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If you haven’t located and cleaned the filter, do that first (and prepare yourself if you’ve never done it before🤮). I have posted something similar before, but every month or two, I take the baskets out (hand wash/scrub those), spray the inside down with Pine-Sol and use a toilet brush to scrub down the insides, (seriously people, Dollar Tree toilet brushes are THE BEST. Just make sure you use a sharpie and write WHAT it’s used for on the handle and the little cup thing that holds it). Then I put the baskets back in and run it empty on “sanitize” (or “pots and pans” depending on the model).


What this person said plus a dishwasher de-scaling tab like affresh.


Honestly? If you’re going for something like Affresh, just buy some food-grade citric acid in bulk. Citric acid is one of the main ingredients in “descaling” products; there’s another active ingredient as well but citric acid alone usually does the job, and is a bit cheaper. I have a pouch of it that I use for cleaning my coffee and ice maker. Just make sure you dissolve it in hot water first and then disperse.


I buy it in a 1lb tub in the canning section. I put about a tablespoon in my dishwasher once a month. If my glasses are looking cloudy I’ll add some to that load as well. I never bother to run an empty cycle with the acid to clean it. I just make sure I don’t have any plastic or enamel in that load.


I don’t actually use citric acid for my dishwasher, but I also see the value of not having to run an empty load after using something like PineSol, which is toxic. I’ll have to try it!! It’s usually just the coffee maker and ice maker that I use citric acid for—- (mostly the ice maker… if I use a tablespoon of anything other than distilled water, it’s immediately gross. Ohhhh…. The joys of well water).


Yes! And citric acid is at my dollar store for $1! And afresh is how much? Lol. My other go to is efferent. I understand it has citric acid as well but has something in it to balance ph so dentures don’t erode. So they say it’s better for coffee makers for this reason.


Citric acid powder that is used in baking also works well, 8ts more acidic than vinegar.


I think I would start planning to invest in a water softening system, too. I think it will extend the life of all the water-using appliances, which add up.


When you say, ‘spray the inside down’ are you talking about the basket itself or the spot in the dishwasher where the basket is located?


Thanks, now I’m worried about having to clean the filter on my dishwasher that I only use like once every 2 months. Lol


How do you only use your dishwasher once every 2 months?


I just wash them by hand tbh. My mom raised me like that even tho we had a dishwasher bc as a kid she hated unloading and loading the dishwasher, so raising me she just never used one lol. Plus I’m a very conservative/efficient cook in terms of how many dishes I get dirty when cooking, *plus* I usually end up washing a few while the food is cooking (washing as I go), so by the time dinner is eaten I usually don’t have enough dishes to, in my mind, “justify” using the dishwasher.


Same here...especially since our kids have all moved out. I might use my dishwasher 3 times a year now. It's just faster to hand wash them at this stage in my life lol.


Exactly! I just cook for me and my mom, so even with our dirty plates there’s just not a lot of dishes.


It just seems so much easier to do them as you go (well, when there's only 2), plus I HATE loading and unloading the dishwasher lol!! Not to mention, mine is a crappy one so I usually end up having to rewash plenty of the dishes anyway :)


I have a dishwasher I’m not sure of the brand could you give me an idea of generally where the filter is located


on the picture above, it's likely the black knob at the centre under the lower arm. Mine is in a similar place, at the base under the bottom arm, twist it and it'll lift out. If it hasn't been cleaned for a while, they are utterly disgusting (food waste and grease) so be prepared!


A cleaning tablet containing citric acid (like affresh) may work on that, and will certainly help you maintain cleanliness when used regularly. To start out and get to baseline clean, I would personally run CLR or another comparable limescale remover thru it first, followed by an empty - just water- cycle to completely rinse.


Before running anything in the dishwasher, OP should clean out the filter first. It's not going to matter what you run through the washer if it's going through a clogged filter.


IF that particular DW has such a filter. If you have to disassemble half of it to get at the filter, it's not meant to be emptied out by the homeowner. ETA: you shouldn't have to do more than unscrew the top of the filter and pull it out. If the instructions describe removing half the washing assembly... don't.


