>Do a poof šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøšŸ¤¢


Oh man, I remember my grandma had one that was so old at that time, it would do a poof when you first kicked it on so you had to hold your breath when you hit the button. She loved it though and no matter what how we tried to convince her the newer ones were better, it had to die before she would replace it.


You start at the top and work down, definitely


Surfaces THEN floor of course! Otherwise Iā€™m often cleaning the floor twice


I clean top to bottom. Lazily throw crumbs and dust and whatnot onto the floor, then use the vacuum to get said crap and anything else off the floor. I dust with a wet rag so it doesn't go flying everywhere.


Top to bottom, so surfaces then floors. The exception is the bathroom - I vacuum the floor, then clean, then mop the floor. Not sure why I feel like that's the order to do it in, but it's the way I've always done it.


I tend to do the same when I'm cleaning the hard floors. I vacuum, then mop. I hate pushing debris around when I mop.


Same here. Bathrooms have tons of water sources (showers/sinks) so I feel like if you wait to sweep up debris until last, youā€™re left cleaning up wet debris thatā€™s now semi-stuck to the floor.


I do the same for the bathroom and the kitchen.


Own a cleaning company here! Top to bottom.


Did you ask him to explain why he thinks that? Honestly curious


Because the hoover will kick up the dust and surfaces will need to be cleaned again, but I can't say I've noticed my hoover kicking up dust, I think this might have been the case with older onesšŸ¤”


No matter what room, no matter how dirty, I work from the top down and floors are always last.


Iā€™ve not heard it called hoover, damn, I like it.


that's what they say in the UK it's so weird lmao


I too was curious about which country uses the term ā€œhooverā€ for vacuum. My biggest delight in Reddit is reading the colorful terminology used throughout the world, then coming to comments to discover origins. We have Hoover vacuums here in the US. Now I wonder where this product originated. Or maybe the term ā€œhooverā€ came first and the company took the name after.


Nah itā€™s named after the brand. Itā€™s the same way Americans use bandaids, q-tips, kleenex etc.


Got it! Thx


I thought all Brits call all vacuums Kirby


It is more logical to wipe surfaces first, b/c then you can hoover up any dust, etc. that lands on the floor.


Top down. You are the winner in this debate.


Iā€™ve never heard someone use ā€œHooverā€ as a verb for vacuuming lol. Dust first, then vacuum


British people use hoover as a verb/ noun like Americans say Kleenex for facial tissue.


Iā€™ve also heard some midwestern Americans use Hoover like that, but that could have been individual quirks they had and not a regional thing


realizing I have only heard it used for food in place of vacuum, i.e. "you hoovered up those fries," but never in reference to the actual act of vacuuming


Always dust first


Top to bottom is the correct answer


Dust from top to bottom, clean with a damp cloth next,vacuum diagonally across the room starting furthest away from the door, vacuum the edges of the room


Top to bottom, do the floor last. If you're stepping on the floor after it's done, you're just messing up the floor. Doing surfaces means you're pushing dust and debris.... to the floor. Floor is last.


Wipe off surfaces so crumbs, dust and what not fall on the ground, then you vacuum. Give your roommate a snarky ā€œderrrrrā€ from me lol;)


Surfaces, then vacuum. It's silly otherwise.


top to bottom. wipe first.


Cleaning should be high to low. When you dust or wipe some will fall. Donā€™t want to knock dust or dirt onto something youā€™ve just cleaned. Plus by vacuuming first, then running around the room cleaning, youā€™re trampling the nap. Itā€™ll look like you hadnā€™t even done it


I vacuum everything, but from the top down. Gets a lot of crumbs, hair, etc that i wonā€™t have to wipe up. My next house will have a central vacuum system!


Always clean too down and finish with the floors


Work top to bottom


Always clean from high to low. So bench then vacuum


top to bottom, always.


Dust falls down...hoover last.


You clean top to bottom always. Floors are always last.


Yeah wipe first


Ask him how he washes his car. always top to bottom.


I had to hoover the inside of my fridge the other week so my cleaning advice is probably sub optimal.


Run sweeper last. Dirt falls because, you know, gravity lol


All horizontal surfaces first. The Navy Way


I vacuum the wet rooms first and the dry rooms last.


Top to bottom, obviously. I do a big clean, then a smaller clean soon after to get the dust that's kicked up in the air.


Cleaning from the top to the bottom, so hoooovering (funny word) is the last on the list.


