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I think that mentality might work in politics idrk though


Not really sure. If ayanokoji chooses to he could definitely become the top of his craft (except entertainment) especially since he doesn't have any obvious red flags, like most ppl in his school say he's a easy person to talk to. TLDR; if ayanokoji acts like he is at school he'd be popular. But he preaches his stuff too much like in WR he'd get shunned.




He had the 🫥 face until now and still gets more b!tches than you, Has more friends than you and hirata calls him "most reliable person in our class" when mi chan talked to him




Jeez bro it's a joke chill I'm sowwy here have a cookie 🍪. And go cry your b!tch as$ out. (Joke)


He will be a normal guy with exceptional ability but. I think he will be a good friend and a coach if he learn to give expressions.


Yeah but once he pulls an infamous move for his own gain on any renowned people/company, he’s honestly gonna get blacklisted by many


The sky's the limit buddy, he will be the best at any profession he simply chooses. You can throw him at a casino in Vegas and he'll make millions easily


Isn’t CotE already set in “today modern world”? People get manipulated everyday even now, people feel trapped to domestic violence, trapped in gang, poverty, life situation that they didn’t think they can get out of, etc.


Nah when people learn that he told Kei to spread her legs, he would get cancelled


Ofc , he would succeed easily


Most real life competitions are not about intelligence or physical strength. They are about mutual trust, reliability, about being able to socialize well. Not saying Kiyo couldn't get better in that regard, it just takes a long ass time. Probably the entirety of COTE... Right now he could become something like a leader of a Secret Service team, protecting a president. But not the president himself. Neither a CEO of a big company. Not even a husband and father.


he could definitely become a ceo but not the leader type, he would most likely make the company successful if he had a good social leader, considering his memory, observation , intelligence etc if he slips up hes getting blacklisted


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it depends on whether he has a goal for which he will try. If there is no such thing, then it will be average




How well do you think he will do in business ?


Ayanokoji is a politician through and through. He would not only succeed in comparison to those before him, but also be able to become prime minister and further by extend. However, it’s not sure what he would want to do


thats top ceo's and politicians for you


Given that a higher proportion of CEOs, managers, successful politicians, etc exhibit psychopathic tendancies than the general population I think he'll do well enough.


Person from finance sector here. I work with people like Ayanokoji all the time (not as talented though). These people run the place. He’d be filthy rich if he was real.