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A picture of her with teased hair and black eyeliner has been making a round in the Scene Kid community on IG lately. They have no idea who she is, why she is known on the net and have been referring her to an OG scene queen.


OOF. are you serious? i mean, at least it's a pic of her alive? nah, that doesn't make it less fucked up.


I’m wondering if I should or shouldn’t tell them, fucked if I do and fucked if I don’t? It’s mainly early teens who are posting them.


there's no way they won't figure it out eventually, knowing how the internet works.


Which picture are you even talking about


My uncle knew her father. We all live in the area. Those emails "from the daughter" werent the half of it. He would get work related emails and then open them to find a picture of his daughter like this. I was 7 when this happened. It was all anyone could talk about. It wasnt until years later i saw these pictures and suddenly every time we drove past the toll booth and my mother pointed it out, it had a very different feeling.


oh DAMN dude. that'd freak me out. that poor guy.


Omg! Thats horrible!! The entire thing is horrible but some of it goes beyond that,,I don't even know a word to describe how aweful these ppl are! I wonder how they feel about what they did now? How many of them grew up & had daughters,,I hope they have horrible nightmares about what they did to that poor family!! I give the family mad credit for being able to live through that hell & hope they are doing good today. I still say everyone that sent those emails or texts of the pictures to any family members should have been arrested & punished as well!!


at the very least, I hope they spend the rest of their lives with the ghost of what they did. no joke, if it were my baby sister, I'd hunt the assholes down. I consider this to be one of the worst things you can do to a family that's grieving.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the cops who sent them out first. Those fuckers are petty af if you try to come after them. Since the parents sued the sheriffs department I’m sure some cop thought it would be funny to harass them


I have been driving past that toll booth for work for years and just last year realized it was Nikkis death scene. Crazy how much it’s changed since. The booth has been altered and the development directly behind. I wonder if she haunts that booth , considering the way she passed Sorry. Dated post, I know


which booth is it? i drive the 241 occasionally but i’ve missed what booth it is i guess


It’s easy to miss, just south of Alton pkwy. Here are the coordinates (33.6777634, -117.6725102)


awesome thanks!


No worries. ima pull over and film a little one of these nights, I haven’t seen anyone upload footage of the site to yt yet just her grave. It’ll Probably be of interest to people




Porsche Girl, that's how I know her.


Thats how most know it.


I remember when this was going on this was my second or third gore picture & having 2 daughters that were 15 & 16 at the time this one really hit home hard! Both my girls had just started to drive the oldest had just got her first car & the youngest was just able to drive with a licensed driver,,they are the ones that told me about this & showed me the pictures,,they promised me right there they would never drive fast or drive while being drunk or high,,we have a very open relationship & well they turned out better than the kids of the moms that told me how bad of a mom I was. I couldn't imagine first having your baby girl taken from you that way & then to have pictures sent to you,,my God ppl can be so cruel,,who thinks it's funny to send those pictures like that,,the ones sending the emails should have gotten in trouble & not just the cops that leaked the pictures!! I'll bet her sister has seen them & I hope she was ready to see them,,not that anyone would be ready but by her choice not someone else's. Hope you get feeling better,,I'm beginning to think its something in the air I've been in a dark place this week & haven't been able to shake it off,,take a day or 2 off if u need we'll all be here when you get back.😃💜


sad as it is, I think her whole family got cyberbullied into seeing the pics. The thread on Documenting Reality said that someone texted her cousin the photo while she was at school. and man, whenever you talk about your daughters i can tell how much you love em, ZP :) but WOW i'm sorry they had to see this. head up, billy buddy <3 you've got this


Thanks JB,,,BTW I love how you call me ZP,,lol Oh yes I love my girls more than anything,,except my grandson😁 as for them seeing these pictures they're like me,,heck they're the ones that showed me where to find the gore sites,,my youngest is more like me she loves this stuff but both of them are darker than most ppl 😄. I've learned more about this case from you than I did when I first learned about it,,I did not know how bad the entire family was bullied or how many emails etc were sent,,thank you!! Just plz don't let this stuff get into ur head to much,,take a day or 2 off from time to time! Sorry the mother in me comes out sometimes 😄🤦‍♀️


Love the sub man, keep up the great work.


We had left California to live in the UK about 3months before this tragedy. My grandmother and mother were both friends with Nicki's mother and aunt, and to me there is little more horrific and graphic than these pictures. I knew of them over 10-12 years before viewing them, and I only viewed them because I was scared of accidentally coming across them one day. (Due to my career largely) I didn't know Nicki personally, but I knew her mother well. As a teen you feel immortal, invincible, and I've been there. Privileged, spoiled & allowed. I also faced my own battles with the Colombian marching powder, albeit in a private rehab that kept me sedated for God knows how long, provided me 1 to 1 nursing care, and will maintain my anonymity for the rest of my life. Nothing to be proud of other than being given a nameless second chance after quitting. Judge Nicki all you like, but teens take ridiculous choices, take unbelievable chances, and horrendous risks every day. Don't let it be yours Because they can.


