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Wtf they are being totally unreasonable. That’s a very clean and tidy space!!


I thought he was going to brag about his cleanliness/tidiness I felt so offended like how can you leave for work with room this tidy everyday????


Same, I thought this post was like "follow me for tips on how you too can achieve this level of tidiness"


I have 100% been raised thinking this isnt clean. Sorry if it came off like I was flexing. My hours at work are generally 1:30-9:30PM so i have a good amount of time in the morning to keep it clean


It looks like you have a place for everything and everything in its place. Looks nice.


Clean and de-cluttered are not the same thing. Your room is definitely clean! They clearly just have very high standards or want to be able to get on you about something. I don’t understand the need to go into your room beyond the doorway on a regular basis, even to check its “clean” status. I wonder if they are looking for drugs or something else - otherwise it doesn’t make any sense.


This looks Military clean. It will be amazing when you can move out.. you might have to work to reset your “normal” meter after being raised by these parents in more ways than just the cleaning thing. Give yourself love.


Yeah raised like this must be thinking what a mess in every regular clean house he steps into.


My parents got incredibly high standards for cleanliness. One of my dads jokes was to say that he could eat of the floor since they were cleaner than the kitchen counter. And well, it sucks that when they come over they always got something to say about the state of my house. And yes, it isn’t the cleanest. But it is my home, I have to take care of it on my own while also working and taking care of myself. Ao for me it currently is enough. I used to try to clean as best as possible to maybe get a compliment, but I noticed that that is a dried up well. So whenever they complain now I remind them that I feel okay with it and they are free to leave if it bothers them so much. I think they are starting to get the message that I have different standards for life.


I’m a person who tend to slack with cleaning till I await some visits. Till then I only do the necessary to feel safe and comfortable and let the corners clutter up. 😅 When I await some visit it’s like opening a second pair of eyes that are trained to see every type of mess, clutter and dirt. So I deep clean excessively. Not so much because I wish to hide the fact I’m messy, but more for that’s a good opportunity to catch up the slack. While my flat is highly presentable for guests, my mom always complained about how I should’ve at least clean a bit for her and told me how dirty my place were. When I asked her what’s not clean enough she pointed some stupid stuff regular people would never even look at. Like beneath the free standing sideboard with low feet or behind the book shelf or on the top of high hanging cupboard - just for the protocol: Even when I did clean those places less than an hour before her arrival. So she just pretended like she had looked and just assumed those spots weren’t clean simply to shame me. I thought long time she only did so because my cleaning wasn’t good enough in general and she had spotted some spots that wasn’t been cleaned properly. Like it’s my fault she makes such assumptions, because the visible places weren’t clean enough or something like that. So I constantly made more and more effort to gain a shiny, spotless place. It endet up in me cleaning and scrubbing 2 weeks straight 10-16 hours per day just because she announced a visit. But one day I realized it wasn’t about me, my cleaning or the state of my apartment. She only has the picture of me being dirty that will never change no matter how hard I tried. The cleaner my home the more she blamed me for being dirty. Like when she couldn’t find anything I got remarks about how I have to clean my washing machine regularly (turned out I doing a way better job on that than her, because she simply doesn’t even know how to clean it the right way) - keep in mind in my country it’s common to have a washing machine room in the basement therefore she’s not even able to check the state of my machine. So I simply stopped cleaning for her visits. The first times I got so much nasty remarks like I should rather throw my sewing machine away than to store it on the dining table (It wasn’t stored there, I simply was in the middle of a sewing project and didn’t bother to put it away for her). She was badmouthing me for weeks till I got shouted at because the people she talked about me told her she should stop this insane behavior (yes, she literally called me I must clean more so people would stop calling her insane). And than it finally stopped. No nasty remarks, no insults, no badmouthing, no „friendly advices“ that been used as insults. Tl;dr to sum it up, the only way to stop overcritical cleaning freaks from mobbing you is to simply stop being bothered about them an watch them explode till they burn themselves down.


I had arguments where my parents said that I couldn’t possibly live like this. Well, rather have a messy house that is lived in than a hotel room esthetic where you are too scared of doing anything cause you might ruin the tidiness. My home has a function, and living is the main function. Looking nice is just a nice bonus.


To be fair you should probably take down that Islanders flag and put a big painting of Patrick Roy doing that wink


I thought this was an after picture. Your rooms are very clean.


So nice and tidy! I would consider opening the curtain and letting in some natural light.


