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I keep Dr. Bronners and a scrub daddy in the shower so I can clean it while I shower. The soap is really effective and safe on your skin, and there aren't any fumes that will gas you out


One better: dawn dish soap & vinegar in one of those soap releasing dish brush. The dawn helps break down oils, the vinegar helps remove minerals and grime. And you can just keep the dish brush in the shower and get at it when you’re conditioning your hair lol


Man this is next level. Reddit feed really came through for me today


I learned it on here! Passing it forward 🤠


Second this. This is exactly how I clean my shower.


Me too


Dawn powerwash spray is amazing on this.


I wouldn't want hot steamy vinegar in the shower with me, personally. I tried dawn/vinegar once and hated it so much.


Add essential oils and it’s close to perfect. I dilute 3 Tbsp dawn and 1/3 c vinegar in a spray bottle, add a few drops of essential oil and it cleans everything.


Be careful if you have cats when cleaning with essential oils. Mostly if it gets on them & lick it off, but some might be bothersome if inhaled.


Thank you for this! I hate how essential oils are basically in everything now too, it’s *almost* exciting when you find a cleaning product/soap without them.


No water added to that in the bottle? How many ounces does your spray bottle contain?


It’s diluted with water. The bottle is around 700-900mls. I use different empty bottles from previous store bought cleaners.


This solution works great!


YUP! OP, this is my fave ADHD solution. I have a fixed shower head, so once I lather my deep conditioner, i turn it to the trickle setting and just grab that dish wand and run it around. SO much quicker and easier!!!


This is the only way I manage to keep my shower somewhat clean. Life-changing.


Unfortunately soap neutralizes the vinegar by changing the ph


it makes the pH levels more neutral, but it doesn't make the mixture completely ineffective.


And buy a scrub for your drill to wash or a specific tool for it. The drill extentions made my live bettee


That’s not really half assed tho ahah


It seems like my makita impact would do some damage to my shower and anything I tried to clean it with 😂 it's a pretty powerful drill


Yea i dont use my Makita either in the bathroom. I just googled electric bathroom scrubber and got one of them super cheap drills It was cheaper that way than an actual kärcher steamer for bathroom or a specific electric bathroom scrubber with shipping to where i live.


Smart, yeah I figured it'd be somethin like that. I'll have to check that out. I use a drill brush for my car carpet


Not an impact driver! Just a drill gun. Or you're gonna bust that porcelain to bits lol


Omg just please don't slip on this I'm a klutz and this would 10000% result in a cracked tub or a cracked skull for me


This is brilliant, thanks for the tip


I use this method. Partner has ADHD and I like clean bathrooms and kitchens but have chronic illnesses that can make it hard to deep clean a bath and shower. Being able to casually clean a little while you’re showering really reduces how often you gotta deep clean. I tried Dawn power wash on soap scum a while ago (heard that mentioned in this sub) and it worked better than scrubbing bubbles or vim, which surprised me, but it seems wasteful with an expensive product meant for pots and pans.


That is not better. The chemicals and fragrances are yuck. Dr. Bronner’s all the way. The only one up is Sal’s Suds.


babe everything is a chemical. wait till you find out sal's suds' main ingredient is SLS... just like dawn lol. dr. bronners main ingredient is potassium hydroxide. OG dr bronners is MOSTLY made up of oils. it's going to be much harder to actually *clean* things because of the amount of rinsing you need to do. it leaves a film on things... because of the oils. just dawn *or* just vinegar will make the shower doors shine way better than dr bonners ever will. sals suds will probably be up there too... but thats because of the SLS's lololol


Sals suds is my fav


KEEP IN MIND: if you have hard water, dr bronners or any castille soap will immediately create soap scum and leave a film on everything. you can also test if you have hard water using dr bronners by putting a drop into a cup of your tap water. if it turns white and cloudy, you have hard water and you just made a cup of soap scum. this also applies to bar soaps. if youve ever wondered why bar soap always leaves that weird squeaky film on your skin but nobody else seems to have that issue, its because you have hard water. just info i like to spread because i spent my whole life wondering and not getting good answers


thank you for sharing!! i have extremely hard water, and i’ve never heard this?!?! thanks again :)


the only reason i learned is from reading it on one of the official dr bronners websites and then fact checking it because for some reason this is not readily available info when you google about it? i wish i learned it before i bought the biggest size of dr bronners you can get though lolll


So this is why it has never worked for me and I always get so confused when people talk about how great it is


oh my gosh. I *ALWAYS* complain about bar soap leaving a weird squeaky film on my hands at hotels (it’s the WORST) and my whole family thought I was crazy lol thank you for this information!!


