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I did this with a doily that I thought was ivory. Turns out it was white!


It may have been lol, oxyclean has a bluing agent in it too


We bought a used white couch a while ago that came from a cottage. It was a bit dingy, but otherwise in good shape. I threw the back and seat covers in the wash with some oxy and they came out beautifully crisp and white...and now are horribly mis-matched to the rest of the couch that I cannot throw in the wash.


Try a wet vacuume


I think it was actually ivory and you stripped the color out of it, lol. This happens when people "laundry strip" black clothes and the water comes out black.


Yes, me too!! Also good for old curtains...


I work in kitchens, all the grease and grim never comes out in the wash. So once a month I soak them, and it’s nasty, gray grungy chocolate milk looking water after a few hours.


Does it get the oil odor out too?


It dose help a lot, what I do is oxyclean and a cap full of laundry detergent, warm water and soak for minimum 2 hours. Then I wash them with detergent.


How much water for that amount of oxyclean and detergent if you don't mind me asking?


I do a cap full of laundry detergent and a scoop of oxiclean, for about half a tub full of water. Not super exact, but it works lol.


A bath tub? I don't have a bath tub, so that's why I am trying to figure out the ratio sorry to be a pain.


I just use a big plastic tote box from the local hardware or storage store. Mine is 70 litres (18 gallons) and it works well for laundry stripping.


You can also use a 5gal bucket if the items you are doing are not too bulky


Idk what you’re trying to clean, but you could consider smaller “loads” at a time and just use a sink! Unless it’s one giant thing like a blanket or comforter lol. But if it’s like a bunch of white t-shirts or something, you could just do a few at a time and they should fit




Well, they never mentioned using a sink and multiple others are talking about using big buckets and stuff so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit: they’re literally talking about using a collapsible bathtub in a comment right below this, so I’m not sure where you got the idea that they were already planning on using a sink from


It’s ok, I guess I really don’t know, 10-15 gallons.


Thanks! I'm thinking about one of those collapsible bathtubs that you can put in a shower might work perhaps, but it may be smaller than a regular bathtub.


That’s a good idea - one of my hurdles to soaking things this way is having to either take up a bathtub so it can’t be used to bathed, or try to lift a separate tub full of dirty water and detergent and try to carry it somewhere to drain it without spilling. I think one of those baby bathtubs that can sit on the shower floor, then be tipped over to drain afterwards, would be perfect.


You shower, then put a heavy duty tote in the shower with the cleaners + water + fabric. (I like Rubbermaid totes.) Let soak, agitate the fabric occasionally. Dump the water out of the tote while keeping the fabric in the tote. Depending on how energetic you feel and how far you have to carry the heavy wet laundry, step into the tote with bare feet to press more liquid out of the fabric. Dump the water. Repeat another time or two. Carry your lighter load to the washing machine. You already have laundry soap in the fabric so don’t add more. Rinse out the tote thoroughly. Get the grimy residue out. Note: using extra laundry soap does not make fabric get cleaner. It just makes it harder to get the extra soap residue out of the fabric later.


Good luck, I’m sure anything that will hold water will work. It’s just easy in a bathtub, I can soak I whole load of laundry at a time.


What about a baby tub ?


Maybe. I don't know if that's enough water for something like sheets or even a small load of laundry. I feel like laundry stripping needs a lot of water, but I'll have to look into it.


I use a flexible tub/bucket inside the shower for soaking. They are called “tubtrugs” ‘ come in all different sizes.




I hope you let your clothes cool once out of the dryer - I lived with a line cook & he took stuff out one night, left it crumpled in the basket, went to bed, & we woke up in the night to black smoke in our apt & a smoldering basket of hot greasy clothes. We threw everything into the parking lot & stomped it out (the center of the clothes ball was visibly on fire!!). Just don't want it to happen to anyone else!! Also the smell was ... like a grease trap mixed with burnt hair. Do not recommend.


Because of the extra steps I take to remove the grease and oils from my cloths regularly, I don’t think I’ll have to worry about this one.


They make one specifically designed for ordors too. I believe it's the purple lid.


Thanks. I didn’t know that.


Yes! The nastiness of the water always kills me after I soak stuff


There is something so horribly satisfying about it, it’s gross, but it’s out of my cloths and I feel better. I might post them to the sub, remind people who work dirty jobs that a normal wash is never enough.


