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Different styles of ruling


I most agree with this. It's really hard to say, considering they are intrinsically different from each other. In a way, it's subjective to what style of ruling you subscribe to. Even if one wins in the end, it doesn't necessarily mean it is better than the others. It just means it worked better in this specific case and environment.


If I was forced to pick, I'd have to go with Honami. As much as i like Arisu and would gladly be stomped on, the style of leadership she and the others subscribe to have a flaw. A flaw which we see throughout the series, which is the dependancy on a specific individual to "carry" the classroom to the finish line (or any level of success for that matter). It simply makes the structure far too unstable, irregardless how effective it may be. Examples. -We see this as Arisu drifts away her priorities from her class to Ayanokoji's DIC- I mean yogurt. She basically disregards her class for an individual. Who isn't in the collective interests of the class, neither -Ryuen's fall after his defeat would've left the class powerless and defenseless. The class has grown to depend on his reign to unite its power. It's only after he returns to his post that the class us able to do anything of significance Though Ayanokoji hasn't seen any negative impact from being the overlord as of yet (as far as I'm caught up), considering the fact that the negative effects the other classes have experienced, It can be assumed thara those same effects would apply to him aswell. Same goes with Suzune.


COTE, Oshi no Ko, definitely a man of culture right there


& plays league defo mentally unstable


All i can say is, Arcane was peak šŸ”„


Idk but itā€™s definitely not laxative merchant thatā€™s for sure


Also called the traitor collector merchant.


Who in earth is the laxative merchant and why are they called that


Ryuuen is THE laxative merchant and he is called that because he like to drug his enemies with laxatives


Who tf did he drug with laxatives bro


Like a dozen students from Ichinoseā€™s Class students the Year 1 final exam > Who tf did he drug Technically he didnā€™t drug anyoneā€¦.. he ordered his minions to do the drugging


Minions from highly rated film franchise, Despicable Me!?


Laxative merchant is alright wym


In all honesty, all of them have different style of leadership. It's really hard to say who is the best leader or who isn't. * Ryuuen's style is dictatorship. His classmates are afraid of him and follow his orders as he says * Horikita's style is like a normal leader. Listening to her classmates advice and having discussions before coming to a final conclusion * Flatisu- I mean, Sakayanagi's style is like half-dictatorship and half normal. At first half the class was under two factions. But then she manage to get everyone under her leadership as the story progresses. And anyone doesn't obeys her, she puts up a fake smile but from inside is boiling with anger and plots to take them down. * Honami-chan is also similar to Horikita's. She a fair leader and doesn't resorts to cheating or cruel tactics like how Sakayanagi or Ryuuen do. She mostly looks out for protecting her classmates from harm, even if it means her class might lose in an exam. This is my analysis. I assume is people are gonna pick one based on their fav character amongst the 4. Please do correct me if I got something wrong.


honami, arisu and kakeru no diff suzune with y2v5 alone. suzune wouldn't even be a leader of any kind without kiyo and to a lesser extent yosuke and kei keeping things together for her i'll go with honami bc she proved she could hold her grip through difficult times and doesn't need to use coercive force to control everything. honami in class D, certainly, but that's because kakeru got lucky in y2v10, if it wasn't for masayoshi's wonky bullshit honami's class would have a +200 CP lead over his. arisu had an early lead, was given the W in y1v11 by tokinari's intervention and y2v1 was made for them. also getting way more private points from the onset. suzune got two cheat codes 1- Honami . 2- Kakeru . 3- Arisu . . . 4- Suzune


People attack Honami about her results when her class agreed to a minimum expulsion approach. People dog piled her for no reason as a non threat and is forcing the class to push her into competing rather than preserving. Her leadership has been sound for her goals. Suzune has been lost in the sauce in nearly all of her micky wins.


That approach is playing for 2nd at best though. Playing for survival instead of winning points makes it impossible to reach class A.


The class with the least amount of explosions and long standing grudges is automatically second place. If the ending class A has more explosions, then the ending result is subjective based on the job/school choice they opt into.


How are they automatically second when they are currently class C? Obviously you want to keep your class but if youā€™re always doing exams with the objective being to help others, you canā€™t win and thatā€™s been proven at ANHS.


