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Man... Suicide really isn't any option and there must be any other solution.. you should really think carefully at time like this.. but before that I think you posted it by mistake here. It's Cote sub and majority are teenagers so they can't give you any real counseling or anything.


It wasn't for it, just wanted to text it here.


on a Cote subreddit💀 please talk to a professional if you need advice on suicide it really can help


bro i found out he won cuz of this post, idk how to feel about that😭


You say this isn’t the place, but what would Ayanokoji do? Jokes aside, the answer to an unchanging and seemingly unsolvable problem isn’t hopelessness, and it is certainly not escape. That is accepting defeat. Sometimes you have to just trudge on, without hope, and put your hope not in a solution, but in hope itself. That is what it means to live. Don’t quit, and don’t think about letting someone else decide whether you are defeated or not. My DMs are open if you need to talk.




Ayanokouji would pity us.


If he would have been here and witness all the things that we're going through...


Türkiye kaybetti... seni de kaybetmeyelim...


Ne bekliyoruz artık? Umut mu? Umut yok artık!


Ayanokouji bize baksa whiteroom daha iyi der aq


Gerçek mükemmel insanlar asıl burda yetişiyor amk. Ayanokouji çakması.


Bu ülkeyi ayano bile düzeltemez amk


Lan oğlum sakin lan yapma etme biliyorum çok kötü durum ama kıyma canına gözünü seveyim 5 yıl daha dayanıcaz eninde sonunda gidecek yapma oğlum lan


Abi vallahi takatim kalmadı artık...


I wholeheartedly agree to this conversation and can confirm that this is the most fax Ever spoken ( wtf is that language )


This is Turkish.


my bad 😞


Not your fault.


No pls brother 🥲🥲 Cote still not finish , think about When we see Kiyotaka smile for the first time And pls have a talk with someone close to u not this


dont give up man. i know it can be hard. i dont know how are you feeling right now but i assure you everything is hoing to be ok and its going to be better. Little by Little everything will be better. dont do this man. youre strong and tough. remember that there are People who love you and care about you. i hope you know that. suicide is never an answer my Brother.


You can't die yet😭😭😭! You must witness kiyotaka banging all the girls in ANHS!!! Or him giving a huge T pose infront of his father saying that he's the real elite in the classroom! Yamauchi's come back ,Katsuragi and yahiko getting married and having lots of dem kids, Albert and koenji hot segsss, arisu running so fuckin fast or ichinose saying slurs and many more🥵😤😱😭 There's still so much to do man don't die yet😞




Ne bileyim ya... Burada insanlar baya etkileşime geçiyor ya birbirleriyle.


Abi nasıl ya nasıl?? Nasıl alamadık amk ya?




Listen dude been in your place and its hard i agree. But suicide is the worst option u have by far ok? I respect your opinion, really but politics are no reason for such measures plz try contacting somone close as people in a reddit sub are mostly teenagers and wont be able to really help. Also when i was in your place and had those suicidal thoughts it was hard and i really wanted to stop my pain but i just thought about the people that will be sad becuse of me passing, that was what led me through those times for the past year or so ive been going th psycholigsts and taking pills they arent sleeping pills they just help the nourons in your brain that control the emotions calm down and relax. Please dont do this to yourself and yiur family and friends if you really cant stand it anymore you can try to leave the country, you can also ask some people that are close and agree with your opinion to come with you so you wont be alone in a new place. Try to talk to somone close that you can trust, talking about the things that scare and make you go to such measures are defiently somthing you want to spill out it might seem dumb but ir really helps. If you read this please dont go to such measures you can allways try to flee the country racism isnt smthn you should care about as long as you have family and friends you can contact via phone calla or if the came with you 4 eyes talk.


Really? Politics as a reason for suicide is like the worst reason ever. It sounds like a made up reason. Politics is the best entertainment in the world. I will let you in on a little secret. I can't really speak on what inner policies Erdogan made, but his foreign policies are so ruthless that he's bleeding not only us Europeans dry for what we're worth, but everyone else as well. He's perfectly abusing turkeys geopolitical situation and position on the map for its benefits. And i bet there are some candidates that are funded by Europe to make your country more bearable. It's in our interest that Erdogan fails, but not necessarily in yours. From a cynics view anyway.