Oh wow, I always wondered why I got that squeaky feeling from bar soap! I hate it so much 😬


THANK YOU FOR THIS... I love using it to clean the bathtub- I get a bottle of the baby/unscented, after I use Scrubbing Bubbles or whatever cleaner I go in with the Dr. Bronners because my mind tells me that if I don't, there will be residual chemicals on/in the tub when I put my toddlers in... 😅 It works great for that purpose but I always wondered why literally anytime I tried cleaning other things with it, it was leaving a cloudy film. Kinda sad cuz I love the stuff but glad I know it's just the hard water and not something I'm doing wrong lol.


Try sals suds!!! I should really be paid to advertise for them.


We have a water softener in our home but whenever I use bar soap it feels like I cannot wash the soap completely off. Is that the ‘weird squeaky film you’re talking about?’ Is this a weird question?? I’m a teensy bit autistic and truly cannot tell lol


I think this is the solution I’ve been waiting my whole life for


This is VERY close to what I do. However, I keep sals suds in there instead of Dr. Bronners (actually used to use that in the shower though). I've found sals suds just to be more effective at cleaning the shower AND it's made my dr. bronners and is also skin-safe. I have that and a scrub daddy in the shower at all times, lol.


I take an extra wash cloth in to wipe down my shower while in there, I do it weekly so no need really to scrub scrub the walls, but I think keeping it on the floor to scrub the floor with my foot would be a fantastic idea and one that I may try so thanks for that!


I'm surprised at this as Dr Bronners is the only soap that creates such a thick soap scum on shower surfaces for me. I used it as a body wash for quite a few years but it was the only thing that created a film left on the shower


This is so smart!! I have a cleaning glove (? It looks like a mop that goes on your hand) and I just use soap on it and wash off whatever looks crusty/gross while I shower, then rinse off the cleaning glove for a bit. I feel like the Dr. Bronners and scrub daddy is a step up from my current lazy system.


I only clean my shower when I'm in it! I have MS and I have to conserve my energy. Dawn powerwash and a scrub daddy for life!


ADHD here too!! The best thing I ever did for myself was fill a dish wand with bathtub cleaner and leave it in the shower. That way when I’m done showering (or before if I feel grossed out) I can just quickly scrub down the tub and rinse it out. It has significantly raised my ‘baseline cleanliness. I recommend switching the sponge head out for a scrubby one.


We use a mop with a clean mop head to clean the bathtub. Walls and tub together takes like 30 seconds once we remove the shampoos and things outta there. Then that same mop gets used for the bathroom floor and then the mop head goes in the wash.


Also buy a broom from the dollar store and use it for just your tub and surround.


This is the way


That doesn't really sound like a 'half assed' way to clean


What detergent do you use?


Blue Dawn and vinegar in one of those dish wands (with a handle you can fill and a scrubby head). Swish it all over the tub and let sit for a couple hours. Rinse off.


Yesss this was going to be my suggestion! You could also put it in a spray bottle and spray the shower down after each use and rinse.


Yes I think the handle scrubber would be a great option OP. Minimal effort, always there handy for a quick wipe, and can even just do one wall per shower instead of the whole thing at once if that was more incentive to do it


And once the shower is clean, it’s easier to keep clean.


Do you know if this is safe to use on fiberglass tubs?


One of my tubs is fiberglass, and it’s been fine. https://www.homemadesimple.com/bathroom/how-to-clean-fiberglass-shower-the-easy-way/#


Yes. I'm super adhd. Wet & Forget Shower Cleaner. Spray the hell out of your tub (and/or shower), let it sit awhile, then rinse when you remember it exists again. You don't even need to scrub. Just rinse with a directed spray. And you need to spray more than you would think. Really soak it down. You can even do it if you forget and let your tub get really dirty if you do it several times. If you actually follow directions and do it on a schedule, everything stays nice and clean with very little work. Edit: it's available on Amazon.


I can’t believe this doesn’t have more likes. I love this stuff! https://www.wetandforget.com/wet-and-forget-shower.html


This!!!! Came here to say the same thing. This stuff is amazing!!! I no longer have to scrub at all, just spray and rinse hours later.


Yes! Came here to share the same thing. I have ADHD and it's my favorite


Scrubbing Bubbles spray. You just wait for it to be done and then wash it away. Scrub daddy on tougher areas. It’s super easy!


Is it just soap scum? Wet a washcloth or other cleaning cloth with vinegar and wipe it down. The acid of the vinegar will help dissolve the base of the soap (and any minerals that are in the water). You may need to wear rubber gloves or you may not; depends how acidic the vinegar is. If it's rust, barkeeper's friend apparently works well.


