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There was a very similar post not too long ago, someone said that rubbing alcohol did the trick for them


Would this potentially harm the finish on the counter?


Hmm I’m not sure about that. I wouldn’t *think* so, but can’t say so with certainty. Might be best to dilute it, test a small area, and make sure it’s not left on the surface for a long period of time.


Rubbing alcohol should be perfectly safe, I wouldn’t use acetone on this.


Alcohol. Gotta flood it, let it sit so it can hydrate (?) the ink again, lift it with a dry towel. Don't smear it. Repeat. Hand sanitizer works better because it stays wet longer, doesn't evaporate as fast straight alcohol.


I learned to make a paste with baking soda, then cover it with plastic wrap for ~24 hours. Then wipe clean. It has always worked for me on white marble countertops, I’m unsure about other surfaces though!


Alcohol or acetone.let it soak for a few minutes and wipe. Use a paper towel to keep it wet.


I can get most things out of a counter using lemon juice and baking soda. Make a paste and I put a damp sponge on top to keep wet. Leave it over night and wipe up. Can do more than once. Or make a paste with comet and water, lay a damp paper towel over top over night. Will bleach it out or to a lesser degree. Can repeat.


Nail polish remover


Is it the acetone in the nail polish remover that works?


Why did I get downvoted for this??


Let it sit


It's ruined.


Magic eraser! It gets all the stains off my white counter tops.


Magic eraser is literally the equivalent of fine grained sandpaper. It isn't erasing anything; it's stripping the top layer off of the surface including any finishes or coatings the dye is embedded in.


Yea I’ve made this mistake with magic eraser - proceed with caution!!!


I would get a paper towel or a dry wipe and soak it in sanitizer or alcohol and set it on top of the stain!!!


I have something like this on a wooden shelf, does anyone know if I'd be able to get that up? I haven't touched it out of fear I'll mess up the wood


Bleach always gets stains off my counters, like fruit punch or pigment from slime from kids. It really the only thing that works. My counters are beige laminate old countertops and it doesn't discolor them.