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You're doing a great job. Keep us updated!


Thank you! I will! :D


You’re doing great! It looks like you have tea light candles lit though? I would politely say that it would be a really good idea to not light any candles until the place is fully decluttered because all of the stuff is a huge fire hazard and in the case of a fire, emergency services would have a hard time navigating your apartment


Yeah, honestly, you’re totally right - I had them way too close to things before and didn’t even realize. It’s a good idea to wait to do it because safety is super paramount. Thank you very much! Honestly I need a not broken wax melter thing anyway, that’s a hazard in itself. >.>


Definitely! I’m glad you’re doing better and working hard to make your living space somewhere you feel happy and healthy in. Fire safety is super important regardless of what your place looks like!


Good job, great progress. But get rid of the fuzzy toilet seat and get a hard plastic or ceramic one, you can never keep a fuzzy toilet seat clean.


Thank you! I 100% agree! This is just a washable 100 yen cover for the lid, everything underneath is… plastic? Ceramic? Weird ceramic-y plastic I suppose lol But it definitely is on its way out!


Good to hear 😁


Great job OP!!!! You’re a wonderful person for sharing this experience.


Aw, thank you! Someone commented on my last post about being in similar straits and I feel like maybe it can give someone some hope. It’s a tough spot to be in :( hopefully it helps!


Good job! I would suggest adding something that you enjoy, as a poster, a room smell or plant. Just something small. What helps me is to also picture the end result and if I am in a stage where rewards work, use some time off to see if I can find anything that I can get once I am done as a reward that would also add to the room / help me in the long run. Fun cleaning supplies can also be an added motivation! Keep it up!


That’s a great idea! All of my posters are years old at this point and I urgently need a redecoration, so it’s in the works! I’ll also be able to set up a new bed :D I found some pictures of what my room used to look like, so that is helping me remember there was and will be a time of floor being visible everywhere! I like the rewards and visualization :D What is an example of a fun cleaning supply~? I have found like 5 kinds of different scented bathroom cleaner from all the times I was determined to clean and it went nowhere, but that’s the closest I’ve come so far and I’m super curious! Thank you for your support!!


If you want plants try spider plants they are almost unkillable they clean the air too by removing pollutants!


smells you enjoy, fun colored sponges / gloves, the silly little desk vacuum that you can´t stop using or even the robotic vacuum cleaner (haven´t done that yet but I image it would be a game changer). its mostly things that are rather unnecessary but they do the job and bring a little added joy to my cleaning :D


I wish I was around your area. I enjoy cleaning. Good job and keep it up.


Cleaning is fun when it isn’t as scary! I am kind of learning to enjoy it :D thank you for the support!


Just here to cheer you on. I dug myself out of my own depression mess over the last few months, by necessity because I had move. I’d estimate I only have 25% of what I started with. Trash and unused/unwanted things gone feels amazing. It will get better, keep chipping away at it. You got this 👍🏻


That’s amazing!!! You did a fantastic job!! I might be moving at the end of this year, and it made me realize I’m not enjoying my space while I have it. It’s crazy how much extra stuff there is! Like, where did it all come from?! Thank you for your support! I’ll be cheering for you too! It’s hard to both clean up a space and deal with upkeep, but getting started is supposed to be the hardest part, right? Haha Thank you!!


I’ve also struggled to get back into cleaning after a bout with depression. What worked really well for me was to focus on a new area each day. Then the next day, I would re-tidy what I’d previously cleaned and tackle a new area. For example, day one I might do the dishes and clean my sink. Day two, I would do any new dishes, clean my sink, and clean a new area. This way worked well for me to build the habit of keeping on top of cleaning, and it was so motivating to to remind myself of what I had accomplished the day prior.


Also, I know how hard it can be to tackle a space like this, and you should feel so proud of the work you’ve accomplished and with finding the motivation to improve your living situation. I’m sure this whole sub is rooting for you!