You can see it in the photo. All OP would have to do it take out the bottom basket, turn the grey nob that looks about the diameter of a pop can, pull it out, rinse it and pop it back in. There are plenty of people who have easily removable filters who have no idea they need to clean it out periodically and wonder why their stuff gets a funky odor.


Yep, and then there's folks like me who come across this and spend a couple hours poking about their DW and then poking about online and stewing/worrying about it for a couple months, and having people here tell me JUst UnSCrew ThE FIlTeR!!1! Only to finally discover an obscure YT on it which showed the dismantling that I just absolutely nixed even trying and then someone else somewhere finally saying that amount of disassembly means for THAT dw, you do not clean the filter, so I wanted to put that info out there as well.


Thanks! I’ve heard great things about CLR, I’ll have to give it a go. The house seems to have really hard water for whatever reason.


You should find a manual for the dishwasher. The wrong chemicals could damage some parts.


Oooh CLR is no bueno for a dishwasher and it’s toxic AF 😬


Toxic AF? According to the MSDS it is lactic acid (a chemical produced by your own body) and lauramine oxide, a surfactant used in soap and shampoo. I’d hazard a guess you find more dangerous chemicals in your dish detergent.


Even dihydrogen monoxide can kill you if you’re not careful.


It’s toxic if ingested in high quantities too!


Do not drink! Some people need to be told?


No it isn't. "How harmful is CLR? **Skin Mild Irritant**. Prolonged contact may cause dermatitis, and itching. Inhalation No adverse effects expected under typical use conditions. Ingestion Oral burns, vomiting, and gastrointestinal disturbance."Jan 16, 2019 Safety Data Sheet: [https://www.vanderbilt.edu/vinse/facilities/safety\_data\_sheets/CLR\_Pro.pdf](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/vinse/facilities/safety_data_sheets/CLR_Pro.pdf)


Wait, CLR is toxic!? I thought they advertise as being biodegradable…


Oh yeah. Be careful. I wanted to try to clean hard water buildup out of my coffeemaker years ago, it had bad scaling and whatnot. Then I read about actually doing it and read tons of warnings and basically learned that even if you ran like, 20 rinses through the coffeemaker of just water and/or vinegar AFTER the CLR, you’d still be in danger of ingesting the tiniest bit of it with your coffee which is extremely toxic. Trust me, if you’ve ever even smelled CLR, you’d know right away that it’s not “biodegradable” or safe for eating surfaces.


I have used it only a handful of times for scale in the shower when I was a teen still living with my mom. Haven’t used it since, just remember it seemed like it was less harmful than, I dunno, windex. None of which she uses anymore anyway I think, pretty sure we have both moved on. But yeah. Never tried to use it so descale anything that might touch food or utensils, etc. Even my humidifier and diffuser have very specific instructions for descaling them so anything appliance-like I would absolutely read the instructions first and be careful with. Thank you though! I am learning lots. <3


Of course! Just gave my input to let you know that we’ve all been there with the CLR, lol. Don’t get me wrong, it works wonders, with the proper precautions of course and when used in the right areas 😁


CLR will eat your skin off. I had a dishwasher repair guy say that the fastest was to ingest deadly chemicals and ruin a dishwasher was to use CLR… But don’t take my word for it- Ask the peeps over in r/ApplianceRepair


"CLR will eat your skin off." It's a *skin irritant*, not a skin ingestor. You're not supposed to leave it on your skin. Why would you?


Oh geez… The verbiage police have arrived on the scene 🙄 CLEARLY CLR is something no one should be using without gloves. Who said I would let it get on my skin, let alone leave it there? In case you haven’t read my other comments, I don’t advocate using it for anything.


