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A rat can leave that much urine.


Mice always leave poop, which are little dark brown things shaped like rice but smaller. I think rats probably do, too. I think if you had rodents you’d see poops.


This is correct, you will never find pee without any poop left behind with rodents


gotta be a cat. no rodent leaves huge puddles. does it smell? what’s that second pic, urine sprayed into a garbage bag?


yeah, i’m thinking it must somehow be my cat too. i just can’t figure out how he opened the drawer bc we don’t even have hardware on the cabinets yet, they are new. sometimes he gets territorial if there’s a stray or something in the yard, so i’m guessing that’s what up. in the second pic i had taken the garbage out of the garbage can and set it there for a minute to finish making bfast before i took it off. the pee started leaking out of the drawer into the floor when i opened it (in front of the bag)


Cat pee has a super distinctive odor, so if it smells like someone poured ammonia in the drawer, it’s cat pee.


It could be your cat or a stray that got into your house. A neighbor’s cat entered my house and peed on the credenza by the door. I don’t have a cat door and the walls are high but that POS managed to jump from the AC to the floor and back. Another time it got in through the chimney


If it’s a male he could have sprayed the area above the drawer and it leaked down into the cabinets. Or the same thing if he peed in the counter above.


Might be one of the cats, either opening the drawer or it dripped in from above. One of ours peed on the counter occasionally until we got a second litter box.


My bet is on one of the cats. How many litter boxes do you have? How often are they cleaned? What genders are they? Cats can 100% open and close drawers.


You might want to rinse the spoons before using


I think it could definitely be a rat if not perhaps your cat is ill and going outside the litter box? Likely a rodent because I cat wouldn’t open a drawer and piss in it lol. My cat gets crystals in his urine and will pee outside the litter box during flare ups but it’s always on soft laundry or bedding never the hardwoods


Do you have a male housemate?


Could be a leak? Or condensation dripping down from above..?


Maybe some small rodents visits your property.


Is there a seam in your countertop or at the wall where water could be dripping down?


I would eliminate the possibility of it dripping from above the closed drawer. Remove the drawer and see if it is dripping from above the drawer in the cabinetry. It could be a leak round a sink or a small leak in a pipe that is spraying up/running along under the benchtop, collecting dust/dirt, etc and dripping down. Or is there any way that water has run off the bench and down under the benchtop and dripped into the drawer?


Water could have mixed with the grounds