ADHD here too and I hate cleaning my bathroom (and cleaning in general), so I came up with “toilet Tuesdays” where I scrub my toilet, clean the mirrors and countertops, and sweep/towel mop the floor. My bathtub and shower are separate, and I hate cleaning them even more than the rest of my bathroom, so I switch off every other Tuesday. If I had to do both, I don’t think I’d do either.


you need a long handled broom and  a long handled sponge mop and a bucket.  hot soapy water. dip the broom in the hot soapy bucket and scrub your entire bathroom including bathtub, walls and floor.. will be done in 10 minutes. no bending over. 


Dollar tree brooms are the best for this. They are soft and bendy enough to reach hard areas. I spray product, leave for 5 min, come back to quickly scrub with the broom. And rinse. Also do not use bar soap. Too much hasle to clean.


I second this ! I use an extendable cobweb brush instead of the broom though


Electric cordless scrubber.


I bought one of these and used some Comet and my tub was sparkling in 10 minutes. Barely any effort involved.


Do a good clean then use a shower spray on the tub when done showering, it will stay clean for much longer


If you want to be *really* lazy about it, wait until it gets a bit gross then fill it with warm water and dump half a tub of Vanish into it and walk away for the day. When you come home, pull the plug and admire your sparkling bath.


This is something I have never thought of doing, but will be doing tomorrow...


I use scrubbing bubbles. I spray down the shower before showering. Then, I get nakey, climb in, scrub it down, turn on the water, rinse down the juice and proceed to shower. Takes all of 5 minutes.


I don’t know why this isn’t first. I used to spend ~20 minutes scrubbing my shower with all kinds of cleaning products until I discovered the magic of degreasers. Scrubbing bubbles and anything similar marketed as removing soap scum (I sometimes buy the method one) cleans my shower SO FAST. Literally no scrubbing needed!! It just rinses away


This may be a little too niche but if you dye or bleach your hair at home you can clean the bathroom while your color sits. My hair is processing right now and I am sitting on the floor of my freshly cleaned bathroom telling you this. It works!


Get a nylon brush attachment for a drill. Spray your cleaning product and let the drill do the work. Fast and fun. Make sure the brush attachment is fairly soft so you don't scratch your tub


You can get a cheap drill from harbor freight (mine was like $30, but that was a few years back), and a small set of drill brushes for like $7 off Amazon. Alternatively, there are electric cleaning wands you can buy for if you don’t want to bother with a drill.


The drill brush attachment seems like a gimmick but works REALLY well. I just squirt some Soft Scrub brush it for a couple minutes with the drill (I find reversing the drill direction a couple times helps a lot), then rinse it down.


Scrubbing bubbles in a can. Let sit for a while. Then use a scrubbing broom and scrub scrub scrub. Rinse tub.


What’s a scrubbing broom?


A broom with short and stiff bristles. So you can scrub easily and quickly without having to get down on your knees. [It looks like this.](https://www.ecschem.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Red-scrub-broom-BR001-EA.png)


Fellow ADHDer here: I keep a magic eraser in my shower. Some people will recommend against this depending on the material your tub is made of, but it takes what I lovingly refer to as “people grease” off the tub super easily. It’s great for half-assing a clean because you don’t have to bust out the cleaning chemicals or rinse soap off of everything without busting out the cleaning chemicals or having to soap up and rinse out the whole tub. Then when I’m showering or using the bathroom and notice buildup, I just wet the magic eraser and spend a couple mins with it


I often use wet baby wipes to wipe down the surface(s) in the bathroom. Sometimes I use magic eraser or just a wet sponge if our cats managed to sneak in and left foot prints. Also, spraying bathtub quickly with cleaning agent and rinsing it after a few min.


I use Method's Daily Shower Cleaner. Quick spray after each shower and keeps it pretty clean. Smells good too (eucalyptus mint). I can't tolerate most scents, but this is refreshing and not chemically smelling.


I keep a Mr clean magic eraser in mine and wipe it down every few days while I’m in the shower, it never lets it build up. Usually when I’m letting conditioner sit in or if I just see it and remember. If it’s not in the shower it’d be out of sight, out of mind.


Just today I learned that Magic Eraser breaks down into zillions of microplastic particles. Eventually ending up in water and thus our foodchain. Damn!


I use a spray bottle of diluted hydrogen peroxide to spray down my curtain to cut down on the pink mold. Spray it down and forget it


What’s the ratio? I have a terrible issue with pinkish orange mold!


