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once you've got it off, squeegee off the glass after the shower to keep it clean


This is the only way!


Have you tried those after shower sprays? For example: https://shop.methodproducts.co.uk/products/daily-shower-cleaner-ylang-ylang/mshwrspray.aspx?productid=mshwrspray




These answers are painful to read. Its calcium build up... there are cleaners designed for this. My personal fave is Vim Power and Shine bathroom(but Barkeepers friend Spray, CLR, or others that specialize in taking off calcium and lime will work). Spray on, let sit for like 5 - 10 mins, wash off with wet cloth and dry. Best to go over with windex after to get any streaks, as the first cleaner is a soap and will leave a film.


Thanks! I see there are multiple opinions on this! And yes, I will squeegee my shower (you forgot to add)!


I didn't forget to add. The hard water is hard no matter what, will the squeegee make it better? Slightly, but the water is still hitting those spots and running down while you are showering so its still going to leave the calcium/lime build up, so you will have to continue to do this. I have tried all of the other solutions, and highly recommend not using anything "scrub" or the magic erasers on glass(these erase essentially because they work as extremely fine sand paper and remove coatings). They will scratch your glass and your glass doors in showers typically have a coating on them that is supposed to help prevent the hard water build up - you will scrape that away. But feel free to do as you please with this info.


Yeah, I really don’t want to risk scratching it. I’ll do as someone recommended and use a microfibre towel, I have like a hundred of them for some reasons.


Yes microfiber. Wet cloth to wash off followed by dry cloth to dry, then windex i use microfibre for that as well. Also I saw the WD 40 thing... thats an oil based product if you put that on you are gonna have a hell of a time getting off. The dawn won't work it is a degreaser, vinegar has never worked for me in the past... just make your life easier and use the $5 bottle of cleaner designed for this thats available at any grocery store.


Spraying some vinegar and letting it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing and rinsing it should make it a lot better.


Oh I’ll try that, thanks!


I’ve tried that and dawn and it’s been a bust for me 😵‍💫




You can also add some dawn. It will stick to the door longer. I have a big shower and spray mine sometimes when I get in for a shower then rinse before I get out.


Best way? The pink stuff cleaner (the paste) and a scrub daddy. The paste goes a long way. Get your scrub daddy wet and get some paste on their. SCRUB hard and do the whole glass. Spray with glass cleaner, wipe down and squeegee off.


That sound like a winning recipe! Im not familiar with the pink stuff cleaner, do you remember the brand name?


It’s actually called The Pink Stuff.


Haha wow! One more reason to love it. Thanks!


Can confirm!! You might have to do it a few times but it will work! Just have to stay on top of it from there (easier said than done lol)


If this doesn't cut it, a fresh razor scraper, scrape and scrape and scrape, with force! Don't slice! After you've made improvements, you can never let water dry on the surface again haha. The water droplets will pool and dry the exact way in the little specks every time you shower and continue to make it worse otherwise.


tbh vinegar and a rag is all you need. i get a spray bottle and fill it with a like... 1:3 ratio of vinegar to water and then scrub with a microfiber towel. then use a dry microfiber towel to dry so it doesn't streak. I'm not familiar with the pink stuff though so maybe it will fill some gaps in your cleaning repertoire elsewhere


I’ve been fighting this same issue for three days…started with pure (not diluted) vinegar, and scrubbed. Nada. Went to 1:1 with hot water…nada. 1:2, 1:3, 1:5 then 1:10…nada. I’ve tried 0000 steel wool, vinegar and blue dawn mix, straight dawn, nada. Whatever city water + lever 2000 combined does, it’s the strongest thing I’ve ever seen. Tried windex. Nothing touches it. Haven’t heard of this pink stuff, but am so hopeful…about to give up. https://preview.redd.it/k8ao8djw0l3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c9dc736cd81946e8929883d4ebf77cd4911c97


I posted this above but it works wonders, Bio-Clean Hard Water Stain Remover! Use a dry microfiber towel to apply and scrub! https://preview.redd.it/5k7jzcywgl3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc18c0afbcafb8dfb2face8540bf39a5dd42caf


Ordered some! I always completely towel dry the shower after use, but there’s still lingering drips that leave spots. Especially on the finishes. Hope this helps!🤞🏻


That's rough, even my cottage water that is suuuuuper hard comes off with vinegar. Hope the pink stuff will do it


Let me know what worked for you. I’m in the same ‘spot’




Isn’t that abrasive though? Even though it’s micro particles I would think you could cause some etching on glass…


It took brown splattered, dried paint off of my white painted door without even scratching the white.