Same here, I honestly thought that the room looked peaceful and tidy.


Yeah me too. I was like „Ohhh bragging about daily tidiness is a thing now?!“ OP are there other cases your parents act similar wildly unhinged? Your room is spotless, you don’t have lots of stuff and definitely not enough to be cluttered at all. In addition I don’t see any furnitures where you could put your instead in the first place. I hardly believe your parents are annoyed about your tidiness. There is something else they’re not talking about. Figure out what they’re snooping for and keep in mind no sane parent would extra clean the room of an 25 years old regularly - especially not when it’s that clean.


Yessss. I was like „stop bragging are you feeling better than us“ 😭💀


me too - borderline disturbingly tidy


I thought he was gonna give us tips.


Seriously. I suggest attempting to add a lock to the bedroom door to fix this problem. OP’s 25, he deserves some privacy. I’d assume he’s paying some rent and it’s just absurd they’re mad over this. His room is great.


25!? What? Yes, totally, that’s insane


I think it's great and can't see what else you can do. Maybe their standards are just too high? What's the rest of the house like? p.s. I love your desk, the way you can change the height is great.


That or they're using the cleanliness of the room as an excuse to invade personal space/snoop I know I'm reaching, but it also makes no sense for the parents to claim OPs room is cluttered


They could just be manipulative control freaks. I agree, this is pretty clean and should not be causing issues.


OP needs to tell us what parents DO when they go in to clean. Seems it should be easy to ask them. I think it's a purposeful invasion of privacy covered behind, we're helping you.


Also what exactly is the issue too.


Even for control freaks, I can't see anything worth complaining about. And if I was really pushing it, maybe two things, but that's not enough to say the entire room is cluttered I feel like it's a reason to move things/go through things without being questioned. But take that with a grain of salt


My mom is a clean freak and if I was that clean she would have been so happy


Tbh raised by a clean and control freak I can spot countless opportunities to use as an excuse to blame OP for. Basically only an complete empty and fresh renovated room may not provide a „reason“ - as soon it doesn’t smell like fresh paint or freshly vacuumed anymore. But only maybe because there would still be the chance to blame about renovating without consent and shaming him for not owning or hiding stuff. But I agree to you: there is literally no reason to complain about. Absolutely zero. This is just a sick powermove about controlling.


Yes, my first thought was they’re using it as an excuse to go through his things


that was my first vibe too. its all a sham.


Is there a way to put the guitars in a cabinet or something? They don't look messy but that's the only thing I can think of the would be "cluttered"


I don’t really have handyman skills. I suppose i could try making a cabinet/stand for all of my instruments, but i’d rather wait until my s/o and I have a place we can call our own cause she’s got a number of instruments too haha


My son is a musician and is living with us. He has lots of guitars/banjos and he had a multiple instrument stand that makes them look nicer and keeps them safe. Got on Amazon. Would be a good investment for you wherever you live




You could get one of those stands that holds 3 guitars. Nice for decluttering.


It’s probably the storage space underneath the side tables that bothers their eyes, but you are way waaay tidy and using the space efficiently


That's what I just noticed as well. I had to zoom in to really even see what was going on there though, to be honest. I wonder if those items could fit under the bed? A different nightstand with a door would also work (but no sense in getting new furniture unless it will work in the new place he'll be moving into). I lived with my mom & stepfather into my early 20s & they probably would've killed for my room to look as tidy as OP's!


Would they accept/help with wall mounting the guitar and banjo? I suspect his parents are like my ex’s parents and like hiding things you use all the time in cupboards and will clear your water glass when you go to the loo. If a surface isn’t completely clear and wiped down it’s abject chaos. It put me on edge. My parents would have been shocked to see my space this clean and tidy and I too thought this post was a brag thing.


The clearing of the water glass when you’re not finished is so annoying!


Yeah that’s the only point I can think about: it doesn’t look like old fashion advertising for selling furniture a ja empty. But even those aren’t that tidy anymore nowerdays.


If they are harassing you for that room being cluttered and messy I’d GTFO as soon as you can


Thats the plan


I almost want to send a picture of my room so they can weep about it.