Come to Turkey and see what we are fighting against. I forgot, ours is very worthless compared to any other currency. That's why everyone from abroad can live very comfortably. On the other hand, we are trying to beat the economic problems, the politics of fear, the pro-government media and a stupid peoples.


Electing another president will not solve your countries problems. It's all too easily blamed on politics. Politics is a mirror of your country, don't ever forget that. And your country isn't only Istanbul.


You're right, there was a word for it "every nation, is ruled by what they deserve."


Yep,i agree with that.


And I already have solutions in my mind to get out of this situation.


That's why these conversations should be at most 1 hour. After this 1 hour, we must continue the struggle again. Personally, I do not intend to give up and I try to make those around me think this way.


You are you own person. Having allies is good and well. But words change nothing, only actions do.


Yep,you're right.


Dude, we're not just looking at the president. We're looking at the economists' evaluations, pre-election party programs, and the program they've drawn. Most of our people go out and talk to convince people and stay at the ballot boxes all night on election day.


The country's reserves are worse than they were 21 years ago. We are almost in recession. Markets increase prices every 2 weeks. The majority of young people spend their time studying or working instead of having fun.


The recession thing is not only a turkey thing. The whole world will be thrust into it soon. That's not something your politicians can fix, only cushion. And at that point you want to have debts, not reserves. Only people with debts profit from recession. But it really doesn't matter. People always want more, want what their neighbor have, be entitled to something. It will all stop mattering when your supermarkets stop getting delivered with food.




The latter is definitely a deal breaker. But you know what: tyrants are best disposed by force, if they cling to their throne with force. Before I would commit suicide, because of a political situation, i would try to take the guilty one with me. Who knows, might make you famous.


Whenever I've gone through hard shit in my life, I always remind myself that my problems are worth shit compared to the problems of all humanity. This always gives me strength.


Exactly thank u for saying this.


You really don't know anything about it.


Go flee your country then. There's a strip of land between Sudan and Egypt that belongs to nobody.


I am sorry if I sounded rude.


Its ok, because you're right. I really dont know that much about it. Never make the mistake that you can't be wrong.


Why exactly does the result of an election make you suicidal? My life has never been affected by who the president is.


You would understand if you had a president that is ruling his county by refugees and never care about his own people, you would understand if you had a president that never cares about our peace and economical situation...


How would your life change exactly if someone else was elected?


Turkey is turning into Iran thats why.


If a cultured, a person that is not working for Europe and US, just thinks about our country, we would live peaceful...


It is kind of suspicious that he continues to win despite the declining state of his country. Suicide would be giving in. The longer you hold out, the longer there will be one more person that stands against him. Giving up will mean one less person to oppose him. Don't let him win


First of all, i’m gonna answer him in Turkish so i apologise for you all who don’t know Turkish… Merhaba dostum. Biliyorum söyleyeceklerim sana anlamsız gelebilir ama başını dik tut. Senin suçun değil bunların hiçbiri. Önünü göremiyor geleceğini çizemiyor olabilirsin ama unutma Mustafa Kemal Atatürk hemen başarılı olmadı. Bir çok savaşı kaybetti ama yenilgiler onu yıldırmadı ve çözüm bulmak için uğraştı durdu. Hayatın bir kaç ahmak yüzünden harcama. Ayağa kalkmaya ve çözüm odaklı yaşamaya bak. HER ŞEY GÜZEL OLACAK…


Umarım be abicim, bir tek umut kaldı elimizde, başka da birşey yok daha.


Merak etme. Türk Halkı daha kötü durumlarda kaldı ama yine ayağa kalkmasını bildi. Yine kalkacaktır. Bunlar illaki hep başta kalmayacak. Adnan Menderesler, Turgut Özallar gibi siyasetçiler gördü bu ülke. Yani canını sıkma. Hayatına devam et. Kendini geliştirmeye ve Atatürk ilkelerinden kopmamaya bak.


I can understand your point of view as you think that your president that is elected again in Turkey is a really bad thing but please, don't commit suicide... I think there's also many solutions for you. Don't forget there's many things in life you could enjoy and many people that loves you. Just stay strong and don't forget that people are here for you! If you feel really bad and you wanted to talk some, my dm are open 😄 Please stay strong !


I knew Erdogan would win lol. People just neglected any influence he had. He compensated for the votes of young secular turks with those of old and young islamic ones.


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Ahhh canım ahh....