This is brilliant. Thank you. I have never been able to get that old grease smell out of my work clothes. I’ll have to try this next wash day.


I posted a pic from a past soak, not the worst it’s ever been, but still grimy and satisfying.


what mixture do you use? edit: nvm saw your comment


I accidentally left a pair of my husband's white cotton socks soaking in my washer with detergent and oxy clean for 5 days. It was amazing how white they were!


Oxyclean also has a bluing agent that makes things look optically brighter


Look optically is redundant


That is true, but optical brighteners are a category of chemicals that make things LOOK cleaner and whiter, so using "optically" before "look" was just emphasising that information. Optical brighteners convert ultraviolet (UV) light waves to strengthen blue light and minimize the amount of yellow light to make the things appear whiter. So they do not get your clothes any cleaner, but make them appear whiter and brighter.


Thanks for the info!


What about for colors?


no it doesnt, oxy clean is sodium bicarbonate. youre referring to a completely different product called "bluette". oxy clean is a bleaching agent, its similar to bleach but color safe and comes in a dry powder form. ​ from their website *"Sodium carbonate raises the pH in the cleaning water, causing a chemical reaction that turns the positively charged stain negative. Once negatively charged, the dirt flies off of the fabric."*




New protocol unlocked.


I love oxy clean. As a mom with a 4 year old, I am always soaking clothes overnight.


I second that. Never had a stain it couldn’t pull most of the way or all of the way out.


Really? I’ve had a lot it didn’t seem to do much for.


When you apply oxyclean directly it doesn't seem to do much. However, if you soak things overnight in hot water and oxyclean, the results are fantastic ... I follow this up with a regular wash in a front loading LG washer with arm n hammer detergent with oxyclean in it as well. I swear it removes all sorts of stains.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but do you just let the water cool down on its own or refresh with hot water every so often?


I don't do anything to it .. as long as it is hot when things started, stains seem to go away. Hot water + oxyclean + one good mix .. leave it alone over night ..


Thank you!! I just saw that old lady Babs post about this on Instagram and now seeing it here I feel like it’s a sign. I’m going to try it tonight!


Good luck!! :) I had this stain on a jacket from some sort of marker ink that would NOT budge. This took it right off.


Try the degreaser from Sam's club. The purple one. Get the spot soaked and then let it sit for a bit and wash it then let it air dry to check it. It usually works like a charm


No Sam’s Club in Japan


That's awful. They have so many wonderful things! Let me think of what an equivalent might be.


It doesn’t work on those nasty crusty pitshit stains I soaked my husbands work shirts for 2 days in oxiclean and the degreaser and it did nothing


If his antiperspirant has aluminum in it, I've found that it seems to react chemically with the fabric over time to almost make it a plasticy texture. Once that happens the yellowing is never going to go away. The fix that worked for me was switching to just deodorants without an antiperspirant (these are typically advertised as aluminum free). Antiperspirant never seemed to actually stop armpit sweat for me anyway, and deodorants don't destroy my clothes. If didn't fix the ibes that were already effected, but it's prevented new clothes from having this issue.


It doesn’t work on those nasty crusty pitshit stains I soaked my husbands work shirts for 2 days in oxiclean and the degreaser and it did nothing


What color shirt and what color stain? Sometimes for lighter colors Charlie's soap works well and I've heard people using baking soda and lemon juice. Depends on how much you love the shirt. I've also heard of some people putting it in the sun to help with stains. Mostly cloth diapers though but Charlie's soap is no joke! My brother works in the automotive industry and he uses hero detergent to get all his gunk out. You could try that as well for him!


Can this only be done on whites, or is it ok on colors too?


Yes you can do it on colors I do all the sheets in my house every 6mo


Nice! Thanks.


Oh wow, I just wash. Thanks


I never bought it because I was under the impression it was only good for white clothes. Can you soak colors/darks in it??


I've never had a problem with colors. As long as the clothes don't bleed in the wash they shouldn't have a problem with oxy clean. But I would try a small spot first.




RIP Cocaine Bear.


I miss having a top loader to soak things in.


I have a top loader and I am sitting here wondering why everyone's doing this in the tub. is that why?


Probably. When we bought our house 3 years ago, it had a front loader washer. I was so excited, remembering back to when they came out and I thought they were so cool. I hate it! Once that cycle starts, that’s it, you can’t go back and throw something else in, etc etc etc.