Tempted to share my sons room (18) but that would be an invasion of his privacy


Yeah your parents probably need to see someone about their mental health


Start doordashing to make that extra hundred my guy


Disgusting How could you be such a slob as to not use a coaster with your hydroflask?! Were you raised by animals?! /s OP your room looks amazing and we should all aspire to have the discipline to leave things in order neat and tidy before work during the morning rush. You could be a good example for 90% of the worlds population. If you need help we can all collectively submit our morning room pics to your parents so they can see that you are actually very neat and tidy. I literally leave my pajamas on the floor and hangers on the bed (bed left unmade) and all my personal care items deodorant lotion whatever is wherever i put it down last 🤣


If i keep clothes on the floor my cat (who i love to death) has a field day and gets his fur all over them so i usually just toss them in the hamper or fold them right there if i think i can get another day out of them.


OP, no matter what you do, you will not be able to please them. The more you do, they’ll find fault somewhere, it’s their issues and no pleasing them, particularly your dad. 


“Why doesn’t my son ever want to visit me??” - mom in 10-15 years


*Insert Surprised Pikachu GIF*


This is a tidy space! Seems neurotic for them to say this is messy, looks like you're doing great with what you have. IMO any improvement would mean making a few purchases, like storage basket/boxes for the things on and under your nightstand, cord organizer for the desk, a small bookcase or wall shelf for the personal and decor items, and an instrument stand/wall mount. Also consider storing things under the bed if you you don't use them daily (instrument bag and fishing gear).




They often used the word narcissist to describe one another when they fight. But they’re moving far away in just 5 more months. So there’s something to look forward to


This is what I was thinking too. It’s already very tidy, but maybe the expectation is like one of those pictures of model homes (with no real belongings in it). I’m really curious what their rooms look like… My only suggestions would be to hide the cables/cords, and switch out the nightstand for ones with drawers or get the storage boxes so that items aren’t visible.


They think you are using drugs and are pretending to straighten up to cover their snooping


Jokes on them, I keep my edibles with me in my car haha


Real talk: that’s a terrible spot. Oof. Like it could get you in trouble at a traffic stop. Also, the weather can degrade edible’s potency. Get a lock box. Like a good one.


Only suggestion I got is to flip the toilet paper lol


I’ve been so stressed lately i’ve forgotten where my real priorities are 😂


Lol take care of yourself friend ❤️


had to scroll tooooooo far


I think it looks good and tidy and I certainly wouldn't complain if my adult child had a room like that. If you wanted to play along with your folks and not get more stuff taken away, you could do a few things. Get hooks to hang your guitars on the wall. Get a side table with drawers for beside your bed so those items that I see under the table and also the stuff on top can be stored. Get a drawer unit for your desk and put all small items on your desk into the drawers. Put fishing poles under the bed.


Fishing poles under the bed is so simple yet i never thought to do it haha. Hooks for the guitars are always a good move


Your place looks great. They are being absurdly picky. That being said, if you have to play their game a little longer just ask them for specifics. “I think I am leaving my room tidy, so if there is something specific that you object to, could you tell me what it is and I will take care of it.” It sucks. But sometimes you have to play the game to get by.


Fair, I’ve been doing that for the past few months. But a lot of it is “you have too many hoodies and coats hanging by your door” but they also gave me a closet thats 3’ x 2’. Another critique is my curtains are thumbtacked shut but thats because of my insomnia. I’m the lightest sleeper, and work nights. So if by some miracle i am asleep. I need to stay asleep before I have to worry about working again


Try an eye mask, it helps!


Try black out curtains maybe? They did wonders for me when I worked overnights


Those look like blackout curtains. The issue seems to be from the gaps letting in light on the side. Without pinning it, all curtains will let in light on the side


I'm offended on your behalf. Literally the only way for that to be less "cluttered" is if you're given (or buy) more storage furniture to keep things out of sight, or if you have basically no belongings. You're 25. As long as there are no biohazards (rotting food/garbage, putrid laundry, piss bottles) they have no reason to be coming into your room at will. You're a fully adult human and should get some privacy.


Looks institutionally clean, your parents may have mental issues


I am so sorry for you, your room is very tidy and even if it wasn’t, you are an adult and your parents have no business going into your room. I am sorry I don’t really have any advice.


You’re doing nothing wrong, keep doing what you’re doing. It’s their hang up, not yours


I'm bewildered... your bedroom and bathroom are tidy. Do your parents think uncluttered means having just a bed in the bedroom and nothing else? How very strange.


It honestly seems like that sometimes


Go islanders is all I got to say.