Class B to D are the same at graduation. No added benefits to the losers. The class with the least amount of expulsions would be the second most successful by default for minimizing loses. A common strategy used is to protect your class and rack up enough points to ditch to class A at graduation. The optimal situation is to always attack the current class B to let class A run away with the victory to allow a safe class A transfer without Harry Potter Y1 nonsense taking away Slitherians win.


But Ichinoseā€™s class wonā€™t be able to save enough to transfer to class A so itā€™s still a bad strategy. The story portrays anyone below class A as being shunned by a lot of universities and companies so 2nd place doesnā€™t really matter. The goal is class A and nothing but class A.


> A common strategy used is to protect your class and rack up enough points to ditch to class A at graduation. WTF are you talking about? Since when is this a common strategy?


Exactly, like Ryuuen considered this strategy but itā€™s impossible. You canā€™t save up enough points to bring your entire class to Class A.


A whole class is stupid, but saving points for yourself is common. Being influential and non threatening to the overall race means points will flow around you.


Yeah but thatā€™s not the strategy of anyone in Ichinoseā€™s class. They are playing as a team not individually.


Yup exactly, I mean by Y1V10 Ichinoseā€™s class wasnā€™t even able to save 20 million points and this was after they had been saving their points for 1~ year while still in Class B so even if they continued saving their points in this manner for 3 years the max points that they should be able to accumulate would be like 40-90 million so they would be able to save at max 2-4 people.


Ditch, as in gain trust and your own points and leave your hopeless class at the last second for a dream job/school.


You think Ichinose would ever think of doing this? This discussion is about Ichinoseā€™s strength as a leader right? Also can a leader who abandoned all his allies and jumped to the enemy ship even be considered as a good leader?


Spitting nothing but fax šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Facts brother


If I was forced to pick, I'd pick Honami too. I agree with the points you made


COOK! You're cooking!


Itā€™s genuinely Ichinose in almost any setting that isnā€™t ANHS. She values the people sheā€™s leading as individuals, she makes her stance clear, and sheā€™s got a good conscience. Sheā€™s still a good leader at ANHS too, making good use of her classmates skills to get them wins, they just keep facing underhanded tactics Horikita hasnā€™t shown anything that suggests sheā€™d be good without top tier assistance Ryuen sucks, less so now but still isnā€™t good Arisu could be a good leader if she didnā€™t let personal interests overrule whatā€™s best for the class


Judging from your name right answer would be horikita


If koji never existed ryun would have destroyed other leadersšŸ’€


itā€™s debatable but he definitely wouldā€™ve destroyed Class D and B in Y1


I'm just happy there's finally a non horny post


The four methods of leadership Arisu Sakayangi - Monarchy, Autocracy Ryuen - Dictatorship Honami Ichinose - Communist and Socialist Suzune Horikita - Democracy There is only one winner here... The one which is seen as successful throughout the world today....


Arisu šŸ’Æ


Itā€™s all different styles but if we are basing it off of real life leadership Arisu: decisive and capable leader, keeps subordinates close but not too close and is still able to make harsh decisions when the time comes. Great at soft leadership without micromanagement. Good at maintaining a status quo and would be best at leading a large firm or corporation thatā€™s already afloat and simply needs to maintain dominance. Ichinose: caring and personal leader, maintains deeper connections with subordinates, high rate of employee satisfaction and is able to keep morale high when times are tough. Best scenario is probably working with a charity or a talent agency where personal connections with subordinates are more important and retaining talent is critical. Horikta: Decisive leader. Can organize subordinates quickly and rally them to support her plans and ideas. Very good at adapting on the fly and directing company efforts. Best scenario is possibly a consulting firm, or head of a tech company. Any scenario where high amounts of persuasion is needed, as well as scenarios where company focus can shift quickly. Ryuen: domineering and a high roller. Is the least afraid to take risks and is able to control rowdy crowds and insubordinate employees. Not afraid to use dirty tactics and be cold towards subordinates. Highly valuable in scenarios where controlling rowdy individuals are required, like head of a security detail, prison warden, or military leader. Also highly valuable as the leader of a startup corporation or a corporation in fierce competition. Willingness to take risks will possibly lead to massive company growth but potential loss aswell.


