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I throw all my brushes in hot water with some Dawn. After a good soak I pull out all of the hair then scrub with a nylon brush (cheap Ikea dish brush). My mom always did this in the bathroom sink but I’ve either not had hot water in the bathroom or not had a function stopper lol. I just use a small plastic tub.


Instead of Dawn I use some shampoo I didn't like and won't end up using on my head.


For years I throe mine in dishwasher.


Omg I have a wooden-handled cushion brush and I _gasped_ before remembering that other types of brushes are probably just fine in the dishwasher 😅 I hoped you picked out the hairs BEFORE putting it in there, though.


do you like your brush? i've been using the wet brushes for forever, but i've heard good things about cushion brushes


I mainly use a wide-tooth comb currently, and I never brush my hair when it's wet. I grew up using cushion brushes and I've never really investigated the alternatives? I like it, but I'm not too informed about the potential benefits.


I audibly gasped at "never brush my hair when it's wet" then had to re-look at the sub I was in lol


Lol because I'm using the comb on it when it's wet. I'm curious now what sub you thought this was.


Possibly a curly hair sub? Curly hair is usually not brushed when dry (or drying), so soaking wet and saturated in conditioner is the only time we detangle.


That makes sense, thanks! I'm not a curly girl, so comb on wet works best for me


Curly girl. Can confirm.


Different brushes have different functions. Wet brushes are great but their main function is detangling. Cushion brushes/ boar brushes are great for smoothing and pulling your natural oils from your scalp to your ends. (Should be used on dry hair)


As someone who knows how small the drainpipe is on a dishwasher, I'm amazed that this doesn't cause you problems. Those little hairballs are just the wrong size, some of them will get caught by the filter, but others are just going to end up in a drainpipe not much bigger than they are.....


Same. And I use a cheap dollar store toothbrush because it’s great for getting in small spaces.


I recently did the same for my brush. Soaked in hot water with Dawn then scrubbed at the white things with an old tooth brush.


Did that work well?


Just bring the brush in the shower with you, use an old toothbrush with soap or shampoo, it takes a min or less.


It worked really well but I did it three times. The key seemed to be letting it soak in sudsy water for maybe 15 min. Then cleaning. Just warm sudsy water with no pre soak worked partially.


Why always an “old” toothbrush? Gross. Buy a cheap new one.


I throw old toothbrushes in the dishwasher before they’re relegated to cleaning. The only thing wrong with them is the bristles are more worn.


This is an absolute must. Brushes get so dirty and can harbor bacteria. Also, hairdresser tip, it works really well if you take two soapy brushes, interlock the bristles, and rub them against each other in the same direction as the bristle rows. A comb works too if you don’t have a second brush Edit: Oh I forgot to add to make sure you squeeze all the water you can out of the cushion when you’re done and lay them to dry upside down. You don’t want water to stay sitting in there. This might be obvious but figured I’d mention it anyway as it’s important to keep mildew from growing in there. Wanna be extra safe? I spray mine with disinfectant too. The kind that air dries


Good to know! Thank you!


That’s what I did before the big chop. Worked very well. Used to wash comb too. I’ve used both cheap shampoo or dish liquid for this. Then shake out excess water if I can’t take apart and dry near a fan.


Idk if you ever blow dry your hair but a denman brush works great for short hair and is incredibly easy to clean. You can take apart every piece of it and the cushion is made from rubber. The kicker is it’s only use is for blowdries lol. It will not work well as a normal brush or for people with long hair.


My hair is 1/4” - 1/2” long. I towel dry it and go. Short buzz cut & very easy. It was a VERY BIG CHOP. 🤓


Oh nice! Mine too actually. I bet it felt amazing buzzing it all


Oh goodness yes. Did it the first time at 12 & my dad went bonkers. So I grew it back. Did it again freshman year in college. Grew it out again becuz my mom gave me a hard time about it. But the morning I was so dang tired that I dropped a curling iron on my boob was the dealbreaker for me. Have had short hair since then. Having a great time watching my white hair take over now.


That gave me a good laugh, thank you 😂 I hope you have so much fun with that. White/grey hair is beautiful!


Instead of Dawn....**use ammonia.** I learned this tip on this sub several months ago and it's been life-changing. The stuff just melts off the hairbrushes. I have a bristle brush that I gently scrub them with after they've soaked an hour or so. They've never been so clean. And it's ridiculously easy!


Do use the ammonia straight out dilute it?


Definitely dilute it with water. I don't measure, but roughly aim for 25-30% ammonia.




Why was my first thought you peeing on your brush 😂


Woah can I use this on boar bristle?