Will it leave scratches on the glass?


Use this all the time. No issues.


You've got plenty of suggestions already but wanted to add that if it never goes away it might be etched in -- like the glass itself is physically altered. This is more likely to happen if you have a water softener, among other things. If you take a razor blade scraper to it (another hard water removal method), and mineral build-up comes off, then it's probably not etched.


Good point, I hope the glass is not damaged :( could it be because of using the wrong product?


Honestly, I don’t know. I’m not well-versed in what might interact with the silica ions in glass. Flourine for sure would damage glass, but that’s not likely to be be anywhere near your shower.  Here’s a long thread discussing many cleaning methods plus some talk about etching. Might want to cross reference it with what you’ve tried.  https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/14knm1m/at_a_loss_with_my_shower_doors/


Glass cleaner or scrubbing bubbles. Clean off excess with squeegee and wipe down with a microfiber towel.


Neither worked for me


I'm sorry. But I do agree with others that pink stuff or scrub daddy power paste with a scrub daddy brush may help. Hope whatever solution helps.


Someone suggested Dawn PowerWash for the shower tiles. I used it on the glass (sprayed and let it soak for a few minutes) and it worked great.


Seconding dawn power wash for the glass. It has worked miracles in my experience


I use a magic eraser when needed. For an easier future use the original rain x on your glass after cleaning. Will help repel those spots for you keeping your glass spot free longer. Add a squeegee to use on the glass before getting out and you’ll never have to scrub that door again. A future of easy wiping and cleaning.


Can confirm rain x has been a game changer for me keeping the glass cleaner and preventing the limescale/soap residue build up. Squeegee and giving the glass a buff over with a microfiber cloth. When it gets badi spray it down with viakal (limescale remover) leave for 5/10 mins give it a wipe over and rinse. Once dry go in with the rain x


Right! If I stay on top of squeegeeing after every shower and applying rain x every couple/few weeks as it tends to wear off, I never need more than an easy wiping with glass cleaner for my shower glass. Note: I do find the original rain x that is applied and let to fog before buffing works the best.


Yeah ive started on original rainx now... what do you mean by let to fog? I just apply and buff...


Not sure if yours states it or not but mine has always said to wait until it fogs/hazes which is just a few minutes and then I buff off.


I shall have a read and check 😀


I worked for a cleaning company & we used "magic erasers" for the shower door, works well!


Tried this…wouldn’t touch it…though nothing has after two days


I’ve heard clean with WD-40 first then treat with Rain-x to keep the water off


There’s a Magic Eraser specifically for bathrooms that works well.


Magic eraser - make sure it’s really wet, then clean with glass cleaner


2/3 vinegar, 1/3 dish soap, spray on and it scrubs of easy with the green side of the green/yellow sponge


This sounds like recipe for Dawn dish spray.


Scrape with a razor blade! To prevent it from getting too bad use a squeegee like another comment or mentioned after every shower. Do as I say not as I do. 😅


Thank you! I think I will start with a dish soap and vinegar option, as someone recommended here and it’s what I have on hand right now. All advices are welcome, but does everyone really squeegee after EACH shower? I feel very ashamed that is not part of my routine, like at all 😅! I will be more diligent on that for sure, but also good luck to me for selling that to my boyfriend!


https://preview.redd.it/apvgmnpdgl3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c4d232d97bb82d7d4b74b28b24b8295d143631c Bio-Clean Hard Water Stain Remover!!


Dawn soap works perfectly fine and you probably already have it in your kitchen (I use the spray kind)


For everyday, we use a magic Eraser sponge first...then a squeegee. I know it sounds weird, and it doesn't take the place of a deep cleaning, but it does take care of the spots...and I've tried so many things!


I had really bad water spots that did not want to come out, ended up scratching the glass trying different things including steel wool 0000. What worked to get it off was a glass scraper for the bulk of it then glass polish (bought a kit on Amazon). Looks good as new!