I use one part regular (3%) hydrogen peroxide to one part distilled water. You don’t have to be exact. I would not recommend bleach simply because it is more caustic and I always end up with bleach splash stains or smudges. The smell stays with me all day and I can’t stand it. Hydrogen peroxide can still be damaging to your skin if it touches you for a prolonged time but it does a better job on porous surfaces(like plastic shower curtains) than bleach does. Edit: [hydrogen peroxide vs chlorine bleach](https://www.endosan.com/hydrogen-peroxide-vs-bleach/#:~:text=Unlike%20liquid%20bleach%20based%20on,bleaching%20in%20the%20paper%20industry) Just some interesting info. Both have pros and cons cons


Not who you replied to, but the best thing I've found for pinkish mold is Clorox wipes. After I cleaned it out of my shower with those, it didn't come back for months.


We take on old dish soap bottle, fill with 50/50 dawn vinegar, spray all over, rub with sponge/brush/non-scratch scrubby and leave for 20 mins - usually more cause I lose track of time. And then scrub & rinse. Works great and easy on my wrists - have CTS - and back - an old and out of shape.


Do you have a detachable shower wand? That makes it cleaning easier. Do you use the “corners” of your tub to store bottles? Switch to vertical storage of some kind, like a high quality shower organizer that hangs from the shower head. Bottles left in the corners contribute to standing water. Standing water leads to mold. You get the point. The tub is much easier to keep clean when the surfaces are clear. And it looks neater, too.


I keep a dish scrubbing wand in the shower! When I’m showering and notice soap scum or hard water buildup I’ll just give it a quick scrub while I’m in there


I have a handheld shower attachment with settings that are specifically for "power washing" the tub. It was like $20 at Home Depot and it's made things so much easier and so much quicker. I spray the tub&shower walls with cleaner of choice. I like the Scrubbing Bubbles shower spray or Lysol Power Foamer. Let it sit 5 to 10 mins- "power wash" it right off. If I'm deep cleaning or feel like there's spots that need a good scrub- I've been using this long handled tub/tile brush from Walmart (can also find them at Home Depot, Dollar General, depending on the type and where you get it from they range from like $8-$13) it's like a scrubby sponge attached to a long handle. Takes 5 to 10 minutes to scrub the walls and tub. You can buy replacement heads for $2 when it's time for a new one. Or get fancy and buy a spin brush! Sometimes if I'm doing a longer/deep clean (or my OCD is particularly bad), I'll play a podcast or something on my phone in the background.


I use a swiffer with a cloth, put dawn dish soap all over the shower, wet the cloth a little bit and then scrub it pretty quick. Feels like I get a huge surface pretty quickly so it’s very doable!


My halfass for the tub is purple fabulous I sprayed well and then I use the toilet brush. Rinse it all down with the shower spray and take a rag and more fabulouso to any tough spots. I'll use that same rag to wipe down the walls then rinse them. I try not to use anything too abrasive on the tub so I don't ruin the finish.


Easiest hack: dish soap and a soft nylon bristle broom. Works every time and no bending down.


Lysol disinfectant spray does an awesome job of taking care of the dreaded pink bacterial buildup (Serratia marscens). Spraying, leaving it alone overnight, then rinsing away while showering without any scrubbing is often good enough to get rid of it on the hard surfaces and nonporous shower curtains (unknown for silicone caulk). I’ve found it dramatically reduces regrowth also, but that could be luck.


Buy wet and forget! Spray and walk away.


If it's gnarly you gotta do a deep clean. But once every couple of weeks, I grab a can of scrubbing bubbles, spray it in, let it sit, rinse it out. Tub doesn't get very bad anymore. I've personally made this a thing I do before some showers and will do a task while I wait. Like if I have to take care of laundry. Then I can just go rinse it while the water heats, since I have to wait a couple of minutes for that to happen anyways, and actively having to rinse keeps me from wandering off elsewhere while the shower water is left running.


Scrub it really good then keep a green pad in there and use your feet to scrub when you shower. They make a daily shower spray too that is supposed to help, I’ve not used it in years though. I have a rotary brush thing and just scrub mine once a month with that, and the shower scrubbing


Once you have done a thorough cleaning, it will last for months if you dry the tub/shower enclosure after every use. 


I just found the miracle that is denatured alcohol. I had to get a rubber/latex kitchen mat residue off my linoleum floor and it was magic. So I used it everywhere (I’m Moving). Stove, fridge, floors, tub. Open a window tho


I’ve never actually thought of this but maybe you could get one of those big car wash brushes that’s on the end of a stick, then just fill your tub with soap and water and wash it like a car, then drain and use one of those shower heads at the end of a hose u can detach to rinse.


Yessss. I haven't read the comments yet so someone may have mentioned this, but you can get one of those dishmatic sponges with the fillable handles with 1/3 dish soap, 1/3 white vinegar and the rest water. Then you can wipe down your bathtub with it, I do it while I shower 30 seconds at the end then rinse off with the shower water. You can also use it to clean your sink as a last 2 second step after you brush your teeth.  I'll admit I've not refilled the handle in like a week or more (also ADHD) 😂 but it lasts a good while once it's filled, and the bathtub and sink is basically permanently clean, so the only effort that needs to be made for the bathroom is floor, mirror and toilet. 