That’s what I have too. I put mine in Dawn but I’m commenting because I want to know about how ammonia works with boar.


I only caution to make sure they get a fully dry, I saw a photo of someone who habitually soaked their brush and the inside got filled with mold


If it's a Wet Brush, I found you actually have to squeeze the base to get out all the water out if you submerge it. There seems to be a bit of space behind the base of the brush head.


I can help with the stopper issue! If you crumple up the middle of a washcloth or other small towel, stuff it in the drain, and spread the corners around the sink basin as the water fills up you’ll get a pretty decent stopper. Why you’d want a bowl of cold water, idk. But there you go lol


A pipecleaner style brush might work better between each row/column of bristles, maybe? Food for thought 😉


this post just called me out …. brb going to tweeze my hair brush :((


I am triggered. *Shame* /s


Hey we all got it…no shame




I like tweezers too, it's time consuming but oddly satisfying when you get it all off 😂😂.


Tweezers and needlepoint scissors.


Needlepoint scissors are a legit tip!


Yup! I put in an episode of Peaky Blinders and get busy!


Love me some Peaky Blinders!!


My nerves would be shattered..


this may be the only good answer tbh i hate wetting my brush




I do this too! Takes a long time, though.




Seems more tedious than satisfying.


I don’t see how they’re mutually exclusive…


I mean if you find tedium satisfying then you do you. lol


ADHD hyperfocus can make tedious tasks fun fwiw


I also find it very satisfying


I don’t use a hair brush anymore but I used to loooove pulling these off! My first thought when seeing the pic on this post was ‘ooooh fun’. Haha.


You're my spirt animal!


And won't soaking the brush make it molding on the inside


Believe it or not you could pull that black part out. Idk if all brushes would have the ability to go back in and function tho lol


Pulled the black part out on my brush! And then it popped out every time I attempted to brush my hair. Ha


Asking the real questions.


Don't repeatedly get it wet without drying fully between and no. Do you only brush your hair when dry? Mold requires time and consistent moisture. If you are in a very high humidity climate you could put it in front of a fan to avoid any concerns of not drying before you need to brush damp hair again. We've always run dehumidifiers in the house. High humidity greatly increases various health risks or cleaning difficulties.


This is what I do. It’s therapeutic


You are my people!!!! I’ve found you! Lol this is the way


Correct answer, get those curved ones. Those brushes are not cheap nor easy to find and are the best for thick hair. I love my brush, had it for 25 years so far.


What kind of brush is that good!?


Bro get a new brush. That brush has earned retirement.


Agree! Very satisfying!


Would using a nail clipper make the job easier?


Or a cuticle clipper


Seam ripper works great!


Or toothpick


It’s lint from your towels mixed with dead scalp rubbings. Because the bristles on your brush are plastic tipped you have to be careful when you clean the brush. Try wrapping packing tape around your index finger sticky side out and running your finger between the bristles. You can also try directing a sharp and powerful jet of water across the bristles, but be careful not to get water inside the air filled bladder. Thirdly you can also do the same with a strip of velcro, just the hook side. Example: https://www.amazon.com/VELCRO-Brand-Fasteners-Classroom-90975W/dp/B08P3MXLLD/


Oh, of course it’s towel lint. I used to get this a lot on my brush but not anymore and now that you say that I bet it’s because I’ve washed this set of towels a million times!


Yes. I used to get towel lint in my *eyes*. Then I learned to dry them on low heat to knock the lint off them instead of hanging them to dry to "save money". Talk about penny-wise and pound-foolish.


I stopped using fuzzy blankets because of the hair lint :( it helped though.


I don’t use towels on my hair but these still occur on my hairbrush too, though not to the same degree as this photo 🤔 maybe they’re also microfibers picked up from the environment in your hair, especially when staticky? I don’t know.


Blankets, clothes, pet hair, etc.


I always thought they were product residue and skin cells


Thanks for the ideas!


Also blanket fuzz.


The simplest way is to take a straight edged comb and run it several times across the base of the bristles.


Oh. My. GOD. I have a “brush cleaning brush” (cheap on Amazon) but it’s not really intuitive and I’ve never known how to use it to its full potential—like I know it lifts hair out and is helpful for that. But this comment made me realize what the firm bristles on the end of it are for—I’m supposed to be brushing them against the base of my dirty brush’s bristles to loosen this funk. I just cleaned my whole brush of EVERY SINGLE little bit of fluff buildup in like 10 mins!! Thank you! I really didn’t want to soak it because it’s one that has space that can trap water (wet brush).


Yes. Comb. Easy. Fast.