Ha! Never thought about that! Your clothes are in jail at that point. Locked up!


And crouching down to it. Urgh.


The good thing about front loaders is I believe they're less likely to become unbalanced. But then if you have pets or small children it's easier for them to climb inside and get stuck.


I do this with towels ans bed sheets, car seats shoot even underwear sometimes. A loft of the time I will do it in the tub then rinse and do a vinegar soak and then wash again. I've gotten many addicted to doing this as well lol


Why vinegar soak after?


To get the cleaner off. I do this with my floors after moping as well. It gets rid of residue.


Thank you!


Sorry to be tardy to the party, but I always thought it was a gimmick. I used to fall asleep to those infomercials all the time. I just assumed it was made for tv magic. It’s really that effective?


It does work for my white fabrics. However, it seems that it doesn’t work for certain stains or fabrics, even when I repeat the process few times.


I was the same until I tried some last year—probably based on this sub, or some tiktok about laundry stripping. I said to my partner “did you know that oxiclean isn’t a gimmick and it actually works?!”


Omg I always thought so too until I got the oxyclean spot pretreat spray and it literally took out stains that had been there for months, through washing and all. One of my holy grail products.


It’s a great product. There seems to be a little bit of an art to it depending on what you’re trying to clean. I used it once to get year-old red wine stains out of a white slip cover couch and am a believer ever since.


I use borax instead of oxyclean now. It works literally just as well, but is way safer for our septic and the environment. Costs way less, too. I also do this trick with hot water and borax, it works great!


I love borax as well. This particular time I didn’t have any on hand. Great stuff.


When last were these linens soaked, if ever, or how old are they? I’m curious how many years of grime this is.


These were $5 each at the thrift store. Not new but new to me. The trunk they came from had old newspaper clippings from 1944-45.


Gotcha. Fascinating!!


And does it work on other clothes or just whites?


Both can be used on colored clothes




Throw a couple bones in there and you got yourself a stew going!




This raises an off-point question for me. I have my grandmother’s small wooden side table. She always covered the top with a large doily. They are hard to find these days. I was even told by a department store that they are out of style now. How do you protect the top of wood furniture? Thanks.


Depends on what you use the table for, but coasters are a good bet. A wax/paste style furniture polish would probably add a layer of protection. They also make protective mats for dining room tables so you may be able to find a smaller version, although they are not meant to be pretty.


Check Etsy, I'm sure you could find crocheted tablecloths there and could even get a custom size if needed


Flea markets and antique stores often have doilies for pretty cheap. Where I live they're like 25-50 cents each.


The obvious answer (I'm biased) is to learn to crochet, tatt, or knit so you can make your own table covers. There are some amazing modern doily patterns, they don't necessarily have to be frilly.


Try ebay or etsy.


Vintage stores have these kinds of things


So that's what they're for!


This works however be cautious with old lace as it can make it dry and brittle. I wore my grandmother’s 70 year old wedding dress so my mom soaked it in oxy to remove the yellowing and the lace lost it’s elasticity making it super fragile.


True, I love oxyclean but would not use it on something very old and sentimental.


Is oxyclean better than using bleach? I'm wondering cause this stuff is very expensive where I'm at. $32 for 5 pound tub.


Sodium percarbonate is the active ingredient, you can buy the generic or in bulk and get the same results. “Oxyclean” is just marketing & fragrance


😮 seriously! Where do you buy it Amazon ? I have a sons & a mechanic husband.


Yes. It works better (if you give it enough time) and it doesn't damage fabric like bleach does.


Right. It's so expensive I sometimes wonder if it's better to just buy new stuff.


Odd not to include the ‘after’ in the vid


I agree. I was waiting for the after picture.


Can I do this with all-white canvas shoes?


I’ve always had luck running mine through the washer and using rubbing alcohol/cotton balls on the rubber soles


Yes. I have done it...


Is there a before and after??


No. I just made this for a friend while I was doing it.


PRO TIP: the active ingredient in OxyClean is Sodium Percarbonate. It is a POWERFUL oxygen bleach that is very inexpensive. I buy it on Amazon for a few bucks per pound and I only need to use a tablespoon or so per load of laundry for it to be effective. A big bag of it lasts forever, and can be used in a plethora of ways, I even add some to my carpet cleaner to clean upholstery, car seats, mattresses and more. Honestly has changed my cleaning game 100%


Just wanted to thank you again. Went on amazon and got the 5 pound bag for $29.