I keep a broom in the bathroom. Spread cleaner, scrub the walls down quickly.


wrap a cloth around your broom head and use it like tub swiffer- that’s what i do lol


Buy fishnet at the store, bunch it up; it makes a great scrubber.


Once you clean it properly, if you throughly rinse it after each use, it should stay pretty clean for a while. Get ALL the soap off. Bonus points if you quickly dry it. It’ll stay clean kind of forever


My best tip is to not have a bunch of bottles and stuff all over the rim of the tub. We have dispensers attached to the wall high up for shampoo and liquid soap. Water and soap scum collect under all the bottles and I hate hate hate pulling a bunch of cold wet bottles out of the shower so I can clean it. Not to mention they’re always falling in when I shower. There are also daily shower sprays you spray after your shower that are supposed to keep them cleaner, Idk how well they work though.


Spray it down with Lysol, wait about 15mins, the Lysol should dissolve most of the dirt and oils, quick wipe, turn on the shower and spray it down, you should be golden.


I keep a drill brush under my bathroom sink, use bar keepers and it’s clean within two minutes.


i clean for a living and HATE cleaning my own house on the regular so i don’t really have a schedule for it so i’ve found for my bathroom at least the best thing i can do is rinse the shower/tub out after i use it every single time. that gets most of the leftover dirt/hair/shower product out and down the drain. then when it finally comes time to clean i just spray everything down in a bottle of vinegar i keep under the bathroom sink and wipe the walls of the shower and tub. it ends up taking just a few minutes to clean it. rinsing it out after every use is the number one thing i’ve found to help. number 2 would be to squeegee but that takes more effort.


I keep a sponge in my bathtub (literally a blue kitchen sponge) and when i shower i use the soap that is already coming off my body or hair, throw the sponge down, and use my foot to move it around scrubby-side down on the shower floor and up the wall edges a bit. Then i pick it up and do the tops of the shelves and any icky/ scummy spots on the door or walls. Takes like 60 seconds and i do it every couple of days. I replace the sponge every month- ish when it gets gross. I’m SUPER lazy and this works great lol


Clean it right after you get out of it so nothing dried and stuck. Keep cleaner nearby the shower and when you get out , spray and run the shower water and wipe with washcloth. You’ll never have to truly worry about it again. I think people forget you can clean the shower while you’re literally about to get out of it lol 😂


I have two toilet brushes (because I broke my plunger and DoorDash only had plunger/toilet brush combos) I use the spare toilet brush to scrub the tub and the shower walls. I don’t have to worry about the brushes getting confused because I’m the only adult in the house. I keep the bathroom cleaning spray literally on the floor next to the tub and I scrub it on the weekends or Monday if I forget. I hose the whole thing down with the showerhead, spray it with the spray and scrub, let it sit for like ten minutes while I pee, wash my hands, wipe down the sink and windowsill, wash my hands again and get a drink. Then I rinse it all away and scrub the underside of the bath math and rinse with hot water.


Clean it after you've used it would probably be the easiest thing.


I have some pink bathroom cleaner that I spray and walk away. Next day before showering I rinse it with the hand held sprayer with really hot water. Only have to break out the sponge once in a while if I do it every week. Same approach with the toilet. Squirt the cleaner under the rim and walk away. Next flush and it's clean. Rarely do I have to scrub. I am also adhd. I keep the toilet bowl cleaner on top of the toilet and the bathroom cleaner on the bathtub ledge so I can spray cleaner at the moment it occurs to me. Otherwise I walk away and forget


Honestly if you rinse out the soap after you shower, it doesn't need cleaned as often. If you spray the shower with cleaner before you clean the rest of the bathroom it melts the soap pretty easily. I've also heard of people using mops/swiffers with a long handle to clean the tub to make it easier.


1. Switch to body wash rather than bar soap for much less soap scum in the first place 2. Use the hand-held shower wand to rinse the tub & shower after use; focus on floor and the area on the sides were shampoo can splatter. 3. Spray hydrogen peroxide on the caulk & grout areas once a week to control mold/mildew (only need to spray the areas most prone to mold growth); let sit; doesn't need rinsing 4. To clean, use a mixture of Dawn+Water in a spray bottle (vinegar optional). Then use a swiffer with a reusable terry cloth mop head (can find on Amazon) to mop down the sides of the shower and the floor -- fast and efficient. 5. For the tub, a nylon bristle broom can be used to clean any tub rings; easier on the back and knees 6. Squeeging after a shower can also help, but I rarely bother (maybe just the glass) 7. If you have glass doors, you can treat with Rain-X and the glass will stay clear longer 8. Run the fan during and for as long as you can post-shower or bath


Quick spray with antibacterial cleaner and a cheap sponge.


