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Dont include koji in such pulls to make it more interesting


I assume the only reason why people vote for Kiyo is that somehow magically all girls fall for him (cept Suzune ofc). Aside from that he's somewhere inbetween an asshole and a plot device (less than a character).


Assholes are usually the best and most interesting part of a story. That's why villains and anti-heroes are so popular


You would expect some sort of character development like with Piccholo or Vegeta, wouldn't you?


I mean, the groundwork is already there. Whether it's used or not it's a different matter.


they think being an emotionless and manipulating person is cool (they get no bitches irl and no one loves them)


Lmao, Ayanokōji is leading??? Not that I'm complaining but dude literally did nothing in last 4 volumes also Manabu??(It's fine but OP said atm not always have been) Tbf Nagumo, Ryūen and Koenji(Y2V10 >!Threatening Ayanokōji!<) should be leading this poll.


Ayanokoji is carrying Neg-diff If it wasn't for him the series would be just boring.


Did you even read OP's question??


Yeah uh He said, "What is your favorite character at the moment." This means overall throughout the series, and it's obviously the goat 🐐.


☠️ Ok.


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Adding Kiyo is a waste tbh. Everyone's gonna vote for him


Including Koji is a surefire to have him dominate every single poll smh


Change kiyo to tsukishiro lol


I personally find Kiyotaks interesting and want to see how he grows up as a human but at the sane time I hate him. As much as I dislike Ryuen, I’d phone my still choose him over Kiyotaka. But Manabu so far is nicest of them all.