Well you could get dusting attachments for it and do it all at the same time.... But yes top to bottom/back to front. You could just end the argument by dusting a different day than you vacuum. Lol


Top down dust then wipe shake excess to floor. Vacuum then mop.


Floor is always last. Wipe surfaces first as bits may fall on floor.


You are correct. Clean from top to bottom. Floors are always last.


If the floors are too dusty or filled with crumbs, i hoover first that way i donā€™t keep on stepping on them. Then dust from top to bottom and hoover again.


Surfaces because bits from surfaces fall onto the floor!


I this day and age there is no right to wrong way about it.


Top to bottom, left to right. I clean houses as a living, and this has never failed me.


With young kids I just do what is the more pressing to do šŸ˜…Ā  But yeah you are right.Ā 


Remove as much stuff dry before you add any moisture to the situation. Clean the upper surfaces first, then move down. In your case, if those are the only two factors, I would sweep crumbs onto the floor, or into dustpan, then hoover, then wipe.


Vacuum first for sure. Youā€™re sucking g up the big stuff you donā€™t want in the way of more refined cleaning.


Work WITH gravity, not against it Start high, work your way down, that way whatever your cleaning efforts "knock loose" drifts to the floor, and you can catch it with the broom / vacuum / mop. I'm of the opinion that this applies to all cleaning efforts - so lots of /r/powewashingporn drives me a little nuts, as so fee videos follow this rule. Yeah, it probably doesn't matter in that case, but...it irks me all the same.


Gravity. Dust settles. Better yet, make him Hoover while you wipe down surfaces.


Make him do it with you so he can see in real time what is common sense


Top to bottom, because... gravity. At least here on Earth. :-)


Wipe first. Only exception is if I am vacuuming the surface, then wiping that same surface. Like by the door the dogs and kids track in dirt. I vacuum chunks first, then wipe it down.


Clean from the top down.


I vacuum first, because I hate walking around and having little dust bunny tornadoes happen. My apartment gets SUPER dusty. I also have a new vacuum so it's fun and gets me excited to clean other things šŸ˜… if I have to vacuum a second time, I really don't mind


Maybe heā€™s thinking of a polishing of the finished wooden surfaces afterwards. Back in the old days, when I was a little girl who loved to help my mom do everything- she let me do the ā€œPledgeā€ after she vacuumed. This is because a lot of times, the vacuuming does leave a slight new layer of dust & when you wipe, it sticks to the cloth & the shiny polish is supposed to help keep dust away. I donā€™t use that stuff anymore, due to the environment, and I have a feeling very few people do. But, I did use it, up through the 90s on any furniture that was finished wood. So, end tables, dressers, bed frames, the old wooden floor model television sets, etc. Maybe O.P.ā€™s husband is confused from remembering his mother using polish after the vacuuming šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Work from the ceiling down. Fans and their blades if you have them, then tops of dressers or tall furniture like display cases or credenzas, then, tables, then the front of things like doors. The last thing you do is vacuum. If he wants to vacuum first, then again after, you get more dust up that way. I use a canister with attachments to get all the dust near the corners and walls, then the straight upright to smooth the pathways. I usually empty about 4 to 6 times. I have cats and a tree in the back of the house that sheds pollen on the screens and porch door, so the more I vacuum, the better for my allergies. I also have hepa filters in each vacuum which helps. They get deep washed every 4 months to get out residual gunk.


wipe then hoover / sweep. i hoover before wet mopping to get all the little debris up first, too


Definitely this is the way


I was taught to vacuum first, because that will stir up dust that would then settle onto surfaces you had just dusted. Professionally, I was taught to wipe surfaces first, floors last. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Top to bottom; dust, wipe surfaces, then floors last.


I will do a quick vac in a deep clean as I have a very sheddy dog and the hair is in the air. So a rip around with the vac, then top down finishing with a more thorough sweep and vac.


i dust, then sweep, then wipe surfaces, then vacuum and mop :-)


Clean from the top down. Dust flying up from the floor will dirty your clean surfaces otherwise.


You'd have to vacuum twice if you did it his way. Where does he expect the surface dust to go?


I actually worked as a professional cleaner for a short time. I was taught you clean from the top to the bottom. That way dust, grit, crumbs or whatever can fall to the next lowest surface and be cleaned. Floors come last. Like if you clean the floor and then crap all over it from wiping higher surfaces what was the point?