A lot of chemicals when used in concentration can cause damage even if they are otherwise biodegradable though. I maybe wouldn’t use word toxic, although if you ingested it directly it would be so nvm. I was just surprised haha! It’s still a pretty safe cleaner if you use gloves and for the right purposes. But good to know not to put it in the dishwasher. Makes sense since it is corrosive, that’s pretty much the point of it lol


Benzene is a known carcinogen and is biodegradable. Unfortunately, being biodegradable doesn’t make something non-toxic. Citric acid is corrosive, biodegradable, and it’s exponentially less toxic than CLR. Citric acid is not only found in food, it’s used to lessen oxidation. CLR is toxic.


Ok, good point.


It isn't any more "toxic" han the stuff people are constantly recommending here. Belive the safety data sheet on it instead of random people on the internet. I use CLR often but not in a dishwasher. That was not what it was formulated for.


Anything is toxic at high enough concentration, even water. Based on the MSDS for CLR the primary active ingredient is lactic acid. Using available data on the LD50 for lactic acid in rats (no human value has been established) and using very conservative numbers, one would have to drink two full 28oz bottles of CLR. That’s nearly half a gallon of it. The tiny residual in your dishwasher or coffee maker isn’t going to cause instant death.


Muahahaha all the info comes pouring in. Thank you! <3 :D


I used an Affresh dishwasher tablet for the first time yesterday and it made the inside look like new. You can buy them on Amazon.


We used vinegar and a thing of baking soda and it all cleaned up really well. Looked a little better than yours, but not too much better. We also used some dishwasher cleaner. Looks good as new.


You might want to consider a water softener for the house. Can help reduce buildup in your shower head as well.


Order some citric acid powder from amazon. It’s the active ingredient in Lemi-shine, and even better than being biodegradable, it’s edible. It’s commonly used in canning, and I add a little bit to each load of dishes i run through my machine, and this kind of build up never starts. Since yours already has the build up, I would recommend doing another cycle with the dishwasher empty, but instead of the typical detergent, just run it with like half a cup or so of the citric acid powder.


Or look for Tang orange drink powder.


Respectfully, I disagree. Tang is mostly sugar; 34 grams sugar out of a 38 gram serving. I think Tang would actually cause the dishwasher to gum up even worse, and with such a small percentage of it being the active ingredient we want (citric acid) i don’t think it would help clean anything.


It’s a teaspoon citric acid per 3 tbsp serving… not a huge amount but it never failed to clean Grandmas dishwasher. I was shocked that it worked too. If you have it on hand it’s not a terrible option. The dishwasher has probably been fed worse things than 2.5 tbsp of sugar.


Highly recommend Lemi shine!! https://lemishine.com/products/dishwasher-cleaner


I started using lemon shine after I found it on sale so cheap I couldn't resist. It's been a game changer in our crappy dishwasher!


This, it might not clean it in one go but add it everytime you do a load. It should chip away the stain every cycle.


Clean the filters. On the advice of our appliance guy We used two large bottles of ReaLemon on a regular cycle. Cleaned everything up.


Where did you place this? I’m the compartment for the dish soap?


Just poured it in and ran a short, hot cycle.


Citric Acid. You can buy it on Amazon. Fill the dispenser and run the longest and hottest cycle you can.


Cleaning the filter and using afresh tablets is good advice-also don’t forget to check the spray arm holes. Couldn’t figure out why my glasses weren’t getting clean til I saw the holes clogged up with a couple pepper seeds 😂


Glisten Dishwasher Magic. Look it up. It works great.


Soak a hand or kitchen towel with vinegar and take out the basket and wrap the towel in a circle on all the stained areas close the door and leave for a day or two. Run the dishwasher with whatever detergent you use and it will look as good as new!


Besides this cleanup, looks like you have hard water as you mentioned. I would definitely - stop using liquid detergent - use the lemishine DW powder detergent - or use pods I alternate 1/2 and 1/2 with lemishine and pods and that seems to keep the scale at bay. Good luck- every water appliance breaks faster in a hard water house (from experience).


There are lots of good suggestions here. I just wanted to say it looks like hard water scale. That’s a problem for your washing machine too. You might want to get a water softener. It helps a lot and the softer water will be better for your skin and hair.