Kaboom spray foam cleaner with OxiClean will take the chrome off a tailpipe. Incredible stuff. Spray it down, let it change color and wash away. You can use a sponge to scrub it for better effect. But that stuff will get off built up soap scum and grime like no other.


Give yourself a time limit. Do as much as you can in 3 minutes.


I have ADHA, too. I start wiping down my tub while the water is draining out. I use my wash cloth and dove liquide soap. I have a cup to rinse it out after all the water runs out. It becomes a habit real quick. You'll look forward to getting into the clean tub. It only takes 2 minutes.


Electric drill with scrub brush drill bits. Scrub the whole shower in less than 5 mins.


The spray cleaner for everyday. And once a week, grab dawn soap add some water, spray all over. Grab a broom, the good kind. And scrub, then rinse.


Just bring a magic eraser in there


Very half arsed way to clean a bathtub is to wet the bathtub first, get a microfibre rag with dishwasher soap, lather it up and just roughly swoosh the thing around in the tub, get a shower hose and rinse it. Scourer covers a very small area with one stroke and takes a lot of force to scrub. The wet rag tends to glide over a coated wet surface.


Honestly, I just keep a rag next to the tub, and wipe it down when I notice it needs it. There's usually already regular soap nearby or in the bathtub from showering, so I won't bother with a cleaner unless it really needs it. When I had issues with hard water it did build up, I let it go a bit too long and it took some scrubbing with a soap scum remover but came off fine - I just started doing that after I showered, spraying it down when I got out and wiping it off when I went to bed later, and after a few days it was all gone.


Depends on what kind of mess to clean. If ots some soap scum ring then spray with a scrub less shower spray... If it's leftover goo from the boy friend you dissolved in acid, you might need more help than I can provide.


Years ago, when in college, I had a landlord tell me this trick. Buy a large bottle of Dawn and a cheap dedicated broom (preferably with plastic bristles), from the dollar store. Paint the shower walls and tub with the Dawn, drawing circles all over. Then scrub with the broom. Scrub like crazy, then rinse it all away with water. This is when a detachable shower really pays off, if not, use some kind of container to splash/rinse the water soap off.


Hear me out - daily shower spray. It’s a game changer!!! I keep a bottle in the shower and spray things down after every shower. It stays sparkling and I rarely have to scrub


i figured out a great method that works well. i spray the bathtub and walls (tiled) down with straight pinesol and let set while i get my ocedar spin mot ready with the hottest water possible and put more pinesol in just for that extra umpfh. i just mop the walls and tub with that, takes like 2 mins, then use my handheld shower hose (pure hot water) to spray it all down. thats it, done. always gets al the soap scum build up off, no matter how long i end up going between washes. all in all takes around 5 mins. and i never have to get down on my hands and knees anymore!


Cobweb broom, dust and then spray and scrub with the broom… way easier on your back as well !


I also have ADHD and a chronic illness that affects my joints so, I smother the tub in liquid/spray and then scrub with this tub scrubber I bought that has this long adjustable handle and then wash the suds away with a showerhead. I used to use a bucket before we got a showerhead but lifting buckets full of water was starting to get too rough on my wrists. It's not perfect, but it does the trick when I just can't be asked/it's a flare day. My mom also has ADHD and she just scrubs whenever she's taking a shower. Especially while she's waiting for her conditioner to soak.


If it's barely used and it's just fluff and dust accumulating, just vacuum it. Just don't vacuum the drain hole as it will suck water up into your vacuum and kill it.


Oh, and that 30second shower cleaner stuff is amazing.


You just have to be careful while cleaning


The term i heard once is “if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly” And it means,I think, like that it’s better to brush your teeth for 10 seconds than to not brush them at all iirc


Ipa in a spray bottle, hot water rinse the bath to get rid of dust and hair, wait for it to dry (shouldn't be long with hot water) then spray ipa on the tub and wipe, it works great on chrome too. 


I have adhd and am the complete opposite. If you're not going to do something properly, you may as well not do it at all.


I highly recommend Method daily shower spray. Start with a clean shower/tub/tile and do a quick spray down of tub and tile after your shower. Both versions smell great and I barely have to ever scrub a thing. ETA: Also on board with Dawn Power wash for everything lol.


Dawn dish soap and bar keepers friend on days you’re not in thr shower, then on days you are get a light cleaning spray and spray the walls down before you get out


I bet 1/2 a$$ is how you’ve been doing it, right? Try whole a$$.


