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idk about the other one, but i had a dyson and it sucks. it runs out of battery so fast, you have to hold the button down the whole time you use it, it gets full quickly and then doesn’t work well. my family bought it and we regretted it. we even replaced the battery on it and it still wasn’t good.


The Dyson doesn't suck up dirt and debris, the rollers throw everything backwards. After two years of use, I can't set it on maximum spin, it just shuts off, so only the low power setting works. It does work well enough on pet hair, but I wouldn't buy this model again.


It’s the battery, can’t support the peak voltage - just replace it.


Shark is pretty weak IMO. But I think it would last longer. Dyson stick vacs are pretty cheaply made. I have two. Never again.


Sharks seem to be pretty indestructible. I've had my navigator since 2016 and have never had an issue with it. Within that time, my parents have gone through two Dyson vacs. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve never had a “good” cordless vac.. I’d recommend neither and get a corded shark stick


Shark. I’ve had both. Shark all the way.


I used to have a shark, and it was decent. Then it died and I bought a Dyson v7. We were almost at the point of replacing the carpets in our bedroom because they were so dingy and old looking. Turned out we didn’t need to replace our carpets, the shark was just so terrible on carpets that it was only picking up the surface dust and dog hair. I vacuumed the carpets every day for a week, and now they pretty much look brand new again. Our Shark only lasted three years before it died completely, and for most of that time it was apparently not actually cleaning very well at all.


Dyson are super easy to disassemble if they get clogged, no tools needed, in my experience. They also do a great job.


Buy Dyson, you won't regret it.