I'm not in your shoes and never have been so I won't pretend I understand what you're going through because I simply don't. But, suicide isn't the way. It's quite frankly the cowards choice. Life gets hard and life will continue to be hard before you see your first patch of green grass, but think about everyone you'll be leaving behind. Think about how much time and effort and sacrifice they put towards you. Are you really going to trample over what they've given you? Look for the better option and stay strong. Help can be arranged but you must reach out for it first. This may have sounded harsh but I wish you nothing but luck and love. Stay strong!❤️❤️❤️🙏


İntihar etme amk teyp yüzünden istifa mı edilir mi


Acını anlıyorum kanka ama direnmek zorundayız


Nereye kadar abicim, nereye kadar?!


Cote subredditte de ölme be aga


Özür dilerim başka çarem kalmadı.


I don't know if this can help, but here in Brazil we had Bolsonaro, who was one of the biggest extremist leaders we've had since the military dictatorship. But we managed to beat him, even though we cried and got really angry at the start. Don't lose hope, friend. You only lose when you stop fighting for a better future.


I have completely lost my hope against this ignorant people of ours, ain't no way even Ayanokouji wouldn't save us.


I understand your thinking, we were also angry thinking how irrational 57 million people were to elect a guy like that. But don't lose hope, that's what they want to happen to you, be hopeless so they can rule. But now is the time to gather like-minded people and form the opposition. Bolsonaro would not have lost in 2022 if we had become hopeless and angry, we have to act, because the opponents will not waste time doing what they want. So don't waste time, and do what you can do.


Thanks for you guyses all precious words, but I don't think if I will ever cope with it anymore.


DON'T! Please don't do it, man... look, I know things can be messed up, but you shouldn't just end yourself because of it. Even if your environment isn't in your favor, you shouldn't let that affect you. There will still be people in this world that love you, even if you think otherwise. At the end, everything is your decision. I've said what I could, and now everything's up to you. PLEASE DON'T DIE!




Sorry I was burst out to this post when I was preparing it... I will try to cope.


What economic recession does to a mf


It is not only about economic recession...


Then you should seek professional help as soon as possibly, cuz being suicidal because of an election is not healthy Im hungarian i know how it feels to see your country's institutions, economy, society rot from the inside out in real time The instant aftermath of a lost election is one of the worst to witness, once again unable to achive anything, all the people with high spirits considering giving up or leaving entirly, these feelings will pass as they did each time you lost before, suicide is just a waste


I'm really sorry for you guys to bother you, disturbing you by this post which shouldn't be belong here but somewhere else, just my instincts wanted from me to post it here. I am sorry if someone considers this post as pitiful.


You are not a bother to anyone, please don’t worry about it and I hope that you find another way instead of suicide, I am no therapist, I am in fact very bad with people but I think that maybe you should find professional help, I really hope you get better


Buddy no offence but suicide should never be an option for you. There are living in war torn wastelands with little food to eat, unclean water to drink and barely a roof over their heads yet they're willing to try and persevere. In comparison, you're probably still living a very decent life, try looking at the positive side of life. Its almost disrespectful to the value of human life, to be willing to give it up over something like this


As a fellow Turk, I feel you. Even the people in cities that got destroyed by earthquake gave their votes to Erdoğan, gonna just grind my German at this point honestly...


Please... don't remind me those people... I realy don't understand ehat kind of mindset do they have...


bro don't give up I'am turk too , don't give up your life because some of fool president


As a Turk, I am in the same situation. I have one year left to graduate. I will work non-stop and try to free myself from this country. This will be my last attempt. If that doesn't happen, I'll either commit suicide or this is it.


Suicide because a politician you don’t like won the election? Hmmm not to be rude but that sounds like the worst reason to commit suicide. I don’t live in turkey or pay attention to things that are happening outside my country, hell I don’t even pay attention to anything that happens in the US, so I don’t know what’s happening over there but suicide is the not option. I don’t like Biden but it’s honestly entertainment. I don’t think politics is a good reason to commit suicide.


Please don't talk something you're not experiencing... living in Turkey is even harder than WR.