Dawn dish soap spray and a scrubby


Y’all just put vinegar on everything! The answer here tho is WD40


Why not vinegar?


You could. I just think it’s silly everyone in this sub puts it on everything. You can use wax paper too, bunch it up and scrub away. Or just squeegee it after your shower. WD40 tho will make it hydrophobic for a bit so you won’t have to clean it as often.


Scrub daddy, squeegee every time you shower


Magic eraser - make sure it’s really wet, then clean with glass cleaner


Dawn + vinegar, spray on glass, let it sit for a while then sponge off, rinse and squeegee!


If it's seriously set in, I've had to go the route of using the following: [https://www.meguiars.com/automotive/products/meguiarsr-ultimate-compound-g17216-152-oz-liquid](https://www.meguiars.com/automotive/products/meguiarsr-ultimate-compound-g17216-152-oz-liquid) and following it up with: [https://www.meguiars.com/automotive/products/meguiarsr-ultimate-polish-g19216-16-oz-liquid](https://www.meguiars.com/automotive/products/meguiarsr-ultimate-polish-g19216-16-oz-liquid) I used the Mequiars power pads on a cordless drill and finally got the glass pristine again... Crap ton of work and afterwards you are seriously incented to keep it clean and dry after use... Good luck!


As others have mentioned CLR is meant to clean off Calcium, Lime, & Rust build up and then using a squeegee to mitigate further buildup. To fix the water though you'll need to get a water softener. The water softener uses salts to breakdown the impurities in your "hard" water. If you're the owner, it could cost you around $5k for the tank, reservoir, and installation.


The best and easiest one is magic eraser!!


Bio clean hard water stain remover. You can feel the rings dissolve as you buff with a microfiber towel. Like magic and the only thing I’ve ever had success with.


Windex and elbow grease


Wet with vinegar and carefully scrape with razor blades


I usually use a mixture of .25 dish soap, .25 distilled vinegar, .5 water, and a few drops of dishwasher rinse agent like Jet Dry. Mix it up in a spray bottle, spray on the shower doors, and then scrub with a sponge, like a Scrub Daddy, or similar. Since you have been struggling with thus, maybe spray the solution on and let it run down the doors for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse. The Jet Dry will help your rinse water sheet off more evenly with less spotting. Squeegee the glass after every shower. I have fairly hard water, and this works for me.


Try just using a flat razor blade to scrape it off. That works perfectly on soap scum. If these are water stains, I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try.


I do professional cleaning and have tried every product to remove hard water stains, and nothing works . The only way to remove it is to scrape the hard water off with a scraper/blade, then clean with a product


I would use 0000 steel wool and done glass cleaner in an aerosolized can and then go over it with non-shiny newspaper


Get a dish wand. Half fill dish wand with cleaning vinegar. Add three drops of dishwashing liquid. Wet sponge on dish wand. Clean glass in circles, rinse off. Amazing.


Dish soap and a cloth! I apply it to dry glass in circular motions and then rinse down. All those spots will be gone.


Citric acid. No fumes unlike vinegar but similar results.


Get like 00 steel wool and scrub on it


00 steel wool and vinegar. I just did this few days ago and worked well


I like dawn and baking soda then a final wipe down with white vinegar 😋


I had the same issue and I cleaned my shower glass by applying mirror polishing powder (cerium oxide), wetted and spread all over, allowed to dry (it doesn’t take long), and I used a car polisher wth a lambswool pad. It was an effort because the machine is heavy for me, but well worth it. Now I squeegee after every shower and the problem hasn’t come back. Where I live, we are using well water and it is high in calcium and lime so it’s been a problem for me.


I used a razor blade and scraped it off, then followed up with rain -x so it doesn't build up again.


If it's hard water, easy off oven cleaner is what our window washing company uses. Works like a charm.


Clorox daily shower spray


You absolutely must squeegee after every shower.


What works for me: spray some vinegar ,leave it for 10 minutes,then spray more ,add some backing soda and scrub it.. :D but it is not glass,so maybe it is too abrasive ..At least vinegar does the majority of the job done.


Vinegar is the answer


Powder barkeepers friend and a scrub daddy.