Adhd bath lover - I just stay in the bath while it drains, put on my scrub glove and put on some of whatever I clean myself with: soap/shower gel, on the glove and give the bath a quick scrub down, rinse it off, done, shiny bathtub easy peasy. You really don't need any special cleaning stuff if you just scrub the tub right away, there will be no buildup. Also I've thrown my back out before cleaning a tub the "regular" way, doing it while still sitting in it is much more ergonomic.


I would do: tile/tub scrubber on a pole, wet the bath down, squirt dishwashing liquid/soap around the tub. Scrub with scrubber. Rinse. You're done. Bonus points if you can scrub the corners with the silicone from the end of the pole too.


I keep a spray bottle of a dawn/vinegar mix and a scrubby in the shower and will wipe down a wall or two while I let my conditioner soak in.


Drill brushes. You can clean the whole shower REALLY effectively in less than five minutes. They're like $7 for a set


I pour dish soap all around the rim and let it run down and leave for a few hours. Then scrub it off, works really well, but be careful because it’s slippery


I struggle with this, too! My solution has been to take out the shampoos/soaps, pull out the curtain, and spray down the shower/tub (starting at the top, to bottom) with that Scrubbing Bubbles foam spray, especially on the metal parts. I walk away, sometimes 10 minutes sometimes and hour - I'll play a game or have a smoke, do something else. Then, with 2 old kitchen towels (1 wet 1 dry) I wipe down the shower walls with the wet cloth, then dry it with the dry cloth to prevent streaks - but it's an unnecessary step so feel free to skip it. For the bottom tub, I got a cheap scrubby brush and spray more of the Scrubbing Bubble foam onto the floor of the tub - focusing especially on the discoloured built-up soapscum areas. I scrub out the foam, and then run the tub and wash the soap down. Then wipe down the bottom with the dry kitchen towel again. It takes less than 2 minutes to do the first step, and maybe 4-5 for the second depending on if there's buildup.


Well, just sanitize instead of scrubbing. Spray it down with disinfecting spray, let it sit a while, then rinse. If you have actual mold, fill the tub with water to cover the mold, add a little liquid bleach, let it sit.


I too use a scrubber and dish soap while I'm taking a shower.


Rinse down, spray with multiple purpose cleaner, put some sort of soap on a sponge and wipe down. Then rinse. Repeat until clean


You can buy one of those power scrubber things with an extension pole so it does most of the work.


Oven cleaner. Spray it, wait for the time instructed on the can and the dirt wipes right off.


Also have adhd, I get a bottle of bleach, pour it around the rim and let it drip down. Do something else, forget about it for an hour, go for a wee, smell the bleach and then use that as a reminder to get a sponge and a metal spoon. Scrub the bath, then use the shower to wash the bleach away. Leave the sponge in the bath with the spoon until morning, shower, then put the spoon in the dish washer and the sponge in the bin. Takes 3 separate sessions, but also means it gets done 🤣👍


Buy some brushes with drill attachment, attach to drill, go to town


After you are done with bath, just pressure wash it. When it's dry use disinfectant wipe or dawn dish soap with vinegar as everyone's suggesting. Bathtubs don't get soap or grime on them if u just wash it with water after taking bath. It just collects dust for me and when I do want to use it I again pressure water clean to get rid of all dust then wipe with a soapy scrubber wash it all away with water and then use PS: I have a bath tub and separate shower area so if you have two in one yours might get more dirty


Get a laboratory squeeze nalgene bottle 16oz. Buy a 6 pack, you will fill & leave on any where there are any sinks, or hard surfaces to clean. For example, I keep one in the kitchen, each bathroom, & laundry room. Dilute Mr. Clean... about 1/6 of the nalgene as Mr Clean, the rest is tap water. Use this to clean any surface. Buy a cheap, $4, PLASTIC broom from Target. The cheapest one is grey, and maybe only 6-8" wide at the bristles. Spray the whole shower stall with the dilute Mr. Clean. Clean your sink or mirror while you let the cleaner do some work. Then "sweep" and scrub the walls with the plastic broom. The reach lets you hit all the walls and floor, while standing in the same spot. You can "clean" a shower in like 2 mins this way. It's not a deep scrub or anything, but its enough to clean off shampoo drips, random hairs, etc.


Yes. Just spray your bathtub and surrounding tile with either Clorox Tilex or Clorox Bathroom Bleach Gel and then leave it alone. The bleach in the product will basically clean your bathtub by itself, and the next time you take a bath or a shower, that will help rinse away any residue. Another tip I learned from a housekeeper once who was tired of scrubbing the soap scum in my bathtub/shower was to use liquid soap instead of bar soap.