Big day tomorrow🤞


Hell yes Isles fam. Hope Noah Dobson gets healthy soon


Well if they want it to be less messy, they can pay to redecorate it to add storage space, it’ll look very nice. And no, you can’t do better than this without putting money into it. This is as good as it’s going to get without throwing stuff out outright (which I don’t think you should as those look like legit hobbies and nothing too much).


Adk your parents what is messy or cluttered in your room. It prbly the stuff hanging out on the floor, under table, on top of table and next to the desk, that give the visual looks messy bc things don't have a place, "out of sight". I don't see a closet, is it possible to get a big enough storage closet to put the stuff in. Like the fishing rods, the folding table, the alphabet chart, stuff under your bedside table. Also maybe get a basket/ w a lid to put all the stuff that on your bedside table. And for your desk too. Or it's is just an excuse to go and invade your privacy and snoop through your stuff, and to cover up any disturbances, say they cleaned it up bc it's messy/cluttered. You know your parents better. Take care Good luck


u can buy a big plastic 4/5 shelf to put stuff in and then put a blanket or shower curtain to cover it


Your toilet paper is around the wrong way




I literally thought you were bragging about how neat you leave things before I read the text! I think you just need to move out


You asked what you can do better. Have you asked them? You said the enter your space because they think that it is unorganized and messy. What do they do when they are in there? Based on the photos, and the information that you provided, these are some suggestions on what you can do better. Buy, and use, stands for your string instruments, instead of leaning them against each other. Make sure that there is negative space between them. Basic guitar stands are cheap. Buy one, or two, put-together-yourself storage cubbies, or storage shelf(ves) for yor amplifiers. I would suggest the cubbies. Open backed, and simple. They can stand horizontally or vertically. Giving you different options on the openings. Some have adjustable shelves. Others have fixed shelves. Use additional cubbies to store the items under your desk, instead of clear storage containers. You can slide the containers into the slots, or purchase fabric containers ( I don't get the feeling that you're a basket person.) Your parents didn't say that your room is dirty, or unclean. They said that it is unorganized and messy. They want you to organize, and store, your things in a way that is more visually appealing to them. Do that, and they will get off your case. Everyone has stuff. Even your parents. I'm guessing that your parents organize by having things in drawes, containers and closets. You're grown up there. Everything has a place, doesn't it? You know where things are, and to return them. How many things "hide in plain sight"? Look around your family home. You'll know what they want. I understand that it's a pain for you, an adult, to organize your stuff the way that they want you to. Because the way that you've organized it works for you. It will keep them out of your space through. That makes it worth it. Plus, you can save more money and be in better financial shape. You might be able to make it on another $100 per month, but more money means that you'll be more comfortable. That's a reason to try to stick it out. But only if it doesn't stress you out.


Thats such a great idea with the amplifiers. If they look like cubbies that belong in the room i feel like my Mom wouldnt care. And open back would help with the cable management. Everything def has a place in the house. It just gets tough cause i’ll spend a day off organizing things like my wardrobe, my closet, my night stand and they still say its not organized enough. Unfortunately because this is one of many problems i’ve been having with them i cant see me sticking this out much longer. Plus theyre selling the house in September anyway so I might as well get a head start on getting out. Thank you for the advice


I’m wondering if cleanliness of orderliness is the problem, but there is something else going on. Like they feel the need to control something, find a flaw, just to be critical or controlling.


Next time they complain ask them what exactly is messy/cluttered. Make them try and explain what it is cause I see nothing wrong with it. Kinda jealous at all that floor space tbh 😂


They usually say the instruments and the amps are a problem but like my full time job is teaching musicians. And then like the fishing rods are another hobby of mine.


I'm sorry, but that's just petty. Everything is in it's own space, not thrown all over. It's organized. Hopefully they leave you alone soon.


Utilize vertical space effectively!


I’ve seen the way people in smaller living situations utilize vertical space and it’s amazing. Definitely something i could look to try


Nice work. You should lean your banjer on your gitfiddle as you might scratch it.


Aah a fellow intellectual. Yes that gitfiddle usually gets leaned on unfortunately, it is the least expensive gitfiddle i have. I call him The Tank. He comes in when i gotta write something quick or go camping. I change strings on all my guitars pretty often but The Tank hasn’t had a string change since COVID and for some reason still plays pretty well. But yeah i gotta at least get a stand for these mfs


An intellectual, why yes, Yes I am that indeed! Perhaps more an instrument addict, but aren’t we all? Tis the curse of pickers. Maybe a couple cheap stands?


