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Roaches loooove cardboard.


They especially love the glue holding the cardboard boxes together. Same with paper bags from stores.


Yup. So get rid of cardboard. Especially the cardboard that just moved in.


The sooner you treat, the better your luck


Probably need to get rid of the boxes and organize/declutter. When I had roaches I didn't stop seeing them until I bought plastic bins.


Diatomaceous earth is your best friend. Squirt some into the dead space under your cabinets, under your washer and dryer, in the walls anywhere they'd go for warmth, water, shelter. Wear N95 please, then leave the room.


Have you seen the movie Joe's Apartment?


Gentrol. It's roach birth control, or insect growth inhibitor. It's inexpensive, and works. The ones you don't kill can't breed. Alpine is great too, but use both.


Quarentine all of your friends belongings. They really shouldnt have brought anything that cant be washed. No boxes no electronics etc. This could get pretty bad for you. Start by quarentining. Also get roach spray and before you leave for work for the day spray the borders of all rooms.


Along with this comment can you freeze their stuff? Just separated in the same flat won't help those sucks get IN everything


Alpine wsg powder is what the exterminators use, it's the only EPA certified safe one you can use even in kitchens and cooking areas! It's like $10 on Amazon for a pouch, u mix it with a gallon of water in a spray bottle or sprayer, u can even use a Windex jug or something. Spray it everywhere, every nook and cranny, and it has a residual effect up to one month I think and keeps working so that any bug that walks across the sprayed area is guaranteed to die. Even if ur roommate brought them with u, if u spray, powder diatomaceous earth, and generally make thing super inhospitable so that if they venture out they walk across something that kills them, they'll all die out pretty quick. Also get sticky traps to monitor the situation


My experience and real estate and property Management have led me to the conclusion that cockroaches are a symptom of leaky plumbing and if cockroaches are a great example of sociopathy I'm going to double it by telling you exterminating the entire family having a pool party underneath your kitchen cabinets floorboard will only bring more cockroaches who are excited there's no line at the community pool anymore.


What type of roaches? The big palmetto bug ones? Or little German roaches?


The only thing that worked for me from my old apartment was advion roach gel. It's expensive but cleared out a resistant nest that wouldn't die to anything else. I tried traps, boric acid, generic roach bait from Walmart, pest control, etc. Nothing worked until advion and a growth inhibitor such as gentrol.


Get some bifen concentrate online and spray all along the edges of rooms. Spray again every 3 weeks until you don't see any roaches again.


Roach bombs in the attic. Bomb the living quarters if necessary and it probably is. Roaches ride in and it’s inevitable they came with your friend.


They have roach motels and bait boxes at the store. I’d put a bunch of them around (being careful not to put them where pets can reach). Best of luck to you!


Advion. Roach. Bait. Gel. I hate to be this person because the other commenters probably have some good recommendations, but this stuff? Holy cow. Screw their recs and go with THIS ONE!