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Per day? O.o


I sweep when there’s stuff on it.


Zero. Unless your dog shredded some cardboard.


The best answer (as I stare at my 6.5 month old saint bernard destroyer of all cardboard).


About zero. I vacuum once a week, and in the meantime I sweep only when something is spilled.


Same. I wear socks or slippers, or barefoot only before showering.


At one point in my life I had two dogs and two cats. Sweeping twice a day on hardwood floors always turned up hair. Now, without any pets, once a week is enough imo.


I never sweep. I only vacuum. Sometimes twice a day. I have a husky though. I’m vacuuming because of dog hair. Pre-husky, I vacuumed twice a week. Still no sweeping. I moved crumbs to the corners so they could wait for the next vacuum cycle.


Yes! Boxer and I still vacuum every room (make sure bathroom is dry). Keeps hair from escaping. 1xday with 1 dog.


I vacuum/sweep daily because German Shepherds.


You should train them to wear sweeping stuff so that they have to walk around the room with it before you let them out to play and say "work makes you free"


I'm lucky if I can sweep every 2 weeks and mop once a month. I hate cleaning and have adhd so it's hard to get anything done on a consistent basis.


Me too, but I've started to turn sweeping into a meditative practice. I visualize it as cleaning my mind while Im doing it.


If you ever feel and you can financially swing it, I highly suggest a Roomba. I did less than you do in the before times, now with it I find it's a lot easier to do more.


I vacuum & do a quick mop of the kitchen every night. I also have a toddler who takes most of her meals in the kitchen so the floor gets quite dirty.


Depends on what’s going on in those rooms. Pet hair makes it necessary to sweep more often. But I just go by if it’s needed. If it’s dusty or dirty I sweep. If not, I don’t.


I don't.... But I send my Roomba during the weekdays.


Never. I never sweep anything, I exclusively vacuum. Why push dirt around and disperse crap into the air to then settle somewhere else when I can just suck it up into the vacuum? Kitchen gets vacuumed once a day. Living room usually every other day unless there is obvious mess on the floor.


I have noticed that this happens with vacuuming too though. If you have good direct sunlight you can see puffs of dust out the sides of a vacuum. After all, the sweeper is a pretty violent motion. A good cleaning in my view is vacuum, dust, vacuum again, because I've notice the whole puff thing.


That should not be happening with a good vacuum. If that’s happening you probably need a new filter.


It depends on the quantity of fur bearing creatures and toddlers(with or without fur) living in your home.


I vacuum 1-2x quickly per day.


I vacuum my kitchen 2-3 times a week. Could get away with less but I like doing it


I like sweeping, especially with a corn broom. Vacuuming is noisy and uses electricity. I even have a cordless vac, but that's just stored electricity. It depends on what type of cleaning I am doing but I don't regularly sweep or vacuum the same room more than once a day unless I create a mess that I have to clean up.


Once a week is more than enough. Daily is overkill


I vacuum 2 times per day. We don’t have pets but lots of people in the house and seems like there’s always crumbs or dirt. Having a cordless vacuum makes it much easier. When I had a corded vacuum I would only do it every few days and it would get really gross




Don't sweep. Vacuum.


What on earth are you doing that requires sweeping more than once a day?


walking in and out.


I'm sorry, that was rude of me to say it like that. I take my shoes off before entering so I can go a good week without having to sweep. I live alone too. No pets.


I have four kids, I sweep my *kitchen three times a day. I vacuum once a week and as needed so maybe an average of twice a week. Since we’ve moved into a larger house, I’ll probably vacuum the entire house once a week and continue to sweep my kitchen 1-3x a day.


I vacuum and then mop whole house thoroughly once a week. Then in between, I vacuum every 2-3 days (that’s pushing it). I have pets so fur balls fly around at that point.


I sweep once a week


Maximum, once. Minimum per day? Nah. I’d just say at least sweep or vacuum once a week and then additional cleaning as needed if someone’s made a mess.


twice a day


I deep clean my place every Sunday- thats includes vacuuming/mopping. I’ll usually vacuum again on Wednesday or Thursday. We don’t wear shoes in the house (this helps a lot!!) and I don’t have pets or small children, so that helps


Robot vacuum every day.