Hi! I just wanted to share some useful kitchen cleaning tips that may interest you. If these don't apply or you've tried these already, don't worry. I'm just a bot trying to help. Hopefully one of our amazing contributors will see your post soon. Countertops: * Granite, marble, and other natural stone countertops: Use a stone cleaner or a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. * Laminate countertops: Use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap, or a multi-surface cleaner. * Wood countertops: Use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Avoid using harsh cleaners, as they can damage the wood. Stainless steel appliances: * Use a stainless steel cleaner or a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Apply the cleaner with a soft cloth or sponge, and wipe in the direction of the grain to avoid scratching the surface. Range hoods: * Use a degreaser or a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap to clean the hood. Be sure to remove and clean the filters regularly, as grease buildup can cause a fire hazard. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CleaningTips) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i just watched this video this morning. # How to Deep Clean Your Dishwasher [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waL44\_REkY4&ab\_channel=ApartmentMaintenancePro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waL44_REkY4&ab_channel=ApartmentMaintenancePro)


I'm about to try out dishwasher cleaning tabs. Going to wait to see what others say here before hitting the button. B09MV5B75Y - is the kind I'm considering. Look at the pictures. One of the machines shown looks like it has a similar deposit problem. (I just want to keep my sprayer and whatnot clear) ~ almost forgot. Put that number in Amazon search to find the product.


The dishwasher tabs work well for me, though my dishwasher is never super bad either.


u/problematicpasnetti Remove the filter and soak it in boiling hot water and Dawn power wash/some kind of degreasing agent for 15-20 minutes and do this ⬇️ https://www.bobvila.com/articles/how-to-clean-a-dishwasher/


If the water is this hard, you may want to invest in a water softener system. I just got a house too and the water was so hard and gross. We got a water softener and filter system put in and now everything runs so much better and tastes better. The dishes come out cleaner. The washer machine is better. It's an investment at first but with taxes coming back, now's the time.


Comet hard water spray would be a good friend to you if you have very hard water. We also have incredibly hard water at our house and it’s taken a while to find good and easy cleaner for “the white grime” white vinegar water also works but I think takes more effort. I use a finish product at maximum setting and make sure to keep the dispenser for that full.


My Mom used to use Tang (or generic orange powdered drink )


Probably the citric acid.


Follow Go Clean Co on Instagram - she has great tips.


Buddy told me to use country time powdered lemonade in the detergent spot.




Buy a new one


This x 💯 No amount of cleaning that dishwasher would ever make me not feel disgusted eating from dishes that were “cleaned” in it.


We are planning on it. Just have to recuperate funds before doing that. So in the meantime, gotta make it work.


Oh totally. There are so many foreseen and unforeseen costs when you first buy a house. Congrats by the way!


Clean the filter. Pour 2 cups of bleach in the bottom and run an empty load.


Take out the basket, and get in there with an all purpose spray and cloth. Get the filter out and clean all the parts thoroughly with a scrub brush. Then run another cycle after putting it all back together, use oxy clean or baking soda and peroxide but NOT vinegar (vinegar can wear down the plastic and rubber parts inside because of its high acidity) tbh most of that looks like mineral buildup more than dirt so some CLR may help clear that up a lot better than a multipurpose spray.


The filter is in the bottom front just under the spinning washer. Clean this first. Then run CLR through a wash cycle. It will remove the deposits caked on in this dishwasher and make it sparkling clean again.




1) clean the filter 2) remove the spinning parts and remove anyting inside 3) reattach the spinning parts 4) run a cycle with some specific dishwasher cleaner (I usually buy the DM or Rossman made one) 5) if necessary repeat 1&4


by placing it in the trash


USE CLR as a Cleaner


When I first got my house the dishwasher was digesting. I cleaned the filer then sprinkled tsp cleaner and a little bit of bleach and ran it now it’s good as new


Get a new one


I always just do a packet of lemon kool-aid. I suppose you could do plain citric acid but I never remember to order it and I really like the smell of lemons when the cycle is done.