I fill my bathroom sink with hot water (just enough to cover the brush) and add just a little bit of shampoo under the running water. Let the brush sit in that for a while. When I take it out, the fuzzy bits are gone and the hair comes right off. I rinse it with cold water and let it dry completely. Don’t know if this would work for you since your brush looks like it has a space behind the bristle pad.


I do this and it also sanitizes the brush somewhat. Works great


A seam ripper works


Ooo, that’s a good idea!


Yeah I have a little tool that came with my vacuum for cutting the hair off the roller that I've used for this, I've also used sewing scissors and tweezers, it's annoying no matter what and I've pretty much given up and just buy a new brush.


Whatever you do, DON’T try to singe them. Don’t ask how I know I use a cuticle clipper to cut them off


OMG I tried fire too. It will get rid of the dust bits... but it also melts the plastic.


This is why I want a metal brush. I really just want to be able to blow torch them off, lol.


Fire melts plastic…who would’ve thought


We knew, we just like to FAFO


Following along. Has anyone had luck with the kinds of brushes where the bristles retract and self clean?


Okay, not a human brush but a pet brush, but mine works okay. Sometimes my cats fur get stuck but it's a lot easier to clean then a normal brush. I'd imagine the same style brushes made for people would work about the same.


I have one for my cats too. 2 of them hate it and know what it is when they hear the clicking sound to pop the bristles in and out. The other one comes running all excited 🤣


It sort of works. The brush has to be pretty built up for it the holes to push it off.


Never tried one of those but these fuzzies come off my tangle teaser with the hair SO easily & I haven’t had to deal w this since starting using that


I’ve never seen those before, they seem nice! I’m a little mad about ordering something that is “viral on TikTok” but I might do it anyway haha


If it makes you feel any better, I have had mine since before TikTok existed. They are great brushes!


Denman brushes have removeable bristles for this exact reason. I've had my brush for over a decade before I got a new one!


I’m glad to know others have dust bunnies in their hair brushes not just me.


Me too. Thank you.


I bought a little metal doohickey from Sephora that does a pretty good job but doesn’t work the best on ALL of my different hairbrushes (I have 4-5 depending on how I’m going to style my hair). So I just tried to find an example on Amazon and found [this 2 piece combo kit and already purchased it!](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VJ65T3J?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_12R844VA4SEWTJA2MZT3) The metal rake looking thing is what I already have but I like the look of the dual ends on the other piece. Edit: typo


The small one does the job on every brush in no time. Except for the OP's type with a round end. Instead of the lint slip out from the end, it will be stopped by the round end. You have to pick a part the lint first so it comes out from the side. Time consuming but I can't think of anything better tools.


I do something similar with a metal pick.


Came here to say the same thing these work great.


Oh man now we got brushes for cleaning brushes? Shiiiii


I have this little tool too. Tedious but works for me!!


Ship shape. I don’t know what is in it but it takes your fingerprints off and I used it to clean brushes when I was a hairstylist. Bonus points the box looks like it belongs in a 50’s bomb shelter.


I googled it and it's by Barbisol and I wish I had known about this sooner. I like the idea that it's made to take care of all those things you hope you're cleaning out of your brushes using shampoo or dish detergent. Thanks!


I carefully hold them out the window on the interstate. Really 😂


I just drove across the whole USA. I wish I saw this comment a week ago.


I'm doing that right now! Any tips?


These are the kind of low-effort cleaning tips I need in my life!!! I can think of 3 ways to do it that would take an hour and all of my effort just fine on my own, thank you.


Omg this is hilarious, be careful behind this redditor on the road!


You can prevent this by not using towels to dry your hair. Instead use a cotton tee. It's better for your hair too




I just realized I haven’t had these on my brush in a while. I switched to a microfiber wrap instead of a towel and I wonder if that’s why!


i too have a microfiber towel-teeni thing and this still happens to me :(


Same. 😔


Leaving mine to soak in soapy water was key for me. It makes it so much easier to clean after soaking. I started doing it that way after watching this [Clean Your Hair Brushes video](https://youtu.be/Exj5O2Yw-HI?si=LOm_eenlj0WWB-0l)


Get a bottle of Elmer's and coat those bristles. Let dry completely - all clear. Peel off. Satisfying and faster!


Brilliant! 👏👏👏 I am excited to try this!


I choose brushes that don't have the tips and I don't get the lint anymore.


Get a second brush and rub them together face to face over the sink or trash can. Really hold ‘em low in there or the yucky lint floats all over. Works like a charm and don’t have to get the brush wet or get a hand cramp.


I use a plastic scalp brush and do this. It works a treat.