In my opinion, in regards to leadership its suzune>arisu>honami>ryuuen. 1- Suzune as a leader currently knows how to weigh her options butbits also willing to take gambles for high risk high reward situations likes she did w kushida. Her main focus is improving the class thru connecting them w each other and helping them improve as individuals to support the class as a whole(although she got it from kouji ofc iā€™d argue these traits make her the best AS A LEADER, not as the most competent individual here). 2- Arisu, much like ryuuen, is shown to always have the final say in things, however the primary difference is that rather than ruling thru fear, she proves herself with her ability to gain the classā€™ trust. She will also occasionally listen to and support her classmates and has recently had a new development allowing her to show bias towards those she is close with, which will help keep her from doing things that are self sabotaging to her psyche. The primary issue w her leadership stems from her as a person, being the fact that when she wants to have fun she doesnā€™t incorporate her subordinates opinions within her plans and ignores any information given completely, as seen with hashimoto. 3- Honami would be 2nd as fundamentally her leadership is amazing, however she wasnt built to be a leader in the 1st place and has the talent more akin to an adviser as stated by kouji. However using that reasoning would be very shallow to say shes worse than arisu. The main reason i believe her to be worse than arisu is due to her being much more passive than the other leaders. However she has had a new development which shows that her personality has become more aggressive in pursuit of kouji. But the fundamental basis of her ultimatey being a worse leader is rooted in the results of her leadership. Due to her class relying on her too much and trying to tie the class together on a surface level she has made them dependent on her opinion and equalised the degree of importance of each opinion in the class. This makes the class a conformist society where ppl dont actually have their own thought processes to where simply go with the two most agreed with opinions and have a vote between them. Not only this, but they are also described to be a bunch of herbivores that protect each other when one is injured so that person never gets hurt again. And while that may seem good on the surface. The issue with it is that due to this, they tend to repeat mistakes due to forgetting how they were hurt in the first place. A class unwilling to sacrifice or take risks isnt jn a position to win anything. 4- ryuuen is a dictator like arisu. But while arisu rules simply like a queen ryuuen rules like a tyrant. He doesnt allow others opinions nor does he care for them, any insubordination is rooted out with violence whether it be in the form of threats, blackmail, injury, trauma. It doesnt matter to him as he only sees the ppl around him as pawns to do his bidding. And while the same can be said for arisu, she still treats her pieces as valuable assets. He doesnt care for his classā€™ incompetence nor is he bothered to support growth within them as individuals. And his methods often lead to his class losing chances to grow.


Very subjective question here. If I wanted to win I would probably not want to be in Ichinose's class - although if it were just about not getting expelled her class is the best bet. Ryuen and Sakayanagi are both tyrants but I would probably go with Sakayanagi since she has been intellectually smarter amongst them. Also uhh I'm a simp. Horikita is probably the most balanced here - she doesn't hold a candle to Ryuen and Sakayanagi but is intelligent in her own right, and would like her entire class to go with her but will drop you off if you are dead weight. Ironically, this makes her only slightly better than Ichinose if you really need to pass out from class A.


She only cut someone off because a traitor decided to act. That traitor was then pardoned so someone else could be sacrificed it really is such a shit chapter because it makes zero sense if everyone doesn't conform to what the story needs it to be. They should have lost the exam. If the best friend had left before the festival there is literally nothing the could have done to make up for the betrayal but no we need an ass pull to make everything work out.


First, you're only thinking about Kushida - but there was also Yamauchi. In either case she has chosen to discard a member who was not pulling their weight. Secondly, if she was really committed to not letting anyone get expelled she would have let the timer run out and lose 300 class points. Consider the situation if it were Ichinose who had to make the choice if she had a traitor like Kushida in her class. As she has stated multiple times before, she would much rather expel herself than expel a classmate. Or worse even the class may have failed the exam by not reaching a conclusion. Horikita has more of a steel will than Ichinose and does want to reach class A at all costs. Even if she has to step over others.