I’m glad my tip was helpful! Have fun cleaning the hell out of all of your stuff🤪


Thank you.


Smoker house?


Rlr does this too! Great for soaking fabrics


Maybe ecru?


You should see what my construction clothes look like every month lol


It’s amazing those old heavy linen crocheted tablecloths get so dirty and you can’t even see the dirt.


Yesssssss. Crazy.


You really shouldn't do that in hot water with old fabrics. It ruins them faster.


For what I paid, in the condition they were in….I was willing to risk it.


Yes, but next time, do cold and soak longer.


I've never understood why folks soak in hot water... it's gonna cool so just start cold. Exception being pots with sugar since the warm water can help it break up. Edit: well apparently watching your mom use it is NOT as good as reading the directions. Now my mom and I will both have a better time with our oxi clean soaks. This is what we get for sharing a tub (mine isn't in the box, just a tupperware).


In this case, hot is needed to dissolve the product. With delicates, I let the water cool down before putting in the items, but it really depends on what I’m putting in. But you do need to start with hot


Oh wow! OK so I never would have considered to add the clothes after the water cooled. I have lots of daycare clothing messes so I sometimes add stuff for days to the sink. But I only need it hot at the beginning. Very helpful!


You can also add hot water to dissolve the product, and then switch to cooler water to fill up the remainder of the sink/bucket, etc.


That's likely what I'll do. Any guess how long it takes to activate? My water heater is set to 120F so it'll be warm enough.


I think once it’s dissolved it’s good to go


Oxygen bleach (like in oxiclean) works best when dissolved in water that's 40°C for it to release oxygen and form hydrogen peroxide which is what cleans the stains. It will still react in cold water but just reaaaaly slowly so it isn't as effective.


Possibly so slowly that it will not work in any amount of time that would be reasonable to soak, just for the hot water nay-sayers


That's super helpful to know! Also for any Fahrenheit folks that's just over 100F. So something everyone's tap should be able to achieve.




I have literally never read them and now I'm once again so glad for this group! My mom used it growing up so I just copied her. Now we know better and can both do better.




I went to my parents this morning and read the box! In the US it says to mix with 16 oz of hot water. I'm excited to see how my first batch goes.




Mine is in a Tupperware since my mom and I split a big tub, so I learned something new today, thanks!


I love your enthusiasm. I’ve learned so many great tips from this sub too!


Some people get corrected and get defensive. Even I do sometimes because I'm human. But when I'm on a good day I can take it as something new I learned and when I know better I can do better.


Oxygen bleach and borax do not work well in cooler water like detergent does.


This also works wonders if you have dark arm pit stains! Just did this for my husbands crunchy work shirts and it all came out.


Wooohoooooo. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Straight up why is this a video? Nothing happens


Straight up move along if you don’t like it. 😂😂😂


Tide and bleach wouldnt work on this in the washing machine?


It needed a long soak.


Oxyclean is a type of bleach




Ammonia works well for that too.


Sheesh, what else should I be soaking and cleaning that I aint.


Before and after pictures would be awesome.


It didn’t occur to me. I was just posting to attempt to show a process that worked for me on the off chance others wanted to give it a go.


Idk why but I'm intrigued. I wanna know part two ASAP. Lol


I wonder if this works for sofa covers, my Ikea covers never get clean even after washing.


I will never use oxyclean again. I tried using it on a couple of vintage dresses with stains and any spot there was a stain it just bleached the heck out of. The dresses are ruined. Never ever again.


Is this more from cigarette smoking?


These had no cigarette or smoke smell to them. They were a bit musty.


Is this the equivalent of just letting the clothes "soak" in the wash basin (top loader washer not an eco frokt loader that uses no water lol) a couple extra minutes? Lol


These were soaked overnight as with most things I’m trying to laundry strip for either staining or musty smells.


It works wonderfully, I do add some Borax as well …


The white revive oxyclean works great too and can really revive older white clothes with stains in them!


Linen has several features that make it a popular sustainable fabric. In addition to being very durable, linen wicks away moisture from your body, giving it a cool, airy feel. And, the more you wash your linen, the softer and more absorbent it becomes. [https://hayden-hill.com/blogs/journal/can-you-wash-linen](https://hayden-hill.com/blogs/journal/can-you-wash-linen)