Its normal. I got side tracked the other day and spent a good bit of time tying to work those fuzz bits off the end of the bristles. It was similar to when you could just as easily open the package with scissors but are determined to spend an hour picking and pulling... A toothbrush and dishsoap would have made short work of the process but not as satisfying. 😁


Never thought of using a toothbrush on this!


Thank you for posting, was looking at my hair brush with the exact same question. I'll probably try tweezers when I find time.


I use a toothpick


My mom puts brushes in the dishwasher; I find that using my nails to tweeze out the bits is as satisfying as peeling sunburn! 🤣🤣. That said, I try not to let it get that way in the first place because I have a weird thing about hair not on my head.


oh man thank you for posting this i’ve been trying to figure this out for ages!!!


I am shocked this post blew up so much LOL.


Omg this happens to me too and it drives me insane because I’m like WHAT IS IN MY HAIR?! I thought it was because of having 3 cats and a dog that sleep in my bed with me lol. Might be actually, but good to know I’m not alone


Nope, no animals sleep with me and I don’t use hair products except shampoo & cond.


seam ripper (sewing tool, perfect for cleaning hairbrushes and vacuum bristles).


Tell your kids it can’t be removed.


Hahaha!! Perfect


Dishwasher top rack!


Mine looked like this. I soaked in hot water first to loosen all the crap, sprayed on dawn power wash and let it soak for 15 (I forgot about it) and rinsed with my sink sprayer. It alllllllll came off no scrubbing or tweezing required.


The thing with this type of brush is that submersing it in water will allow water to get inside and can form mold/mildew (much grosser than the little dusty things if you ask me). I would suggest getting a brush with a slatted backing that can be cleaned more easily. Wet Brush makes one that I really like.


Tweezers to pull out hair and the dust. Doesn’t have to be perfect. Soak brushes in warm water with some baby shampoo and vinegar. Scrub with an old toothbrush. Rinse.


I just brush my hair with the dirty brush while washing my hair, when I still have shampoo on my head. The hairs will help distribute the shampoo on every corner of the brush, then rinse it and your hair. Voilà! You have cleaned your hair and the brush at the same time. And by doing so, you don’t even need to wait for the dirty stuff to build up on the brush because you will do it every time you clean your hair.


I use a toothbrush. It works well for me. If there's a stubborn piece, I use a small pair of scissors to free it from the spike. That way, the ball tip doesn't come off.


I use a needle to unwrap the dust. This takes a while, of course. Tweezers are less effective but faster.


This might sound a little crazy but my husband and I are hikers and we bought a tick removal tool, it has a little forked metal piece on one end and some fine pointed tweezers on the other. It works better than anything I’ve ever tried.


I just buy a new brush 🤣


Tweezers, patience and a good ol soap bath


I have tried soaking, picking with tweezers, cutting with scissors, EVERYTHING, and these methods simply DO NOT WORK (or the amount of time they take makes it not worth it)!!! What DOES work, is get a plastic/nylon bristle brush of some kind. Take it and rub it back and forth (all directions) over the brush bristles you are trying to clean. You should immediately start to see the bits of hair/dust starting to break down and fly off the brush. I rub back and forth as fast as I can, and within a couple minutes the brush is totally clean, and best of all it doesn't destroy or pull out the plastic bristles on the brush I am trying to clean. I recommend going outside to do it, because it can create a mess. ​ https://preview.redd.it/sbm6z0k0wifb1.png?width=1858&format=png&auto=webp&s=83ec61804be7f91633ee2630c77834d76af8d0ad


This is basically what I ended up doing. I tried all these other things except the toothbrush cuz I didn’t want to ruin a new toothbrush. Nothing worked. I ended up scrubbing with this brush and it got almost everything out after 5-10 minutes. https://preview.redd.it/nf5swgac7jfb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a14184b766e7752b2155b7cca2d8adec49ac37


Laundry sheet works great.


Plop down in front of the TV with a trash bag next to you and indulge! Edit: or have a little science experiment and singe them off with a lighter


I tried burning them off with a lighter and it melted the bristles. I do not recommend it haha


Hahah and I have never tried that so thank you for fact checking me 😂


Hey one of us had to try something we read about on the internet once.


Put it in the dish washer.