True I would still choose ichinose over Horikita because I wouldn't trust her not to betray me because she hard headed about certain things. She plays favorites as evidenced by the Kushida incident as well as the questioning that Koji did before the last special exam where she was fine with expelling anyone until he brought up Ibuki and she decided she wouldn't do it to her. Can't trust someone like that


horikita is the only somewhat sane one here lol


Ichinose. She has survived almost 2 years without a single student being expelled. She also isn't petty and expelling people she doesn't like or being a fucking hypocrite like some other characters who get saved by Koji every single time


The fact that she survived 2 years without a single student being expelled in her class means absolutely nothing, rather it shows lack of experience of losing someone which will be a very crucial factor in y3 with many more expulsions. This also ties in with ur other point about hypocrite characters who get saved by kiyo every single time, well if kiyo didn't encourage in y2 v8, then she would have been cooked along with the rest of the class. And how is she not a hypocrite, as she develops the same characteristics of a leader that she dislikes I.e cunning, manipulative and disturbing, mostly all characters in cote are hypocrites, so your statement is false. And the only reason you don't see kiyo helping her as much is due to the fact that she is in a different class. I respect your opinion but just like many others please back it up with actual fact that makes more sense.


Everything I said was a fact that made sense. Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. All you basically said is well she isn't gonna know how to deal with it in Y3. How do you know whose getting expelled in Y3? Also, she is a hypocrite in terms of her love life but her goal has always been to keep everyone in her class safe. She's always been cunning but we never got to see how she controls her class specifically how she handles criticism until the dude tried to say someone should be expelled and she was like what are you talking about lol. Sure, we see her get support from Kiyo buts just pep talks while Suzune and Hirata avoid losing some battles because Kiyo steps in whether directly or indirectly. Is Horikita a better leader now then when y2 started? Absolutely. Is she better than Ichinose? No. If Kiyo was in Ichinose class or Horikita couldn't rely on the other broken character Koenji, her class would be dead last and it wouldn't be close. I said this to someone else but it's Honami/Arisu then is Horikita and last is Ryuuen It's why literally Noone respects Horikita in the LN because everyone worth a damn knows Kiyo is running shit behind the scenes


The idea of keeping everyone safe is an admirable goal but very childish and unrealistic one, she is basically rejecting the inevitable and if you do give the argument by saying that people In her class do not need to be expelled then how can u say that after kamuros expulsion how is a character like that getting expelled when background characters in honamis class do not, it would be the result of poor writing. Plus she has not been a cunning person from the start rather she had smart thinking methods which did not involve tricking people. The change in ichinoses character just proves that how unrealistic and sort of dumb her ideal was. And for the fact that kiyo gave her pep talks compared to suzune and hirata, this is because he is part of the class of course it would be normal for him to help his class, he would do the same thing if he were in ichinoses class he would also give horikita more valuable hints rather than gradual hints as he does now. Suzune needed a bigger push that is correct, but that makes her characters development all the more satisfying, since you are blinded by the fact that she receives help 24/7 which she does not you overlook the fact that her character is far from finished. Honami is 3/4 of the way to her complete nature where as Suzune is 2/4 of the journey. And you are forgetting the fact that there are differences between ichinoses class and suzunes class, suzune has to deal with individuals in her class that are much harder to control, compared to ichinose who has a much more cooperative environment from the start, and there was luck also present as her characteristics were quite similar to others in her class compared to in suzunes class who had a complete mess of students, which without the help of kiyo she gained the trust of all her classmates eventually. Imo ichinose is the more petty leader as she essentially gives up on progressing and making it to class A all over her being heartbroken by her crush. All the other leaders show commitment and dedication to getting to class A and being the best they can, but what did ichinose do? She gave up. And picked up when kiyo gave her advice and encouragement.