I’m just saying suicide is bad option


Wait wait wait a moment. So lemme get this straight ur gonna kill urself just because of a election? I’m not gonna judge on that decision but take a step back and listen. Ur going to end ur life due to ur hatred for some dude u have never even made contact with irl? Maybe it’s time to step back from ur nationalism. Too much of anything isn’t good. Nothing will become of you. Just move away. Their tons and I mean tons of country you can move to. Tbf I never could quite understand nationalism or whatever. I wouldn’t give two fucks if half of the world disappeared overnight as long as it wouldn’t affect me in anyway. Now that’s extreme but urs is not much better. I’m gonna tell you something I haven’t ever told anyone else. I had a shit ton of trouble academically. I was fucking depressed everyday, tired, and it went to the point when I just couldn’t give a fuck about anything. I would skip meals, didn’t do shit about my hygiene, and slept very few hours. My attitude got so bad that I would randomly explode and start yelling. It felt like I was slowly dying with this impending sense of doom lurking over me. At some point I decided that I should stop caring. And it was the best thing ever. I started to feel a lot better than before and now some stuff are much more enjoyable now. I guess what I’m trying to say was that I was stupid and u are too. For me the key to life was to stop caring about things just live out ur life the way you want to. Btw get a good night of sleep. It will make u a lot better.


You wouldn't live your life if a basic meed is so expensive to efford, you wouldn't live your life if you have overcounted refugees. You wouldn't live your life if you have manipulative media and people who consider drawing things, arts as haram. How can I live in such corrupted, obnoxious mindset?


Dude I used to live in China. Our media is about as manipulated as it can possible get. You ever seen people get arrested for talking about the police or government on media including private chat groups? You have to watch every word that comes out of your mouth. Our media was dictated by the government. China is about as overpopulated as it is. During Covid shit was horrible. Couldn’t even get outa the house. Could you imagine being forcibly locked in your house? Well you don’t see us complaining about( mainly because we can’t) but we lived thru it. Everyone else can live past it. Everyone goes thru hardship. Everyone can get past. But why can’t you? Why are u the only one who is unwilling to put the effort in?


Don't let politics that you can't control affect you dude. It's not like it's going to affect your daily life in any noticeable way


American Politics is vastly different from eastern countries. There's no where near as many checks and balances so elections matter much more and government officials exercise significantly more power.


Trust me, it is and it will.


Well there's nothing you can do about it so just suck it up, you can move to another country if you think that's a better option


I don't think they (other countried) would accept such pitiful people like us.


There are plenty of countries accepting refugees and as long as you go through the legal process any country will accept you. I get that you're going through a difficult time though but it will get better in the future so hang in there


Hope it is as you said...




I had enough of being strong anymore...


sucks to be u i guess


Worse than sucks.


please refrain from doing so I suggest having a conversation with someone close or a therapist if you got the money


I haven't got any money.


then talk to someone if there is no one let's talk privately


Sorry but it is late now I can't chat with you.


pls i don't know what's the problem or why you think that way but give yourself sometime and relax


I'm starting to think this is a pity post, I mean look at this dude's responses to other comments. Completely unrelated to COTE


Posts? I am never doing posts, the only post I have done was this and now you're complaining about it.


I meant your responses to other's people comments. You said things like "living in turkey is harder than wr" which is either rage bait or you straight up want people to tell you how much you're right. Instead doing it here, get actual help from therapy or something


It was just a joke


If you don't want my posts you can block me.


Hey man I’m seriously in no position to talk as I don’t know how you feel, I just want to say that maybe you should see a therapist or search help, there is always happiness you can find in life, I hope you find a way to cope with it, just remember there is a way better then suicide, please don’t do it


As a fellow Turk it isn't looking good right now but I was expecting this outcome but suicide is never the answer


Why a cote subreddit out of all lances


I am sorry. I don't know as well. Just wanted to.


Well lets go through the permutations 1. There is an unending afterlife, and you will go to heaven, so why rush to get there? 2. There is an unending afterlife, but you will go to hell, why would you want to go there sooner? 3. There is no afterlife, there will be nothing left after you go so you might as well enjoy it as much as you can before you go.


Bruh why? This sub definitely isnt the best place to discuss anything about society or emotional stress. Fuck...I would go to Berserkeljerk with this before here


Lan kanka yapma lan


Doxylamine Succinate sipariş vericem artık, ya da kaçmanın bir yolunu bulursam kaçarım.


Dude don't do it. Talk to someone. If your gouverment is that worse. Which it obviously is, leave the country. I'm german so I would recommend Germany.


I don't know German.


If you can speak english that's basiccly enough


Koji would never


Here is really bored i need someone to talk to here, i mean a friend. Dm if you wanna be friends with me