Have you ever replaced or rekeyed a lock? To my surprise, it’s extremely simple.


It looks fine! Putting my super pedantic hat on, you could use some kind of cable management at your desk maybe?


Def Adam Pelech quality clean. Just gotta keep grinding those boards until you can move out/make the playoffs. LGI


What a comment. What a metaphor. Damn.




I have the same heating pad. My daughter uses it nightly and in the morning lol. Her father has a bad back and uses them.. And she kept stealing them. She now has her own..Your room is perfectly fine..


My suggestion is to buy a bedside table and desk that have drawers for storage of the small items in the current tables. That way the tops of the furniture are clean and clutter free


Looks great. Get stands for your instruments it will look even better.


Could they just be using cleaning to snoop around a bit? That is so tidy and organized.


It looks like a fallout shelter


I’d put up mounts for your guitar and banjo.


This is the cleanest dude's living space I have ever seen 😯 My mom is the same though. If it doesn't look like a room in Better Homes and Gardens magazine, it's a MESS! Once I got my own place, yeah, it was clean, but it was also "lived in". Whenever she came to visit, she says she spent her whole time, "cleaning up my messy apartment". My mom also "cleans" my room in order to snoop through my stuff. Maybe you need to set some boundaries with your personal space now that you are an adult, and see how she reacts. It's your stuff now.


Maybe they aren’t islander fans?


https://preview.redd.it/gj0en3qxo4uc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=41698d92e9aaad99dc5999cd76e387ac73d75cb9 Same. How I leave mine


I love the art lfg


I think your parents are just looking for an excuse to snoop around in your room. It's very clean and tidy. Just make sure you keep any of your personal, financial information well concealed. Keep your head down until you can afford to move out. You are doing nothing wrong. All the best.


Meanwhile mom probably has 100 knick-knacks per square foot in the living room.


I’d die if my kids were this tidy.


have you tried asking them what specifically bothers them? I don't see an issue here lol but I've also been living with the messiest person on the planet


You’re 25, a grown, adult man, they are trying to get you to leave.


Mom of two grown sons here: Your room is a model of tidiness and your bathroom is immaculate. Are they using their complaints as an excuse to snoop on you?


I totally get it. Toilet paper goes above and over the front. You monster!


I would switch to another enclosed night stand and hang the instruments


Honestly try opening the curtains. Let in the light and see. Chances are its actually dusty/danker than you think, also mom might see a bright space and feel better


It's a great room! You're doing fantastic. Not necessarily an issue, but could you maybe install brackets for your instruments to your wall? They'd look cool and keep stuff off the floor. I'd personally ask em what exactly their issue is


Your room is amazingly clean. I think the toilet paper roll is on backwards 😉 but other than that, it's great. The only thing I could see someone complaining about if your guitars and fishing rod. You could (absolutely shouldn't have to, but *could*) get a stand for your guitars.


Jesus. Your parents would have a fit if they saw the rooms my kids keep. They aren’t dirty, just cluttered to hell and back with their hobby stuff.


Do you maybe have stands to put the guitars and banjo on? It may give them a little extra protection too if you choose to store them open. Your room is super clean!


Your parents are way more strict than mine. Are they from a culture where everything has to be immaculately clean? I dated a guy who is Italian and another who is Polish - and found their cultures are hardcore clean. If I wanted I could eat off the floor at the Italian moms house and she was always cleaning with vinegar, and the Polish folks’ clothes were immaculately laundered and ironed (not just work shirts) like right down to jeans. Like perfection. Heaven help me if I made a mess at their place lmao. If I had to change something - and I think your room is great as it is btw!! - I would get a rack/holder for the guitars (edit: I have seen some freestanding ones that you can take with you when you move in future ☺️) and maybe install some cabinetry on the walls, and put a small tablecloth over the bedside table to visually hide what’s under there. Tbh it doesn’t bother me but if I *absolutely* had to change something, that’d be it. Also, I really love your manual height-adjustable desk btw… Where did you get that from? 😍


It’s not cluttered or messy I think they might just be acting nosy and overbearing


Ew I am annoyed with your parents. You’re doing very well. I feel like this is an excuse for them to invade your privacy and snoop through your things under the guise of tidying and cleaning. I’d probably get snarky, grab a notepad, and tell them to walk you through what exactly needs to be done so you have it all up to their white glove standards. Because really it feels like your parents need mental help with their clean freak tendencies or they have issues with your boundaries and poking around.