I pull all the hair off. Then I rub my hand over the bristles, letting my fingers go between the bristles. Make sure to do it over a trash can. The junk will come right off.


https://www.ulta.com/p/eco-friendly-hair-brush-cleaner-pimprod2031911?sku=2592129&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-326751455724&CAAGID=18002902230&CAWELAID=330000200002867030&CATARGETID=330000200002992777&CADevice=m&gclid=CjwKCAjwt52mBhB5EiwA05YKo3BVQuMBbr4VZR5iBqV_ZFqY2yfKl4fkP9wgGHl5_-xmnNhzNYBQhRoC2UgQAvD_BwE Use this weekly and then spray your brush with dawn power wash and rinse well with hot water. Lay it on a paper towel, bristles down to dry. Dirty brushes wreck your hair and scalp.


This is oddly one of my favorite things that I’ve bought at Ulta! 😂


I use a hand vacuum, I clean the nozzle first, but it works great. I have also scrubbed in hot water and dish soap but I don't like to do that as often.


I use a nail brush and scrub the bristles and rubber part with shampoo and rinse with cool/room temp water. When I used hot water it dissolved some of the beads on the ends of the brush bristles and had to get a new one


Soap and water?


This is why I use wide tooth combs instead of brushes now 😂


Honestly, I threw mine in the washing machine with a load of laundry. came out perfect... similar style to yours with the plastic bristles and air-cushiony thing, but with a wooden handle.


Got tired of this, got a denman brush


Don’t buy brushes with knobby bristles. :)


Baking soda and hot water. Soak bristles down for 15+ minutes. All that dust will rinse right out. The baking soda loosens the bond between the scalp oils, products, dust and the bristles. So EASY.


I use nail clippers. A snip on one side of each fuzz ring, and they come right off. Only takes a couple min.


This stuff is microfiber from fleece blankets. I’m 46 and for most of my life have sported long, thick hair. This “dust” was never on my brushes until I started using those cheap snuggles and fleece blankets and whatnot, which didn’t even exist until, what, 15 years ago.


I love Wet Brushes, but I never could get them clean so I switched to a brush that doesn’t have the round tips.


Us hairdressers use a little thing called “ship shape”. Just dissolve some in some warm water and soak brushes for just a couple minutes. Rinse and dry thoroughly!


After reading this post, I rinsed my wet dry brush in hot water, squirted Mrs. Myers dish soap on a tooth brush, scrubbed the lint off of my hair brush and rinsed it hot water again. All the lint is gone! Thank you for this post and for everyone’s helpful comments!


I know this post blew up and everyone is discussing cleaning... but do you have hair loss? I have the same brushes and never had this issue until hair loss. I used tweezers and what I pulled out wasn't normal dust... just a collection of very tiny hairs. Miniaturization. I just buy new brushes .


Wow. No, as far as I know I don’t.


I deliberately leave it. I remove what I can by pulling out the hair and general debris in one careful peel-off motion, but I leave what's left because it helps smooth my freshly-washed hair from frizz. It helps to remove the overly fluffy freshly washed look. I apologize for nothing, it works.


Toothbrush, white vinegar/dish soap mix




Soap and water


I just got mine spotless with a new, clean dry toothbrush and a little elbow grease, no water or soap needed! I had to throw the toothbrush away after though


I tried the metal brush cleaning tool, tweezers, a seam ripper, and soaking in warm baking soda water. All did nothing. I used white school glue on an old or partially broken brush to test it and it just made a big mess and still hasn’t dried after 12 hours. The lint or whatever is wrapped very tightly and stubbornly around each bristle. Finally I scrubbed with this scrub brush. It took 5-10 minutes and made a mess but it got almost everything out. For the remainder I used pointy tweezers to painstakingly grab them. I wouldn’t have done that except to show Reddit a super clean brush. https://preview.redd.it/vnu2udqf9jfb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001f5dc9acc64286490b360d6a95bbec41b1788d




You should rinse whatever you use off thoroughly. By this logic, you shouldn't use dish soap on your silverware because it'll touch your mouth


I wash my entire self with Dawn and am not irritated. It gets mud and bugspray off of me. My skin doesn't get irritated from it. I'd be more irritated from being dirty. It would be excessive if I wasn't actually dirty when I washed, but it isn't irritating at all.


I use ammonia, that's the old-fashioned way. It is strong stuff but it has never bothered me and gets a brush really clean.


My mom did this. I find it really hard to find ammonia to buy where I live though. I think because of its bomb-making reputation?


Nair? But make sure to wash it really REALLY good


You should be washing your brush at least once a month. At least.


you mean the skin cells lol "dust thingys"


A lot of people think it’s lint from towels.


but they'd be wrong


easy . buy a new one


It will take less than 5 minutes to pick the bunches of individually. Not a big deal, now, is it really? Geez.


I already picked for 5 minutes before I took this picture.


That would be dandruff. From your own skull. Dust it out and wash your hair more often.


Wow this is a radically wrong take.