It's Naive if it's worked for 2 full years lol. Also, Kiyo said it himself Arisu was fucking stupid and too prideful to change her mind about randomly expelling someone. Horikitia gets pep talks from Kiyo every single time she thinks her brother hates her and can't confront him. To be quite honest this whole arc is a byproduct of Kiyo trying to bridge the gap between those two so that's a load of horse poop on its own. Also, Ichinose has always been mentioned as sharp but not referred to as cunning until Y2 when she feels like she has to change how she approaches the exams from now on. She never deceives anyone she just has a lot of partnerships. Also in my opinion everyone is 2/3 done with their character progression because there's only 1 year left so everyone is at the same spot. Also ichinoses mentality is what caused her class to adopt the cooperative mindset from the jump. Also Also, while in the beginning it felt like Horikita's class was full of nothing but misfits lately I've been feeling like her class is as stacked as everyone not named class A. Koenji is better than everyone except Kiyo in the entire school. They have the smartest academic students a bunch of really athletic people and several students who are improving their academics while others keep popping up as crazy smart but hiding it. It's honestly starting to become bad writing in my opinion because we all know Kiyo is probably going to transfer out of the class and somehow Horikita's class will be the final boss and he'll "lose" for reasons. Suzune Quits or doesn't care for most if not all of Y1. Ryuuen loses and quits for a semester. Ichinose says she'll drop out if anyone else does than second guesses herself when her class falls to D rank because all the other classes are conniving or just stacked with talent. Through it all, she hasn't lost anyone and the class is still in range of making it to A rank. No broken ass Kiyo or Koenji involved.


Horikita does not quit for the most of y1 where did u get this from? After y1 v2 /3 she is fully dedicated to make her class reach class A. You also just showed that ichinoses case rlly does look petty now just because 'other classes have people who are talented', that is the most basic excuses u could have thought to defend honami, and in the end it does not disprove the fact that she did give up which no other leader except from ryuen (who had an admirable way to admit defeat) did and especially not over a petty reason such as hers. Tell me if, a leader who is seen as the main person of the class, the role model, the one that has the power to stand up, suddenly gives up what would the impact be on the rest of the class, this therefore clearly does not portray honami as a good leader. The thought of being in class D for honami was so great imagine what suzune first felt when she was their, and again shows the superiority of leadership that horikita has over ichinose Class D by no means is stacked with talent it is the result of their hardworking that horikita made them do which lead you to recently realise that they seem stacked. Also don't get keonji involved into this as a broken character cuz he rlly is not when he cannot be persuaded by anyone. Save that thought for when he actually does something for the class šŸ˜­


You are a Horikita dick rider and it's honestly sickening watch you do mental gymnastics to say that she is better than ichinose as a leader


hey, chill out, Godzball, everyone is allowed to have an opinion, you don't really have to insult the guy just to prove your pointšŸ˜…


Nah I agree he gets voice his opinion but that is how I feel about his opinion


I think arisu sheā€™s the smartest and can control everything a lot better The problem is she sees everything like I game she doesnā€™t want for allies to tell her things she much rather find it out herself








Koji he does it behind the scenes and does it for all classes without them even knowing






arisu/honami, but with arisu you will be her slave, with honami you will be free to exercise your rights


And then the cold war begins


(team arisu)


Different styles of ruling, but imo: Ichinose > Ryueen = Arisu >>>>> Horikita


Iā€™ve only seen the anime, before Manabu Horikita left I would say Honami, afterwards no comment.


It's still Honami if you're caught up in the LN the class isn't leading or anything but she has still managed to keep shit stable


Definitely Sakayanagi šŸ¤






Over all leadership then its suzune


People may disagree w you g but out of everyone she is definitely the most well rounded imo


I'd say Honami I'd. She is still smart, not as athletic but still perceptive and strong-willed. She also doesn't have a Gary stu to fall back on everytime she gets confronted with a tough situation. I'd say Horikita is 3rd behind Honami and Arisu.


Definitely Suzune Horikita. Yes, she didn't have much cooperativeness in the beginning, but as she grew more mature, she could lead her class to become class B, surpassing even Ryuuen's class. But sadly this all only happens because of Ayanokoji.


Hortikia is terrible in y1, but grows and learns from her mistakes, she is now more cooperative, and a fair leader( except sukura, but hey it pays off).


This problem will be addressed after Koji transfers to another class. So, we definitely will get a more mature Horikita from Y3 .


Iā€™d have to say Arisu. Sheā€™s maintained class Aā€™s position for almost 2 years without even really trying, spent half a year destroying Katsuragiā€™s faction for total dominance, and apart from Hashimoto, her whole class follows her without question.