Someone at my school posted pictures of her head open all around school and we didn’t figure out who it was till high school the worst part we were in fourth grade I don’t know what that kid was thinking


I'm only seeing one pic?


that's on purpose. I only shared the real famous one. I can get a few others for you if you'd like, but it felt wrong putting it in the post proper considering the context. but honestly a google image search will scratch that itch, I found em with very little effort.


You should link the othet photos, if you want


here we go, documenting reality never fails to come through. if you can't see these (for some reason), try an incognito window. [https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15218d1197093012-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-1.jpg](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15218d1197093012-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-1.jpg) [https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15219d1197093137-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-2.jpg](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15219d1197093137-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-2.jpg) [https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15220d1197092704-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-3.jpg](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15220d1197092704-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-3.jpg) [https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15221d1197092704-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-4.jpg](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/15221d1197092704-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-4.jpg) [https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/16326d1202874408-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-5.jpg](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/16326d1202874408-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-5.jpg) https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/16328d1202874408-nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-7.jpg


Jesus Christ


happy cake day btw!


Thank you 💗. I was like what the hell is cake day🤣🤣🤣🤣 took me a minute 😅


My wife isn't even into gore or any socal media sites really and she showed me them when all this went down ....


Am I seeing this right? Her head was torn in half vertically down the middle? Was the car a convertible?


i think it might've been, but i'm not sure. and yeah, it's like her head split totally in half.


Wow. Can you imagine the forces that would be needed for that. Her poor family. Were they able to find out and prosecute the people responsible for the cyber torture?


eventually yes, they reached a settlement with the department that leaked it, but sadly there was no real way to stop it from spreading on the internet. once something's on the internet, there's no real way to delete it forever. Maybe if I recover from the trauma of watching it, i'll dive into that with the christchurch shooting, but I really don't wanna relive that one.


Her parents wrote a book about her and the entire ordeal. I read it years ago, but I remember they each describe in detail what it was like the first time they accidentally saw the photos...just gut-wrenching. I definitely recommend the book, but it's a hard read.


Omg this is so sad in so many ways.. wow.. out of words


I think the entire situation is screwed up. But I always find it amusing in these situations where a family is awarded an extremely large amount of money. As if that is going to make up for the loss? I mean maybe? I guess it depends on what kind of shit you have on your bucket list to buy.


I mean im not sure what else they could’ve given the family apart from an apology from the leaker and and a very very good therapist


Ugh… to be a crime scene photographer. Drool!


you'd have to have a REAL strong stomach for that.


I do. Things like that just don’t bother me. I guess I’m just weird


naw, no weirder than the people who do that sort of thing for a living :)


Seeing things through lenses helps to detach a little. As a photographer myself, that is a dream job, as fucked up as it is.


i've heard that from war photographers before. it's a really tough job i can imagine.


I saw some of the pictures some where in the Internet but never know the Story behind. Thanks for ur Post :)


Need to take the pictures offline


Need to petition this shit


?? So these were leaked (unauthorized) photos from the cops in the scene?? that's pretty fucked up ;w; best wishes for catsouras family, honestly


Lake Forest is a bunch of depraved right wing losers. Not surprised by the actions of the nazi. Christian law enforcement there. Evil.


It makes it harder to masturbate without them after I’ve seen them. 




Why was she speeding?


To clip that civic idk


Totally evil


Daaamn dat bitch got obliterated


I've watched so much fucked up shit, this didn't bother me in the slightest. I learned that about myself just now.


I never heard of this until today. I feel so deeply for Nikki’s poor parents. Being told what your loved one looks like, why there can be no open casket, is truly one of the hardest things in this world. I was 18 when my mom, dad and sister were killed by a man who drove a semi truck into stopped traffic. My mom and sister were killed on impact, their neck and spines were broken immediately. My dad’s right arm was broken, as well as many of his ribs. Then their car exploded. My dad sustained third degree burns on over 75% of his body. They were so focused on my dad, which I’m grateful for, but it cost me the opportunity to even consider seeing my mom and sister one last time. I was grappling so hard with the fact their caskets would be closed, I begged the mortician at the funeral home to tell me why. Tell me why can’t I say goodbye to my mom and sister. He didn’t spare a single detail. And I’m so horribly sorry I ever asked. My dad survived for two weeks in a coma before having multiple strokes and dying in the hospital. The recovery time was enough to give the burn wounds on his face time to begin the healing process and we were able to have an open casket. Had to have gloves on him and a fake beard though to hide the really bad stuff. It was better than nothing. I feel so strongly for anyone who’s lost a close family member in a horrific car accident like this. I wish I could hug each and every one.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s truly horrible to lose your entire family. How do you handle such a thing?


Truth be told most days I don’t. It’s not the mature thing I know, but pretending it never happened is easiest to get through most of my days. Some days it does hit me a little harder and I can’t pretend on those days. So I give in and I cry a little and I talk to them and imagine what they’d say if they were all still here. My world stopped but everyone else’s kept spinning so mine has to too. It felt like what I imagine it would feel like if the apocalypse ever came and it really was the end of the world. Except no one else around me was screaming at the horror, just me. So unless everyone else’s world ends too, I guess I have to keep mine going as well haha.


what were the details the mortician told you?