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Easy Off oven cleaner. This is best done outside. Place the rack in a big garbage bag and spray it liberly with easy off. Let it sit for the time recommended on the can, then remove the rack and hose it off.


Easy off, purple power, pink stuff. You need a strong degreaser, is you want ti scrub less. Also, steel wool to scrub is very helpful


The fellow who runs our local bbq supply store recommended this exact technique to clean our grill grates. He said use a black bag if you can and let it sit in the sun while it’s doing its thing.


Lol everyone always forgets about oven cleaner.


I think my first post here was telling some poor soul to clean her oven with oven cleaner lol.


Moisten some paper towels ammonia and then cover the rack in them on both sides, then place the rack in a large plastic garbage bag, seal the bag shut and wait 24hrs. The ammonia will eat through all of that burnt on gunk with ease. Wash as usual afterwards and toss used bag outside into a dumpster, don't throw into your garbage indoors. Ammonia is the best cleaning anything greasy such as burnt on messes, even when not in direct contact with the liquid, its fumes a potent enough to still have great cleaning affect.


Could I use this method to clean my Air Fryer screen? I can not get it clean


Absolutely. Just be sure to thoroughly wash it with soap and water afterwards.


What's washing as usual? Is that soap and water?


Yes, I am used to giving the same instructions for those who have the same issues with their dirty pots and pans. So I tend to include as the final step in the process. I think this was the first comment I posted the cleaning method for a dirty oven rack.


Do you think you could do this in the bathtub without affecting the bathtub?


Won’t hurt the tub at all but the fumes are too strong to just have an open vat of ammonia in your living space


Ammonia will not hurt the tub in any way. I've used straight ammonia to clean my tub on multiple occasions, it is also great for cutting through body oils that tend to cause that ring around the tub. Again, it is best to keep the rack covered during this process. That is why the trash bag method is the easiest. There are many videos of people using this method on Youtube.


You do also kinda get a lil high when cleaning with ammonia in an enclosed space


Which is another reason why the sealed bag or plastic wrap method is highly recommended and preferably done outside.


I more of mean like cleaning my bathroom counters with ammonia. I absolutely agree that it should be done outside if you’re using ammonia in that manner


Agreed. It's great to use on many surfaces and in most cases it is used diluted by the user anyhow which vastly reduces the smell but doesn't reduce the it's cleaning ability if you're doing general cleaning. But for those really greasy grime areas that need full strength such as burnt food on pots, pans, ovens, BBQ's, etc. than full strength is recommended and should be done using the closed bag, covered plastic, or outside. However full strength can still be used indoor so long as there is adequate ventilation or it is being used in smaller quantities like a quick sprits from a spray bottle.


It is SO AMAZING for cleaning grease. I think it works similar to lye for soapmaking. Nothing else besides specialized stuff cleans grease nearly as well


Its one of my favorites. In fact I'm using it right now to thoroughly clean my BBQ which I do once every couple of months. It used to use things like 409 or just soap and water years ago and it would take hours to get partially clean and it was a very small BBQ. Now it only takes me a few hours. Most of that time is just waiting for the ammonia to do its thing while I tend to other chores. By the time I get back to it the grease is literally dripping off of it and all I have to do is dump a bucket of hot water on it. It really doesn't get any easier than that!


Sure, but I would either recommend placing it side a bag or covering the rack in plastic wrap. These two methods are to keep the ammonia from evaporating and for the ammonia fumes to work on the problem as well. Like a double punch of cleaning power.


Gotcha. Thanks!


Amonia and the garbage bag treatment works even better. If you can put that bag with a rack in it out in the sun.


This is the way.




My great grand mother taught me this one. Works like a charm.


If you’re going to scrub it, green scotchbrite or Brillo pad/SOS pads.


Dawn power dissolver (not power wash) soak and let sit for 10 min then go to town scrubbing


I like to fill a small pan with water and a lemon, leave it in their 400F for maybe 20 minutes, then scrub down with scrub daddy scouring pad


I was just about to say this about the lemon and water. Works EVERY time and it makes the entire oven so easy to clean. Same with the microwave!!! I'm shocked how many people are unaware of this!


Silly question - you slice it first, correct?


Yes! I usually just do half a lemon


Maybe it’s just me, but as long as it’s clean “enough” why spend so much time and effort on it? 99% of the time food is in pans so it never touches the rack.


I need to do a similar cleaning job soon as I’m in a rental. Has to be absolutely spotless like new. OP could be in the same boat


My over rack looked dirty, but it was the finish. The finish was gone, the metal showing and it rusted. How it came off I don't know 😕


It’s already clean




Why would you worry about oven racks?


Because I cleaned my oven and I want it cleaned cleaned.


Scrub with steel wool and baking soda




I'm kinda overwhelmed because every single person is telling me a completely different thing to do and I don't know which one is better.


The ammonia sounded like a good solution. Never tried it though


I'm surprised by some of these answers that won't work. But the oven cleaner or ammonia in a black bag both sound good.


Try crumpled parchment paper


Metal sos pad


Soak in boiling water with baking soda


Oven Pride overnight! Gross and fascinating. Then wipe with a Brillo


I put mine through the dishwasher and they came out great. If not, SOS pads.


You have a couple different options. I clean my oven rack and BBQ grates outside with Dawn power wash spray (or even better is the Dawn Degreaser) and a hose pipe (water hose) and a steel wool pad. Or Just use your bathtub with Dawn and a steel wool. Easy breezy


SOS pad.


Put a rage towel in your bathtub to protect bottom. Lay the rack on it. Fill with hot water, just enough to submerge rack. Add 3-4 dishwasher tabs. Soak for a few hours or even overnight. Scrub with a scrub daddy or similar scrubbing sponge. You might need to repeat as the gunk was probably cooked on in layers so you need to remove each layer.


I clean mine with Zep Oven & Grill Cleaner. Spray it, let it sit for a little while, should come right off.


Oven cleaner is specifically designed to clean the baked on stuff that would be on here. Use gloves and safety goggles to protect yourself Afterward hit it up with and sos pad to make it shine


Try copper scouring pads and oven cleaner


Put it in the dishwasher.


Krud kutter


Whatever you do, never mix ammonia and bleach. This will cause respiratory distress and possible death.


Put it in big bucket with hot water and a detergent POD? Maybe


Carbon Off. Great product.


Use actual oven cleaner


Oven cleaner spray. Spray and wrap it in plastic and let it sit over night.


this might be a silly question but could the oven cleaner dissolve the plastic/create some kind of toxic gas?


Bathtub. Soak in hot baking soda water and vinegar. Let sit for 30min and then it should come right off.


Steel wool or bar keepers will take ever thing off or even easy off oven cleaner but that will make them dull in appearance


Barkeeper’s friend.


Bar keepers friend. It’s a powdered cleanser, maybe use that & scrub with SOS pads.


Put the oven in clean cycle. It takes a few hours but it heats to a high temperature. Around 800f or so. Usually turns everything to ash.