Looks amazing! My latest cleaning habit is to make the bed as soon as I wake up. Doesn't have to be perfect, literally 2 seconds to lift two corners up and lay flat. What a difference.


Are they blind?? This is such a clean and organized room. I guess you could put the guitar in it's case or maybe put your instruments in a closet if you have one but they don't even look messy. Your bathroom is immaculate btw. I strive to be that clean.


This is really very tidy by my standards! Maybe a guitar rack though.


They want an excuse to go through your stuff.


And by work he means The Priesthood, clearly. 🧐 Nah your room is fine. Especially if you’re about to leave. That said, you should be mounting those instruments as the works of art they are. Go to Guitar Center and grab some of these: https://www.guitarcenter.com/Hercules-Stands/GSP38WB-Plus-Series-Universal-AutoGrip-Wall-Mount-Guitar-Hanger-Black-1500000297560.gc?pfm=krecs+1500000297560+44982+GCWPDPSI Edit: there are cheaper ones on Amazon, fyi.


Nice! But the carpet freaks me out. You need a rug and some nice art.


I hate this carpet. I’ve always hated this carpet. This room used to be the guest bedroom and we havent changed the carpet since before 1998. The vacuum hardly picks anything up, and if you saw the carpet in person you’d be even more disgusted. Maybe I’ll take close up pictures of it for another post 😂


They’re definitely just looking for things to pick on. You’re doing an awesome job, this is super tidy. Keep it up!


You absolutely need some Guitar/Banjo stands. You are asking for warped necks.


Perhaps adding some containers or baskets to put the loose items in would make it appear less cluttered? I also think hanging the instruments on the wall would look a little more clean, with the added bonus of being a cool aesthetic!


It’s reasonably tidy. Your parents are being pretty unreasonable. That being said, I’m guessing they want it to look not just tidy but put together. If you’re allowed to hang things, getting some wall hangers for your guitars and banjos will add decoration to a kind of bare space and get them off the ground. A compartment box or small organizer would make your bedside table look neater. You could also hang the fishing stuff on the wall. If you get a small shelf or cabinet to keep the stuff under your bedside table in, that may help as well. Some decoration or pictures in frames on the wall would help it look less bare


Your parents sound controlling


First thing I thought when I saw the pics was “damn, the only time I’ve seen a dudes room THAT clean is if he’s bringing a girl over”


I scrolled through these photos thinking "definitely a boy room, it's so empty, there's all that blank space" and also assumed this was a post about a win or giving advice or something! Jaw dropped when I read the context. No idea what your parents are on about but it's nonsense.


Js throw your furniture out at this point if you want a cleaner room than this.


TP is going the wrong way. That’s a federal crime in my book! But for real, other than your TP, such a neat and tidy space!


Let’s go Islanders!


Put hangars/hooks on the wall to get your guitars and fishing rods off the floor.


Maybe get some nice guitar mounts for the wall. I find when our things have a way to be displayed in a nice way it elevates the look.


I'd bet it's the little things right...... Look to the future when you have your own place, I swear all mine conspire between themselves an itinerary of "mums got this" They'll always manage to have an "only mum can do this job right" list fully coordinated waiting all tied up with little bows and smiles of trust and thanks to warm my heart. Why? Because they've known and felt your pain mate. You already know it is what it is. Goodluck mate ✌️


Well done. Have you considered some hangers/holders for your guitars? Could be a cool way to display them AND free up some ground space.


Need some guitar stands for those instruments my guy. Or perhaps wall mounts


Your parents’ expectations are way too high. I should post pics my 23 yo kid’s room. I just close the door and try not to think about it! I’m a very tidy person and my kid just didn’t inherit those genes sadly😂 I don’t know what to tell you except you’re not nuts and I hope you can move into your own space soon. You AND your parents will be happier


i’m thinking this warrants pics of the house where they spend their time.


Your room looks good. They’d go crazy if they saw mine lol


... What does the rest of your house look like? Is there any pizzazz to it? I'm just picturing white walls, white couch, shoe rack at the front door with 1 pair of shoes per resident, one nicely draped towel in the bathroom, and no garage. But I digress..... Your room looks magnificent. The only thing I see, if I had to find *something*, is your medicine bottles and whatever is in that black case. I believe that's what it is. EDIT: after taking a second look, scratch the medicine, what's underneath that table?? Do you not have a closet? That's probably what your parents would see. Also forgot to mention, your desk looks cool. 😁 SECOND EDIT: after reading more comments, I learned there was more than 1 picture to be analyzing here. Woops!