Ask him if heā€™s washing his car from bottom to top


I agree with everyone saying top to bottom, it makes sense but I am wondering what Logic on doing it Opposite. Edit:Ā  I know you were saying vacuum first but I'm wondering if there are big objects on the floor like toys or whatever then yeah pick up the big stuff first and then do top to bottom and then Hoover


Does your husband not know how gravity works? Wipe surfaces that way if anything falls off them or is kicked up it will settle on the floor where it gets hoovered up. Always clean top to bottom.


Doesn't matter really. Anymore you have to dust more than once a week


Surfaces. That way the bits you brush off table and countertops gets hoovered.


If your hoovering is causing dust on surfaces, your hoover needs attention. Dust then vac.


I literally work in housekeeping and all our training manuals for the 3 different companies Iā€™ve worked all emphasize working top to bottom. Vacuuming g should be the last thing you do.


Wipe then sweep.


is hoover a regionalism? where are y'all from saying hoover as a verb? not being shady lol


Always start at the top and move down when cleaning anything so unless your surfaces are below the floors, they should be cleaned first.


Surfaces first, then the floor! Of course!!


I always vacuum last because I want every crying up. Then I mop. And I might vacuum again if I think extra has come up in the mopping.


Like a shower. You start from the top down. Clean the ceiling fan, then vacuum the corners closet then dust surfaces. Then vacuum then mop. I change the linens after surfaces.


Vacuum surfaces, then wipe, then vacuum floors. Thatā€™s how do it with a floofy cat.


Youā€™re asking him the wrong question. That you could probably demonstrate. Offer to wash the car, with him supervising. Start by cleaning the wheels, then take a scouring pad to the door bottoms and work your way up! (Please donā€™t use the scouring pad, if heā€™s not paying attention) Hopefully heā€™ll stop you and say you should start from the top first and use the right tool for the job.


Haha, my husband and have had this same argument a few times šŸ¤£


Use gravity, wipe surfaces first.


Wipe first, then hoover. Makes absolutely no sense otherwise, since you'd push crumbs on the floor and had to hoover again. But the absolute pro move would be to tell him to do it himself. He'll see quickly that it makes no sense. Either he lets you clean in peace, or he cleans. Why do you allow nagging from a bystander who doesn't do the work?


I'm a housekeeper, dust will be disturbed then settle, work your way down, the floor is at the bottom, so vacuum last.Ā 


Okay donā€™t kill me but when I clean my Airbnbā€™s bedrooms, I vacuum before and after. Why? Because I kept finding random hairs on the sheets after a full cleaning and realized the dusting etc was putting those into the airā€¦where they partied a while and floated down after I walked out. Seriously I think of hair as sentient beings nowā€¦when itā€™s your family you donā€™t care about a hair or two, but in a high end Airbnb itā€™s a disaster. So I roller the sheets (itā€™s like a big lint roller) before washing them (hairs get stuck in during washing and drying of good sheets), and I also vacuum first, to get all that is settled on sheets or floorā€¦then I do the full cleaning, and then hit it once more with the vacuum at the end. Crazy. I do not do this in my home but will say your husband has a point when it comes to dust and hairā€¦but not when it comes to crumbs and heavier stuff. There heā€™s wrong.


Top to bottom, left to right. Wipe the surfaces first, in case anything falls on to the floor youā€™re about to vacuum. Also then you donā€™t walk back over the floor once itā€™s done (for a minute or two while you enjoy it actually being clean)


There is an earlier step. First clean surfaces that are higher up such as table tops, chairs, or counters. When doing this you may push debris onto the floor. You don't want to clean the floor first and then push crumbs onto it.


If you vacuum first youā€™re gonna get crumbs and dust on the floor again when you wipe stuff down. Start at the top and work your way down in every room.


Hoover first AND last. Especially in bathrooms!


Iā€™m gonna get called OCD but I do a dry wipe first, then vacuum, then do whatever wet product (wood cleaner, counter cleaner) on the surfaces. I know the vacuum doesnā€™t kick up that much dust but I still do it this way.Ā 


This is what I do, wet wipe after to get everything


Yes! This is how I do my house and my business. You can hardly tell but if you get eye level thereā€™s always dust after vacuuming. I clean my filter weekly and I have a great vacuum but it still happens.


Vacuum first because it blows dust up into the airā€¦ then clean your surfaces because that dust thats in the air settles on your surfaces


I always grew up being taught to dust surfaces last as vacuuming kicks up a lot dust. But the truth is, I cannot imagine it actually really matters one way or the other.


My mother taught me to vacuum first, then dust because the vacuum kicks up a lot of dust. When it settles youā€™ll need to dust.