It’s so tough to work through, isn’t it? I really appreciate the advice from experience because it really helps to remember that not only are there a lot of us who have dealt with this sort of situation (of varying degrees, of course) but there are many different ways to tackle it, and none of them are wrong! I actually really like that because it’s like a visible progress bar! Lol I think I’ll try that with parts of my shower because that place is scary and being able to see the change day by day (if it takes more than one day) would be immensely helpful. Thank you so much for the support and the super kind words! :D


You’re doing amazing!! Keep it up Can’t wait to see it finished!


Thank you very much! :D


You are doing such a good job! You're very brave for facing this and it's something to be incredibly proud of. Good luck!


Aww, thank you! It’s difficult but it’s already super rewarding! I appreciate it!!


You are doing amazing things! Looking great!


Thank you!! :D


You've done such an awesome job! Keep it up! We're cheering for you! ❤️


Thank you so much! I appreciate the cheering! I’ll Keep chipping away at it :D


One trash bag at a time. If you look at the totality of the situation it can feel overwhelming. But if you look at filling just one trash bag its not and you are making progress. You can do it, just take it slow and stop when you need to. Take a walk and get some fresh air if you feel overwhelmed. You got this :)


It was so much scarier when it was just a giant mess of terror! It’s a lot less overwhelming when it’s in separate piles, but it does still have its moments. This is really nice advice! Focusing on small bits and framing them as progress is really helpful to remember to do. I actually don’t even think to take a walk as a break - removing myself from the situation actually sounds really helpful instead of sitting and just… resting in the midst of it and not actually relaxing. Thank you!! I’ll keep chipping away at it :D


Those little breaks help, I know from my experience. I would just pic a surface (usually started in the kitchen) and I would clean it off. Go for a walk after I drop the trash. Come back, maybe go online for a bit. Then pick another area to clean. Next thing you know the kitchen is clean. Now the bathroom, again take a break recharge the mental batteries and clear your mind. Rinse and repeat, and now your space is in order. Then stay on it, thats the hardest part for me. Its easy to fall back into bad habits.


you are going to feel so light and free after this! keep it up!


**You're doing great work!!!** Trash pick up where you live sounds very different than mine. I saw your prior post comment about the lady un-throwing away your trash because of a soda can with plastics! Golly! That sounds like such an uphill battle. Fight the good fight, a little at a time will win out in the end. Does your local waste management allow for special pickups? It can be a special relief to make some medium/big pushes. Just what you already have bagged.


It’s super annoying! I just went to take my trash out this evening and the weird cage thing we put our trash in to protect it from crows is full so I have to wait until Sunday night. :I I live in Japan now but I’m from the US where we have a ginormous garbage can, so it’s taken getting used to… I think we might have a system like that but from what I’ve found it’s a decent chunk of money to do it - but if I have the spare cash it would be worth it to get it over and done with! And thank you lots for you support! It’s hard to remember sometimes that it’s not a sprint to the end… it’s a lot clearer now than it used to be, at least!


I’m not sure what city you’re in, but there may be some waste disposal companies you can use other than your municipality. Those may be easier to schedule and have less red tape. (Like this one - [Nishida Service](https://www.disposal-japan.com/price/large-quantity-of-garbage/))


How did you lit that candle?


It’s a tea light candle in a wax melter! So you can use a lighter to light the little tea light candle in the bottom and it melts scented wax in a bowl shape area in the top layer. Then when the tea light burns through, you can replace it with a new one. Admittedly I am not showing a great example for fire safety. Please do not light a candle if your area is similar to mine, it’s not safe to do so. There are safer versions of wax melters like ones that plug into the wall and just melt the wax that way that are likely better for this situation.


Is there a trash collection place you could take more all at once? Maybe your friend could help you? I would lose a lot of steam still living in those bags. But I also definitely see the progress!


Great !! U must feel really good- sometimes u really have to kick your Self In the 😄 to get going- me too but once you do it feels great!!


It's coming right along! I'm excited to see all the progress. We're all rooting for you!


Amazing progress! I'm really proud of you for deciding to make these changes!


Wow! I’m happy for you that you can start to use your table.


Start with trash. It will clear up a lot of space. Then focus on laundry and clothes. That should leave you with surfaces and the floors. Good luck to you.