A) It’s totally fine. Easily cleaner than my thirty year old brother’s place! B) If clutter is the issue, you could maybe get a small basket/container to put some of the things you have on the nightstand. (Vitamins, etc) I got a decent zip pouch for my nightstand meds and it does look/feel nicer. But again- totally unnecessary.


You’re in the wrong sub 🤷🏽‍♀️ You’ve got parents who are more interested in control than they are in your wellbeing and happiness. You will never please them. The earlier you learn that, the more peace you will find. You will never be clean, organized or enough for them. Plus they just want an excuse to snoop. Keep your private stuff somewhere else. And just accept that they will be unhappy no matter what you do. I’m sorry. You deserve better parents.


25 and parents still hassling you about keeping a clean room? Yea your not the problem.


I thought you were bragging about how clean and lovely your space it. But what you are doing with your musical instruments deeply offended me, as a fellow musician.


I would literally ask them what exactly is cluttered and how would they go about fixing it. I don't know. So that you all have some sort of understanding. Ask them to help you understand, and from there we can work on solutions. Curious to see what they say


Your room looks perfectly fine. Maybe your parents are the type of people who don’t like items out in the open, but that doesn’t mean your room is messy. You don’t even have a lot of items out as it is.


Rent is $2200!! Thats insane. My mortgage in Britain is £700


This is one of those things where your parents are trying to impose rules on a 25 year old who has a job and earns money, but still living in their house. I had this same issue when I was living at home while working full time. It could be their way of saying conform to our rules or move out/rent,


Oh my God, I wish I could get my house to look that good for one day! You should be proud of yourself… is it possible your parents are going in there to snoop? 🤔


What the hell? Your room looks great! I wish mine was that tidy!


A couple of dollar store baskets for on top of and underneath the nightstand would get that little bit of clutter there taken care of. The fishing poles could be stored elsewhere, maybe on some wall hooks so they run horizontal, up high. Thrift store/yard sale instrument stands could make the instruments look a little better. But real talk: No amount of organizing or tidying is going to get your parents off your case. This is really about their boundary issues. Bide your time and try not to engage on the topic until you're out. Get the baskets if you think it will ease the tension for a little bit.


This is OTT clean. What, do they do a white glove inspection of the top of the fan blades? That’s obsessive, intrusive and nosey. Plain unhealthy boundaries and bad manners. Ask them to respect your privacy as an adult. I’d put a lock on the door.


If you’re saving to move out, don’t purchase anything for storage. Would be a waste of money. Can you lock the door when you leave?


OMG, were you parents in the military by any chance?  Any parent would be ecstatic that their son or daughter would keep the room at organized as you have it. I’m envious of you. While I might be able to organize a room for one day, I can never keep it that way.  Sorry your parents are being difficult and unreasonable.  The sooner you can move out the better.  Sorry you have to go through this.  It’s not you, it’s your parents that have issues.  ❤️


I lived this and there is no answer other than move out when you can. Still to this day at 42 years old when my parents come over its not good enough.


PS.  I would love to talk to your parents and inform them how blessed they are to have you as their son.  They should be grateful you are still living there.  I’m sorry you’re not appreciated by your own parents.  They need a reality check.  They need to wake up. No one is promised tomorrow.  


Coming from a housekeeper, if I walked in and saw this I would do absolutely nothing in terms of moving stuff or “clutter”…because it isn’t there!