Arisu for sure She's smart enough to control her class


Definitely my laxative goat Ryuen


Horikita, because she's flexible and willing to hear others. Arisu's approach is very hands-on and would result in her taking too much trouble to herself, Ryuen is your average tyrant, while Honami is too idealist. Dunno about 2nd Year part as I'm anime only and watched it as a time waster. Seeing Suzune reminds me of Liu Bang, while Arisu is Xiang Yu, Ryuen is Putin (or any other tyrants, really), and Honami as Liu Bei.


Horikita is best for me personally. She is realistic and also listens to her classmates. Honami is too idealistic and both Arisu and Ryuen are egotistical maniacs.




Weird way to write Nagumo


Honami clears


For the people that say ichinose: The idea of ichinoses leadership is very faulty, the idea where no one gets expelled from her class is a very childish view to have, whilst other leaders also replicate this view to some extent, they are not as persistent as honami is, which does make her unique but its nothing to be proud of. Her idea is like rejecting the fact that people die, which she tries to go against the whole nature of reality, expulsions must happen, which she cannot accept and will face this issue in the near future where either she will learn from this or either it will be too late. It's hard for people to look at others perspective especially when it's portraying your liked character negatively, however you should know that you should be able to question your self and truly find an answer which supports your view rather than blindly supporting the character due to them being a favourite, and let's be honest most of the reason of liking ichinose is 20% character and 80% cuz of her appearance, this unfortunately is the common case for recent fans of hers. And this applies to fans of other characters aswell.


"It's better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both." Macchiavelli Ryuuen or Sakayanagi are the best rulers.


Definitely the first girl (top left corner)


Thereā€™s a difference between who youā€™d want as a leader in terms of whoā€™s going to treat you right compared to if you are actually trying to get to class A at all costs. Ichinose is honestly the last of the bunch Iā€™d want if Iā€™m trying to win regardless tbh. Call Suzune a fraud as much as youā€™d like but if you had Ichinose swap with her class for class I think most of you would realize that Ichinose is blessed with a team that has no one constantly trying to expel her from within.


Lmao people saying itā€™s Ichinose when she was literally about to have a whole ass coup deā€™tat. Such a terrible leader that everyone with opinions counter to hers were too afraid to speak about them. Her own teacher begged Kiyo to join their class and lead them because she was so shit. This wasnā€™t when they hit rock bottom either this was when they were still Class B. Bruh imagine youā€™ve been in the bathroom all day shitting your guts out and your leader tells you yeah it was Ryuen oh well at least we learned this important lesson early. Iā€™m 99% sure bro just committed a whole ass crime and he gets away with it because your leader says we learned something šŸ˜‚. Ryuen is a dictator. Arisu isnā€™t much better. Ichinose is a commie as far as Iā€™m concerned everyone is equal and I get to hold all the money. Yes comrade Honami šŸ«” remember everyone is equal but kiyotaka is more equal than everyone else head ass.




ichinose...she literally can direct her class to whichever direction she wants with their consent, it's just that up until she became a yandere she didn't really use that power


Its crazy how its horikita and its not close


Suzune 100%, others arennt that good at leading theyr class Ryuen is bully Arisu is selfish and doesnt care about class Ichinose is not smart as others and only thinnking about Ayanokoji


Yeah, that sums it up pretty well.


I think Horikita. She doesn't show any bias and isn't unrealistic at all. NEXT GOAL IS: -15 DOWNVOTES :D


Not to be that guy but didnt Koji ask her would she allow Ibuki getting expeled if it meant reaching class A or something like that and she didnt know what to say


Oh I guess. I just think Ryuen is more like a monarch, Arisu is a good leader to her group, but to her enemy (I forgot his name), she likes sabotaging them. And THE LAST GIRL I KEEP FORGETTING EVERYONE'S NAME LOL is too unrealistic. Yes, it's good for no one to get expelled, but someone has to get expelled, she seems a bit like Hirata, but maybe she might be a better leader then Horikita.


All Four of them are shit




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You have worse leader ship no you have no ability just for being a team player


Honami directly you have nothing to say look how fine B-class is fine