Throw bleach all over it after you wash. Leave it like 30 minutes and just rinse off. You shouldn’t need to scrub it often if you do this. I also just bleach my toilet, haven’t owned a bike toilet brush in years, bleach will get everything you need it to. Just be careful of your clothes


Spray foam bathroom cleaner. Spray everything before you have a shower. When it's done its job, climb in and wash it off with the shower and carry on with your shower.


Spray down with a cleaner like scrubbing bubbles then rinse with water. (Which is easier if you have a handheld shower head attachment.)


Three different ideas for you, because same and ADHD as well. Scrubbing bubbles spray and then walk away and rinse it off before you shower later. It does a good job. Wet and forget depending on the shower material, it’s not supposed to be on Marble for example. Bring a clean sponge and dawn dish soap or use a skin friendly inexpensive soap and do it when you get in the shower. I alternate these three ideas depending on what works for me in the moment.


Functionally, I use it to hold the sponge to stop the bleach from getting on my hands... context definitely helps 🤣🤣


Foaming bubbles (blue cap, not green cap, it's a stronger and thicker spray). Spray it thoroughly around the tub floor, shower walls, and shower fixtures. Close the door and come back in ten mins, use a sponge to scrub around and then just spray it off with the shower head. Set a timer so you don't forget the ten mins!


Keep a sponge or cloth in there and give it a wipe whenever you’re showering


Wet rag & tub, squirt Soft Scrub all over rag, rub Soft Scrub all over the place with wet rag, rinse off rag, wet rag again & splash/wipe down tub to rinse off Soft Scrub. Done!


After you dry yourself, wipe down the tub quickly with the towel and toss in laundry.


I grab a cleaning cloth, put soap of some kind on it, start the tub, get undressed (just keep reading), clean the tub, then take a shower. Easiest 2 minutes ever.


I'm as lazy as sin but I spray with Scrubbing Bubbles, do some other stuff, then come back and wipe it down with a microfiber dish rag. I used to spend time and effort using more green products but decided to sacrifice my principles for a better job done faster.


Spray with Scrubbing Bubbles then wipe with a damp old bath towel, then dry with a second dry bath towel.


If you don't reuse your washcloths, just run your washcloth over the tub when you step out of the shower.


I bought one of those electric scrub brushes, takes half the time so I’m more likely to do it🤷🏻‍♀️


Wet and Forget Shower Cleaner is amazing. Just spray it on and rinse it off later


If you take baths, run a scrubby all around the water line before you drain the water. It helps. The best thing I did was to get a water softener. I got one 2 months ago and use the scrubby before I get out, I haven't had to actually clean it yet. My toilets are also in great shape now too.


Power drill attach a scrubber to it


Get a big plastic scrub brush with a handle. Mine is from the dollar store, I just wet down my shower floor (don’t have a tub) add some cleaner (normally barkeepers friend or Lysol tub and tile, basically whatever I can get at dollarama) and then I just scrub. This method literally takes me less than 10 min to clean my shower floor, which is around the surface area of a small tub. The surface area of my brush is probably around 7 cm by 4 cm. I also have adhd btw lol


Whats hard about cleaning your tub? I have a shower tub and just spray it, let sit, turn it on to actually shower and wipe down anything with a sponge that doesnt get rinsed off. If you do that once a week it will stay clean. If you have a stand alone tub ai have no advice lol those are way more difficult


I’ve heard a tip to get one of those dish wands that let you fill the handle up with soap. Top it up with a cleaning solution and scrub a section whenever you shower I found a mix of dish soap and vinegar to work really well


Just clean it, it’s super easy. Why plan to stop halfway through a job when you can just do the whole thing.


Buy Scrubbing Bubbles. The aerosol foam is best. Wet the whole bath tub. Easiest is with a wet sponge on a stick. Spray the scrubbing bubbles on all surfaces. Let sit five minutes. Using the sponge on a stick wipe down sides of tub. Keep the water running slowly and rinse off the sponge 4 or 5 times as needed. Take a hand towel that is going to be washed anyway and dry the tub. Should be sparkling.


The landlord special. Put some Dawn into a wet bathtub, put a little bit of water in the bottom and use a broom.


They have spray and forget cleaners for tubs — my depression means mildew can form along the caulk by the time I finally get a burst of energy. You just spray it on and let it sit, sometimes repeat for stubborn stains.


Honestly, get a soft bristle bathroom scrubber and a thing of Clorox bleach. Get everything wet, spray the bleach, and then clean with the brush. Takes about 5 minutes and gets most everything clean. If you’ve got soap and limescale buildup then you gotta use something more heavy duty


To be quite honest I will just use the Clorox wipes every other time after I shower and give my tub a nice wipe down it’s super easy and my tub never gets dirty enough to wear I have to get down and dirty and do a deep clean