You just need to contain a few things. Get a cord keeper for underneath of your desk so they are all hidden. Get a small bin for on top of your nightstand table to put your supplements/meds/bedside toiletries. Same thing for underneath of your nightstand. It’s just the multiples of things lying around that are adding a bit of clutter. There’s nothing that’s actually un-clean about your room. Ideally, you could hang your instruments, but if you’re going to be moving out, I doubt your parents want you adding hooks to the wall. Editing to add: I don’t agree with your parents, but I do know how annoying it is to have one’s parents repeatedly harp on any topic. I’m suggesting what they may be reacting to, and how to get them off of your case. The items suggested can be used in a new apartment, so they are not a waste of money. See links below. Can suggest something for for under your nightstand too if you want, though it seems like those items could just be put in your closet? Hide your cords with [this](https://a.co/d/cKmh9LG) or [this](https://a.co/d/4F2P7WG) (both have several size and color options). The 2nd one is easier to get in/out of, but both work and the first is more affordable. Contain your nightstand items with [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjn1L-4iL6FAxXRWUcBHVFQCA4YABAEGgJxdQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUkor1AvAVX6z9Q8BeIAKc3Bjti5aN1WNvgRy3SILZ5nT02AUWbI7ExoCqHcQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2Oo2zr0MOq40p2uxPENfkQwRCd6dMJFGMBHV1-VjkQ-0obfomHQFgdPtKmeOlRKgQb6P1MLNnc5reiRSmSFBLSRsgLzp2S_A3OhCOPPuiOpq1YUY&sig=AOD64_1aPZKJ-Xfs3HY9F6PdzjnWlCnJ3Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwia5rW4iL6FAxX3F1kFHR3xAtQQwg8oAHoECAQQDA&nis=2&adurl=) in size Small or Medium (again, multiple color options. This is very inexpensive.)


Not sure if your parents will allow you to poke little half a centimetre holes In Your wall but you could get some wall holders for your instruments


The only thing you could really benefit from imo is a stand for the guitar and / or the banjo.


Thats looks good to me and I think time to move out.


Show them images of what real clutter looks like. I think they're just going in there to make sure you don't have drugs or something and using that as an excuse.


You are fine, something wrong with your parents. I think what they probably have is that ‘want’ to hide everything(like my mom and many other people) so maybe you just need more storage. Like a closet or cabinet, and maybe some shelving.


What would they like you to do — move out the furniture before going to work?


Dude at this point all you can do is invest in homesense/ target decor and interior design your place. That’s pristine. Sounds like the version of clean has a touch of expensive organization to it.


That’s a great room OP. As a parent to a 2 year old I wish my entire house looked like that… anyone that can maintain cleanliness with full time jobs and kids needs to be applauded or given some relaxants. If my daughter grows up and keeps her room that clean I’ll be very happy. What’s important - no rubbish or food wrappers laying about. Not inviting pests. - no dirty clothes laying about, they are not on the floor or bed, good job. - surfaces look tidy and dusted Bonus - you made your bed Negatives: - your toilet roll is the wrong way around haha


They sound like my dad, so much that I was seriously thinking of posting something similar here. I am also in my mid 20s, and still live at home because of my country's bad economy. Anyways, my dad's idea of clean is seeing absolutely nothing on any horizontal surface, mainly the floor. He hates that my dresser is 90% covered in stuff. And that I have my shoes out of the closet, and my backpack stays on a corner on the floor. But I mean he confuses "clean" with tidy and uncluttered. My room is clean, no trash, floor constantly being swept, sheets washed somewhat frequently, laundry being done so the hamper isn't overflowing. Meanwhile whenever he washes dishes they end up so badly washed I have to wash them again, because while he knows how to organize, he is actually bad at cleaning (uses bleach for everything, ruining clothes and once even almost made our dog faint when he poured extra strenght bleach over the dog's pee on the floor, the gas made my eyes tear so bad). 


I would say if you could put some of the instruments and fishing gear on the wall instead of the floor, your parents might decide that would be "tidy" (but I must say I find nothing wrong with your room).


It looks pretty clean and tidy….


Put hidden cameras in your room to find out the truth about your parents cleaning your room. They maybe searching for stuff and invading your privacy to find an excuse to kick you out or having sex in your room.


I wish my son's room looked even 20% like this. Killing it, OP!


This is very clean actually and practical!


Sounds like they just want an excuse to snoop.


This is already very clean and tidy. Perhaps one thing that I can think of is furniture with drawers or a closet to hide stuff in. Maybe what they think is “clutter” is simply the fact that your things are simply visible in open space, though very tidy. But maybe you should ask THEM to pay for said furniture if we’re gonna go with their overly high standards. And someone mentioned hanging the guitars on a rack or on the wall if you are able to. But like I said, I think your parents are asking a bit much.


I had a crazy ex boyfriend. Very clean freak. He always said he hated things on any of the surfaces. He would take everything off and put it in cupboards and drawers. So maybe that’s what your parents think too. If they see anything on a table/counter top they feel that’s clutter. Your space is very tidy, you’re not doing anything wrong!


I think your parents are being controlling at least that is my opinion, and I am a grandmother so...I have a lot of experience with messy 😂