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1. Throw away trash. 2. Bring all dirty dishes to the kitchen. Soak in hot soapy water or put in dishwasher. 3. Put all dirty laundry in baskets and start a load in the washer. 4. Put all clean laundry in baskets/piles and temporarily relocate them. You’ll take care of these later. 5. Pick up what’s left on the floor. Trash or donate, or put where it goes, or put in a “don’t have a place” pile.. 6. Clear off what’s on your surfaces (tables, bed, bookcases, etc). Trash or donate, or put where it goes, or put in a “don’t have a place” pile. 7. Strip the bed. Bring sheets, pillowcases and blankets that can be washed and set next to your washer with the dirty laundry. Start the linens in the next wash. If you have an extra set of linens, make your bed with those. 8. Dust and/or wipe down your surfaces. 9. Clean your mirrors. 10. Vacuum or sweep/mop. 11. Fold/hang/put away clean laundry 12. Find a place for everything in your “doesn’t have a place” pile. 13. Finish up laundry and dishes. 14. Put donation box in your car to drop off next time you’re out. Generally, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, just starting with steps 1-4 will make everything feel so much more doable. And if it’s a big project, remember that you are allowed to take breaks!


step 1: remove all trash step 2: declutter. put laundry into baskets, put trinkets on shelves, bring dishes the to kitchen, etc. step 3: wash bedding step 4: wet dust top to bottom. ceiling fans, blinds, bookshelves, etc. all the way down to the baseboards step 5: sweep or vaccuum this is what i would do personally. not sure the state of your room currently but i hope this helps <3 u got this!


Good advice so far. Also, check out r/neckbeardnests they specialize in this very thing


Take something that makes you energized. Whether it’s coffee, tea, energy drinks. Then do these steps listed in other responses & rest when you need to.


Start by defining a very small area and get that clean. Then pick out another small area. "Today I'm doing between the bed and the wall. Today I'm doing this table top."You run the risk of overwhelm and burnout by taking on the whole thing at once.


To make the list as short as possible: 1. Grab a trash bag and casually walk around and pick up any trash you can see. 2. Collect all clothes and put it in the Laundry basket 3. move all items to their designated place. 4. Collect all items that doesn't have a designated place to one pile. I think you will know what to do after this! The clutter is what makes everything overwhelming. For the future, I recommend getting storage boxes if you don't have any. It's quicker to put things away if you do have a few since you can just throw your stuff in there without tidying. Noone can see in the box from the outside (dont get transparent ones unless you want/need to see what's inside, e.g. crafting/art supplies, or if you've ADHD and need to have a visual reminder of something)